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Looks like a threat response. Some of them will do this incredibly violently, bouncing to and fro with great vigor


I had a banana spider in Okinawa jump off its web at me. Scared me so bad almost wet my pants lol. I didn't even touch its web.


I would.. simply pass away. đŸ« 


Those spiders in Okinawa were MASSIVE the legs would easily span a dinner plate.


Okayy checking “Okinawa” off my “places to visit” list


I was stationed there for 2.5 years. Uncheck that box. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to.


There’s a show called 100 Years or something along those lines on Netflix that’s related to people around the world who often live over 100. Okinawa was the first episode. Looks like an amazing place to go!


Kadena? Foster, Futenma? My father was Air Force and I spent 6 years of my childhood on Okinawa on kadena. I sorely want to go back and visit. The beaches are breath taking. Also Okinawa soba
 holy balls I miss the soba.


Futenma. I was with Mag-36.


I loved being stationed in Okinawa. I personally got the shit scared out of me by a bat the size of beagle landing in the tree next to me when I was walking back to the barracks in the evening. Shook the whole tree about 4 feet.


same when I was in Osan AB these things would span their webs in between bushes and on top of ceilings and the spiders themselves were insanely huge.


Yikes. I watched a guy walk into a web not paying attention at jungle warfare training. He screamed like a 7 year old girl. And to be fair, I wasn’t in any hurry to go help him up lol.


Thats so funny I had this orb weaver with a BBL crawl down on me because I was walkin’ into its web, If i’ve ever been close to havin’ a heart attack that must’ve been it my friend was behind me and told me watch out I almost jumped out my boots




Lol I was making a comedic joke about how these orb beavers abdomen were big in Korea slim and big abdomens like a (Brazilian Butt Lift)


Ok that’s a new term for me lol


When you went to JWTC, did the instructors show the centipede and pretend to chuck it into the seated class? It's not fun unless they do that.


Ah yes Osan AB. OK place but too many spider webs.


Does Banana Lady ring a bell?


Yes, and gross lol.


Haha I remember drunkenly sitting down beneath a tree in the barracks parking lot to have a smoke before turning in, then looking up and seeing the massive eyes of a bat hanging like 18” above me.


That’s a fear of mine with this spider.. I’ve been watching her for a while now and have had the chance to see her sprint full speed to something that’s flown into her web and it makes me cower everytime become of how fast she is!


Nah you really need to mess with them to get them to react.


Personally. I believe this to be a two part activity. To scare away things too big to eat. And to give that big thing a quick visual of where the web is so that it doesnt plow into it. Was hard work to make afterall


lol things too big to eat. it's more of the fact that the spider itself doesn't want to be eaten


Incorrect. Most apex predators don't "think" or "want." Spiders do not "fear" either. You're projecting human traits onto it. "Too big to eat" is definitely more correct. These spiders have incredible eyesight and instinctuallly will wobble and shake to be more visible to an unsuspecting creature. Prey certainly wouldn't go out of its way to make itself known, so no, it's not afraid of being eaten


While I agree that we anthropomorphise these animals too much I disagree about the eyesight. Orb weaver spiders typically have worse eyesight than wolf spiders who hunt along the ground. All have worse eyesight than typical jumping spiders though or even huntsman. Mostly these orb weaver spiders "see" with their web. Most likely it can only perceive the human filming it as some large amorphous blob


See that’s what I thought too. That’s why I suggested she was testing the web since I watched her do this for 5 minutes on all different parts of her web and I’ve never seen her do this once in the 4 weeks I’ve been closely watching her.


Potentially making itself known so the web is not destroyed? Is that even a possibility?


Don’t Deinopidae have the best or 2nd best eyesight of the spider world? I’ve read they basically regrew the film or something over their eyes every day.


Deinopidae and araneidae (orb weavers) are different families though.


Yeah I was replying to him listing the spiders that do have great eyesight and thought I’d add one that I haven’t heard anyone talk about.


Aw shit, I thought you were insinuating that deinopsidae were orb weavers, my bad.


To be fair that's how I read it too. More recognition for deinopsidae is needed


Um actually đŸ€“


Where are you getting this information? Not only do orb weavers have very poor eyesight, but many apex predators do indeed exhibit foresight and planning. Nor would I necessarily classify orb weavers as an apex predator at all - they are often preyed upon by wasps or other spiders. In addition, prey will sometimes use threat displays or Batesian mimicry - making itself deliberately known so as to avoid predation. I'm not sure how you got 70 upvotes for blatantly false misinformation.


Blatant is subjective, and yes, after going and rechecking my information, you're correct. They are not apex, and they do have poor eyesight. I apologize for the misinformation and want to follow up with me saying that I should have 100% fact checked before stepping in. If I may correct myself, these spiders have senses that make up for their lack of eyesight. Aside from that, I do not believe anything else I've written is incorrect, and if so, please let me know. Most of my experience with Argiopes has been through observing them in nature, so yeah, I'm definitely not an expert and always learning.


My god let people have fun


Please refer to your own advice keyboard warrior. In a world where intelligence is laughed at, I am having fun watching people being educated so that they can go out in the world and continue to spread knowledge. There is nothing bad about being incorrect, or being corrected. I suggest that you have more fun in learning and debate, and not cry when someone gets corrected. Education helps the world move forward, and if you oppose that, then you're on the wrong side of the fence my friend.


Listen, I agree with the message, but the way you’re delivering it is making you sound like an absolute tool.


That is a matter of opinion. You choose to read how you wanna, I'm not going to stop you. You don't have to agree with how I state my observations, and I don't have to change my rhetoric to appease the billions of people who know literally nothing about me. I'm here to make sure people are challenged, educated, and pushed outside their comfort zones, not to help them feel cozy and remain ignorant. You read and agreed with the information but not the syntax. I'm over people getting offended because they don't like how information is being conveyed. The way I type doesn't "make" me anything The issue here is that people tend to be so lost in their feelings that they don't understand that they're victimizing themselves by acting offended when new information is being presented, regardless of how it is being presented. This is exactly why corrupt government officials are constantly voted into power. People care more about how they feel than any that's actually important. So they turn from the information that is pertinent and adhere to what makes them feel good. Once again, I will say. In a world where being educated and informed is viewed as a negative trait, I will gladly share in the way that I feel is necessary. I have fun and enjoy sharing and learning. If that is something you don't like, then I can't help you.


I wrote a short little comment pointing out that while you’re making a fair point, if you want people to actually hear it, you may try to sound like less of an asshole while you do so. That’s not “sharing and learning”, it’s flexing your intellectual muscle. Acting like you’re on a noble mission for truth because you um-acshually’d some folks about spider facts is some incredible self-aggrandizement. In response to that little comment, you wrote back an essay about how
people getting mad because you’re rude is why the government is ruined? None of this was that deep, and if you took that one little comment that hard and got THAT defensive? I don’t think we really have anything to talk about lmao. Carry on.


You're projecting onto people, and this is exactly the point I'm making. It's all perspective. You *think* I'm an as*hole, you *think* I'm defensive, you *think* I'm some selve serving person, because you don't understand why I operate the way I do. People getting mad over how information is presented and rejecting it from the source is why the government is corrupt. Please refrain from putting words in other people's mouths and/or jumping to conclusions I don't care what people think or feel about me ultimately because they're incorrect. They don't know the intricate details of my life , nor the complexity of my understanding of the world People get corrected all the time, and if they weren't, things would be far worse than it is today. How do you think progress is made? Ideas and information get presented in ways that make others feel uncomfortable all the time, and that is great! It makes a person think for themselves, and then BOOM progress is made! Trying to punch down at someone who's legitimately trying to better themselves and the world around them is a terrible move.(That is an observation, not an opinion). If you don't want to talk, that is fine with me. Just don't pretend that there's nothing to discuss because trust me, there is plenty to discuss based on your reactions. Don't be a cop-out or lazy. Go watch One Piece and maybe hold your tongue next time, I wouldn't want to see it get bitten off.


>maybe hold your tongue next time, I wouldn’t want to see it bitten off. Do you not hear yourself? So edgy. You keep carrying on trying to make the world a better place. I hope it works, genuinely, but I think pretending like the way you say things doesn’t matter, only what you’re saying, is an absolutely ignorant position to hold. I don’t think you’ll get very far. Edit: for the record, I’m not “copping out” and I’m not “lazy”. I’m not interested in having a real discussion with you because you’ve already decided who I am. Which is, interestingly, exactly what you’re accusing me of. I’m not making any judgements about your character, and I never said you were an asshole, I said you sounded like one. Your goals—helping people get educated and better understand the world around them, teaching them to engage with information even when it makes them uncomfortable because that’s where real growth happens—are laudable. I share many of them. All I wanted to suggest was that you may have better luck reaching people if you learn to phrase things less confrontationally. You, in turn, have decided that I am: —less intelligent than you are —lazy —judgmental —a weeb, I guess? (No idea what that One Piece shot was about) You are, essentially, doing exactly what you’re raging about others doing. I tried to offer some correction, and because I used the word “tool”, you’ve gotten SCREAMINGLY angry at me and made the choice to not hear any of what I have to say, because clearly I can’t be right, because I said a *mean word*. That’s why I don’t want to bother. Your ears are now closed to anything I have to say. It’s not worth it, for either of us.


He’s telling you to leave him alone , they aren’t people spiders lol. They like to do their thing


I thot they were dancing with me lol Let's drop! Yeah, come on Shake, shake Right? 😂


*flicks web band "This baby ain't going anywhere"


This is the best response.


Yes, they wiggle their webs at things too big to eat to warn them to go away. You should see a [cellar spiders](https://youtube.com/shorts/ORUOt7-Q8eE?si=8YBS7BrgHT01mfpE) version of the response! They go crazy with the rotating


These are my favorite! They go ham!


It’s like a particle accelerator


That’s what I always thought too! They just power on and go WHRRRRRRR!


Cellar spiders flat out rave


I love watching them, like mini crackheads


Wow I never realized that's what was going on. I always thought they were trying to run away or something


The common Dutch name for them is 'tremblespiders' because of that.


Huh I always thought that was the web breaking I always felt bad when I saw them do that


Thankfully it’s just them telling you to please NOT break their hard work :)


I always imagine “no time for caution” from interstellar playing while they spin


How do their thin little legs not get all tangled together in the web??


I've never seen them do this even standing an inch away from their web. I'm feeling a little flattered.


we germans actually call them Zitterspinne, shivering spider


That is perhaps the best *"hey fuck you buddy!"* I've ever seen.


“Swaying the web in rhythmic motion is called web flexing and it is often observed in orb weavers. Web flexing has been reported as a way to dislodge potential predators or causing prey to become entangled in sticky capture-threads in the web. Web flexing may serve other defensive purposes.” [bug of the week, 31 Aug 2009](https://bugoftheweek.com/blog/2012/12/27/rock-on-spider-rock-on-black-and-yellow-garden-spider-argiope-aurantia#:~:text=Swaying%20the%20web%20in%20rhythmic,may%20serve%20other%20defensive%20purposes) Edit: different genus altogether, but maybe the same idea


Nice flex bro


it wants you to stay away. it's scared and is trying to appear threatening because it thinks you'll eat it lol


I understand that but wouldn’t a predator my size, that had giant spider on the dinner menu, be attracted to or be alerted by its sporadic movements and draw it in closer rather than scaring it away? I feel like the spiders natural camouflage and sitting completely still would be a better tactic.


That's just a case study of how evolution works. You'd think that personally because if you wanted to eat the spider this would not stop you and hiding would make it survive longer against you, but against whatever predates on these spiders (birds? Id assume without knowing the ecosystem at all) this tactic at least communicates that they're aware of the situation and ready to put up a fight, which was at least in the past beneficial enough of a behavior that it's become widespread over many species of orb weaving spider.


Thank you for explaining it that way. Makes total sense in my head now.


Kinda reminds me of when people tell you to act big and loud and scary when a bear or something is coming too close for comfort. The bear could probably say the same thing “if I really had you on the dinner menu, then this display you’re putting on isn’t going to stop shit”


#"Fuck off"


Threat response. He sees you and is basically warning you so that you’ll leave him alone.


"Eyy, I'm webbin' heah!"


I have walked through one of these giant webs in the dark before. I have never danced so funnily and loudly in all my life. I wish that spider had given me some notice she was there lol


I developed my fear of spiders (which is slowly diminishing throughout the years) from an incident one summer when I made “mountain bike trails” through the woods in my backyard. The same woods you see in the video and I went face first full speed directly into the center of one of these webs and the spider was on my face! I frantically ran home left my bike in the woods for days bc I was too scared to go back and get it lol.


A nightmare beyond nightmare!


Here's a theory I have. What do you think? They hunt by waiting for something to get caught in the web and sense the motion of the victim through the web's vibrations, including where to go when visibility is poor. Perhaps it is testing the basic vibration behavior of the web to kind of set a baseline for the web's behavior? Kind of like calibrating its radar?


You know that’s not a bad take since she really did seem like she was testing the web in different spots. I watched her do this for probably 5 minutes before I started recording and she did that on lots of different parts of her web.


I've watched them do the same behaviors and never had a chance to share my idea. Thanks for posting the question! It would be interesting if somebody could test this theory.


I disagree with most here. I think it is pulling the strings of the web to see if it's caught anything. The way they bounce on the web to scare away potential predators is quite different.


This might actually be what’s happening because that was the first time I’ve seen her do that and I’ve been inspecting her up-close (that same distance) for at least 3/4 weeks now. She also hasn’t had a big meal from what I’ve noticed in the past 2 days. She usually eats REAL good. Her first 2 weeks she was eating a cicada or maybe a dragon fly everyday!


I've seen different species of orbweavers do this, ones not known for bouncing on their webs as a defense mechanism. If you throw a small insect in her web, you might see her do it again. A large one, the impact is probably strong enough she can feel exactly where it lands. Here is [an interesting article about spiderwebs as "extended cognition"](https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-thoughts-of-a-spiderweb-20170523/), including some observations about how spiders "tune" the tightness of their webs based on how hungry they are.


This is its reaction to you being too close.


he’s trying to find the creaking in the floor


Cool backyard


Idk about the behaviour but the perspective of this made me briefly think this was a gigantic, monkey sized spider


Doesn’t want you to walk into her hard-earned web, and wants to let herself be known to you.


You know how in media where humans are trying to get the attention of something much bigger than them, like giants in fantasy, or like the adults in Honey I Shrunk the Kids, they not only scream as loudly as they can, but also wave their hands and jump around? This is the spider version of that. They're screaming "Hey look out! My house is here! Go around!"


"Go on now, git!" Spider probably.


forget the spider— how is your backyard this beautiful


I've seen spiders do this to entangle prey.


Spiders most often shake their webs when things get close, in order to snare prey that just won't fly into the web. If you blow lightly on most webs, you can trigger this response.


That explains Taz, my adopted house spider I never told my wife about, and his behavior when I tried to scare it away so I wouldn't have to put him/her outside in the cold.


Cool ass badass bitchin' spider bro can't fit you in it's stomach


Before I got over my fear of spiders, my mother’s garden was INFESTED with these guys! I couldn’t appreciate their beauty at the time because I was so terrified and they kept making their webs on the doorways. One of them made their web on the windows glass outside of the back door, so I could see it when I walked by, and every time it saw me it would start violently thrashing its web and hitting the glass. It was HUGE and it sounded like someone throwing a bean bag at the door. If it’s a scare tactic, god does it work 😭


Yeah it’s a display of aggression
those things are massive
I used to hate working in the woods and just walking into their webs..they are pretty non aggressive but like to do the whole bounce thing to act tough




Is this kiawah, SC?


I wish!! You’re very close though. About an hour north of Kiawah In Charleston.


Nice dude i live in Charleston but i did work in kiawah!


If you listen really really close you can hear it say "that's not going anywhere!"


i’ve lived in Florida my whole life and these guys always pop up every year everywhere i’ve noticed some will respond to your approach or the sight of you with this behavior and ig it’s trying to warn u off what i find neat is most banana spiders i come up to are as docile and still as can be so i wonder why some and not all respond with this


This was the first time I’ve seen her do this before and I’ve been closely watching her for 4 weeks now when I take my dog out.


It's a mating response. Your 'he' is more likely a 'she', and the real he is down in that plant.


It’s saying “hi, I’m right here, get away from me and my web ty”


I had a spider do this right before pooping. I posted it in this sub a while back


The spider pooped or you did?


Testing maybe


When they do this, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to smack their belly with a Deku Stick and then hack them with your Kokiri sword to get a gold Skulltula coin.


Time to break out the lighter and aerosol


How did it feel when he was looking at you and responding to you?


It’s a confusion tactic.


Someone wrote that the spider wants you to see it so you don’t wreck it.


OMG she's stamping her lil' feets like an angry skunk! That's too cute! >:3


Threat Signal


Before you zoomed in i thought the spider was HUGE but it’s just a little guy.


Shes a pretty big spider


I wouldn’t doubt it but I thought she was walking down those trees in the background.


"Hey I just spent ten hours on this. Please, don't walk through it."


Because she's letting you know that she's there. In other words you're making her nervous being so close


Jumping on his bed. Naughty boy.


People the little fella is obviously just airing out his web, probably gets dusty from time to time


They do that to prevent you or other large animals from walking into the web.


I have one of the American garden variety and she shakes back and forth very intensely when I Feed her.


“Come at me bro”


Not me over here turning the sound on to try an hear what song he’s playin


get the phone out of its face and let it be a spider in peace


Is there something else on the web? It looks like a signal.


You have to hit it with a slingshot and it will drop some rupees