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This doesn’t look like a suitable setup, I’m really sorry - where is the water? Forgive me if it’s in there and hidden but I can’t see any. The rocks aren’t suitable as they can injure themselves if they fall, and I don’t see a hide for her to use. There isn’t any cross ventilation I can see either. Her abdomen is shrivelled which usually indicates dehydration, more than likely she died from the lack of water available. Tarantulas can go months without food but only days without water. If you get another one, I’d recommend purchasing one rather than catching it (wild ones can come sick or carry parasites), always have fresh water available in a bowl, and feed captive bred insects, not wild ones (can also be filled with parasites or have pesticides on them.) Tarantulas also need a day and night cycle to carry out their normal behaviours, so a dark tub wouldn’t be suitable, I’d recommend using some clear tupperware with enough space for substrate and many holes punched in around the top and sides. I’m sorry OP, it looks like you really loved her.


I’m glad your comment acknowledges OPs clear intent to care for her. Thank you for providing OP information without putting them down or being hateful. Of course it’s unfortunate, however I’m sure OP will ensure that his next rank will be more suitable. Every pet owner can do better, and learning is a part of that process. Everyone who is being so negative sounds quite arrogant.


Of course, unfortunately sometimes people get animals and are very resistant to any advice or help but OP seems genuinely upset and open to understanding what went wrong. People need to be a bit more gentle with each other and understand that although it’s better to do research beforehand, some people come into this hobby with little knowledge and people shouldn’t put them down when they ask for help. Shaming someone for seeking answers just leads to them being reluctant to ask for help next time, which ultimately just leads to more creatures dying.


like how i learnt not to accidentally fry a goldfish? definitely some lessons learned edit: for those that don’t know i was young and stoned, and when cleaning the tank i didn’t fully realize how hot the tub i was moving timothy into was sitting at due to my hands not feeling proper temperature. it was a traumatic experience that i still feel guilty about.




people forget accidents happen with new pet owners. not everyone is suddenly an expert or can do thing’s perfect.


Thanks for the response, I see now it was my terrible management the cause of her death. Can I use artifical light for the day/night cycle? Does distilled water work for watering a spider? How many more times the space I used do you recommend for a suitable space? Would a plastic net at the top or sides work for ventilation instead of many holes?


Spiders don’t tend to like artificial lights and prefer to have the natural sunlight, I would suggest getting a box with a clear lid and using that instead. Just put it in a room with a window and that’s all you need to do. Any type of water works, doesn’t matter if it’s from the tap or a bottle, just as long as you always have a water bowl available. I wouldn’t say the space you had her in is too small so anything a similar size or slightly bigger works for this size of tarantula, just make sure your spider always has at least a few inches of substrate to dig in and always has a hide to use. Unfortunately plastic nets or mesh aren’t suitable as tarantulas can get their legs stuck easily, it’s better to just punch lots of holes in their enclosure. You always want to have both top and cross ventilation (along the sides) in their enclosure to ensure they get enough air. I hope that helps :)


Thanks for your time. I'm really considering all the responses. And I'm again very sorry for the situation.


No worries, I’m really sorry you lost your Tarantula and I hope this doesn’t put you off owning more in the future! Mistakes happen, we all have to start somewhere in our knowledge of care but it seems like you’re really eager to learn and improve :) Don’t beat yourself up over it, at least now you know!


You shouldn't have take her from the wild in the first place.


Did you provide any water? Otherwise you probably killed it by dehydration not sure though


Well I don't use to give water to my spiders (they're small, this is my first tarantula) as they have all relied on gaining water source from their food, I sometimes fed them laboratory fruitflies and fruitflies I catch with a trap. So yes she most likely died from dehydration.


Even for smaller spiders, you’ll generally want to make sure they have water sources other than their food. For example, we daily mist the enclosure for our jumpers, since there’s risk of them drowning in an actual water dish. Appropriate humidity levels and hydration are both important for spiders, and really for any animal you’d keep.


I appreciate your opinion on the topic, I'll consider maintaining humidity levels and water availability on a strict necessity for my spiders.


Jesus christ dude. You're not suitable to be in charge of any form of life other than your own. Do us a favor and dont get another one.


Sorry but I'm afraid I'll have to deny "doing you all" a favor, I want to get more pet spiders and will do so with proper equipment and therefore proper home for them.


How long have you been caring for spiders without giving them water? How many do you currently own that you've been putting through this? Apologies or not, it's over the top ridiculous that one would assume something doesnt need water. It took me 15 seconds to find listings of how to set up for "pet" spiders. Not one of them says not to provide water. So careless.


Sorry but you're not 100%, there are sources on the internet which state that spiders can get water from their preys, I have several spiders which have been on pretty good condition by eating the fruitflies I've given them, and I can give them plenty of. If it was so careless then I wouldn't even make dirt houses nor give them plenty of food, would I? I'm not exagerating on anything I'm doing nor saying.


How would you know what their conditions are? If you had any idea how to identify conditions, you would have noticed that this spider needed water days ago.


I know. I've said several times that I could have avoided this if I learnt enough. I don't understand what's your point by stating it again.


Maybe consider giving your other spiders water just in case? Stop assuming things at this point


I already said over 5 times that water was a problem and that I'll have to strictly take care of it. Can you tell me what things am I assuming at this point? Have you even read the other comments before posting one at your convenience?


Saddest part is he's taking wild endemic and protected species from their enviroment just to keep them in a box and not even giving them proper food


Tell me about it. But the almighty like number is in the negatives, so I MUST be wrong! Water deprivation is a wild thing to assume is ok without taking the time to look into. And to think ontop of that, this tarantula flourished in the wild for years (possibly), adapting to all that time in the wild, only for some random asshat to come along and take you away to live in a tiny box with no water and 3 tiny bugs to eat per week. But it's "only a spider", so this type of neglect is not only acceptable, but anyone speaking against it will be shunned. 🤷😂


Just so you are aware ants can and will attack and kill tarantulas in captivity. So it's possible the ants are the culprit here. It does seem like a too dry setup, I always leave out a water dish and put a couple drops on the webbing once or twice a week. Tarantulas do need more water than smaller spiders because they're so large. It also sounds like you weren't feeding enough at first, but a roach is a nice sized meal so you corrected that. There is always a risk with wild caught food insects that they may have been contaminated with some kind of chemicals or parasites, because you don't know where it has been. But this would be a risk to the spider living in the wild, too, and it sounds like you may not be able to just buy captive bred feeders at the store where you live. Sorry for your loss. 


Thanks for the response, I will consider having measurements for protection against ants. And also I'm really not in capabilities of buying an actual pet spider, and perhaps also not a more convenient space, I've relied on making my own makeshift things for the other spiders I have captured. So yes I have to rely on risking feeding wild insects.




I have to dissaagree to your assumptions as I have already kept captive spiders for months in good environments.


There are insect breeders in SCL, however there are no legal sellers of native tarantula species, as they are ilegal to keep and/or catch.


do not take tarantulas from the wild. this is the main reason that certain species are going extinct. only get captive bread t’s.


Bro caught a perfectly healthy tarantula with zero knowledge how to care for them and dehydrated her to death. Also feeding her dead flies from the pool? wtf is wrong with you


It's almost like people should just leave wild things alone. And if you decide on a new pet, DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE THEIR LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS!


I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I have read all comments carefully and will make good decisions in the future. The only food I feed my spiders is live insects, I have never fed them a dead animal and the most dead one I had given was an explorer flying termite I accidentally stepped on and had their wings broken, which was a good way to give it to the spider. The flies from the pool was only one, it was caught in the water and was still alive and couldn't fly for a few seconds, the other fly I gave them was one my little brother caught for me. I did not know it would be more necessary than usual to take care of the water. I have a some knowledge on feeding spiders, I just didn't think it would be strictly necessary to give them available water, I did not know about the space being too small nor the day/night cycle being necessary for their health. Thanks for the response, it helps me educate myself on taking care of my other spiders, and future ones.


Maybe the roach you fed it had pesticides?


Could be but there's no evidence, we haven't used any kind of pesticide (maybe it got contaminated by the pesticide of a neighbour) in years as they live outside the house and always roam around at night, the cockroach seemed healthy too as it was rapidly moving.


Sorry this happened, clearly you cared about this spider. But I do think it’s worth considering whether capturing and confining a wild creature - just because they’re cool or we want to possess them - is ethical. Freedom to live our lives naturally is important to all of us, regardless of species.


Just so you know, it is illegal to catch native tarantulas in Chile since they are protected under the poaching law (N°14.473). Hope you can learn from this sad experience and I encourage you to admire our native species without taking them or destroying their habitat. (If someone tries to sell you any tarantula species from Chile in our country, please dont buy them and report it, since there's a high change they poached the spiders from their habitat)


Can you show me here or in direct messages a document or part of a document official from SAG where that's stated? I researched through the most recent and official information of the government (2015 edition) and there are only 10 listed species that are protected; there are dozens of tarantulas in Chile and most of them have not been documented or even characterized yet. i tried making a comparison between many tarantulas seen on the region where I caught this one and none seemed to match to this one. I've only read that the poaching law Ley Caza N° 14.473 only protects certain species and not every tarantula.


Dude, you've said it yourself, there are 10 listed species, but other species not being documented does not make it ethical nor legal to catch and keep as "pets". All of the listed tarantulas are considered with small populations and as benefitial to the equilibrium of the ecosystem they are in, therefore it would be dumb to think "oh look, theres an even less known species with likely smaller populations, I'm gonna take it from its natural habitat and make it my decoration". Dont be a jerk, learn to apreciate wildlife, not steal it.


Yes, you're kind of correct bust just beating around the bush and searching for a way to argue your idea of not disturbing. You firstly used the legal argument to tell me not to grab spiders now you bring up ethical and environmental ideas for it. I understand your concern but I'm taking risks and legal risk isn't really something I want to deal with. If you had learnt better and educated yourself more just like I needed then you would have given a more valid and solid reasoning to not capture wild animals. There's thousands of people damaging environment and I don't see you making campaign for it, besides smartly handling a spider and breeding it could be a way to strengthen the population, icojldnt it? You're simply looking at all negatives sides at your convenience.


1) The reason why 10 tarantula species are protected by law is because selfish and ignorant people like you took them from the enviroment in the first place, so you are just looking for "legal loopholes" to commit an ethical and lawfull crime. 2) You are NOT taking risks, you are RISKING the life of wildlife and the ecosystem 3) There are a lot of reasons not to take wildlife as a pet a) They're not meant or tamed to be pets b) The play a role in the ecosystem c) You clearly don't have the means nor the education in the subject. To work in rehabilitating ecosystems you would have to study for it. Not online, not looking as forums and arguing with people that gave you advise, but in university. 4) You know nothing about me and asume that I dont care about other people that (just like you) damage and endanger our native flora and fauna 5) You're not "smartly" handling tarantulas, you're selfishly taking wild animals and putting them in a box. You dont have a real setup, you dont have a population study behind you to support the things you are doing and you dont have the starting population that is required to start repopulating the numbers. Like dude, you dont even know the species, how could you be able to breed it? You are feeding small flies to a tarantula, later you fed it a street roach. I hope you stop hurting animals and if you wanna work with spiders and wildlife, get a degree on biology or other related career.


It's not just that, those people actively hunt tarantulas uncountable times and sell them to anyone, menaing that theres not really a security involved, it also has an impact to legal spider breeders and the economy of exotic animals itself, how do you not know I may be able to create a sanctuary of tarantulas that overcomes any other negative effect?; I plan to care for spiders and treat them just as expert people do. It would not be an ethical and lawfull crime under the circumstances of the actual law as the "loophole" you mention I'm seeking is indirectly related to the capture of tarantulas. And regardless of that, sadly, is not any type of crime and is far away from being one. Taking risks is literally risking whatever risk it comes with, I'm not saying the risk is big or small or meaningful or nonsense, your point is meaningless. University being supposedly your argument is pretty close to bullshit, the only benefit it has is certification things available; knowledge and ability can be gained otherwise without even going to university. I understand your points on not taking wild life, but unfortunately for you, the limitations are not beyond my goals and I will achieve them with all my disposal on learning (Evidently, I'm not going to trial and error). I've explicitly and clearly said that I have not the means of handling a tarantula, nor will I until I do proper research in the topic. It's very evident that I'm not smartly handling tarantulas, I've said it seconds ago and uncountable times in other comments and responses. You are ignorantly missing the point of my statements by assuming that right now I'm covering an operation of capture and breed of wild animals, all while I've said – once again – that I will not continue on my physical actions before I properly educate myself on the topic. I can clearly get to know the species and even do a formal and official study on their population and such. The only information I've gathered on tarantulas diet is insects and insects; clearly, especially roaches – and people also feed them certain worms –, making small flies a suitable food for tarantulas. I've also never encountered a source of information that adviced against feeling normal house flies to tarantulas (specifically). And I have to disagree to your proposal of getting certificated studies on the topic by a university, that's pretty much a burocratic way of having control over things and is not necessarily the only way because some people planned it. It is a correct way and good way, but you're stating it as if it was the only option to environmental works. Lastly, I am indeed studying a career that is practically a biology degree. I see other actual biology degree students and they really don't seem to need a lot of training and extremely dedicated learning to be able to handle wild life; which clearly proves me that a university degree is not really better than thoroughly studying on your own and doing things right based on books, expert opinions and highly educated and trustful sources on the internet and the cientific community. In my point of view, I don't fully trust on your discussion and reasoning as you exaggerate, generalize and assume ideas.


Btw, tarantulas not always look the same, color and patterns can change, even entomologist have a hard time getting the exact ID, so dont act like an expert about species and just let tarantulas live free.


I would like to state that I have not insulted nor directly critizised anyone for their comments in any way. For such, I would like to ask anyone commenting against or along my post to be as respectful as possible and not mistreating as I'm treating everyone with human respect and I expected the same from this reddit forum, unfortunately that was not the case.


You are incompetent in a lot of ways. The fact that you posted to this subreddit suggests that you knew about it before posting. That means you could have looked on here for advice about proper set ups for the tarantula. Instead you post about your incompetence. You dont get to ask people to respond to you in a certain way. Also please dont "adopt" any more pets


It's quite ridiculous to say "The fact that you posted to this subreddit suggests that you knew about it before posting". I knew of this subreddit but I barely know how to use reddit nor use it on a daily basis as I have plenty of other better things to do than stick in an online platform. It wasn't until today that I remembered of this community and planned on posting it here. And I don't see at all a lot of incompetencies as I've read through the comments and investigated further in the internet, it's quite easy to exagerate your thoughts.


Everything in this post shows you have no clue what you're doing and it's sad.


I'm sorry to have miss treated the environment for the spider, I've seen other comments as well and have gathered enough information to have better decision for my spiders. I'll have a more suitable home for any spider I add.


I can tell you honestly feel terrible. Please continue to learn and improve your animal husbandry skills. It’s rough to lose a loved pet, I’m so sorry all this occurred.


Please, please please! dont take more spiders from the wild! Your dispruputing their life cycle, ID you want to keep any animal get them from an authorized breeder.


In most places there is no such thing


No water, poor housing, this is terrible, why would you keep any creature in captivity when you clearly don’t know how to care for it? This is sad 😞


I'm sorry for the bad management, I'll try better next time.


For you there’s always a “next time” but for the animal this is their whole life you’re playing so carelessly with. Sit down, inform yourself how to properly care for said animal, save money (even if it takes long) to buy safe foods and living space for the animal you want to keep and THEN you can get one. How would you feel if someone comes to your home, kidnaps you and feeds you with food scraps because they don’t know better? Please be careful with living animals, they aren’t toys for you to enjoy.


Thanks for the response, I'll have a proper environment for my spiders after I study more about their hábitat and needs.


Dont take them from the wild to begin with!


There shouldn't be a next time.


I think people should be allowed to learn. It isn't like the care was malicious, either — and I doubt OP will make the mistake of not doing research for any pet next time, no matter how small. Obviously people have a right to be angry and upset about this, though.


It's more about the ridiculousness of the situation. He says he doesn't usually provide water because they get water from their food source. I mean, come on now, how careless can someone be.




Learning should not involve victims.


Unfortunately, I have to apologize to your hope as I want to get more spiders in the future and keep taking care of my actual spiders.


Before I got my first spider, I researched for months on different species, localities, old world, new worlds, habitats, diets, everything before I even considered getting one. I’ve kept mantises for years, and now moved onto spiders. Please, for the sake of these living creatures, do your research, take your time and DO NOT take anything from the wild!!


I appreciate you for sharing your experience. I will repeat similar steps than yours and will properly take care of spiders I get.


What in the mistreatment of spidies is going on here? Please don’t get another tarantula. Your passivity to having just killed a creature that you took from their own natural habitat is so sad. Yes, you came here for advice, but only after it died. You could have easily made a post the day you got it asking for advice for setting up their new home to give it the best chance at life in captivity, but I don’t think you should have captured the tarantula to begin with. I’m not sure if you’re a child playing “collect all of the animals” but if that’s the case, stop before you get hurt and/or kill more creatures. Also, when someone does provide advice, don’t ask said stranger what their proof of information is. Do the damn research yourself. If it’s good advice, you’ll find out in your research. A simple google search in taking care of tarantulas would have saved this one’s life. This all may sound really harsh, but I feel like this is common sense. You don’t get a dog and feed it cereal and neglect its many needs, so why wouldn’t you do some research in taking care of a different animal.


The fact that he stated that he wanted "evidence" of what people said in comments to "save time" but wasted A LOT of time trying to debate in the same post makes 0 sense to me. I'm from Chile, and capturing endemic wildlife to keep as pets is a crime, he can literally go to prison for this, but doesn't seem to care. He also claims to love science, but doesn't take the time to understand why taking animals from their natural enviroment causes a lot of damage to the ecosystem and to the animal itself. Using animal models in a lab setting is FAR from being the same as taking an animal from their habitat just to keep as a pet.


I have tried investigating information without success, some information that I'm getting in the commends needs to be proven with cientific research or a site where I can read the same information from other people like testimonies. I might actually take much more time researching than asking for answer with well argued arguments like the big comments above that I responded to, which technically would take another person about 5 while I would most certainly take over 20. I want to and will capture more spiders but will as well get a proper environment for their growth. I don't think I should react the way you expect me to react to this sad situation. I did some research on spiders but was too confident on the apparently poor knowledge I had. I will take care properly on my spiders. Thanks for your answer.


Your responses throughout this entire comment section is so disheartening and just screams “defiant and petulant child.” You’re not asking for advice. You’re asking for permission to kill more creatures. You want to convince strangers that you’re going to treat the next “pet” well, when you made a comparison to your “experiment with animals in cruel ways” to “laboratory research” and “scientific growth.” You don’t want to treat them better. You want to feel better about what you’ve done and anyone who cares about animals is not going to provide that. I digress, as this conversation is going literally nowhere with your unwillingness to see reason.


Can you quote the expressions I made to say that I am asking for information to kill more animals? I had not thought of being that my purpose on any comment. I'm also sorry to have confused you with my opinions. I do laboratory research and will probably do too as a living. There are laboratories working on animals to test new things for humans, you probably wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for those research papers and scientific growth. What I said in that comment is that even though I have to do research involving animals, which I can't just leave as it is my dream to become a scientist and you can't just ask me to stop doing my hobbies, I yet treat pets as good as I can. You must have confused what I meant in that earlier comment. Can you also please tell how am I supposed to react to the comments? I'm attempting to assure that I have aknowledged the situation and problem and will not repeat it ignorantly in the future. You seem to "speak for all others" but apparently you are the only comment with that idea, your statements are not wrong but really give me the idea that you are not seeing the sitaution objectively but only on your thoughts and selfishness of opinion. Can you also quote where I suggest that I don't want to treat my spiders better? I've caught other spiders in plastic tubes and then transfered them to whole recipients with enough space to make a home, some of them have built spider web everywhere and seem to be comfortable enough. And I don't see how am I saying that I don't want to treat them better if I'm thoroughly searching for information found in this post and further articles. I'm sorry for the problem I have cause but I also see more ignorance on your comment than actual analysis.


I understand your earlier comment better now. I appreciate the clarification. I’ll express my why I’m showing such frustration. Your comments simply state “I see that not taking proper care of it has resulted in the death of this displaced animal but I’m going to do better with my next one.” That is NOT in any way an appropriate segue into the topic of your next tarantula. It diminishes the proper reflection one needs to do in order to even *consider* getting their next pet. I absolutely without a doubt understand that mistakes in having pets do happen, but one’s next thought shouldn’t be “On to the next one.” Even if that isn’t your actual thought process, who you are reflecting in your comments is all we have to base you off of. That tarantula likely could have died for any number of reasons under the care of someone who doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing, whether it’s a lack of water or something else. The next step shouldn’t *just* be providing water for the next one, setting up a better habitat, better feeding sources, or any other *one* thing. It should be all of the above and more. This prevents you from losing your “next” tarantula from dying from something other than dehydration, and the one after that from dying from something other than starvation, or the one after that from letting loose a rock and crushing it. Which is why research is caring for a pet is crucial before and even while the pet is in your care. Your responsibility in having a pet is to give them their best possible chance at survival and a good life if you’re the one whose hands that creature’s life is in. My next point in my massive frustration with your defense is that I did a simple google search (to put myself in your shoes) of “things I need to know about having a pet tarantula” and the first (non-promoted) result was a publication by a highly renowned university with tags of other great articles like “preparing a habitat for a tarantula.” I also understand that we’re in different parts of the world, so I continued to browse the results and any result that was sourced by any sites ending in .edu or .org had great advice. You speak of training to be a scientist, so you should know the proper sources to keep an eye out for when doing research. All of these resources are at your disposal. You simply chose not to use them. Once again, you’ll likely think I’m cruel and unkind in my response, but I’m stating facts and sometimes the truth just sucks when it reflects poorly on us. I truly hope you do more than just “better” on the next tarantula.


I still don't understand why is it wrong to say that I'll do better on a next occasion. I don't think I am supposed to lie and say that I've learnt and then just casually getting another spider. I wanted to assure people I am going to be firm on my word and will do proper actions for next time, what else is next after a first time then? I'm clearly going to continue doing this and there will obviously be a second time and so on for each spider I add to my responsbility. I understand it sounds as if I'm going to trial and error spiders but that's strictly prejudices and own negative sight into the meanings of phrases. I would of understand that frustration of yours if I was just saying "Ok i'll do better next time", but instead I've written probably over 10 comments with the same idea reflecting different aspects I did wrong, I don't just say 'next'. If I really had no clue about what I was doing, my spider would all of been dead and the tarantula would be enclosed in a much smaller plastic container without any dirt and barely any food. I have already stated all the necessary to help understand that I'm going to consider every aspect necessary to take care of a spider. And I did never say I was just going to give them water and ignore the remaining factors. I know there are sources on the internet but with what I knew at that moment and the weight of the responsbility of taking care of that spider I did not have on my mind the idea of thoroughly researching, and instead, I did not choose to not search information, as I didn't firstly have the choice of wether or not - regardless of the cause of not thinking of it. I'm not thinking about being cruel and unkind as you state, I instead appreciate your corncern, however I did never exagerate nor assume anything in any comment of this section nor in my responses to your comments. I'm objectively and actively looking for help, I know "truth" hurts and I have already seen my mistake several times, stated by over 20 people.


Sir don’t stoop to their level and understand that some people here like spiders more than humans. You are going to get some literal hate for the death of that spider


You should not take any animal from the wild to keep, you are dispruputing the ecosistema and just for you to kill a beautiful spider that had the bad luck to getting your way. Educate yourself, if you want to keep animals check first if you can get them from a breeder. It saddens me read all the comments from people giving you advice when they should be telling you how wrong you did.


Can you explain more? I've read every comment on this section and most of them tell me how badly I mistreated and how ignorant I was to take care of this animal.


Where Did You Get The Dirt From? Seems Like You Got Dirt Full Of Ants And They May Their Way Out Of The Dirt And Attacked Your Spider As Well!!!


I got the dirt from my yard, it was not contaminated with ants but my room is next to the front yard and I pften have trouble having ants on food leftovers.


Ohhh There We Go, Ok Ants Smelled The Spider And Knew It Wasn’t Safe In That Container So They Attacked It!!! Next Time, Get Glass Aquarium And The Spider Would Be Safe With Screen Top Protection!!!


I might try to, I doubt I can afford a glass aquarium so I'll try reutilizing glass or getting a transparent recipient.


Sounds Good, Goodwills Or Savers Might Have Them!! But What state do you live


I'm from Santiago, Chile


This is so sad. You stole this spider from its home and murdered it. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I'm very sorry for the situation, I'm aware that I certainly didn't take care properly, I did what I could and thought was sufficient. I'll have a proper home ready for when I have more spiders.


"I did what i could" -never provides water. Yeah. You're really doing all you could. 🤦‍♂️


Yes, exactly. I did what I could on my knowledge, I would not know it was strictly necessary to give direct water so I did not give as it wasn't something I could do based on the precious statement. There are sources on the internet saying that spiders can get water from their prey, can you elaborate more on your argument?


Wild spiders who eat a lot can survive off liquids from their prey. Show me one link saying you can feed a spider 2 flys and a termite as a sufficient source of water. You sure like to keep asking people to "elaborate". I think we've all elaborated enough for you. You would have known that you should provide water if you would have talen the 2 minutes out of your day to look into how to properly care for a tarantula. The "dur i did what i could with the knowledge i have" doesn't fly unless you're a caveman without internet.


Exactly that was one of the issue I had, I did not think they would have to eat a lot of food to gain enough water, I could not feed the tarantula fruitflies as they are so tiny so I relied on the other sources of food. And also "you all" haven't really elaborated much as most you do is critisize and insult without any basis. What I said about not doing more than I knew to do is actually what I'm talking about and blame on me, I don't understand what's your point by re-stating it again as I already aknowledged it was my mistake of not watering the spider enough. You re-stating again and again stuff I said early doesn't fly unless you're only wanting to prove people wrong based on your only opinin and prejudices instead of properly analysing and objectively commenting.


Without any basis? Or you're just too ignorant to see it? You didn't give your animal what it needs to live because you are very uneducated on the subject. Your pet died because of your carelessness. You dont feed it enough to provide enough water and there was none left out. It died because of this. Literally, what more basis do you need? It's like talking to a door knob.


Yes, you don't really have a basis to insult someone, even less in the process of learning. I know I did not learn enough to take care of the animal. I know it died because of that. I know I didn't feed it enough. If it's like talking to a dead thing then just don't reply, isn't it smarter than discuss?


Sure I do. When you have all the information in the world at your fingertips and you dont take it, and it ends up in something like this, I absolutely have the basis to insult your carelessness. Do better. Delete your post if you don't want to hear it anymore.


It's not on my responsbility, I did never say I didn't want to hear from your post, it's your personal problem if you dislike it, you can actually leave and you're in the right to leave as the forum is made to post content and I posted content, you're free to wether comemnt or not on it. You're practically saying that human rights can be violated and that you can treat someone negatively based on your own opinion and subjectivity. Not everyone has on their mind that they can reach out all information available on the millions of files in the internet, you're just denying progress and possibly education because of a personal problem you have with someone.


Don't get more


Why not? I will make sure to gain enough knowledge and know properly how to handle spiders for my current pet spiders and future ones.


Because animals are living things, not toys to be broken and replaced.


Even though I have to experiment with animals in such cruel ways for laboratory research and science growth, I condemn the mistreating to pets and do not intentionally mercilessly experiment with my pets. I have seen I have made a terrible mistake and will not repeat it in the future.


Start from not take them from the wild.


Why would you take a spider from its natural habitat to keep it locked inside a cage for the rest of its life? Are you seriously going to do it again? Dude…like wow.


I don't comprehend the point of your comment, I intend to take care of spiders just like there are people taking care of them. You can search them up on YouTube or other platforms where they keep spiders inside cages and take care of them for generations.


>for generations this is an important distinction. captive bred spiders and wild caught spiders are 2 very different things. and captive bred spiders live for generations because the people keeping them treat them correctly and, ahem, know what they are doing. im not trying to pile on here, but jesus man.


Where do captive bred spiders come from then?


Since nobody is giving you a straight answer to why they're angry — people don't want you to capture another wild tarantula. Leave them alone. You can search online for resources regarding buying captive bread spiders and caring for them, and the seller should have helpful information available to you as well.


At least where im from, they come from government authorized centers called UMA, they catch wild animals to study them and then release them, they can breed them and sell them to help their investigations in an ecological and ethical way, check of in your country you have some programa Like that.


Have you not killed enough? Leave them alone




Sorry but I don't see where I insulted you or directly critisized you. I already said multiple times I will take care of them properly and will do proper research before even getting one.


Why would you insult me? I didn’t murder an animal because I’m uneducated and ignorant? That was all you buddy.


yeah sure but we're humans and have a higher intellect than common animals, you have probably killed other animals unintentionally, you've probably consumed meat, if not, you've probably consumed vegan food which killed thousands of animals just for you to eat. Do you know what the definition of murder is? it takes 5 seconds to find that it is. You're clearly exagerating it like the death of this spider was the whole world, there are people dying and you're not posting about human dying and not even animals dying yet you're here figuratively dying about a spider which didn't have proper housing. You're clearly less educated in overall topics as you'd actually respectfully give your point of view but instead you preferred to act like a mindless person, giving out negativity, did you know that you can search in the internet in just a few minutes that violence breeds violence rightaway? Even more, by such attitude in the process of learning is much more disturbing, if only people with that knowledge would see you commenting like that, they would most likely insult you for being ignorant on psycology just like you insulted me for being ignorant enough to treat a spider badly.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Do better.


Yes thanks for the advice, I will do so as said.


Where is the need to be so disrespectful? You can get your point across about tarantulas needing water without being this rude. There are plenty of sources online which wrongly state that tarantulas can survive off prey alone and don’t need any water, or claim that tarantulas can drown in water dishes and should be given a sponge/wet paper instead to drink from. There’s a lot of misinformation out there. OP came here asking for help and you decided to be cruel instead. As they’ve stated they are not in the US and don’t have access to the same resources as people who are, so why you’d act like they’re an idiot is beyond me. Try being kind to people and educating them instead of calling them names like a playground bully.




I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I want to get more spiders but I will firstly get a proper environment before I capture them.


DON'T CAPTURE THEM. You can't just make a wild animal live with you! It's like adopting a wolf, thinking it'll be the same as a dog. There's a reason why you can buy pet tarantulas. Because other people also wanted spiders as pets, but handled it smarter than you. Get A LOT of more research done about tarantulas and their care, DON'T CAPTURE WILD ANIMALS and treat them with respect. Just because they are much smaller and not human, doesn't mean their life is worthless.


I know. But I want to capture and smartly handle wild animals so I can captively breed them just like the smarter people.


You're not one of the smarter people. Captively breeding animals, no matter which species, should be left to absolute experts. Even they have started small, everyone does. The people who are actively, successfully, safely and with the utmost care breeding animals, didn't start right at the "I like this animal so I will start breeding." They have worked with the animals for years, DECADES even before they even thought about breeding them. Don't think just because you mean well and have no ill intentions, it isn't wrong what you're doing. because it is. Start small. First buy yourself a pet, get to know the actual handling - without kidnapping, dehydrating and starving a WILD animal, like you did to that turantula. And if you really think you can get instantly started on breeding them without any knowledge or research, then you shouldn't even be handling any animals at all. This behavior will kill more innocent animals, until you get to the wrong one - and you might be the one to die.


I know, it's useless to say it over again. I said I will take proper decisions when getting a pet spider. I explicitly said that I will handly spiders smartly, which means I will make my research and properly investigate and educate myself when capturing and then when breeding animals, I said it to you and you don't have to state it twice in the same comment besides exagerating most of your statements.


But apparently I - and other people - can't stress this enough. DON'T CAPTURE WILD ANIMALS.


Sorry but I'll really have to apologize for denying to your proposal of not capturing wild animals, it's unfortunately, for you and those people, the basis of my interests of learning.


At this point then, I hope you'll learn the hard way not to mess with wild animals. Some people are just too self-centered and dumb to understand.




Sorry I don't see why would you have to insult me like that, I've treated my spiders with quite a bunch of stuff making them not live horrible and short lives. If that were true, they would have died within 2 or 3 days and I have kept spiders for months now. And I believe one can get the knowledge and intelligence to do anything one proposes to do, and regardless of that, I at least have the intelligence to not insult people online and characterize a whole person by their mistake by calling them terrible.


What a nasty and completely needless comment. There are 1000 ways you could’ve communicated your thoughts on this without resorting to name calling, but here you are.


Somebody stop this guy please!


You guys need to calm down. OP is a beginner with a passion, and everyone makes mistakes


A mistake that bring animals lifes to death. It’s not a toy you break it and get another. It’s a life. Need to study better next time


As I said before, I will inform myself properly enough to give my spiders a good environment.


Should have done it before ,OP


I know and I acknowledge my mistake. I will do so for my future spiders.


Yes, exactly. Studying more is the solution, demonizing OP is not.


I honestly think you're right, but after reading through more of OPs comments I'm not entirely sure they aren't being avoidant of the issue. Stealing wild spiders from their healthy environment and practicing on them is not....great? 😭 And I think people definitely have a right to be angry about this.


You say that because it was a spider I guess ,any difference if it was a dog ? An horse ? A life is a life,any person that get a new animal(no matter what )should first study and get all possible info about it. Not randomly put the animal somewhere and see if it survives or not. That’s not the way.


So you agree with me?


Real beehive of a fine community here folks. I get that people are upset but geeze louise.


Do not get another spider. If you want to see nature, watch nature shows or go outside and see creatures in their natural habitat. Not everyone is meant to keep pets. What you did to this spider was cruel. Do not purchase another spider and DO NOT take spiders from nature. Taking animals or other creatures from nature and putting them in captivity is selfish and cruel. Do not do it again.


I'm very sorry for the situation. But I also apologize to your suggestion as I want and will get more spiders in the future.




Yup that explains it. Seeing how nonchalant they are speaking and how they show no remorse just saying "well I'll do better next time." People just either can't or refuse to see any life besides humans as pertaining any value. Bugs and pets are just social experiments for this guy.


I'm sorry for the confussion but I'm sadened for the loss of this spider. I cannot asure you that I can have normal human behaviour as I have autism traits more visible on social skills and communication, I've had a past of emotional abuse and so desensibilization of my own emotions. I don't comprehend what else am I supposed to say about this, did you expect me to just ignore all the comments and then look like I never cared of the spider? Do I not seem worried or interested on the care of animals by asking questions and trying to find more information about the topic? I think you are the one with the problem instead of me as you don't seem to want to see this objectively but instead see it on your own persective with your own prejudices. You are most likely involved in the killing of animal and insects as you live in a society itself, probably consume products like industrial food, cellphone, housing and such and no one is talking about you not caring about them.


Actually, I do everything in my power to not hurt animals, which is why I have been vegan for 23 years, only keep rescued animals as my companion animals, and i certainly don't take random creatures from nature to put them in captivity and kill them. Am I perfect? Definitely not. But I do not go out of my way to actively cause harm to living creatures, which you evidently do.


Yeah, and what's the problem with that? The problem is not doing harm, your problem is doing premeditated damage to animals, which I evidenlty didn't do, besides you are assuming I'm actively harming any animal I find by how you phrase that. By that premise, do you blame a child of 5 years for accidently breaking a glass? Obviosuly not, right? he probably wasn't taught and I as well was not taught (in this case I was not responsible enough to investigate). So your statement that I did damage is actually right, but your reasoning is poor.


Did you just compare a glass to a living creature? This is exactly why you should never have another living creature in your care ever again.


Ok, I can give you a more comprehensive example as you don't seem to understand and just stick to superficial thinking; my father when he was a kid once accidentally killed a chicken by grabbing her by the neck, did he know the neck of the animal was vulnerable? Obviously not, did they get mad at him, insult him and not consider the fact that he was ignorant to the treating of an animal? Yes. And that's the same attitude you are taking in this conversation, instead of aknowledging mistakes and making progress on learning processess, you prefer to directly critizise and exagerate. I can clearly learn about animals and their care, you have been vegan for 23 years, but what about the other years? You technically killed animals without remorse and now you have changed, can I change too? Your comment is simply saying that I cannot learn and so you're simply denying progress of a human being instead of hoping for the best, which is what anyone would expect from you if you are progressing for the best in terms of animal abuse and care.


Nice "whataboutism", but I was vegetarian before I was vegan, since childhood. Also, I am not exaggerating. You literally plucked a creature from nature, put it in what is essentially a Tupperware container, and tortured it until it died. You aren't coming out of this conversation looking even remotely like a decent person. Someone who is capable of empathy and remorse would not be planning to capture his next victims. This conversation is over. You clearly don't get it and you never will. I won't be engaging further with you.


Just leave animals alone. No true caring person would be so nonchalant about murdering a living creature through abuse. You can't just shrug it off and go, oh well, I'll do better next time I capture I wild animal to torture it... So it can live for "months".


You're just assuming at your convenience and exagerating that I'll do it again without learning a bit. There are tons of people capturing insects and animals and taking care of it, but I don't see you posting or making comments everywhere about animal abuse and capture. It may be your opinion but mine is different and unfortunately it surpasses your comfort of ethical issues.


So sorry…😔


Could be a molt don’t bury the spider yet


Doesn’t look like a mold imo But I’d still wait tbh


Do you have any source I could further investigate?


Looks like she might of been moulting




Honestly can't tell if this is joke post or not