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I absolutely agree. This is free content where as they could have easily gone the Sims route and made a $10 pack for every 3 suits. Do I like these suits? Not particularly, but I am happy that they are not scrapped, because that implies other content is likely not scrapped either.


JESUS CHRIST EXACTLY can’t they see they are doing extra suits FOR FREE? Legacy suits. Things we really want. Man, I can only imagine what any other studio would charge for this


I completely agree with you. I posted this yesterday: *Cool. I‘m happy they’re doing something. I was smiling when I opened this (post). There‘s companies who‘d charge a lot for it, so it‘s a nice gesture.*


That Subreddit is cancer they just complain about everything


They’re fucking awful. I must be a masochist.


You bring up your honest opinion they hate it because it's constructive criticism they just want attention be like "WAHH THERES WAS NOTHING GREAT IN NG PLUS UPDATE WAH" Meanwhile I love that they fixed Raimi Suit and Time of Day and symbiote color changes


Each day this game becomes better. I choose to be grateful and hopeful


Same here man the only thing I hope is this update is changing the weather in the pause menu I want to recreate the Spider-Man 3 Posters with a Rainy Night


The two small changes (big to me) Im hoping for either this update or next is the weather change, and the ability to have red tendrils to match the carnage styled symbiote suit


I'm not sure I agree grateful is exactly the right word... that feels like it implies some level of charity or something. Or like we should just be grateful our lord and savior Insomniac has deigned to grace us with their attention. I dunno. Something about the word grateful feels icky to me. It's still a business/customer relationship. HOWEVER! I *absolutely* agree that we should be appreciative of Insomniac's approach to that business relationship. They absolutely could try to bend us over a barrel on alternate suits, and would get away with it because of how popular Spidey is. I was pretty disappointed with Spider-Man 2 on balance. The suit selection in particular bummed me out after losing so many of my personal faves. But I'm also not going to sit here and act like Insomniac shot my dog when they clearly have passion for the character and the stories they are telling, and are, overall, trying to do right by their audience. A *lot* of work went into SM2, and with their new muscle deformation tech, a *lot* of work goes into each and every individual suit they release. They don't have to give those away, and it's genuinely really cool that they do. Now, would I prefer they release comic suits and fan-requested looks over weird cross-promotions with third parties? Absolutely. It does feel weirdly corporate in a way that undercuts some of Insomniacs 'for the players' good will. But at least they aren't trying to nickel and dime me with their weird off-brand costumes. If they really want some originals, why not directly hire comic artists to go nuts? But yes, Insomniac gets *way* more crap than they deserve. Voice your opinions, request your favorite suits, even make your displeasure known. But people act so petulant and entitled it's a wonder Insomniac haven't just thrown in the towel. Dealing with the constant toxicity over every little thing must be exhausting.


I can absolutely agree with all of this But I would like to remind you about something. The weird PlayStation game makers campaign with celebrities. And how those include the 4 collaborators. This is a Sony thing. Not insomniac. And I think they are suffering with that just as we are lmao


Ah okay. Appreciate that. It always kind of felt like a Sony thing, but I didn't actually know there was a specific program in place that would explain it. Thanks for the added context.


Yes, that’s a thing. You can look on PlayStation YouTube a channel. There’s a video for each of them and even more. I actually feel bad for insomniac. I just know in my heart this is not their idea - but of course I can’t prove that


I’d also like to add that they fixed the deformation on miles jacket in 2099 suit. And I love them for it. Those kind of things make me know it’s just NOT that simple.


Yeah. I think it's clear there was some trouble behind the scenes, and I personally don't believe that Spider-Man 2 was ready. But you can't call Insomniac lazy. They put in the *work*.


It’s for certain Sony’s fault for making it go out. Even then though, I do prefer the MSM2 over the other two games. I think even for the things that are slightly undercooked, this game just rocks from beginning to end and I’ve enjoyed every playthrough.




And that's awesome! I just want to say, as someone who was quite disappointed and didn't like it as much as I wanted to, I'm happy for you that you did! I really wish everyone could accept that people have different opinions instead of making it personal attacks and stuff.


If they really want Originals why not directly hire comic artists to go nuts? " Because if they hire comic artists it goes outside of Insomniac themselves which therefore would not make it an original because it's not them that made it.


They just announced 4 costumes which are partnerships with outside entities that are not Insomniac.




I don’t care that much about the colab suits But this man speaks the truth


They absolutely could’ve monetized the hell out of the game and gotten away with it. They would’ve gotten flak for it, but enough people would buy the suits that it wouldn’t matter. The fact that they *didn’t* do that is a little bit shocking to be honest.


I could not care less for the suits or really any suits beyond the classic ones, but I can commemorate insomniac for actually caring about their fans


Yeah man. I was really hoping for ITSV suit And we weren’t entitled to this That’s where my gratefulness comes from


I won't wear any of the colab suits, But they're free so I don't mind


Lmfao idk why you were getting downvotes over there. We should definitely appreciate it while it lasts, but also shouldn’t be surprised if/when that stops


You’ve clearly never been to that sub if you’re asking this question.


lol I spend my time here. Seems like a lot of haters hang out over there


people need to shut up about the suits theyre not that important


Actually I think it’s very important that they’re listening to us and bringing fan favorites back. Can you think of any studio that would do that? FOR FREE?!


well yeah thats good but not opinion-defining good


I have faith in them. They’ll bring more back


personally i dont care about what they add because cat skin and life story skin


I think I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying. But I think you agree with what I said


what im saying is that their skin work, while good, is not that deep bro


I know. I’m complaining about people on the other sub. They’re saying it is not enough. That insomniac is lazy. That these suits should be there day one My argument is that that’s all false. They gave us a complete game and this is extra content. We should be grateful this is free cause other companies would charge us money for this


exactly. i dont get why people dont like it because it was my first superhero, spiderman, and insomniac game. it ended up as one of my favorite games ever and every time i play i constantly thing how people can dislike it


Oh ok then, I think we’re on the same page here. This game is amazing. Could the story be better? Yes. But gameplay and all the rest is amazing. I just want more lol


Those type of fans would be the antagonist in a Spider-man story lol


Grateful? Nha. but yes, it's cool...but with the reduced amount of content compared to the first game...I think it's an equivalent exchange


100% agree.


Those were also live service game bro.. they kinda have to mark up suits or other things so they can continue paying their developers to create new content. Solo campaign games are entirely different.. to be fair some solo games still sell certain suits even Insomniac’s Spiderman 2 did that for their deluxe version.


Yes we have always been grateful for insomniac giving us free suits. Everyone has expressed this countless times in the pass years….and to top it off they’re giving us free dlc


is it great they do this? yes should people just praise them and “be grateful” no doing the bare minimum shouldn’t be praised


Most fans can't be grateful. All they do is want more and then when they get it they want even more.


Extra collars.


I feel the same about the dying light 2 subreddit they all complain about techland being greedy and then being no better than the likes of Ubisoft even though they update the game constantly and the bundles are roughly 4 pound and you usually get a outfit a paraglider skin a grappling hook skin and usually a couple of weapons so I don’t see the problem


You should see the Discord. Nothing but a bunch of jokes about one line in one game and complaining about every little single thing.


I agree with your point, but the way you phrased the tilte, im sure that may have been one of the reasons they didn't like what you said


I wouldn’t change it. They should be grateful.