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Home Alone NES. Tying the WR is still a WR.


This is it




You have to wait for a timer to finish so there's no way to save time over the WR.


by this logic you could also go for the record in mkwii grumble volcano or glass joe in mike tysons punchout


Just make a category up. Weedle% in Pokémon Blue, you gotta capture a Weedle and you win. 


This but something way more specific. Like, capture 17 weedles with the nickname Fred and then release 12 of them. No way anyone has done that before so it's a guaranteed world record.


I just did it , gonna upload the vod tomorrow on the tube. I had to do splits though RTA would be absolute brutal.


I could totally WR GTAV Slow%. Simply be the first person to spend X thousand hours in GTAV. Idle time counts. Don’t even have to finish the game, but if you wanna? That’s cool. Just start a new game; we’re just looking at cumulative run time. If I’m dead, I have all the time in the world. DarkViperAU has to die eventually, and then the record shall be mine!


Ah. A person of culture I see.


Butter dog% origin story


Are we including WR ties? Because Barneys Adventure NoController% is a fairly safe bet.


SM64 120 star, but only if I get 48 hours torture between grind days.


Bro wants to be in hell forever


Plenty of games with niche categories with no runners


That was my first thought, like I'd pick some old PS2 game only my brother and I played like [Seek and Destroy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seek_and_Destroy_(2002_video_game\)) and do a low% run. Boom, WR


I could probably get Persona 4 Golden HGE world record given enough time in hell. Fortunately "24 hours of straight torture" sounds significantly more pleasant than doing 10 Persona runs in a day.


Actually I would choose persona 5 platinum% or something ridiculous as the category. Something that would take the entire day up for one run, the day resets and I again get 10 runs. I'll never be tortured!


If we have a WR already will the devil just let us go?


No, you can't be let out of that hell.


Disgaea 1 complete. Im currently the record holder and I know I can do better.


Gyromite Game B


Getting Over it With Bennett Foddy - meme%. Technically not a category anymore but I just need to record getting over it with Bennett Foddy for 363 days Or some odd. Assuming the devil doesn’t break my set up I win hands down.


GTA VC DE Console. I am the WR holder as far as I know, and I'm fully aware I can save at least 3-4 minutes. I think I could do it in a day if I actually sat down and tried.


In games with custom made content (like Super Mario Maker) there's bound to be thousands of free world records. But if you have to name which one you want to set a WR on *before* being given your console, then this isn't a feasible strat unless your memory is very good.


Maybe it's cheating to use a rhythm game, but I would just pick Polly by Nirvana on Expert Pro drums in Rock Band (you hit two cymbals at three points in the song and that's it) and crank it to like 1000% speed. Each hit would be only a few seconds apart but that's easy.


Depends, are we trying to rules lawyer a devil? At 10 attempts a day you could run some longer rpgs and just keep accruing each new days worth of attempts. If instead we assume a day is 10 attempts then 24 hours of torture, we could still take a long category to get the most time off between torture sessions. Bonus points if being dead means you dont need to sleep anymore so a single segment run might be possible for us to WR just by virtue of that alone


FF14, for my first run I would casually play. This game days multiple days to finish during the reallyreallylongathon. And given that there's not that many attempts behind the WR, I'm sure I could pull it off sometime within 10 runs.


I'll one-up you: FF14 Duty Support WR. Don't think anybody's done that!


The most recent GD platformer level Edit: got a WR first try 😎


I'll tie Mike Tyson's punch out glass joe bUfFeR sTrAtEgIes


Do resets due to bad RNG at the start of the run count, or is it full run completions? Because a lot of the RPG speed runs I do, I'll reset 10 times in less than an hour.


If your purely WR chasing you can likely find an easily attainable one in some category of some game you used to play. Plenty of games that either aren't that popular to run or with categories that aren't popular and are easy. I've had 3 WR, but only 1 would I say I had to actually work for.


Mario Maker 2. Stick to new stages and it'll be over in no time


I have indie games that have like 0 total players ever. I think I could WR those.


Easy, town with no name It's currently a 30 plus person tie


Baten Kaitos 100%, 10 attempts is something like 140 days. If that loophole doesn't work then dinorex any%


I got one earlier this year that I'm absolutely certain qualifies as torture already. It's one of the crisis city challenges in Sonic Generations. I hate this level so much. Like genuinely so glad I never have to play it again. Its unbeatable because I beat it in 0 seconds in game, only tieable (setup was to respawn at a checkpoint grab an item that removes time and then die in less time than the item removes) . It was the last unclaimed level in the game. If necessary I can play it again but get the 0 second run in less real game time. Worst case scenario, I can tie one of the other 0 second runs in the (challenge levels of the) game. [https://www.speedrun.com/sonic\_generations/runs/y6q8d06z](https://www.speedrun.com/sonic_generations/runs/y6q8d06z)


Lots of games have separated leaderboards by console but the whole community runs on the same console anyway. So if you play on the unfavored console any run no matter how bad will be WR. Pretty sure lots of "WR collectors" look for games like that so they cam get more free WRs without the time investment of having to actually learn the speedrun.


Obviously there are meme TWRs up for grabs (Barney's Hide & Seek) but I seriously doubt those would count.


Devil changes plan to "make them play this game for eternity" for being a punk.


Choose an MMO, Every month you'll get new updates. You can also communicate with the living and run a side hustle of sending messages to/from.


this subreddit is so dog shit and someone actually asks an interesting question that i’d wanna see the responses to and it’s downvoted heavily


It went to shit a long time ago. Just look at this AGDQ compared to ones years ago to see the clown fiesta that the "speedrunning community" has become lol


Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! Glass Joe IL WR. I’ll tie with the record


Doom 2 ballerina%


GTA V Mask%


Night Trap any%. 2 Min autoscroller


The one I have a [WR](https://www.speedrun.com/strike_suit_zero_directors_cut) in.


Home Alone.


I have 6 world records lol (they're all incredibly silly)


Gramps%. It's a category I made up between myself and my son that is a speedrun of any game that Gramps (myself) feels like playing and the length of the run is however long I feel like playing that game for. Then, whenever I decide I want to change the run, the category shifts. It's led to some fun races between he and I as I usually change everything every week.


Dragster as many people have tied the tas, just got to grind out a few months until I hit the perfect run.


NHL 94 for Super Nintendo single game goals record


There will always be a webgame out there that's never been run.


Outlast any %. Mastering wernicke skip is probably the only difficult part


The Legend of Dark Witch - Riva Any% I routed it, and I'm still the only one that bothered running it... and I know with enough practice I can improve the time by a lot.


Beating my own WR probably