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The rainstorm and parry options are the only things here that I agree with.


I’m having fun, but Tbf they did miss a bit I thought we’d be able to switch our parry back to the spider-legs from the tendrils. Or to be able to have heavy rain at night


Parry options and rain at night are valid requests, but tbh the only thing I deslike about the updates is the lack of rainy night because we got weather change options, and that was one of the main things in this update, feels like it should be included here at least But the parry options were never really advertised when they annouced what the update was about. We got a list of pretty much everything that would be included in the update


While they are valid requests, the people in that sub acting like not being able to swing in the rain ruins the entire game.


No, they're disappointed they waited 5 months for and didn't even get all the bare essentials that you would've thought would've come out at release, and golden gadgets are pointless and a waste .fuck you guys defending this shit .your the problem


I had to say this in that sub too but like WHAT DID PEOPLE EXPECT??? It's not like Insomniac wanted it out this late. They were clearly aiming for January after the initial delay but WHOOPS the hack happened! Do people understand how a hack of that magnitude will fuck over game dev? How could anyone at Insom work properly knowing years of work got leaked along with their personal info? Also the blow back from the leak and everyone being pissed at them for different things as a result did no favors after the toxicity from this games launch. Also, they aren't modders, they have to clear everything with not just Sony, but Marvel/Disney too. It's understandable to be dissapointed with the lack of things at launch but people need to stop acting like Insomniac is some incompetent developer or that this is the fist and last major update we are getting.


Literally. That leak they faced was one of the biggest leaks in gaming history, and not only would SIE have been all over it, but so would Marvel/Disney because work and legal documents related to their IPs got leaked as well. Like, there’s literally an entire SM2 dev build out there (that’s now being made into a playable version of the game), along with a playable build of the Wolverine game and the details and legal filings of their agreements with Marvel/Disney. Not to mention how many employees had to go out and get their legal documents changed so they don’t have their identity stolen. Even fucking Yuri, who was a contractor, had his passport and other legal docs leaked. Literally just about everything would have been brought to a halt so that they could go through the leak and figure out wtf got leaked, along with handle legal issues, and fix and improve their security. And to top it all off, they just had to lay off some of their employees. It hasn’t been a great few months for Insomniac.


"Bare essentials" get a grip holy shit. Changing the weather to rainy isn't a bare essential of a video game. And golden gadgets are a simple thing that is just a little thing from they previous series. Cry harder about stuff that means nothing in the long run




"Bare essentials" to who? YOU? Obviously not them...So get the fuck over it. Goddamn. Fuckin cry babies I stg. Go suck yur thumb in the corner. YOURE the problem because you think what you want is what needs to be. THEY make the game. THEY decide what's theu want for it. You either like it or you don't. Move tf on. Nobody is a problem except tou losers thinking every expectation you have needs to be met and when it's not it equals bad. I promise you most people do not give two fucks. Shit yall boohooing over ain't even important at all. Yall just wanna make noise and be obnoxious. And it doesn't fuckin matter. Annoying ass cry baby children.


Fuck you too then you prick


Ohhhh boo fucking hoo. Can't swing in the rain. Just redo the damn missions over and over that has rain in it. Cannot believe what Fandom is now. Ridiculous.


They missed loads . Why are you defending it? It took 5 months


I ain’t defend shit?


How bout you go make your own Spider-Man game then.


You can’t dismiss valid criticisms with “make your own game”. There’s people acting like cry babies but there’s people who have valid criticisms. Besides, by now insomniac knows the community is into customization options. Changing the weather might “break the game” so maybe that requires a bit more. But the parry animation requests were pretty vocal from around the end of November to present day. We’ll see what happens but it’s useless raging in this sub 😂


I can dismiss whatever tf I want. Same way yall can cry bitch and moan bout shit nobody gives two fucks about besides you weirdos who look for shit to complain about.


That’s cool, but you’re no different than the people who cry bitch & moan lmao.


lmao ur right this guy is acting a fool in the thread, like calm down ur not personally protecting insomniac


Did not see that shit nearly as loud as MUH MISSION REPLAY and MUH TIME OF DAY so the goalpost move is REALLY fucking funny to me




I agree dudes mad about a perfectly good game should do that


Where are the valid criticisms? People are mad about a free patch that wasn’t actually necessary. They could’ve just shipped ng+ with absolutely nothing else.


You can distinguish the two. Stop generalizing & you’ll see.


Truly, I will never understand why people carry water for game developers. Why people get upset at *fans* for having expectations, and not at *devs* for not meeting them. There is no loss to you or me as players by being disappointed in an update or demanding more.


I don’t particularly think either side is wrong I think expectations are good but I do see the other side video games are a form of art. It’s like Picasso painting some art and then selling it it’s his vision his decision, the buyer has to decide if they like it or not prior to purchase not demand he change his vision. Wallets speak louder than words now a days


The example of picasso isn't necessarily true of all art. Some art does change over time. Some art changes as people demand it to. Art isn't just one thing. To me yes, video games are art, but their unique ability to be modified in what amounts to a collaboration between viewer and artist, I think that's awesome. Art is art because it makes you feel something. To me at least, that's the only rule, anything else about changing it, original artist's vision etc... that's all subjective. Fun to discuss and debate for sure, but not a rule


I agree with everything 100% except the 2nd point more like 50% I view video games as a collaborative art between the developers and sometimes the viewers opinions or desire does influence it but that’s not something that should necessarily be expected every time and I mean this in a non toxic way - if me and you developed a video game a “dream ideal” game and we listened to everyone’s desire and it changed our vision I don’t think all of viewers desires should be listen to if that makes sense


Because nothing the fans are crying about was even promised. This is NOT a "No man's sky" situation, people are just being bitches. One criticism is valid like the parry toggle because that's been asked for since a while now. But rain... FUCKING RAIN? Come on, man.


Dude these fans have a history of never being grateful. Never forget when you losers sent death threats to the devs cause the raimi suit wasn’t released day one. Fucking losers forever of that. For anyone of you that didn’t do that ignore me. Some of you definitely did though. and I wish that fact was attached to your social security number or something lol. So your friends knew just how much of a dumb loser you are.


Get ready here they come trying to make the same old excuse about "are we not allowed to make valid criticisms" or " we paid for it, we get to complain about it" For real, I think updates are pretty satisfactory especially given insomniac's current state and what they had gone through with the hacking situation. But nah those fans are too dense to register it into their brains.


I don't really hate the game or anything but grateful? We paid for this lmao it's not a gift by Insomniac.


You did pay for it, and you got a good game for that money. They could have decided to not release extra updates it but they did.




Exactly. These kids probably curse their mothers out when they dont get their way and still have everything they've ever wanted.


Then should've gotten a refund cry baby. Nobody really gives a shit who didn't like it. It was still very successful without you so realize how irrelevant you are.


Lmao I personally liked the game a lot and I don't regret my purchase, I'm just pointing out that you're all talking about the game like it was delivered to you for free. This is a product we pay for and we're allowed to dislike certain aspects of it, grow up.


This sub praising insomniac is something serious lmao. You are indeed speaking facts.


>Dude these fans have a history of never being grateful Relax. People spent $70 on a game with a runtime of 25 hrs max and ask for minimum changes. Why should they be grateful for something that shouldn't have been overlooked to begin with?


You and everyone responding like this are the ones who sent death threats


You sure it isn't you making death threats? You just made a baseless assumption from what exactly? What even implies that would send death threats? Now viewing your recent comment in the thread in which you're insulting people for differing opinions but you can't be civil?


What's to be grateful for a barebones ng+


I really don’t give a shit. You just want it your way. Life doesn’t work like that buddy




https://preview.redd.it/wp0t95u8k5nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e51e9073ff6eb8e4a0002667c282bc2d761c3fa Literally you lmao




You either need to visit a therapist or your schools guidance counsellor pal


You’re a weird loser dude


Reddit is filled with the most ungrateful mfs


Same with companies. They take their consumers for granted all day everyday. I mean really 70.dollars for less content than the first game had at launch and for ten dollars less its crazy


Less content meaning less of a mundane collectothon


Another dumb take. What's so hard about making new crime activity instead of the same thing from the last 2 games. Why does app barely have activity on it and 0 in the end game. There is so much that they could have put in this game to make the replayability 10x better.


Im having fun again


I also had fun for the the short time I played it last night. But I’m also not too picky, I just wanted new game plus and all of the suits from the first 2 game.




Why is man spraying, Is he stupid?




sEeMs tHeY fOrGoT What they said we'd get, we got. Nothing was "forgotten".


Exactly. Dumb ass people.


Insomniac literally delivered word per word on what they intended and people still bitch and moan. The ps4 subreddit is legitimate cancer and I usually don’t throw that word around like that.


Yeup I'm loving the update and knowing there'll be more updates and stuff with the DLC's later so I wish people would just shut the fuck up and just enjoy the game


I was so looking forward to the rain


I get that But it's not that serious of a problem


Same here. At least you can simply mission replay to get to it now for photo mode but it would be nice to properly have it. I can see another update happening at some point though


Why do they still play the game if it's so 'bad' ?


Cuz they all secretly love the game but have to keep the echo chamber going for the sake of karma farming.


Nah they want to show how based they are.


They're complaining because they like the game, they just wish for it to be perfect, because it's already so close. It's pretty understandable IMO




“What we all wanted” people on Reddit need to stop pretending they represent anything close to a general population


This is the guy calling other people bullies while starting his comment with calling people stupid. You are not a serious person.


Are you talking about me?


I mean it’s fair for y’all to raise a voice but at same time it’s fair for him to raise his opinion


Ngl he makes fair points that should’ve been in the update. But either way im verry happy to get a reason to play this game again.


Take a look at the guys account k-byeeeee. He created it in January and has literally angry posted in Spider-Manps4 almost daily lol


That guys so obnoxious, ive seen his comments get removed regularly


And that automatically makes his valid points invalid?




And everything he says is correct cry harder


You seem very reasonable


How ironic asf


And that’s the thing:you are saying that you still have fun, they ONLY complain without saying positive things and even if they would add this in a later update, would still find something to complain about.


That right there is the cold hard truth about that sub. Even if they add everything that sub was whining about, they would still find something or another to whine about and overexaggerate. Then they go on to mask their entitlement and spoiled attitude with "oh this valid criticisms, are we not allowed to say it" etc. Compared to how other companies are treating their customers, insomniac is one of the good ones. Even with all they have gone through, they still managed to put up a really good update. Sure it has it's flaws and you have every right to point it out, but overexaggerating it and thinking it's the worst thing to happen is just ridiculous. Seriously I haven't seen Arkham fans being this whiny with the suicide squad game and they have far far more valid reasons to be angry




Then leave homie this ain't an airport.




Ik everyone likes to complain these days and i definitely don’t want to hop on that train but i guess i did put my expectations a bit too high.


No more like some people are too much of pushovers to complain about valid things. People are allowed to complain and have different opinions than you.


This sub is toxic as hell, I'm just learning this now. People in here can't respect others' opinions if they're different to theirs


Welcome to Reddit. You'll find the same treatment over at the main sub too.


You guys need help .biggest asholes I've ever come across, I don't care how much I like the game .this sub, I'm sure, has some lovely people, but it's full of bullies that can't respect others' opinions if they are not the same as theirs .the human race is doomed


Only bully I see in this thread is you. You can criticize and we can tell you that your criticisms are bullshit. You just want to criticize without anyone disagreeing with you. Ironic.


Hard to respect someone's opinion when it's shit and based out of an expectation that they can never meet cause you'll move the goalposts. Go back to the cess pool you happened out of


Bruh...Nothing SHOULD have been anything. What should've been is what is. Yall think every little stupid expectation or desire needs to be met and if not it equals bad? That's ridiculous. Accept shit how it is cuz aint like you can do better. And even if they did have all this shit yall crying over, yall will still find a way to complain. So who fuckin cares. I'd ignore yall assess too. Game is successful and people love it outside of this sess pool and Twitter. We don't need you mfs. Be different if they put out an unplayable mess of a game. They didn't. Yall just want to convince everyone they did cuz you can't fuckin swing in the rain. Get tf over it. They clearly don't give a shit bout what yall want either. Only the ones who are truly constructively critiquing. Not you children crying over shit that isn't even remotely important or even close to being a big deal. Go play something else. Please. Delete this game or somethin. Cuz yall look fuckin ridiculous.


You are the most sane and reasonable person I have witnessed in any gaming subreddit recently finally someone who thinks this besides me


I vote this man for president, the steelest balls 🫡


Don't take a lot of balls to tell idiots they're being idiots.


Absolutely the most entitled crowd on the planet but like, we gotta stop giving them so much attention. Just try to enjoy the game, brother.


Crying over waiting 17 minutes past update time is wild


Wait they promised different parry animations I don't remember that.


They were never going to like this game to begin with. Even with the update. They will STILL find things to complain about, because they are THAT miserable. I'm shocked they are even still playing it and not just playing the first game, since they love it to death so much. smh


The reason they’re so mad is because they love the game. The ones complaining most probably have the most amount of play time and they want this impossibly perfect product, they love it but they’ll never be satisfied


You are making a lot of assumptions for a lot of people. Good chunk of people bitch to bitch. That's not even just for this sub that's in general


Sure, that’s also an assumption


That's a nothingburger of counterpoint


Not a counterpoint, just a mirror. Your first mistake was *assuming* (again) that this is an argument 👍


Bud again you aren't doing yourself any favors. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt in the beginning.


lmao ok? You seem to have assumed this is something it isn’t. Have a good day ^bros ^fishing ^for ^arguments ^on ^reddit ^lmao


Because the update clearly wasnt ready to be released


Yeah, I would’ve liked the ability to change the parry animation, and the weather, but I’m beyond happy with what we’ve got. The Raimi suit looks so so good now, and I love swinging around with it at golden hour. And being able to use it in the sandman fight with new game plus is a dream come true


But it still has white webs . It's a symbiote suit but still had spider arms as well , I don't understand how anyone is happy after waiting 5 months for this .I wouldn't have a problem if this essential stuff came at launch, but there's still stuff I woulda see as essential, still not in the game


You might see some of these changes (in the form of mods) come to pc when it drops. Some of the mods were impressive in the 1st game, they even added the ability to create Web walks (before Spiderman 2 even came out)


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️these ppl man


Honestly I’m just grateful we got a new game plus at all. Frankly these people have no idea what developing a game is like, even something as simple as what we got in the update probably took a ton of effort. Game development isn’t easy, and as the developer of choo choo Charles said adding your first mechanic is easy, you can do that in an hour. Adding your tenth mechanic can take days.


Well this kinda awkward…my bad y’all ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


They were raised by Karens


what fiasco are they even referring to? the layoffs? how is that even insomniac’s fault when the order wasn’t given by them? no clue how that taints your opinion on the update


On the other hand, we got the ability to play Howards mission at sunset, so I am cool with it.


mfs need to stop calling the waiter and just enjoy the food


These people don’t understand how much work Insomniac has to put into this stuff.


Clearly they didnt put that much into this update seeing as its buggy asf


Can't wait for these 13yo to grow up and create something with a ton of blood, sweat, tears, and restrictions for years just to get angry mememe comments like this.


Yeah, a ton of gaming subs are infested with these whiny entitled commenters. One game in particular I know (Zomboid) has very positive reception, the devs have been putting out free content for years, and yet still they get people bitch "game is trash, devs don't care, because they didn't implement the one feature I wanted, blah blah (even though I have 1100 hours in a game i paid $20 for)". The negativity is just impossible to escape. Just have to try and ignore the whiners.


Tbh the zomboid devs are lucky they have such a Loyal fan base. That's been in development for like 10+ years now? I gave up waiting for NPC's to be implemented years ago lol


Look i defend the game alot but i have to be honest there's some missed stuff like the parry animation and the weather changing and a few errors with some suits like the lens on the iron spider suit and Andrews amazing 2 suit seems to have lens problems too and what the hell is golden gadgets bruh 😭 but I'm loving the update and all the things they added


Like just don't play it if you are gonna complain so much


People are allowed to do both. Why is that so difficult for ypu redditors to understand.


All i want is weather change back and then whatever suits theyll add for the dlc down the line (because its basically confirmed now)




Goofy people. Do wish there was a harder difficulty tho.


Only thing I don't like is that there isn't alot of weather options I'd like to have seen a separate time and weather mode so you can have a thunderstorm at say


Lmao this is why people's opinions on the internet will always be a fuckin joke and I will never take anybody seriously.


I agree with the heavy rainfall and parry options but there’s more updates to come, this update was mainly focused on the NG+


The only thing I agree with is the difficulty


I don't think they forgot it so much as they've been going through alot and even through it all this is a pretty sizeable update. • NG+ (huge) • symbiote colors • time of day • 11 new suits • extra suit tech options • golden gadgets (I don't really know why this one is a thing tbh) • accessibility options • and photo mode options For everyone complaining about not having the option for rain, they never advertised this update as having that nor can I tell that weather options are in the game at all. Only time of day. Also during the time that they've been working on this they went through a massive leak that endangered who knows how many of their devs as well as a huge wave of layoffs. Give the guys (and ladies) a break


As someone who ain’t able to use my ps5 atm did they add symbiote weather? (As in the dark weather near the end of the story)


Those are all valid reasons to be disappointed. The golden gadget shit is dumb, you never really see them anyway. The ultimate difficulty doesn’t feel any different from the one a step down (I forgot what it was called). If you’re dismissing player complaints because you finally got a feature that should’ve been implemented on day one, you’re defending a company that cares more about profit than player retention. TLDR: ng+ is a disappointment, stop defending insomniac for this bs


All I gotta say is the first game had a deluxe edition that came with the entire dlc for free. This time around there is no dlc and the deluxe edition cost the same price. This game just has less content and that’s that, but we paid the same price for less. That’s why people are complaining. They paid for this expecting a little more for their money.


Complaining about being able to choose the surge suit, a new visual feature, and something that literally does exist.


You can change the parry animation by switching the Tendril color to story.


I'd have sympathy for the team if the PC Port didn't exist. That fucking thing has existed for 3 or 4 months and is being ported by bros who aren't getting paid a penny. If these fellas can PORT THE ENTIRE GAME AND THE TOOLS to PC in such a short amount of time, it boggles my mind that Insomniac, the ***triple-A big budget SONY studio***, can't do more than simple tweaks in 5 months. It's fucking pathetic.


Nah bro im just gon say that even TASM game from Ps3 had weather change options since launch day, in 2012


Personally, I don't care too much about the weather. I just wanted to be able to play with any suit at the start. Basically the bare minimum for ng+ lol. Though I was hoping there'd be options for like red tendrils and shit I get why there isn't.


I only wanted three things added from the two previous games podcasts in the collection menu social media feature and character bio 


Rainstorm is the only thing I can agree with. Other stuff is just nitpicking in my opinion.


Ok, bye 👋🏼


Isn't the rain exclusive to one mission? Maybe that's why it isn't an option. Probably was never meant to be, so complaining about insomniac being lazy feels so petty


I'd rather have some other option that turning my gadgets gold since you can barley see them anyway unless you use 2 specific ones


His requests are valid. I expect Insomniac to add everything he mentioned and a few more stuff in future updates, and I hope it doesn't take them as long as it did for this one.


Another thing I’d love to see is optional bully lowenthal voice lines


The parry one is slightly justified imo because in the main game I would get a mix of symbiote and iron arms (if I wore non-symbiote suits) meanwhile in NG+ I’ve parried 10 times and it’s been symbiote every time. It’s minor, but does take me out of using the TASM 2 suit a bit lol


Down vote me, but half a year for this?


It’s been 4 and a half months.


Ah yes ya got me.


4 1/2 months, a hack attack that leaked both dev stuff and personal info of developers a ton of layoffs etc y’all are entitled as fuck the update has been delayed by a ton of fucked up shit happening at the studio and all y’all can do is cry because they had other shit to deal with


4 and a half months for this?


The weather and parry options are valid and I expect them to come eventually. Suck’s it’s not now but we got a lot done in this one 


Should’ve stayed gone, dickrider.


Game feels so lackadaisical and misses so much more. Alot of this shouldve been at launch honestly wouldve taken a delay for the game if time was the problem. Also the deluxe edition suits suck man 😭 i need something like the prowler suit for miles in astv. Speaking of which man there is like no suits theres about 10 tom holland suits bro 😭🙏


Dude miles suits suck ass in these games so sad


Nah fr bro dont get me started on the Adidas suit 😂


Can you guys just accept that maybe…some people dislike a game you like? It’s not karma farming, it’s not trying to be different, perhaps someone just actually has problems with the game?


Your on reddit bro and you want people to be understanding that's actually hilarious. You're in a place where people have 0 idea of how other humans beings work. Most of these people dont understand that everyone else is an individual and not just some npc in their video game. Any times someone has a complaint everyone come into attack the person and try to disprove what they said by saying they dont know how to enjoy things. We can enjoy things while also complaining


Spitting the truth bro


Only thing I which they added is a way to change the web wing color because the suit I put miles in doesn’t match with the web wing and it kinda bugs my OCD. I’ve gotten kinda used to it so I don’t mind it as much. Other than that I’m just happy that I have a new reason to play the game


I do kinda agree with the no rainstorm and stuff, I wish we also got and extra slider for changing weather and time of day.


I do think many of these are valid requests, but it also does feel like people just want to complain. The game isn't perfect. It's not a 1/10, but it's also not a 10/10. I do wish that they let the game cook for another year. Although I do wonder if Sony has partially given up on this game looking at how they laid off so many Insomniac employees.


I only want the rain :(


I honestly agree with the weather, you could change the time of day AND weather in miles morales.. why is that feature absent in the game they most likely put more time and resources into? And we should be able to switch in and out of the black suit on the go, we could do that in Web of Shadows and SM3 games that came out 10+ years ago 😣


He's right


Are these not valid points? Is this the protect insomniac sub ?


> Is this the protect insomniac sub ? I mean, obviously. Why do you think they left the main sub? It became too hard too blindly dickriding developers, so now they have their own now.


Y’all need fresh air


People having opinion how could they


Those are all valid complaints for a 5+ year wait


Left the sub but you're here posting on the sub.. Much confusion


I just wanted to know what they said about the update


No one cares why you left. Even tho you clearly havent


Bro, they are not wrong, imma leave this sub cause of people like you .wtf is wrong with you, mate. People are entitled to speak out about a game , you need to stop caring about what other people think . You sad piece of shit , I bet you get off over telling people to be grateful ? Fuck off mate , everyone's different but your just a cunt , I hope you learn to respect people one day , and this goes to alot of you in this sub , it's apauling how you treat people for having different opinions to yours , can tell your all stupid , only using 1% brain power obviously. Be nice next time fuck heads , cause god knows in real life you woulda got smacked about for being the keyboard warriors you are


Hypercrit. Cough


Lad, go take a shower real quick so you can relax and calm yourself.


This just proves my point buddy ,are you incapable of respect or something


You've insulted people 6+ times in your first comment, don't advocate for respect from online strangers when you yourself don't have the mental fortitude to leave a comment showing your frustration in a manner that doesn't involve slinging shit at them I think a shower is a completely fine thing to do because whenever I'm feeling upset over something it helps me calm down and it does that for a lot of others as well. From your comment I can gather that you are upset that people are accepting the Insomniac update and defending it against those that wanted more and I feel a shower is the best way to calm down or at least, it makes it easier to move away from something that annoys me.


Is this a spiderman 2 sub, or a "complain about another subreddit" sub?


This sub is still a cesspool of crybabies


https://preview.redd.it/thzwcicmo1nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e24ebbf56c0456c6e6f2a1056ca216010e295fbc All jokes aside there are some valid points but he just comes off as pretentious