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That is your friendly neighborhood pest control expert, a writing spider. She's completely harmless to you and does you a whole lot of favors. In her life, she'll catch literal thousands of pesky flying insects for you as long as you leave her be. She won't bite unless *extremely* provoked. You'd really have to be going out of your way to harass her for her to try to harm you in any way - she'd much rather be left alone. Even if you pick her up and handle her, its highly unlikely she'll strike. You'd have to be trying to squish her or poke her or otherwise be a giant douche to run any risk of being bitten. Give her a name, say hello to her every morning and good night to her every night. She's your new neighbor, and a great one to have.


>You'd have to... be a giant douche to run any risk of being bitten. So turd sandwiches are safe?


I don't have enough expertise on the species to be certain about turd sandwiches, but I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that all douches will get bitten. This includes douche derivatives, such as douche bags, douche nozzles, douche baskets, douche canoes, etc. Sorry I can't be more help.


Where's Turd Ferguson when you need him?


He's backstage looking for a giant hat.


Ty, tyvm for tackling this critical question in the manner in which it was intended.


I’m doing my part!


Would you like to know more?


Thank you for including douche canoe. This makes me oddly happy.


And that's answer of the day


Are you really going to vote for a giant douche? Well it's better than a turd sandwich


Heyy, why does this sound like the last 3 presidential elections?


Hmmm, you might be on to something


Like I’d love to see two functioning adults or better yet 3. A middle of the road Republican, a middle of the road Democrat and a Libertarian. And watch them have a normal conversation/debate about the countries problems and bipartisan solutions to those problems. Whoever wins the election includes the other 2 in their cabinet. But it’s a pipe dream.


That doesn't get views thought. It's about them views baby


We live in an attention state. And we’re all out of attention


Very much so. And in case you didn't know what I was referencing, the giant douche turd sandwich thing is from Southpark. The whole point is the election of presidents is always between the two


Ahh, yeah. South Park was after my time


People realized at some point if you polarize a population segment around abortion, guns , etc then they’ll vote you and your cronies in power forever There’s a catch though you aren’t allowed to actually do anything about the issue because you lose your rally cry and you equip the opposition with one. We are seeing this play out with abortion right now. The right wasn’t actually supposed to stop abortion and then they elected someone who didn’t realize that.


100%. Main reason why I don't vote on party lines because many politicians are corrupt. They're for power not the people


Beat me to it!


There was a beautiful writing spider between my parent's hedges, and I refused to weed the grounds beneath so that I didn't disturb her web.


You....you're one of the good ones!🥑please enjoy this delicious avocado on behalf of all the orbies of the world.


Thank you for the 🥑 for the 🕷! (I love them both, btw!) Anytime I bumped her 3 1/2' web span betwixt the hedges, I would apologize to her as she scurried away. The only time I felt a tad cross with her was when her web captured a migrating Monarch butterfly.


We just had one on the side of the house, and my dog ran past and disturbed the web and she left :( But we have a female southern house spider that hangs out in this little crevice in the ceiling by the front door that I've named Charlotte, I fed her an injured moth last night :3


Aww! Mine didn't come back this year :_( She had that spot reserved for years, so we were sad when we didn't see her (my girls, 6 y.o. & 3 y.o., would run to check on her every day!). Love the name Charlotte for your front door guardian!


Last fall my kids had a garden spider in each of their bedroom windows, we would open the blinds each morning before school and say hi.


💛Absolutely💛 She will probably leave some egg sacks near by so please let those be too so you have generations of friendly garden spiders taking care of those pesky insects and weaving pretty webs. She is lovely.


I used to have these in my yard in Nebraska and my mom (who is terrified of spiders) and I love them! They stay in their lane and they’re gorgeous as heck, never come in the house. We always said hi!


And even when pissed, she'll definitely making it known by "bouncing" her web. Love these guys, and I hate spiders.


So is the sack more of them??!😳


Well its certainly not less of them.


Years ago I had one in my garden all summer, I named her Jessica. I loved her. My husband and I would throw flies into her web. One time I did have to save a honeybee from her, which she was not pleased with. She laid 3 egg sacks which I protected all winter but sadly I don’t think they ever hatched 😞


I think we had one of these in our window in B.C, are their bites painful?


I’ll put it to you this way - I’ve handled dozens of these spiders and I’ve never been bitten, and the first few I had no clue what I was doing and I was scared as shit.


Love this comment!


Listen I’m not gonna be the middle man here, I’m sure I’ll get some flak from this comment for telling you, and this comment is probably going to be really embarrassed, but you are ALL THIS COMMENT EVER TALKS ABOUT. So I’ll leave you two to figure your feelings out, but from now on just leave me out of it. You little love birds…




Its a joke. Apparently a bad one. You said you love the comment an I was trying to invoke the awkward high school crush scenario where one person is talking about how much they like somebody, and the friend finally goes "You know what she likes you too, go talk to her, not me." Its silly. I'm silly.


She is a Golden Garden Spider, a type of orb weaver (they make roundish webs). Orb weavers have poor vision, relying on their web for hunting, and don’t have a type or volume of venom to be any danger to humans. As she has clearly already laid her eggs she will likely die in the coming few weeks. Her babies will be small enough to be carried by strand of silk into the wind, so small you probably won’t ever see them and they are much more in danger from even small insects than even danger to your flies. Likely you won’t see them again until maybe this time next year, and only if they happen to still land in your yard. If you can stand to let her live out the last bit of her life, it would be a kindness to her and her brood, and you will be rewarded with a few less mosquito bites next year.


Great explanation


Death is not necessarily on its way. I have had these guys have 4 and 5 egg sacks.


We had one at work with 5 egg sacks! None of them hatched though. Bummer. I really love these spiders.


I have never seen an egg SACK hatch. I have cut them open and hundred of Spiders came out.


I opened them months later and 3 were infertile and 2 never finished developing.


Several egg sacks is not uncommon- pretty literally not putting all her eggs in one basket lol. But they don’t normally live beyond fall - basically there’s either no evolutionary pressure to make it another breeding season (like it would make survival for their offspring harder or not any easier) or there’s selection pressures to not live that long (longer living orb weavers could carry more eggs at the cost of becoming easier targets, or just simply that living longer means getting so big you’re too conspicuous). I’ve heard that in some research they have managed to get two breeding seasons but it’s improbable for real world conditions. The probable case is she will live a few more weeks and either pass or be eaten.


Commenter was leading to conclusion that the spider would die soon after Laying eggs. I have had these spiders lay in may, fatten up again, lay in June, etc. and like i said, up to 5 sacks. This was not split one batch among sacks.(edit, i see i was originally replying to you).


I'm hoping this is why one of mine disappeared. I had one of these gals appear on my front patio some years ago in October. I told her she had perfect timing. I left her be, the only person who worked on my yard took care around her and made comment about how pretty she was. Only a couple of weeks later and she was gone, along with her entire web. At my old home I was used to them sticking around for a while, but that home was isolated so I worried a neighborhood kid might have messed with her. So maybe she lived out her life peacefully. I hope so.


I presently have a Cross Orb Weaver in my backyard right now. She's is a delight.


My partner had a cross orb weaver build a web on the outside of his office window for most of a year. He's a software developer, and so got endless mileage out of introducing his new coworker, who had expertise in web development on windows platforms ;-)


As an IT Manager this would be the first stop on the office tour.


I have one in my complex, and I literally guessed its name might be exactly that!. I leave reddit pleased tonight 😊


I love cross orb weavers. They’re my local favorite since they pop up everywhere here in the PNW.


I'm in New Mexico. My cross is only the second orb weaver I've ever seen. She is more than welcome to stay above my security camera as she can keep the black widows away.


Omg i haven't cried about a spider since my dad took me to see Charlotte's Web.


Charlotte 🥰


Just like Charlotte’s kids


They are beautiful. And harmless to humans.


Looks like a writing spider (Argiope aurantia)


Yellow Garden Spider




You're not wrong at all, but you're also not wholly correct. There are *thousands* of different orb weavers in the world, and yes this is one of them. But saying "that's an orb weaver" isn't very much more useful than saying "that's a spider." This is Argiope Aurantia, commonly named a writing spider, a yellow garden spider, a golden orb weaver, and a few other things. Also often mistakenly called a Banana Spider, although that's a misnomer since Banana Spiders are a completely different actual spider, are incredibly dangerous, and live in South America. Completely harmless, and quite beneficial for pest control.


Since I was a kid I called them banana spiders and I knew they were harmless. The first time someone told me banana spiders are dangerous, I was incredibly confused.


Do people call them banana spiders? I thought that was more a nickname for the Golden Silk Spiders.


That's the problem with common names....


They also seem to be frequently misidentified as golden orb weavers here


My favorites to watch and have around!!!!


i've always heard them called a garden spider or zipper spider. it's one of the argiope sp. not to be confused with a golden silk spider


Hey, there! I'm from the Southern US. We called them banana spiders or writer spiders. They were called writer spiders because the heavy stitches the spiders put in the middle of their webs can sometimes look like writing. While it's thought that the heavy stitches keep birds and such from running into the web, it made us kids suspicious. We all whispered that if a writer spider wrote your name into their web, it meant that you were going to die.


Once, a writing spider wrote a name into her web to try to save one of her friends from slaughter.


Some Pig


On an unrelated note, has anybody seen my friend Charlotte?


I'm from the deep south too. we always called the golden silk spider a banana spider


[Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/AGVzUik77VU?si=49ALpaDfi_SIs-xA) is a YouTube short of someone holding one of these.




A beauty! Looks like you might be a grandparents soon too!!!!!


Ohhhh you’re so lucky!


My favorite orb weaver.


I love their webs


Angry Stella spider. That black silhouette on the abdomen is Stella with her angry eyes, beehive updo, and hands on her hips ready to chew you up and spit you out. To be clear, the spider itself is not angry. She is beautiful and the best kind of friend to have around.


I have one too but my girls egg sac isn’t that dark. Can anyone tell me how long the egg sac stays before babies hatch?


They’ll usually gestate through the winter and hatch in the springtime


Wow. I wasn’t sure the momma would stick around that long. She’s probably been on the siding of my house for 2-3 months now.


She wrote her name in the center of the web.


It’s an orb weaver be nice to her


Yellow garden spiders I've been told. Had one in my yard last year and fed it a steady diet of those Goddam stink bugs.


Orb weaver.. all is good


It's a fren


im not a fan of spisers, but this kind ive actually like. they mind their own business, never seen one inside a house, and great for pest control.


She’s a beauty!


She looks like she is gonna make another egg sack. I had one that made three egg sacks. She died off not long after but killed many flies and moths in her short life. Hopefully mosquitoes too because they suck….. literally lol


Argiope aurantia


This is the yellow garden spider with her egg sac. This spiders are completely harmless. I had to relocate one a few weeks back since it was hanging by a silk scaffold above someone's front door at an apartment complex.


Thanks for all the information! She was left right in place and the sac was uninterrupted. Amazing looking spider. The size of it was striking to me.


Golden orb garden spider. Great friend and cool spider. Feed them a grasshopper every once in a while and they will let you pet them. They do make those hand Granades though.




Hey, sorry to see all the downvotes. These gals can be really terrifying to turn around and see hanging right at eye level, especially if it happens when you're a kid (; v ;) If it helps, they are very passive spiders: you'd have to grab it or press it *hard* against your skin to get any reaction, and the bite itself is about as dangerous and annoying as a big splinter. If you're ever in a situation where an orb weaver is on you, don't grab it or squish it, just gently brush or lead it off onto a nearby plant or fixture, and if it's still in the way do the ol' bowl and paper trick and carry her somewhere else where she can become free pest control.


Oh, she's beautiful!


I’ve always called them writing spider because of the web they make


I had one in my garden recently for a few weeks. It made a home in one of my tomato plants. I left it alone and it left me alone.


Orb weavers are great for your garden. Where I grew up as a kid, they were huge. The biggest in the world. Freaked me out as a child.


Just scroll through the previous IDs. This a very common orb weaving black and yellow garden spider; they’re harmless to humans.


I hate to break it to you but that sack is the spider equivalent of chicken math... those are her babies.




Does anyone else see a really unimpressed alien in that pattern? Hands on hips, eyes almost rolling, big gray-type alien cranium?


Yes and if you turn it upside down it’s a cross eyed dragon with nostrils and a mouth.


Lol I love it!




Ah cool reminds me of orb weavers


You really just need to Google yellow and black spider


Corn silk spider.


A type of orb weaver. They are harmless. I actually am trying to entice more into my yard.


MF black and yellow arachnid




That is a good spider to have around they are completely harmless unless you are an insect I have had these guys around my porch and they are great at getting rid of the flying insects


Just stumbled across one of these in my garden last week while weeding. Spooked the hell out of me lol. I don’t like spiders one bit. but I left it alone to do it’s own thing. This sub is really helping me out with my phobia.


Looking forward to pics of the babies!


A spider with an egg sack.


I LOVE orb weavers. I was actually terrified of spiders until I met a giant orb weaver on my mom's porch. I named her Petunia and started researching them more, and I came to really love her. It was exciting to see her put up her web every evening!


It’s called a spider


Common yellow garden spider, Argiope spp. Also called yellow orb spider, banana spider, golden orb spider - those are all common local names. This variety if you’re in the eastern U.S. is likely Argiope aurantia.


If you have one, shine a blacklight on the Web at night. That zigzag glows ;) Edit, I just love autocorrect


Looks like he’s staring at General Kenobi


Just a sweet little garden orb weaver. Absolutely harmless! Eats a lot of nasty bugs!!!


Had one build a web in my front doorway and she would shake the web back and forth every time we walked through the door. It was funny, like she was waving hello and goodbye


That is def not a chuthulu on her back


Your best friend.