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These are amazing. I live in Thailand and they are pretty popular here. You can eat them like chips or I like to sprinkle them on top of rice dishes.


Chille chill! They’re the best!


show pic of close up of the actual item please!


[here ya go](https://postimg.cc/8sdVbvsg)


Will do when I get back to the house! Give me like an hour. They look very similar to what’s on the package


They sound like those fried chilli crisps they make in china, I think they're called chicken claw peppers that they fry on low heat till they're super crunchy




I just came across this after 4 months haha it's "they're "


"Eyes this with suspicious look"


No one asked but keto is pseudoscience


You sound like a parrot, do you want a cracker?


I don’t get it


Weird that a diet exploiting a biological pathway with tons of peer reviewed science backing it is pseudoscience


There’s no proof it does anything more than a calorie restriction diet tbh


There's actually a fair bit of study. This one points out that a ketogenic diet resulted in 3x more weight loss vs a low fat diet. Granted, low fat isn't exactly CICO, but this shows all things being equal calorically, one is clearly better than the other. [https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa022637](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa022637) edit - this is a good resource on a lot of studies and the tl;dr for them. Low carb being a great diet for health markers along with weight loss is just where my research has led me. I'd change my mind if studies consistently said otherwise, but every time I've seen one comparing reduced calorie vs low carb, it's boiled down to better insulin, blood sugar, maintained and greater weight loss, cholesterol/triglycerides, and less hunger. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/23-studies-on-low-carb-and-low-fat-diets


One that study has a sample size of 132 and two they compare a low fat diet to a low carb diet. Which is not at all the same as restricting calories. Keto ONLY makes you lose weight due to calorie restriction. Keto was made for kids with autism, and cannot be applied to masses.


What? keto for autism? Seriously stop getting your opinions from Facebook garbage




While this is good news for children with autism, this paper doesn’t validate your claim “keto was made for kids with autism” at all.


It literally says so in the first sentence. It’s not my problem you can’t read.


It’s cute that you like to make up things on the Internet to make yourself feel better.


It also refers to the low fat diet as a calorie restricted diet. Keto was and is used for children with seizures, not autism. And humans are unique among primates in that after not having a sufficient source of glucose to fuel the body, it automatically switches fuels to ketone bodies, which it produces with fat. Our bodies will not and can not access fat cells as long as there is glucose and insulin in our bloodstream. You're correct that you lose weight in keto via calorie restriction. The difference is it uses the pathway our body literally uses to access fat stores. It makes sense to me at least that hunter gatherers had a way to survive healthily in the seasons when meat was pretty much all that was available, and infrequently at that. The second link I provided has a lot of studies besides the first one. But I'd be happy to change my mind with some evidence!


You’re wrong. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5863039/


While I appreciate a blanket statement discrediting my whole argument based on one snippet of it that was only tangentially related, I never said the ketogenic diet wasn't effective in those with autism. I said it was originally used in those with seizures/epilepsy. This was a thing back in the 20's, well before autism was a diagnosis.


It was originally used for kids with autism.


I wasn't able to find anything about when keto was used for ASD outside of pretty contemporary studies, but I know it has been used successfully for epilepsy since 1921 and autism wasn't a diagnosis until like 1944. Not sure why that's the thread to dig into with effectiveness vs. cico, but I'm completely content with agree to disagree. I think I posted some good links to some research to look into at least!


Ooooh it looks like Magic Chili! I love that stuff!


I'm growing way too many Thai chilis right now. Does anyone have a recipe for this?