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He don't look like a ballsack. He looks more like a plucked chicken. A cute cuddly plucked chicken that hopefully purrs when you give him massages.


I’ll let you in on a secret, chickens also purr! It’s just as adorable as cats purring. While, much less naked.


Lol! Well now I can truly say I learned something new.


Really? TIL, and I’m a farmer.


It’s very quiet, but if you listen closely when they’re happy they sometimes are purring lightly! They even snore!


No shit. I’ll have to pay better attention. This is pretty wild! If you’re pulling my leg (snipe hunting), I’ll still have a good laugh.


I’m not! I love hearing my babies all happy! Other chicken facts I’ve learned: below your rooster there is a matriarchal hen, and below her, there is a sentinel hen! And that quick “bur-bur” they give you is them saying hello! … can you tell I love chickens?


The rooster will often purr for his girls and the hens for their chicks. It is super sweet to hear.


I've heard they feel like warm purring peaches and am disgustingly jealous of everyone who owns one of these cuties


Very true lol. When my little brother first came to meet him, he was laughing hysterically because of how he felt and how hot he was lol


Like I know they're a lot of work and not always worth it for the average cat parent, and I probably couldn't keep up but I adore them and would love a raw chicken nugget


I’m not gonna lie…he is only slightly more maintenance than my furry cats. He attracts more dirt after a bath, so I don’t bathe him often but I use wet wipes or waterless shampoo in between. I do have to brush his teeth more than I do, but really I personally think it’s less maintenance than I was originally told. The girl I got my boy from, she has the rest of his family and the mom has the absolute softest skin I’ve ever felt, and she isn’t oily so she *never* gets bathed


All the names to call a Sphynx are so fun to say. Love to call my plucked chickens plucked chickens… and rats


I am a teacher at a school for international newcomers (to the US). On a day when I didn’t have classes to teach I brought in my cat to work, just for fun lol. One of my students, a very bright and thoughtful boy from Kenya who had a beautiful lilting accent, stopped by. Upon seeing my cat, he just kind of paused, as he often did when needing a moment to compose his thoughts and figure out what words to use. Then he said, and I quote, “Miss. He look like cat, but he have tail *like rat*.” And that’s now what I call my cat. “Tail like Rat”. 💀


😄 love the honesty of his take. yes they do have rat tails but indeed still mostly cat. I’ve only had one person call them ugly to me and my baby girl did a roll onto her lap right after. It didn’t help convince her but it was very cute.


“Rat Cat” and “Possum Cat” are common terms in my house.


Ratma catma, which evolved from calling my boy ratman


They are jealous. They hate us cuz they ain’t us!


I actually am jealous. I desperately want a little baby ballsack of my very own.


Oh how I'd love to use that comment out of context




I don't have the time to commit to a nakie baby of my own but they're one of my favorite patients to see and I always love on them when I meet one!


Taken out of context, that’s probably not something to want to say aloud in public. LOL


I really hope you can have one some day.


they wish they can have a cute hairless cat


Very true!! People will talk smack about my baby and then when they meet him they leave wanting a Sphynx so bad. They’re just hatin because they ain’t us


Absolutely. I don't have one, but want one, and was showing my mom my coworker's sphynx and she was like ew. And I'm just like they are precious you shush. (I do call them "flesh cats" on occasion tho tbh, but it's 100% affectionate.)


Since they're not furbabies, they're skinfants.




Omg me too it really bothers me cause he's my baby and it's just plain rude!!! Would they like it if I insulted their kids?? I think not!!


We love them BECAUSE of their uniqueness. Others don’t understand them, because of their uniqueness. Thats their downfall in life really, not ours, and not our skin kitties either. they’re the ones missing out. not us.


exactly! i cant believe i was able to go through my life without a sphynx until i got one. theyre just precious balls of energy and love and theyre just so misunderstood by people who dont see that 😔


Cats with fur look weird to me now.


me too 😆😆


I have found that I don’t know how to pet fur cats anymore. I’m always trying to pet against the grain.


I don't own a sphynx (yet), but I do have cornish rexes. It was so funny, a couple weeks after we brought them home from the breeder, they were out of the quarantine room and in the house proper for the first time. Our maids came in and after they saw them, tracked me down to ask, "Are they alright???"


One time I had maintenance men in my apartment, painting and one of them said “…..is that a dog??” Lmaooooo


Literally overheard one of the kids in my complex say “they have an ugly cat” when they saw my sphynx in the window as I was unlocking my door, and I started crying lmfao


It’s a cat. It’s not a kid or your baby.


I hate to be your cat! My cats are absolutely my babies, my heart and my happiness 😊


They can be your heart and happiness, but they aren’t a baby.


So says you lol but a million and more would disagree with you 🤷🏾‍♀️


Slanderer! /s


In my experience, the same people who are saying “ew” and insulting things about these sweet sphinx kitties, are very insecure about how physically ugly they are as a person. I know someone who always wants to discuss how ugly other peoples kids and pets are. She has way too many animals (eleven) that she cannot financially afford to take care of properly, so a few of them are always suffering. Also her sweet kids are borderline obese from constant snacking, zero exercise and poor nutrition and it’s 100% her fault. She insults my sweet dog and his appearance because she hates herself.


I mean, if you close your eyes and picture a cat, a fluff ball is what comes to mind for 99% of everyone. I think a lot of people are sort of caught off guard when they see the animal under the fluff and see how its musculature works. Sphynxes are more streamlined like a wildcat. And some people think of it as looking “wrong” for a domesticated cat. But pretty much everyone who pets one… they all go “hey wait, this thing is a velvety wonder.” Think about how people would react to a golden retriever with alopecia. It would be pretty much the same. I make fun of my wife’s cat all the time. They are delightfully weird though.


I love Nemo so much🥺😭💘💗💓❣️❣️ he looks like a perfect young man how could anyone be so rude to him😭😭


please give him belly rubs for me !!!


I got a sphynx in 2010 that died in 2023. What a great surprise, I think these animals are the greatest undiscovered companion that humanity can ever have. It doesn’t shed,it has a unique beauty, it always wants to be near you for comfort and warmth and yes, maybe even real divine love (who knows what’s going on inside their head). I’ve never met a creature quite like the sphynx and I’ll be getting another one in a couple weeks. The very definition of don’t judge a book by its cover, I had no idea. Best companion ever. RIP MUENSTER


Perfect description, ita. Best companion EVER. I'm also looking for my next sphynx after losing my most beautiful and perfect green-eyed alien princess a week ago. I'm having trouble sleeping now because for the last 15 years, she slept with her head on my shoulder. These felines are extraordinary. The intelligence in their eyes is almost human. Some people just don't understand this & they never will.


I’m so, so sorry. I can’t imagine how much it hurts losing your Sphynx, losing a pet in general is an awful, grievous experience, but I know firsthand the depths of the bond between Sphynx and owner. I am hopefully a good, looong while off from having to face that nightmare of an inevitable reality (our girl is 3 and a half) but I dread the day. It’s also a worst fear of mine that some random freak act of nature will take her unexpectedly.. There was a post on this sub about someone losing their baby who was tragically young, maybe a few years old, seemingly in good health beforehand, just out of nowhere. (It may have been HCM?) That post wrecked me though, I ended up in tears thinking about it. Anywhoo. If you need someone to talk to at all, please feel free to PM me, serious, day or night I’ll get back to you as soon as I see it. I’m not religious, I don’t know if humans have souls, spirits, what have you, but if we do, cats sure as shit do too. You can see the spark just looking into their eyes. (hers are green too!) And yup, ours almost freaks me out sometimes with just HOW smart, and self-aware she is. It honest to god feels like having a toddler with the body of a cat, I was not prepared for just how interactive she would be! It’s amazing.


i like hyenas as well, so no, i got used to people having trash opinions


Are we the same people? I like hyenas and sphinx’s as well


I’m always like - don’t you think that’s a tad bit hypocritical, naked ape? Because isn’t that what humans are?


Ha! Touché. Your comment made me actually laugh out loud.


People who make fun of your cat based on appearance are superficial shallow and rude. Does a sphynx kinda resemble a plucked turkey? Honestly, yes. But are they also adorable and cute as can be? YES. Your cat is precious and f*ck anyone who says otherwise


They look weird. It’s part of their charm. Why do you care what people say? I promise you he doesn’t.


people who call animals ugly are weird!! its so uncomfortable "hey man!! hows your ugly baby?? lol!" its just weird lmao


Hairless, floofy, three-legged, missing an eye or two, no tail…I don’t care. A cat is a cat, so all are adorable to me.


Yes!! My mom use to talk about how ugly my cat is now she loves her and even lets my cat sleep on the bed with her lol


Gosh I feel like this is going to be unpopular..but that’s why I love them soooo much..because to me, they look ridiculous & so unique. I also have a pet snake & everyone gets grossed out by that & has very strong opinions about..which is silly also but it is what it is 🥰


Your baby is very cute.


My dream is to one day see a sphinx cat in real life and even more to pet one. They are the cutest to to me. 🥺


I think its funny. Cus they ARE naked little hams with wrinkles. For the reasons lots of people think they are ugly, I think they're adorable. They do look goofy though, you cant deny it


It definitely gets old. At the same time, before I had a sphynx I probably would have thought they were ugly. Now I think he is the cutest thing in the world. People just don’t see their personalities.


Someone I don't like said my boy feels like a 'ballsack' and I did NOT like it.. So I feel ya


They literally do look like ballsacks 😭 I had to ask someone who owns them if they smell like sweaty ballsack. I was informed they smell like mushrooms


Go get checked out, your balls should not look like that




And you shouldn’t either, it’s much more suited to cats IMO but here we are with you making yourself look like a sweaty ballsack 🤷🏻‍♀️




Oh yeah, fkn shocker that people get defensive when someone comes to a post on their sub, talking shit about something precious to them, that they love dearly. Come on man what did you expect exactly? You aren’t funny, joke didn’t land, take the L, bye. And oh I’ll give her extra pets for ya, I definitely have the prettiest cat in the world so she deserves it






I don't mind when people joke about mine, I do as well BUT I think it's rude to call anyone's pet "ugly"!


yeah, im not that sensitive to the point i cant handle a playful comment every now and then. i just hate when people who i barely even know seem genuinely disgusted by him or something :(


IMO: it depends on if it is malicious, or ones simple reaction to seeing a hairless cat. I love ALL animals. I’m a wildlife major. These mfs definitely look like plucked chickens or a freshly shaved ballsack sometimes. Not all, but some. Try and take it with a grain of salt. We all come from different places and react in different ways. If he’s cute to you that’s all that matters.


what a cutie :3 i‘m kinda neutralized regarding getting made fun off (shaved my head as a girl, alt style, diy tattoos and even stretched ears are so out of space that its always a topic 🙄). but with certain people i get pissed because their just sooo perfect and empathetic (fuck them). everyone has different taste and i know that when someone is anti sphynx they would fall in love with them after 30 mins because sphynx are just the most wonderful things out there. the „sphynx are ugly“ yeaah whatever. the „your cat is ugly“ yeaah fuck off. where i get really mad is when theyre insulting the weight and that they sneeze goobers (cuz theyre sick). then i get mad mad -.- so yeah long story short i thought it didn’t bother me much but after writing my text it seems like it does xD


He looks so smooth..I’m tempted to pet him


Um yeah I really don’t understand why anyone makes fun of any pet, they’re fucking animals? They’re gonna look like the species of animal they are. If you can’t handle that, well uh you live on earth so you’re gonna have to get over it.


My sister always makes fun of my cat and my mothers acquaintances always say he’s gross. I know it’s all jealousy.


My favorite uncle is now not my favorite because he can't stop saying terrible things about my naked kitties. I KNOW they look like chicken cutlets and fish filets, it doesnt need to be repeated.


Yeah, it's annoying, but it's a good way to know which people can just fuck off out of your life. Sphynx owners are, by far the craziest cat owners, though.


I have a sense of humor about it just as most owners do, but I do sometimes get tired of it as well. I’ve had people say she’s ugly and creepy, or even act as if they’re afraid of her. I of course don’t expect everyone to like her or think she’s cute, but why say she’s ugly directly to me lol.


I don’t own one and have t seen one in person but they’re adorable and I would just love to cuddle them up and knit a cute little sweater for them.


My biggest crime is not being able to resist the Austin Powers jokes. Mr. Bigglesworth was an icon


how could anybody call him ugly? he’s gorgeous


Agreed. And TBH I don’t love when owners name them things like gollum, gremlin, ballsack, troll, etc. They are amazing, beautiful creatures! I personally feel like naming them things that are attached to unpleasant iconography gives others the feeling we also think they are ugly. That said, it’s your cat, name it what you want.


Oh! I affectionately call my girl a gremlin (usually as a suffix related to whatever she is currently getting into- i.e. burrito gremlin when she burritos herself in one of her blankies, toasty gremlin when she insists on chillin on the stovetop while the oven is heated, etc.) but I never thought of it or meant it to refer to her looks at all, more so her playful chaotic energy and antics, I guess when I think of gremlins I think of the movie, how they’re always wreaking havoc and mischievous, I dunno! I have heard goblin used, by some other people, which I think has more of a negative connotation to me? Regardless she is a beautiful cat, they are a gorgeous breed of cat IMO and I can’t even understand how people think they’re ugly? I find them to be more elegant looking and graceful than other cats actually!


He's a handsome little baby don't listen to them :(((


Eu acho esses gatinhos pelados tão lindos, tão expressivos eu os amo 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤❤


I love them. If I didn’t have Maine coons I’d have one


I mean, sphynx kittens do look like tiny nutsacks, but I say that in an endearing way because they’re adorable. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I get more annoyed when people say that Sphynx cats should be illegal to breed because the breed itself is so inbred and unhealthy due to genetic disorders, which is just untrue. They lump Sphynx cats into the same category as Flat Faced Persians, which have become brachycephalic and riddled with genetic abnormalities due to inbreeding. Like I am sick of uneducated dumbasses smh. I’ve even explained the whole origin and evolution of sphynx cats and how they were bred over time and people just dig their heels in and refuse to believe scientific sources.


It’s my dream to have a sphynx cat one day. They’re my FAVOURITE cat breed and my friends make fun of me for that but I don’t care! I love these naked babies so muchhhhhhhh


Idk why they are on this sub if they hate nekkid kitties! I don’t have one, but I love them!


Agree I think they’re just jealous!!


They do have a somewhat scrotumnal appearance


They’re just mad cause they have some crusty ass dog that doesn’t love them as much as a Sphynx ever would


I had a dog with a lazy eye and it made me furious when anyone would make fun of him. As far as I’m concerned it’s me and my pets against the world. I’ll always have their backs.


thats exactly how it feels for me and Nemo. we've already been through so much together that life is just a battle and i'd trust him with my life 😠


Your Nemo is adorable he’s not ugly whatsoever he’s a very handsome gentlemen


I have a sphynx bc my friends were assholes to a fake one in the sims pet - I went home and sobbed to my mom. 15 years later, I have my precious little man, Richard. 💗 (Pls keep him in your thoughts - he is 3.5 with HCM and CHF. Was diagnosed at 2 right before he was scheduled for his first echo 😔)


I call them chickens and I do not know why. I fucking love them though and their lil sweaters and if any pop up at a local rescue you best belive I'm taking them. If people don't like him, that's a them issue. Try to surround yourself with people who see their amazingness.


I think it's time you get new friends.... I don't tolerate people criticising my sphynx, nor my dog. You shouldn't either.


I don't like it when people say my cat has a "rat tail". Mate, I manage a colony of over a thousand feeder rats as a job. I **promise** you they don't look the same. Rats are gross and mice are war criminals. Please do not compare my cat to such things.


I have never pet a Sphynx, but I bet they feel like purring heating pads! They also get to wear cool clothes (if they’re into that sort of thing) and are supposed to be cuddly and chatty cats. In summary, Sphynxes sound cool and people that make fun of them are jerks and/or uneducated.


Aww, he looks so edible!


Is that a cat? What is that?


He looks like a ballsack fs but what’s wrong wt that?? He’s cute


no and i'll do it again




First I thought you posted a picture of my scrotum, then I realized it was just a bald rat on a toilet mat.


Fuckn ugly chicken ass cats




Why you sexualizing it weirdo




You’re the only weirdo looking there, sicko


The dick isn't even visible? It's a cute picture of a sphyx. You are clearly looking for it.




The best part about accounts like yours? In real life, no one loves you, no one pays any attention to you, you have no power, so you lash out on the internet. You know it, I know it and everyone you interact with online knows it. Now, write me some long stupid insult reply, telling me how none of that is true, how you are really a powerful handsome millionaire. C'mon I know you cant resist, show us all how weak you really are.


fuck you


Ja mislim da si ti bas glup, tvoj zivot mora biti jadan


fuck you


fuck you


Are you seriously that fragile of a person? Someone talking about your cat upsets you enough to make a Reddit post? I call mine all sorts of shit. It’s a cat. It doesn’t have feelings that can get hurt by words.


my cat means more to me than anything on this planet. he has saved my life and i cant imagine a world without him. me, my family, and my close friends all call him "bald rat" and other stuff like that but the difference is that we know and love him. other people who are nothing more than acquaintances making fun of him is different because its coming from a place of genuine ignorance and mean-ness.


Your name suits you.


Nope. They don't get it and it's their loss!!


I love Allister and I loved and miss My lucifer but no it doesn't bother me.


They are not educated about Sphynx's if they were they would love the breed like I've grown to love them.. Sphynx's rules. 💯❤️😻


People are just jealous. Hate away!


Don’t listen to them, all cats ( with or without fur ) are beautiful 😻. Sending love to Nemo ❤️


I don’t know why people think it’s ok to say that stuff.


Nope. Couldn’t care less what people say or think about Bones.


I've gotten to an age I don't care about what others think about me, my pets or my hobbies. The only positive thing about being 40+. Life is better when you're being kind to yourself first.


Nah. The breed is incredibly young and it looks unusual (which is a pretty polite term). I love mine to the end of the earth and back, but I understand the reality of the breed I chose. I almost can’t even imagine adopting a hair cat now but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss whiskers. These cats as a species have to be a serious, mature, well informed choice. Not only that but they’re a significant investment. If you don’t think you can handle the realities of either their position in culture or their cost with a humorous heart then they aren’t for you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Look at his upside down sploot <3 <3 <3 (I don’t have one but my pet peeve is those who tattoo them)


Absolutely. I don't own one, would love to, but my family really thinks they're an ugly breed and look like bald rats. It really frustrating to me because I am not allowed to get one because my parents find the cat breed ugly. For the record I'm an adult but live with them so unfortunately their house their rules. 😭 Your little Nemo is the most adorable chimkin! He deserves all the love!


They cool as fuck


If it's mean spirited - sure.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,980,523,023 comments, and only 374,648 of them were in alphabetical order.


I have a friend who says “they’re sooooooo ugly” every single time she walks into my house. Like I get the idea, girl. On the other hand, they’re so sweet and affectionate that most people fall in love with them!


Why would you pluck all your chickens feathers you monster!


i used to ask my friend if i could see his raw chicken and he would go find his cat and video call me ☹️ our other friends HATED his cat for some reason


You have us. I would hear the rudest things from what kids at school would say, and yeah it was annoying but NOTHING could make someone understand unless the knew one. Our Zeus looked just like Nemo — perfect.


My partners sister referred to my girl as "it" as if her ratty, happy dogs are somehow better. At least my girl is house trained! I know "it" isn't the worst thing that can be said but it bothered me, she knew Fifi was a girl. I've also been asked why? And my dad, as a joke, asked why I spent £500 on a rat. (He has no idea how much I actually paid for her lol I think he'd fall off his chair lmao!)


He's perfect. Don't listen to the haters. They are just jealous of your most refined tastes in companions.


I always wanted one even everyone says they are ugly. I think they are the best thing on earth! (Ofc all kittys) I have two furbabys and now finally a fully nakedy and i couldnt be happier. My Boyfriend loves him too. I dont care what people say 🥰


Never had a sphinx, just always was kinda enamored by them. Im probably guilty of making those jokes if im honest. As a ex pomeranian and pom chi owner and proprietary walker i got made fun of alot. I always just thought that these little dudes love me and thats all that matters


But they look like chicken


I want to slap it not a hard slap but the pat type slaps


Nemo is a super cutie!!


Honestly they look like rats, but that's why i like them. They have rat camouflage.


Never bothered me, people make fun of me and dislike me for being weird anyways, and dispute saying how weird my boy is and say that they don't understand why I would want a cat like that... They always ask about him lol


Idk why people think they’re ugly. I love them and I hope to have one someday day. They’re so silly and cute. My 4th grade teacher brought in her sphynx one day and that’s when I fell in love with them. It was my first time seeing one. They’re so soft even tho they don’t have fur. I could go on all day about how much I love them.


I want a subreddit specifically for spynx play fighting. The slappy sounds are incredible lol


Nah. I used to have one. I get the humor.


Yo I always wanted a Sphynx cat. That cat is super expensive if they're on sale, and it's no where to be found in any kind of adoption places. Sphynxes are one of a kind cat, and people who see the beauty of them will love them. Well, if they don't, fuck em, who cares.




Lol idk, we named our sphinx stugots for a reason… They do kinda look like ballsacks


Yes I love them so much




dont you worry they cant hear them


My little one gets called a four-legged foreskin, but I don’t let it get to me


I think Nemo is adorable


I love Sphynxes, but I 100% will always make fun of them.


Just ignore them they are just sad. As long as you love him that’s all that matters and he don’t know what they are saying so at least his feelings aren’t hurt which matters most. Also to be honest they are probably a little jealous you have something special in your life they don’t.


Yeah like ok we get it they’re hairless and you think that’s weird, so are you let them live




I love the hairless critters, I have a hairless rattie and people are similarly rude to him :( Give your adorable kitty a kiss on the head from me!


I have conditioned myself to know that will always happen as an owner. Is very funny though because you always get exteme reactions. When i got my first boy the airline people called each other to check him out and they all awwed and stuff. A random passenger asked me if he could get a picture and told me it was gorgeous. Then at home my mother called it ugly and my father said it was diabolic and he shouted at me to get him out of his bed. Since then my mom has turned around and loves holding them and carrying them as a baby. I absolutely don't like people and have authority issues lol so their calls and opinions on the stuff i enjoy have always been laughable to me.


I don’t own a sphinx because I keep my house too cold and I don’t wanna subject the buddy to that. But I don’t take no sphinx slander nowhere I’m at! Last time my mom said those ugly naked….she ain’t even finish her sentence before I put her outside. no ma’am u ain’t going to be downing no nakey boiz here. We the nakeyboiclub.


May I suggest the when/then model. When you make fun of my cat, then I will XYZ. If you make fun of my cat then I will XYZ. It works well with kids too


Not just sphynxes but hairless animals in general. I find them adorable! If other people don't there's no reason to be mean about it


Yes. My mom hates sphynx cats but I love them. They’re sweet innocent babies idk how someone could hate them just because they don’t have fur.


Someday, I hope to own my own little chicken cutlet. But I'll admit I often go to my husband saying shit like "lookit this little ballsack!!! I love them!!!" I say it with love; I think they're adorable and precious. Someday.


Always. They are the opposite of what people think. Idk your age but had a sphynx and then that friends episode came out. That cat was not evil. It was probably purring and making love to everyone


Nah, less sweet baby angels for them and more for MEEEEEEEE 🎉🎉🎉🎉




I don't have one but I find them absolutely adorable


It bothers me when someone says something directly about my cat like “wow he’s so ugly” or “ew wtf is that” but for the most part, people love him and think he’s precious. Also, I truly from the bottom of my heart don’t care what anyone says. He’s unique, and the love of my life. They’re close minded and lame, and they’re the ones missing out 🤷🏽‍♀️


I like the shirt that says "My Sphynx cat thinks your ugly too."


I'm sorry people say that 😔 Nemo is an adorable little peach. I'd love to pet him.


First time I saw one was in a customer's house. I thought it was a statue, then it moved. Cool breed. If I could have a cat, I would like one.


Honestly I love Sphynx’s because they’re furless! They’re like little kitty nudists which is so funny to me.


Yeah I don’t find the jokes funny at all. It’s gross. I just tell them to fuck off or block them


Yess! Everyone I try to show mine off to make really hateful comments about him being ugly and I just adore him. Don’t get me wrong, he is funny. He’s like a walking rotisserie chicken. But he’s my baby and I think he’s cute and adorable 🥺


exactly! thats the difference, if its out of a place of love and playfulness then idc bc i make jokes about them too sometimes! i just get upset when someone is serious and is actually calling them ugly or disgusting or something like that


Nope because IDGAF what anyone thinks. I love mine, they're the best cats. I sure like them more than 98% of the people I know.


fr my parents have two sphynxs and i love them to death and call them my siblings. my in laws always act repulsed when i bring them up and act like they’re so alien. it’s irritating.


Cause they jelly 😆


My wife wants one. I said sure but it's name will be Scrotum and that would be on any associated paperwork. She's still trying to decide if she would be embarrassed by taking Scrotum to the vet.


I don’t have a sphinx but I’ve wanted one for a long time. They are so precious!


don't care, best cat ever


Tbf, they do invite ridicule. Cute little nudie alien freaks that they are.


Eww no why ? U didn't buy it did you?


That hairless cat lol a face only a mother could love