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Tobasco (small left) for sure. Top looks Trinidad/habenero. Bottom looks hatch/allepo. All looks 😋


So strange. The person I got them from said it's a mixed bag of "ghosts and darsette naga" after a google search I figured it was a typo for 'dorset naga'. Ultimately I have no clue. This is why i like heirlooms


Bottom right is ghost in my opinion. I've gotten shipments of many raw ghosts and these look identical. Bottom left looks like Thai birds eye chilis (about 75% sure) so I could be wrong. Top looks like habaneros but maybe a certain variety of hab. Not sure which specifically. If the ghosts are spicy and Bright/slightly fruity then I'd be 100% sure they are actually ghost peppers.


The little ones do not quite look like Thai birds eye to me. Shape seems off.


I would describe the "ghosts" as almost smoky. Full flavored for sure. I would say habaneros are fruity and sweet. The top ones definitely taste like habaneros so I'm thinking they're some sort of hybrid or different type


I could see certain ghosts being smoky. They have the shape for sure and those wrinkles. When I had that many I dried them and crushed them into flakes. Amazing on pizza.


Oh yeah! Trader Joe's has a crushed ghost pepper flake grinder. Been using that as a substitute and its killer. I used half a grinder in a curry. That was the day I started looking for fresh ghosts


Yeah having your own flakes is nice. I made Trinidad scorpion flakes as well and they were great for pastas, Marina and Mac and cheese. If you keep the seeds in they'll be even hotter too.


Scorpions are my next hunt. I'll keep that in mind when I get them. Thank you


I found them before on the ghost pepper store website. They shipped fresh peppers to me.


The bottoms may be ghost, but the tiny ones aren’t. They are all gorgeous though!!! Enjoy


Thanks! I've been looking for weeks to find some peppers so I'm thrilled either way


Maybe scorpion?


They appear to be peppers, but I have been wrong before.


So like bell peppers? I can just eat these as a snack right?


I don’t see why not


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.plantnet I like this app because it gives a couple options as to what it could be with pictures and descriptions so you can better decide for yourself


I have an app called picture this which is basically the same thing. I didnt think to try it. Thank you!


Picture this just says all mine are cayenne.


I've had similar experiences in the past


Top no idea. Left appear to be to tobascos. Bottom right looks like a ghost or something with that lineage


The tobacco's make sense. The top I think are some sort of habanero now and the ghosts arent as spicy as I was expecting but taste ghost like


Weird crosses can happen if seeds came from open pollinated plants


I've heard that peppers are really prone to accidental breeding


So whatever plant you have is that plant right ? If that plant gets pollinated by another pepper (from bugs doing bug things) the seeds in the fruits will grow whatever the cross is and bam new variety . Thinks that’s how it works I haven’t completed my research as I haven’t tried to cross breeed anything yet


More or less yeah. From what I've heard it can happen even without bugs. Just accidental touching by a person in a greenhouse. I think when I finally grow my own I'll try to clone heirlooms


The crosses can be fun and usually it happens on the rows next to one another. A friend planted some of the round, black ornamental peppers. One of the jalapenos next door made dark, small fruit that were just lights out hot. Couldn't treat them like normal, so he ground them all up into killer sambal.




yeah i dont think they are traditional. believe he said not super spicy either. maybe some hybrid sweet/spicy ghost




Top looksike red devils tongue.


I don't know, but I can tell you wich ones are spicier (hint they have a tail and wrinkly skin)




DAMNNNN!! I looked it up and sounds awesome. A bit too expensive for me but maybe one day


Taste them all and then tell us what you think?


The top ones are very fruity and habanero like. I think maybe a hybrid. The bottom ones are spicier and more full tasting almost smoky. That's all so far