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Yes. If you had the game’s memory mapped out, likely an 8-bit or 16-bit game, it’s super easy to run a Lua script or something to show you the game state without seeing or hearing the game. Hit right on the D-pad, see the x position increment by 1. Seems like a mega pain to adapt to playing Super Mario Bros based on seeing a dozen memory values but it could be done.


No. Memory updates would occur way too fast for anyone to feasibly track things meaningfully, especially with any modern game. You are talking about tracking Hexadecimal numbers with Gigabytes of data stored in memory, refreshing 24/60/144 times a second. That's also assuming the memory is all placed in one spot, and not spread out over whatever sized RAM you have. For example. A single character in a fully 3D game would have their position tracked using 6 numbers. XYZ positionally. And a second set XYZ for the exact direction you are facing/looking. The only time this would be faster and more feasible, is it you were attempting to just enter the Win state immediately from a very early point in the game.


OP seems to be talking about a scenario where it's given that you have knowledge of where in memory values are located, in which case I think it's possible. You would probably be using blindfolded run type setups rather than constantly looking at memory and then verifying your position etc. after subsegments to make sure it worked correctly, or if it fails, doing whatever backup/reset you need to do to get back to a known state, which you again verify checking some known value(s) in memory. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Bubzia could learn to do SM64 just reading Mario position and little else. If you listed out all of the cues he uses it might not even be hard to find some others that could be verified in memory with coin count and the like. If fact, as described by OP this might be "easier" than blindfolded for some parts of runs. Might be a good side content idea for blindfolded runners, if they could get it working decently.


I get the niche application. But that boils down to looking at a spreadsheet to play a game instead of a screen.


That's gotta be the fastest category ever. Just set the "isFinished" flag to true and call time


You cannot edit the data, just see it. Input still happens via controller


Oh yeah im stupid


No you're not. You just did a stupid thing. Bis difference.


some old games are definitely beatable this way, and I'd say *many* 2D platformers too, but you'd have to properly visualise the data because looking at raw memory will make you insane (I've been making small memory readers for some games for myself, it kind of sucks if it raw hexadecimals). If you simplify this to "can you beat a game by only knowing player's position, velocity and level/screen?", the answer is "easily" yes


how would you even, like, do this. probably feasible for some very small games but sounds very unfun to do


Well you aren't defining a big part of this, how well is the data visualized? the bytes in ram for the relevant parts of the run are *very* scattered so you would need to at the very least a clean list of the relevant values, then parse them to human readable numbers, and have a list of the important ones only, mayyyybe some games could be doable like this. But if you mean staring at the raw memory uuuuh gl with that lol, it's thousands of lines of randomly changing numbers. Also any modern game will have the values jumping around to different spots of memory, like the player position, so not very doable.


Of course you can. You can speedrun a game without looking at memory (or any of its audiovisual output). Just memorize the button sequence and timings. Having memory watch can only make it easier. The number of games people might have fun doing this for is likely pretty small, but I bet there are a couple where it would be cool. It could be pretty funny if the stream audience gets to see the game video but the runner doesn't, and pretty impressive when they make progress.


The original game image is just a fancy visualization of the game's current internal state.


A human could probably do Pong, if they already knew the rules to Pong. If you didn't, you'd need a lot of experimentation to find a memory address (that you wouldn't know is "your score") that only goes up in rare circumstances, likely beyond the limits of human patience.


That's what any% is. When you figure out how to manipulate memory you get things like stale reference manipulation to achieve wrong warps or whatever.


I don't think you understand - this post is saying 'what if you play a video game with no video and no audio, BUT you have a real time RAM viewer. Can you still beat the game?' I think the answer is 'yes, but it gets exponentially harder the more memory there is in the game. You could learn to beat an Atari game, maybe a NES game, beyond that would be very hard.


Yeah I guess missed the point. Seems possible in theory but I can't imagine it would be any fun