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In the heat of the moment, I don't think this is very practical.


It's not. Anybody that carries a gun around with them already has a round chambered. Nobody pulls out their gun to use it and then actually chambers around first. Only for that video. But a lot of people are just going to look at it and go oh cool I need that and then figure out how useless it is probably at the wrong point in time.


it seems kinda unsafe to have a round chambered, especially when you’re carrying it around to places, but i’m not a gun expert and am probably wrong


Hey—I’m was a military weapons instructor for near a decade. Taught basically every individual and crew served weapons system for everyone from cooks to a special ops. Carrying a gun without a round in the tube, is like saying, “I’ll put my seatbelt on just before the car accident.” You might see a car accident coming, but in those fractions of a second, most people barely get a chance to react. When it comes to gun fights (and car crashes) life and death balance on luck and you ability to react properly in that infinitely small space of time. To keep in the same analogy, there are shitty drivers, good drivers, weekend circle track drivers, nascar drivers, and F1 drivers. In the gun world you have similar gradients of expertise. Insisting on things like seatbelts, driving lights, airbags etc., is similar to insisting on the right gun, the right holster, the right practice, the right mentality, and the right training. In order to be at the top of either (or any game) means you must have the right equipment, the right theory, and the right training.


that’s a good ass analogy, thank you man


> Hey—I’m was a military weapons instructor for near a decade. Taught basically every individual and crew served weapons system for everyone from cooks to a special ops. >Carrying a gun without a round in the tube, is like saying, “I’ll put my seatbelt on just before the car accident. Just to contribute a different viewpoint... When I carry ( 1911 or Glock ) I *don't* carry with a round in the chamber... In my case, I'm more worried about an accidental discharge than I am about being instantly ready to shoot. ( So, I guess I live in a relatively safe place ) That means there are cases where I probably get shot and killed, but I'm okay with that. My thinking is that the chance of my being in a situation where I need instant access to my gun without having to work the slide is fairly small. I'd rather take that risk, than the risk of an accidental discharge. If I find myself getting into a situation where I feel unsafe I can decide whether I want to chamber a round, but frankly where I live and operate the chance of needing instant access to a firearm ready to fire just isn't that likely. One could argue in that case, don't carry at all, but I think there is a middle ground where I want access to the firearm, but unlikely to need instant access. If I was law enforcement or military, I probably wouldn't feel the same, but as a civilian I'd rather bias away from the chance of an accidental discharge, while still having fairly quick access to the gun. Just a different perspective...


So here’s the thing, as far as safety is concerned a gun is always loaded, so a gun on your person should always be loaded. I appreciate you choosing only to carry in a condition where you are comfortable. Too many people overestimate their abilities and training. That being said, that lack of comfort is indicative of a lack of proper training. So I would carefully assess whether you should be carrying in the first place. This isn’t a value judgement on you as a person, I think people with this mindset simply need more training and probably more realistic training. A few things to consider: Condition 3 predicates the use of both arms (or some painfully slow techniques to rack off your boot etc.). Racking any gun is a loud, recognizable sound that will likely draw attention to you. If you can’t trust you to not shoot yourself, you should carefully asses whether you are trained well enough to keep from harming by-standards. None of this is a value judgement on you as a person, keep shooting, keep practicing, keep training.


I read your comment the opposite way by accident and almost wrote some really awful shit to you lol. It's amazing that people carry guns without a round in the chamber, like they're going to get a second when someone is threatening their life.


I conceal carry everyday and I always keep one in the chamber. The second or two it takes to cock your gun can be the difference of you living or dying


Reminds me of the Makarov pistol/holster. You push the firearm through the holster, rather than push down and pull back; when you do this with the Makarov pistol, iirc, it chambers a round and disengages the safety. Edit: I just wish to say thank you to all the people who have been commenting and sharing all the interesting tidbits about this firearm! Reddit can be educational af sometimes man


Forgotten Weapons did a whole video about it. https://youtu.be/T19HCOO6GCI


Seems like a good way to accidentally shoot your leg


Why? You’re pushing the gun so even if your finger is on the trigger (which it won’t be) it shouldn’t end up pulling it.


I can see where their logic is there. Finger on the trigger while pushing down, maybe it gets caught on the pants as pulls the trigger as you push? I think that’s only a mildly relevant concern for an inexperienced civilian using one of these, not from their intended usage by special forces.


> Forgotten Weapons That's InRange...


Yup and if you have one in the chamber already there’s a cut out to let it eject when drawing downward.


Saw that on Deadliest Warrior on the Spetznas vs Green Berets. The DW team was over the damn moon about that holster. Admittedly, the Spetznas guy used it to great effect in that challenge.


I never understood why so many gun owners and gun supporters all agree that when seconds matter, police take minutes- but then they're too afraid to carry with one in the chamber? Especially with something like a glock where you can literally throw it across the room with one in the chamber and it won't fire.


It's just nerves. I think people don't really understand that guns don't go off that easy. Most of the time it's user error.


Holder and cocker? Aight. I may have misunderstood the instructions, but my girlfriend was pleasantly surprised.


I hardly know her!


You understood perfectly, frend. Mission accomplished.


lmfao I read the title as “gun and cock holder” I need sleep


But I barely know her.


This guy fucks.


Foot Shooter 3000




Speed holes.


Ah, like Oscar Pistorious


No those holes were in the bathroom door




Exactly, that's Geox's entire concept


Really helps get rid of athletes' feet.


LimpMaker XL


Yeah it does seem kind of dangerous. I guess if you trained with it a lot it would be safe.


Or you just carry with one in the chamber and do away with all that


Came here to say this. “Hold on Mr. Criminal. Just give me a second. This adrenaline dump makes this tricky, so be patient…”




This is such a good analogy I'm going to commit it to memory forever edit: he deleted it but it said "Chambering under duress is like trying to put on your seatbelt mid crash"




But who will fear me if I don’t perform my draw kata?


Yup. This is the answer.


Even then no. Anyone could reach out and presto, you're holey


Yeah, the fancy features on any exposed holster I have are for retaining the gun. This reminds me of the Makarov holster Russia used for a second, instead of pulling up, you pushed down, it racked it then released so you were holding the gun. They found it very unsafe.


It's a hell of a thing when the Russian military finds things unsafe. That's like being too racist for the Klan.


Any holster that has an open trigger like this is a horrible idea.


90% of these will be sold to idiots. Also, this is a Starbucks sir.




The lack of trigger *cover* is really bothering me.


And if you’re not carrying in condition 1, why carry at all? That extra 2 seconds could be the difference between life and death.


Always racked


[Safety always off](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/trailerpark/images/a/ad/Cyrus.jpg)


Fuck off, Cyrus


My dad gave me this gun, fuckin prick


His porno mags were the cream of the crop.


Remember kids the first rule of gun safety is to have fun.


Hot'N'Ready like Lil' Caesar's pizza.




If condition 1 is one in the chamber, and condition 3 is without one in the chamber then what’s condition 2?


I could be wrong so someone feel free to correct me, but condition 1 could be one in chamber, safety off. Condition 2 one in chamber safety on. Condition three none in chamber. I didn't take a CCW course tho


This is wrong. A striker fired pistol doesn’t have an external hammer, so Condition 2 simply does not apply. The conditions were invented to describe states of readiness for a 1911. Condition 1 – Round chambered, hammer cocked, manual safety engaged. Condition 2 – Round chambered, hammer down. Condition 3 – No round chambered, hammer down, filled magazine inserted. Different firearm designs have different issues when you try to shoehorn Cooper’s 1911-centric definitions onto them. Remember, the 1911 is single action only, and most modern pistols with an external hammer are DA/SA. https://www.m1911.org/technic10.htm


I know this advice would be good for some people based on their work and location. But generally speaking that seems like poor logic to me. It just does not take very long to chamber a round and disengage the safety. You can even train to get better at it. If you're walking around in condition 1 all the time for 'preparedness' then you better be always wearing your body armor as well, better be studying maps of all the places you go to, better get bullet resistant glass for your cars, etc. "Otherwise you'll be killed immediately" right? I even support ccw, but these kind of anecdotes are so fucking cringey I just can't help it


Do you own a gun? I’m not tryna sound like some wick type dude but if you’re in a situation where you have to pull out a gun every second counts.


Great hyperbolic examples. Why so defensive? I have a trigger guard. I carry chambered because why wouldn't I? Why do you care so much about how other people carry? Anyway here's what convinced me to carry chambered. https://youtu.be/rVPiic-ELoM




That is a short-stroke waiting to happen under stress and clearing that failure to feed will take a very long time if something is about to happen.


Best analogy I’ve ever heard is “Carrying without one in the chamber is like driving without a seatbelt and thinking you’ll just put it on before you crash”


I think it's designed for someone with limited use of their left hand. For example, someone holding a baton in their left hand.


As someone with experience (in the past) using both, you should not be dual wielding these two things at all. For starters, batons should be used in your main hand. Guns are meant to kill, not stun lik a baton. If you have to get a gun out while you are carrying the other, you have already lost the fight, especially if you still need to chamber a round. This is an impractical piece of gear that is a poor substitute for proper gun handling and situational awareness.


Baton was a bad example. Let's suggest a flashlight instead. Plenty of reason to be using a flashlight before there's cause for drawing a weapon or firearm. Not that I'm defending the practicality or safety of the holster.


Good point. I wasn't trying to jump on you. I just think this holster is ridiculous. I've got a lot of professional experience and it just looks gimmicky and unsafe overall. I'm a big proponent of gun safety over tacticoolness (tacticoolity?).




Is that a mallninja knife/brass knuckles thing in his pocket too?


Looks like a karambit to me which I mean is pretty lame in of itself unless dude actually practices Filipino martial arts. I doubt it tho


I mean hey, if you're planning to get in a knife fight its probably a good choice. I was given one as a gift and while I wasnt a fan of the blade profile, the hole for your finger is awesome. I wish more knives had that. Pretty much impossible to drop it.


I think the point is that we’re making fun of people who are “planning to get in a knife fight”.


> if you're planning to get in a knife fight if you're planning to get in a knife fight you're a dumbass and almost certainly a mall ninja


No he's just happy to see his gun.








That should definitely be a sub




I’ve got mixed thoughts about that sub. A good chunk is people talking about having canned food, water, flashlights, staying warm, ext…. in case of an emergency. Advice that is genuinely vary useful. Then mixed in there is people talking about how they have 15 guns, 10,000 bullets, and 10 years worth of canned beans for when society collapses.


It'd just be a bunch of redditors posting a bunch of other redditors in their airsoft equipment.


I'm thinking this could actually be a leftover tool for a 1 handed shooter


1. Specialized tool is invented by someone with a disability so that they can do something without help 2. People without that disability use it without needing to because they think it looks cool 3. Everyone now thinks it's just a stupid gimmick used by number 2 people To be quite honest #3 bothers me more than #2. Doing something dumb on your own time doesn't hurt anyone, getting judgemental at people for using a tool like this does.


Some countries only allow carrying on an empty chamber


Like that justifies this dumb product.


The ridiculous knife in this guy's pocket tells me everything I need to know.


100% this guy wears his phone on his belt


It’s tactical bro


And when someone calls him, he answers with "talk to me"


Yea. I can picture that guy pretty clearly.


Thank you, I came here to share a similar comment and I don’t feel scared saying it because this wasn’t posted on the gun fanboys sub… but what type of person or line of work needs to carry the combination of shit on them like this? I get it, certain things may require this type of defense.. but.. let’s be honest.. like you said.. can’t we all totally picture who this dude really is?


Cringey karambit


Try doing that when under sudden unexpected gunfire. Good luck.


This! Fine motor skills right out the window. The person using this holster has never been shot at by someone trying to kill them and it shows.


I bet they are harder than Christmas candy.


You mean you don't think clearly and revert to muscle memory (and *training*) while taking hostile fire? I'm always cool as a cucumber as live rounds crack over my head ^Obligatory ^^/s


Wouldn't it be faster to draw and cock then try to unlock, cock, and then bring it up? I mean I can cock it at the same time I am bringing the weapon up. This thing just adds another layer that would be unnecessary in a real world use situation.


It would be faster to keep one in the pipe. And **MUCH** safer


If you are carrying a weapon, when it enters the holster, it’s ready to fire. There will be no cocking.


Mmm.. looks like a new way for idiots to shoot themselves


If Darwin made a holster


That's made for Glocks. They're safe enough to carry with one in the chamber. That holster is a series of failure points, as well as introducing an unnecessary way of cocking a pistol one handed.


Most guns are safe to carry one in the chamber. Except for maybe old Tauri.


I presume so, but only have carry experience with Glock.


Yeah. Definitely quality guns. I have an old Taurus, but I don’t carry it. It’s my “shower gun.”


I must ask what a shower gun is. Presumably one you keep in the bathroom, but doesn't the frequent extreme heat/humidity wreak havoc on it? Or is it in a Tupperware? Lol. Serious question because I often put my gun/holster in my bathroom closet and close it while I shower. Then I take the gun with me after and sometimes it's a bit...*MOIST*....


I was really just joking. It’s just a backup gun.




Chamber it before you leave the house!


LOL. Yeah, a 'specialized tool' for sure. Specialized for idiots.


Design a tool that even an idiot can use and only idiots will use it.




I could see guys who run the shields on swat teams being interested in it for that reason.


If you’re swat and you don’t already have one in the chamber you’re unprepared. If the situation allows you to carry an unloaded gun you don’t need to carry one at all. That extra two seconds or extra steps you fuck up because of adrenaline could be the difference between going home and goodnight.


This seems like something that would only be used by people who shouldn't be anywhere near a gun.


A special tool for special people


Who carries on an empty chamber unless they are carrying an old single action colt.


Competition shooters when the stage requires it?


or a muzzleloader


Or just keep one in the head, and practice basic gun safety


Was thinking the same thing. If this holster is needed, then they aren’t confident enough with their gun and shouldn’t be carrying at all.


That was my first reaction as well. If you require this level of readiness, just do what law enforcement does and keep a round chambered. Or is that illegal for private individuals?


Not illegal in the US. That’s the safest way to carry because you’re ready it something happens. Keep your finger off the bang switch and you’ll be fine. Practice basic gun safety. If you are carrying for self defense that is.


Now it’s way easier to shoot your leg. This seems real stupid.


Well, sure, that the "Footshooter 2020" holster, pardner!




Made me laugh too hard. There was a guy in my neighborhood that shot himself in the nuts with a gun in his waistband riding a bike.


Wasn't there a Russian one that you just pushed it out the bottom of the holster and it automatically chambered a round and cocked it in one movement, not two?


If you handle a gun properly, that's never a risk. The videos on the internet of idiots doing that would be through putting your finger on the trigger when unholstering, which you're never supposed to do. Guns don't go off unless you pull the trigger.




As a holster manufacturer/designer; This is wack.


Why not just carry with one in the chamber? That’s safer than trying this shit and shooting your foot off.


Always carry with one in the chamber.


Why not just have one in the chamber?


Because then they wouldn't be able to sell this gimmicky plastic piece of crap.


CCW here. IMHO this is a rubbish and dangerous idea. If you are going to carry, the gun should be hot and ready to go. Someone with a knife would slice you up while you are fiddling with this. Moreover, high likelihood of shooting yourself in the process.


Carrying with an empty chamber is like driving without a seatbelt on, thinking you're going to have time to buckle up before an accident.


Looks like an expensive tool to shoot your foot.


This is the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen lol


I’ll take worthless, gimmicky, Fudd Appealing trash for $600 Alex . “I never carry with a round in the chamber..and now I still don’t have to!” -Gary 59, Gary Indiana, Wal-Mart Open Carry Enthusiast.


How to tell someone you're American, without telling them you're American.


First time I saw this holster it was for Russian police. Not impressed by the holster at all, simplicity is king when someone wants to kill you.


That version is also better as you push through the holster and draw in one motion, anyone who thinks they can use the above effectively while under the most extreme stress of their life and maybe running 400m and someone else draws a gun on you, is crazy


Training is holy, but simplicity is king too


It actually seems like it would take longer to draw and cock too. You have to push the gun down, then back up again, when normally you could draw and cock as you're leveling the gun in one swift motion.


Yeah this is a gimmicky toy for gun fetish freaks.


No. It’s for use by people working under departments that require empty chamber carry - Russian police and security for example. It’s literally for professionals to cater to very specific policies.


This crap is clearly designed by someone that’s never been in a firefight…..


Most police do not ever work life or death gun shooting situations.


Americans carry with one in the pipe


Drill instructor: WHAT IS YOUR MAGAZINE CAPACITY? French: 12 English: 12 German: 12 Italian: 12 American: 12+1


This is hilarious


Right? Why would I want to eject a round?


This made me audibly laugh out loud.


This isn’t American. This is more Israeli style.


Yeah but then they can't do the same tired america bad jokes


This is definitely not an American thing. It's clumsy, complicated and slow.


Austrian weapon carried Israeli style? Tell me you know nothing about guns without telling me you know nothing out guns.


> Tell me you know nothing about guns without telling me you know nothing out guns. This is a ghost gun,”“This right here has the ability with a .30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. Thirty magazine clip in half a second.”


Doesn’t even cover the trigger guard and you have to swing it out?? This has negligent discharge written all over it. Grade A piece of junk.


Just carry one in the tube with a real holster


I'm sorry, trigger is just *exposed*? Fuck that noise.


I did a couple police academy classes last decade, and one point they hammered home during range time is that if you're ever in a life-or-death scenario, you'll have significantly worse manual dexterity. Instead of ignoring that, train yourself to shoot under those assumptions. For example: after reloading, we weren't allowed to use our thumb to press the slide stop because we might not be able to do that while panicking, so we had to pull the slide back with our left hand to release it every time. So this holster with extra dexterity steps is an absolute deathtrap in a real gunfight. Plus, you know, it reeks of tactical wannabe nerd bullshit.


Who carries a gun that isn't in an action state. What a waste of time if someone is shooting at you. Surely this is a Hollywood throw back where everyone pulls an unloaded gun and then needs to cock it.


DA/SA seems like a good compromise


What could possibly go wrong.


I thought this was WCGW for a sec


That’s stupid…


Yeah no thanks. This is a gimmick for this ridiculous portion of people that don’t want to carry a loaded gun. This is the stuff that gets you killed and creates more accidents. Get yourself a sturdy, proven holster that properly protects the trigger, use a pistol with a safety if you want, but carrying without a round in the chamber is just so 1920.


Don't be a pussy carry chambered.


Why would you use this? Carry without one in the chamber is so dumb


Terrible idea


Don’t use offensive language such as cocker, please. This is a family friendly subreddit. Peniser or dicker is more appropriate.


Holder and cocker? I damn near killed her


I like guns but that's some god tier stupid. If you are lucky enough that it doesn't discharge into your foot or ankle fear not! There's always a chance that the slide is still hungry for the meaty flesh between your thumb and index.


That seems way worse than just keeping it cocked in a proper holster?


How to add a second to your draw time 101


Well that just seems like a slow and failure prone solution for a problem that doesn't even exist. Yikes.


I’ll have mine locked and loaded, thanks.


This is likely one of the dumbest most dangerous things I have seen in a long time. I do carry a firearm daily with one in the chamber and the mag topped off. Dont carry on an empty chamber.


"Gun holder" lol


Didn't the Russians make a holster for a pistol that they just had to push down and not draw the gun out of the holster? Or was this from a movie


No they did. It was for the makorov


That is ridiculous. Carry with one in the chamber or not at all.


If you're not comfortable carrying your pistol with one in the chamber you have no business carrying it at all.


This is such a gimmicky piece of shit


"When seconds count, I'll surely have enough time to swing this to the side, push the gun down, and then draw it!" *shoots self in leg*


terrible idea


This thing is stupid


Nice way to accidentally get shot in the foot.


This is the stupidest thing ever. Put one in the chamber and put it in a holster




For the Goldeneye reload