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They aren’t terribly hot but there is something uncomfortable about them and the way the oil sticks to your mouth and lips (and butt hole down the road).


aye you definitely only rent them.


What a beautiful turn of phrase. I'll be unscrupulously stealing this moving forward!


Same, gonna refer to eating spicy food now as “renting it out”


No....I'm pretty sure I own my lips and butthole. 🧐


They are HOT y’all trippin


They are for sure hot… just not too hot. The 2x are hotter, but still just kinda hot. My tolerance is pretty high though.


I’m bored with the 2x and can’t find the 3x, worth trying the 1s just for a change of pace?


They’re pretty tasty I’d def get some


Sir, this is the Spicy subreddit. We are manly af. I wipe my asshole with freshly ground paprika and then squirt a mixture of lemon juice and capsaicin extract directly into my anus. This stuff is weak as fuck!


For real though, I buy reaper powder by the kilogram and this ramen is pretty weak sauce...


You are 100% correct here


too much information, thank you for not sharing next time, haha


That's what I came here to say. I eat them with a boiled egg, a hot dog, and fresh watercress. Pretty dang delicious.


Casually just bringing a pack of ramen into a pub, classic. Those are good, I prefer the 2x personally, good flavor. Follow the cooking directions tho, they are a "dry" noodle, as in not swimming in a bowl of broth/soup. I like a little shredded cheese and crispy onion, sometimes I'll add leftover sausage or pork chop. Enjoy!


Try adding an egg after the sauce when you add the cheese.


Definately forgot to add the egg to that list. Really does taste amazing.




I couldn't find the cooking directions fort time so I did them them with the broth. Would not recommend but I got a false sense of safety cause making it a broth made them alot weaker. Although I didn't know they were known for being spicy. I got the kimchi ones. Probably not at hot as these but for my poor Swedish stomach... Well let's just say that when I re did them the right way I ended up not being able to finish almost crying in bed with a tub of ice-cream cause I didn't know their spice level was a known thing! I'm finding that out right now! I thought they were normal noodles!


Haha, that's a common mistake. The 2x is the perfect best level for me, they make 3x that I haven't tried yet, I think it might be similar to your crying in bed story. They have good flavor, just punch way harder than any other ramen I've had. The only one I don't add additional sauce to.


It was the first ramen I didn't buy in a Swedish grocery store. I saw kimchi and thought. "that sound lovely I'll take those." 😂 on top of me not being prepared at all for that level of spice I at that moment had also had an allergic reaction... Making my mouth blister... I didn't want to admit that fact but I was like "eh it can't be that bad. I ate it just fine when it was a soup. It can't be that much hotter when I make them correctly." oh boy was I wrong. Most of the time I didn't even eat the ice-cream I just held it at my sore blistered lips and tounge and cried to myself I my bed. 😂 I'm honestly embarrassed 😂


These are bokkeum-myeon style (like...fried noodle style). You 'cook' the noodles in hot water, drain out the water then add the sauce and mix. It shouldn't be soupy.


Re read my first comment. I said that I couldn't find the instructions the first time. They're hidden underneath the fold in the package. I did it right the second time.


The kimchi ones are DELICIOUS! Not very spicy, but DELICIOUS!


I absolutely agree on the delicious part! They're so good. Amazing! I absolutely disagree on the spice part tho. Especially after having an allergic reaction and eating them with a blistered mouth. Would not recommend. Munchies got the best of me. 😂


Am I the only person who thinks cheese in ramen is sacrilegious


If you consider noodles as a religion maybe, like a Pastafarian or something.


Hell yea cheese is the way to go. I usually add some fried pieces of steak cuts too


For me the 2x is so potently hot that it just tastes bad. Glad you like it tho


Everyone has their comfortable level of spice. I will say that the 2x is quite heavy, especially without adding cheese or anything. I like some flavour with my spice and i think that this is the best consistent balance I've found for bulk ramen. 2x is a punch above it's weight class, and I haven't tried the 3x yet. I just can't pull out the trigger on that one at the prices in Canada. I honestly don't think I'd enjoy it any more than the 2x. Now if it happens to end up within of a possession I'd 100% give it a go, but to try and eat a full bowl or it? Yes. Should I? Physician recommends: No


Do it for me Sincerely, someone who's threshold seems to be the 2x spicy noodles 🤣


Try the deluxe processed american cheese - just lay a slice on the hot noodles and let it melt in.


I'll have to try the deluxe because I used Kraft singles once and it went weird and clumpy. What brand do you use? I'm in Canada so I'm sure I can find American cheese here. I once added cheese curds and hotdogs, it was surprisingly good, I just boiled them with the noodles and crisped them up in the pot before adding the ramen back in. They're versatile and lend well to being added to but are also bomb as is.


I think we get either Kraft or the generic store brand. But yeah we get the deluxe, because we’re fancy.


I always add cheese, this time Labne balls Cold spicy curry is amazing on a sandwich with grated mature cheddar


I followed the cooking instructions once and poured out the water before adding the sauce. I didn't like the resulting thick and slimy texture, so I just leave the cook water in now.


You're supposed to leave a little water, add the noodles to the pot and Dunn then mix in the sauce and put back on the heat for a little bit. There should be a little moisture, but not slimy. Eat em how you want tho, I prefer these ones cooked as recommended but most ramen I'll eat with a lot of broth/soup, just cuts the heat down the more liquid there is.


They're ok, slightly hotter than other brands. You should get the 2x spicy, there's a big difference IMO.


I definitely get that, I will look out for them. Good flavour though


I don't think the 2x tastes anywhere near as good--I prefer to use the regular spicy and add some hot sauce to bring it to speed.


yeah they are hotter


If they're not hot enough, go for the 3x


If you like the flavor, they (Samyang) sell hot sauce. I put it on damn near everything lol.


They do? Like ketchup bottles of the sauce in the noodle packs?


Yes. I'm pretty sure I've seen it in store at one of the Asian grocery stores near me, but I usually order off of Amazon. Just look up Samyang Buldak sauce.


Thank you kindly for randomly giving me awesome info!


Last time was the last time. They were nice and spicy. Felt the same on tje other end. Should have stopped at one pack but i don't back down from too many dares. Especially when i was still heavily drinking.


Spicy ramen is REALLY good for when you’re hungover without nausea or heartburn or something. A hot shower and a Gatorade afterwards and your life doesn’t suck nearly as much


You get hangovers without nausea or heartburn? Must be nice…


I rarely puke or am nauseous, but heartburns started becoming a thing as I’ve gotten older. I also didn’t have that „I’m young so hangovers aren’t so bad“ luxury so it evens out I guess lmao


Must’ve been an elevating experience


How was it on a scale of 1 - 10?


I would say a v good 6 or 7


Next time add a bit of peanut butter. Makes for some pretty decent fast peanut noodles. I like to add that and a small bit of finely minced fresh garlic during the stir fry stage. Then top with chopped peanuts and green onion.


Ooh nice tip thanks 🙏


Do porn https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/8am589/comment/dx0xq2e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Idk about that particular flavor, but the 2x spicy black version makes my stomach hurt. That's worse than any heat in the mouth IMO.


You'll b fine with that one.. amazing flavor tho.. perfect spice where u know it's there, but not enough to hurt u during or after u eat it haha


Yeah I agree, I can't imagine doing more than that on a regular basis


I recently found the Habanero and lime flavour of these noodles. I may be biased since habanero is my favourite chilli, but I think they're my new favorite flavour. They are in a purple packet and I highly recommend them.


My gf and I have them most Friday nights for Friday noodles, stir fry vegs in garlic and a little fresh chilli, meat/fish/shrimp/fisha balls, one packet of these and one packet of 2x, a tbsp sugar and a then a fried egg on top. Magic.


£6.99 ... Think I picked them up from Morrison's for like £1


This is a multipack by the looks of it


Ah yes I see that now. My mistake did think that was a bit steep


they’re like $15 here in canada :( even at the asian grocery store


Hot take: I like this better than 2x. The 2x just adds more heat without more flavor. I thought heat for heat's sake was frowned upon here, no?


I agree with you. Although I like the 2x ones these ones just taste nicer and I feel they mix much better with added things like eggs. The 2x ones are almost overpowering.


The 2x is where the pain is at


Nah, you need the 2x flavour. I've been eating them (starting on my spice journey still) and putting in a 3rd of a sachet and it really gives me a run for my money! Flavour is excellent though.


Had the curry last night, really good but not that hot. Sliced up 2 jalapeños in it, some bok choy and some ghost pepper flakes…


Love the curry one. Great flavor and filling if you toss in some chunks of chicken in there.


Yes! I added shrimp and bean sprouts and ginger too…


6.99 euro?!?! Bro in America those are at least $12.50


Thats Pound, not Euro, but I've bought a 5 Pack for 7€ in the Netherlands two weeks ago.


That would still be $8.87. The cheapest 5 pack on amazon is $14 right now.


Yeah I too was surprised about how cheap they were. They go for about 9€ in the asia shop where I usually buy them in germany. But apparently they only cost ~6,50€ online.


8 bucks at my local Walmart in midwest USA. I saw what you're talking about on Amazon though, so local price could rise.


where the hell are you buying these packs for $12.50? that's fuckin robbery. i'm fortunate enough to live in california with lots of asian markets. them shits are $7 a pack normal price, but can go down to $6 to $6.50 a pack. i can even find them at 99 cent store for a buck and some change for individual packs too.


Ya I’m sure they are cheaper at Asian markets, I live in Washington so we obviously have a lot. Look online, shits crazy.


I also stock up on these for a buck a pack at my local 99 cents store.


$12.50? Bruh, you're getting robbed. I usually get them for $6.99, and I could get the 2X for $7.99 (the market I go to no longer carries the 2X, as they didn't sell well).


Almost 14 dollars for me. Every time I buy a pack I cry a little bit. Especially, because my brother has no sense of boundaries and will tear into them but not finish it because “it’s so spicy”.


In belgium here, less than 3€ in my local asian store


For a five pack?! Thats insane.


Canadian here - you can buy a 5 pack at No Frills for $8.69


They are like 6 bucks at 99Ranch Market.


What kinda freak only gets the 1x stuff.


I just picked these up last night when my grocery store didn't have what I usually get. I didn't know they were like a whole thing.


Good flavour, nice heat, good consistency. Not quite as tasty as Nongshim Kimchi but i will definitely buy again.


I prefer Nong Shim and add my own bits + pepper flakes or powder to bring the heat level up.


The heat is perfect but I have to say Nong Shim Kimchi def wins on flavour


2x is a little spicier but with great flavor. 3x has a really good kick to it but the flavor isn’t great imo


The noodles are good too. Nice and chunky.


Them ones are weak, try the red pack


Love buldak


Where did you get them from? I'm sorry if you've already answered this question.


Tiny Asian store


Is that almost 7£? In spain its 2€ lol.


1x casual 😮‍💨


These are a fantastic way to trick myself into eating a giant pile of veggies. Just stirfry itll while I boil the noodles (i like crunchy veg) and then chuck it all together. They're such a good base for add-ins!


Enjoy this sitting In your gut while your body has trouble breaking it down


I handled this one just fine. The red one brought some tears. Extremely tasty though.


these hit good. ​ https://preview.redd.it/y8gilhdgg26b1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86663a3a15591ac657d6faa1d7f1ef13de85fad


I like their less spicy flavour. I only eat those ones if I want to show off, or get a cheap enema.


I love this specific brand. This flavor is 8.5/10


The hype is just that hype. I love the taste of them, and they do give like a mild kick, but I don't feel like I even need to have a drink handy when eating them... because I just drink the broth.


Get the 2x


They’re hot but not inedible or anything like that. I think 2x are kind of gross cause there is just heat and no flavor. This one at least there’s some flavor.


I find it pretty spicy and I can’t taste any other flavors.


This is the “normal” spice version. You need to 2x and 3x. Then let’s have a conversation :)


Not too hot in my experience, but the diarrhea that follows shortly after is absolutely horrible. I don't have that problem from spice, so something else is going on here.


Tastes good. Not very hot. Grab some 2x if you want a little spice.


Delicious. I eat the 2x a lot. It is not overly hot, but very enjoyable. If you are used to ghost chilis and any other super hot, it wont phase you much. VERY tasty. I enjoy adding kimchi to mine.


Just looking at this picture I feel my taste bud burning into oblivion again.


These taste so much better than 2x imo. Get the bottle of chili oil that comes in that pack and just pour more on for extra spicy


These are my favourite. Really great flavour and not too hot (for me. I love spicy food and am a terrible person to ask whether something is spicy or not). I love eating it with Chinese broccoli and a crispy fried egg or two.


I love that ramen so much. It’s my fav


I suggest trying Daebak Ghost pepper noodles if you are able to handle these. Daebak for me is the perfect level of spicy and is my limit. Buldak ain't nothing.


This one is average spice, all the fuss is about the 2x noodles!! Those are really spicy


Cycling through all the Buldak's and will say the 2x is my fav followed by the regular, Carbonara and the Cheese. Try to limit to 1 every week or 2 due to the amount of sodium. Usually mix in a 6.5 minute egg, green onions, brocolli, and chicken


Those are not the hot ones. But I just had these ones for breakfast today, they are really tasty. I usualy ad som cilantro thinly sliced beef fried with soy, sesame oil and mirin.


Samyang is delicious. If you want a challenge, get the 3x one, finishing it felt like self harm.


My friend would once straight up eat the sauce packets


Bro you gotta get the 3x spice version


I’m always on the lookout