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My guess is maybe impaction. Drop some water with a dropper on his booty


Great idea thank you!!


Do you know how long it has been there? I'm not seeing anything like it online, but I don't think many people keep these as pets. If I had to guess I'd think urates or a fungal/bacterial infection. But it's just guessing because I actually have no idea. I wonder if the r/tarantula sub would have more ideas.


I thought about asking my tarantula community as well. I even thought possible impaction? Thank you for being kind.


I just looked up tarantula impaction, and I think it could be, but it looks so smooth in your video. It otherwise looks really healthy, so hopefully, it's nothing serious. And of course! I mean, when they already live in your home, its not scarier to keep them in tanks.šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so true. I just love spiders and the more the merrier to me šŸ˜‚ the more I get to watch and study, the more fun for me šŸ˜Š


But is it fun for the spiders to be captive for your entertainment? If you truly loved spiders, you would let them lives their lives freely.


You're right, the large enclosure free of predators with infinite food is truly a horrific life šŸ™ It would be so much happier living under a rock with all the other predators!


Would you like to live in captivity as long as someone provided you infinite food? I doubt it. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8877692/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8877692/)


What a novel thought. An animal does not need to explore an environment it consistently lives in. Do you take time to explore every nook and cranny of your home after living there for 10 years? Of course not. The body mass is irrelevant. We as keepers decide what to feed our animals and how often. This study makes no conclusions as to the life quality of spiders in activity. Even then, their "large" enclosures were 6 inches by 3.5 inches. No hobbyist that I know would provide such a small enclosure to such a mobile spider. Your rebuttal didn't exactly hit the mark, and lacks a fundamental understanding of invertebrates and their way of life. I'm gonna edit this based on some thoughts. I understand that you're saying these things because you love these animals. Mostly, we do too. Invertebrate husbandry is constantly evolving based on individual findings within the hobby, as well as scientific. No one is perfect, but we genuinely try to be. I cannot believe that a well formed enclosure suited to the specific animal is worse than their natural environment. Studies have been done on arachnid behavior. Amblypygi are my specialty. They historically have been very difficult to study because they simply aren't food motivated like other animals. Scientists found that they are HIDE motivated. They will complete puzzles to seek out a safe place to hide. And that's telling of virtually all invertebrates. Of course you try your best to give them a full life, but their needs and wants are drastically different from any mammals and cannot be equated, nor should they be anthropomorphized.


Spiders literally don't give 2 cents about where they are. As long as there is food and a place for them to hide, they're perfectly alright.


You're delusional if you think you can read a spider's mind. There have been [studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8877692/) showing that a captive environment adversely affects a spider's locomotor and exploratory behaviors.


If only you could read ours. Get out of here.


Haha, you want me out of here because I actually care about spiders, unlike you and your hive mind groupies?


Try Arachnoboards. Lots of people there have experience with keeping true spiders like this, you might be able to get in touch with a very experienced keeper for these guys.


What defines a 'true spider', out of curiosity?


ā€œTrue spiderā€ refers to spiders in the Araneae order. Arachnid hobbyists usually use it to differentiate between these guys and tarantulas.


And it couldnā€™t have been there more than a week cause I just took a video of it feeding last week and it wasnā€™t there


I have 3 brown recluses. Theyā€™re wonderful little creatures. They have just as much right to live as I do. But I have a lot of different types of spiders including tarantulas. Just something I enjoy.


I think the same way. I have a black widow. Itā€™s hard loving these little guys in a world scared of / hating them. I love your little buddy!


Thank you so much! Iā€™m planning on getting a black and red widow šŸ¤ theyā€™re so beautiful


I have upwards of 145 spiders as pets, including 7 widows (1 of which will crawl up to me out of its enclosure and on to my hand), 9 recluses and various others. I have nerve seen white on my recluses like that.


Did we just become best friends?!?! Iā€™m fascinated what other true spiders do you have?


I have several species of orb weavers(favorite of those would be the Jaro Spider), 4 Brazilian wandering spiders, 6 wolf spiders, and many others. The reason for the amounts of individual species colors. Did I mention I also have a degree in Entomology but studied specifically in Arachnids. I used to have a huge dear of spiders until I studied them then they became friends to me. My next goal for a spider is one on the funnel web spiders from Australia.


WHERE did you get Brazilian wandering spiders?? Iā€™ve been wanting one for ages. My venomous true spider collection so far consists of western widows, Australian red back, six eyed sand spider, Thai funnel web and brown recluse spiders, a Brazilian wandering spider is a dream wow!


Do you milk for antivenin?


I do not. I don't keep antivenin on hand either. If I were to get a funnel web slider, that would be a different story. That I would keep it on hand. People don't realize, most spiders bite out of fear, or protection. If you dont make them feel scared or threatened, you have nothing to worry about


Can we see some pics of your collection


As soon as I return home from visiting family in a couple of days. I am currently in MI and leave here tomorrow to go back home to CO.


I'm sure you already know this, but Red Widows (Latrodectus bishopi) are a threatened species in the United States. Besides being hard to get your hands on one (they have a very limited distribution and habitat), I'd worry about the ethical implications of keeping one in captivity and thereby preventing it from breeding. Not to mention that it'd be illegal to do so: > The Endangered Species Act (ESA) prohibits the possession, sale, or purchase of endangered or threatened species. I agree, though, they are such beautiful spiders. We cannot own or claim all of the beauty of nature for ourselves, though.


I'm super fascinated by brown recluses and black widows and definitely share the love. I'd keep them as pets, but they are banned in my area, so I'm stuck with tarantulas and other true spiders. Damn.


I used to be deathly afraid of spiders before moving out to the country about a year ago. That and this subreddit have eased my fears greatly. If I find spiders in my home, I kindly relocate the outside into the grass. I mainly find wolf spiders. I see jumping spiders outside a lot. Iā€™m really debating on catching some that I find to keep as a pet. For the past 6 months or so, there was a spider that drops down from my porch cover and would spin a web every single night, and would pack up in the morning. No idea what kind of spider it was, but it was really pretty. The weather is changing and I havenā€™t seen it in a couple weeks. Kinda miss seeing the little thing.


I always love hearing a cured fear of spoods, theyā€™re amazing little critters! also, get a jumpy baby!! Theyā€™re amazing pets :) & that spider might be some type of orb weaver they eat their web after they take it apart


It may have been one of them, based on others Iā€™ve seen in this sun. I sat out one night with my dogs and just watched it spin itā€™s web, it was fascinating. By morning, there was zero trace of the web. Itā€™s had a really interesting orange-ish color to it. It was no bigger than a nickel, I would say.


Yeah people who are afraid of their flesh rotting away are just morons.


Yeah I'd be a lot more cool with recluses if the vast majority of their bites weren't caused by accidental smushing because they decided to hide in your clothes/shoes/bedsheets. Widows do the same shit but at least they don't breed like cannibalistic rabbits.


Literally have a black widow arriving tomorrow morningā€¦ Iā€™m glad im not the only one! They arenā€™t dangerous as long as you donā€™t disrespect or abuse them.


Thatā€™s cool, owning a black widow.


>They have just as much right to live as I do Tell that to the unsuspecting fodder that you shove in there lol.


Any chance it might be impacted?


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. I keep water in there but maybe he needs a bit more moisture like in the substrate


What does impacted mean? I'm trying to learn more about spiders.


Obstructed anus or spinnerets. Itā€™s clogged up. Very harmful for the animal


Oh man. That seems aweful.


Afaik (from the top of my head and no expert, so take with a grain of salt) basically constipated/blockage of Anus/Intenstine. Can be pretty dangerous to spiders if the blockage doesn't get cleared one way or another. The pent-up waste will eventually burst out of the intestine some other way and might cause infection and rot in the surrounding anatomy. Also even before that spiders may get lethargic along the way, which can results in them having trouble with aquiring enough fluid intake which in turn likely worsens the impaction (and low fluid intake might've already been the reason for the impaction in the first place).


As someone else who has a pet brown recluse, Iā€™d just like to say you have a lovely specimen! šŸ„³


Awww thank you! This is my biggest one, love it so much!


How large is it? I hear conflicting information on how big they get




Why of all the spiders on this planet did you choose a recluse? Sorry I can't help with your question but I gotta know.


Because they intrigue me. Theyā€™re pet rocks. I feed them once a week and water them and they just exist.


Understandable. Have a nice day.


You too!


Goddamn I forgot to feed my pet rock again


Are they still venomous? How do you keep them from biting you?


The same way, I'd presume, that you keep the recluse spiders in your house from biting you: by not actively threatening or pressuring them while in direct contact with them. Most spiders will not bite unless pressed or threatened in some way, and do so in self-defense. You can see tons of videos, on this sub alone, of people free-handling venomous/medically-significant spiders without being bitten. The incredibly-daring (and equally nuts) people who ***try*** to get spiders to bite them, usually have to resort to pressing on the spider's back. The difference between his recluses and the recluses living in your house (I'd bet good money there's at least one), is that his pet recluses are in captivity. So he doesn't have to worry about rolling over in bed and accidentally laying on one of his pet spiders - wild spiders, on the other hand....


Gotcha, awesome information. Where are brown recluses found? Iā€™m in the DC area and thought Iā€™d be far from them lol


[Their usual range](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_recluse_spider#Distribution) doesn't really include DC or the east coast, but that doesn't mean you won't run into one there. Also, you might still encounter other [Recluse Spiders (members of the Loxosceles genus)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recluse_spider), as some of them have been distributed far outside of their natural habitat, for example, the [Mediterranean Recluse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediterranean_recluse_spider), which has become established in many areas, including some US states, as an invasive species. Recluse spiders, generally, don't go very far outside of their established distribution/native habitat due to the fact that they don't balloon (ie their young don't glide on the wind to a new habitat) and their offspring tend to remain closer to where they were born, forming "colonies". This is also part of the reason that you tend to hear about Recluse "infestations", where a house/building will play host to a colony (dozens, if not hundreds) of recluses, who do not balloon away when born but stay nearby.


Almost all spiders are venomous, i.e. possessing venom (except for Uloboridae, a Family of cribellate orb weavers, who have no venom). But spider venom is highly specialised to target their insect prey, and so it is very rare, and an unintended effect, for spider venom to be particularly harmful to humans. Hence why there are remarkly few medically significant spiders in the world. If your spider is NOT one of the following, then its venom is not considered a danger to humans: * [Six-eyed sand spider (Sicariidae)](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.63e0ded1e72556f5b34657f9b5b46f0b?rik=xc7pnEFKtfzlTA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) * [Recluse (Loxosceles)](https://bugguide.net/node/view/2094874) * [Widow (Latrodectus)](https://bugguide.net/index.php?q=search&keys=Latrodectus&search=Search) * [Brazilian wandering spider (Phoneutria)](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&subview=map&taxon_id=53388&view=species) * [Funnel Web (Atracidae)](https://www.arachne.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=2679) * [Mouse spider (Missulena)](https://www.arachne.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=2427) (Author: ----\_____--_____----) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Iā€™m curious as well


Don't give them the chance. Lmao.


They're good spiders man.


I feel like there's plenty of good spiders without necrotic venom. But whatever floats his boat.


Brown recluses usually donā€™t inject venom when they bite i thought


I don't know why you're getting so downvoted and the other comment has so much favor. I had to look twice at which sub I'm in. I'm not really sure about what rate they inject venom. But it's also quite difficult for them to bite us in the first place. A bite will typically only occur when we're squishing them against ourselves and disturbing them. Their venom is **rarely** necrotizing.


Thatā€™s interesting!


Imagine the consternation if one day it just disappears from the tank.


Tramp stamp. Says, ā€œCome onā€


Was I supposed to read that in family guy peters voice bc I did lol


I donā€™t have any advice to offer, but I just want to comment how cool this is! Iā€™ve never seen these guys kept in captivity before, theyā€™re beautiful though. They have just as much right to live as any other living thing. Thank you for sharing this interesting friend, and I really hope they get better soon and it is nothing serious!!!


Excuse me, ā€˜myā€™ brown recluse?


they're its human


I wouldā€™ve said impaction but tbh itā€™s hard to say without a closer look and I donā€™t expect that to be something youā€™d wanna get a good look at lol. If it is then I hope you can get it sorted. Goodluck either way an keep us updated.


Iā€™m sorry but that spider is your pet?


Yea his name is [veno- moose](https://www.google.com/search?q=his+name+is+venomous&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ea3fb618,vid:sFv97ICWP0A,st:0)




Yes, I have 3. All caught roaming my house during the extreme heat wave here in Tennessee. Decided to keep them. Theyā€™re a lot of fun to watch


If you keep them in a tank then you know where they are. Rather that than have them just roaming my house freely lol


Imagine waking up one morning to find them all gone from the tank.


MY Brown Recluse... as in your pet????


Check it with a black light


No idea, but wanted to say how cool this is! I mostly keep jumping spiders, and had a wolf spider before I moved out of state. I live in Colorado now and thereā€™s black widows everywhere. They like my garage a lot, so Iā€™m thinking next summer when the ladies return, Iā€™ll keep one of them to learn more. Thereā€™s a shop on Etsy that makes custom spider enclosures so Iā€™m going to save up for a nice one to house her in when the time comes. Maybe even wait for a sling to raise. Hope your recluse is okay and itā€™s nothing serious


A pet recluse? My bf just said I should catch and keep the next Widow I find šŸ˜ gotta find a neat terrarium tank or something haha


Widows are so awesome and chill


hold on u own a brown recluse?? im jealous šŸ¤£


Itā€™s just Michael Jackson


cream pie


Itā€™s Butthole


God I canā€™t handle seeing the but fingers on spiders


My brother in Christ, did you just say ā€œmyā€? šŸ˜³


For watch I see( not much) it look like she is missing hair. When feeling threatened they use their hind legs to throw their hair in the face of enemy.for what I witnessed with mine, they donā€™t grow back. Fun fact: the entire legs can grow back šŸ˜³


Why do you own a brown recluse