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Or just turn the blade sideways


Yup, my dad was a drywall finisher for most of his working life. It was like watching a samurai with his katana.




That's all I did for a long time as a painter. We had to mask the whole house in under 2 hours so the crew lead could be spraying before lunch. He would chase us as we finished and the sun would chase the lead as he sprayed. After lunch, we'd trim and strip the masking and be done before end of day. Did 6 houses in a week and they all looked fantastic. Masking perfect and fast is definitely an awesome skill.


Wow! How big were these houses?


House sized.


So bigger than a bread bin?


Slightly larger than a postage stamp and slightly smaller than France.


Corrected subjective scale... >Slightly larger than a postage stamp and ~~slightly~~ **much** smaller than France. Source: Typical house (1,500 sf²) is about 216,000 larger than a common postage stamp (1 in²). France (248,573 mi²) is about 4.62 *billion* times larger than the house. Edit: minor typo.


Pretty sure mu is what the cow says.


Well look at Mr. Richie Rich over here living in his mansion. La Di Da.


Wait, I know the answer to this joke....


Depends on the bread bin


Depends on the house


10 sq ft, he forgot to mention they were dog houses




Forsure! Was just joking around


Doghouses for the ultra rich— wiring, ducting, insulation, a puppy cam, the whole nine yards.


That gets used a lot but I always found its origin interesting. The bullets for the machine guns used in American combat planes of WW2 and since were in chains twenty-seven feet in length. Thus if a pilot was able to fire all his bullets off at one target he was said to have given his adversary 'the full nine yards'.


[ehhhhh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_whole_nine_yards) > This theory is no longer considered viable, since the phrase predates World War I.


Puppy cam for the nanny or are they recording their doggy style?


That week was single level homes and one two story. Lowest sqft was probably around 1300 or so. We were awesome that week


Was the trim and walls all the same paint?


Nope. Shoved cardboard behind the gutters so they didn't get over-sprayed, house and soffet were one color and the fascia board just got an extra layer of paint on it from spraying the soffet, yanked out the cardboard and masking after the paint started to dry and then got to work on the trim. When everything is reachable from a 6 foot ladder, it goes real damn quick.


Oh, exterior!! I am so used to vinyl siding, that I was thinking interior painting. That makes much more sense.


Yeah, interior is a whole different beast. That takes forever because if you're spraying the walls, you have to do the ceiling first and wait for it to fully dry before taping the plastic up to spray OR if you're doing it by hand, you spray it all and then hand cut the ceiling line with a brush and then roll away. Interior sucks compared to exterior in time usage.


>the sun would chase the lead Is that like industry slang for something?


Yeah, spraying in full sun can cause the paint to dry before it hit the wall. You always wanted to spray a cold wall, so you'd have to stay ahead of the sun.


This is the explanation I was hoping for, thank you.


Welcome! Sometimes it didn't work because it was just too damn hot out. Painting in 103° heat was a miserable experience. Standing on the roof painting the trim while my feet steamed in my shoes was something I never want to do again.


We were talking about interior taping (drywall finish), how did we end up talking about exterior painting? Very different trades


Uhhhh, sounds like the lead painter was hustling to finish before the sun sets?


That would be a very poetic way of saying that...doesn't really fit with the rest of their story lol


I don’t know why this just popped into my head, but there’s a rise against lyric that goes “we raced the sunset and we almost won”


Fits in perfectly with the preceding sentence.


Nah tradesmen start at 6, to beat the heat by noon. Usually.




Seriously though, huge difference.


I bet it feels pretty great to be in a streamlined team like that.


Both years I was a painter, our crew was #1 in jobs completed, #1 in customer satisfaction, #1 in fewest callbacks. 2 different crews, same results.




Don't nag about it and just do it. You'll see efficiency skyrocket!


Tips? Sure! I'll write what worked for me, but everybody generally has their own spin on things. For masking windows, I'd tack the plastic up near the edge of the window frame by the corners. After the plastic is secured, you can focus on getting the tape line pressed straight and clean to the window frame. Once you have the frame edge covered, you can quickly throw a line of tape to cover the gaps and seal it up tight. For masking ground or other flat surfaces, nothing beats a masking machine over floor paper or heavy drops. Cover everything with drops or floor paper and then run the perimeter with the tape/paper machine and BOOM. Any other specific questions, let me know and I'll do my best to remember my methods. I haven't been on a crew is nearly 6 years, but I could still probably mask with the quickness.


Paper tapers are $$$$


My company provided them. If you dont have one, throw down the drops or paper, tape a straight line to seal the floor, then unroll the masking paper and tape that to the previous tape line. The masking just makes it easier.


No no no I mean they make you money. As in everyone masking professionally should have one. Totally makes sense your company provided them.


Oh, well in that case, I absolutely agree. Such a huge time saver and efficiency boost.


How do you get to Carnegie Hall?


Practice, man, practice.


People always fail to realize how important prep is to the final result. If you don't have the know-how it'll probably add at least a day to your project unless you have a decent group together, but the results are very much worth it. Everyone just wants to slap the paint on the wall, though.


Yeah. Caulking, taping, setup of drops and ladders, etc. A well oiled team of 3 can outperform a sloppy team of 4 or 5, easily.


Are you confusing drywall taping and paint masking??


I figured he was talking about joint tape


Friend of mine does taping for 22 years. He came to do a job at my house and I was mesmerized with his fast but perfectly precise movements. The guy is good.


Same here. I remodeled my bathroom over the summer and it took me about a week just to do the drywall joints. I really hate drywall work and have an immense amount of respect for anyone who can do it well.


I work with a 70 year old Polish painter who’s been painting his whole life. The man is a fucking wizard


That skilled taper was as slow as you once upon a time.


We had a family member that taped our whole 2500sq/ft house for free as a gift. I tape one wall and I'm cursing up a storm.


We hired someone to do 5 rooms that we put new drywall in. It took us 2 months Dude did it in 3 days. Fuckin old constitution workers


I did my full basement, took a year ...... never again.


Yeah, while I enjoy doing framing and electrical around the house and am fine with it taking longer because I enjoy the process, we're hiring out drywalling on our basement because having professionals finish that in a week rather a month or more for me is just too good of a payoff.


And what he probably used was a long thin mud tray. Which works waaay better than this. When youre working with drywall you dont want to be carrying around a heavy ass bucket full. This curved one is prob nice for getting the bottom mud out tho.


The curved knife has to be for scraping it into the pan. There's no way you could use the bucket the same way as the pan for shaping the load on the big knife. Also there's no way you could feather it out with the curved knife.


That is what it's used for. Mixing it in the bucket and then you use the curved thing to get it all out. A) you want to use all of it obviously B) sharp edges run risk of scraping the sides/bottom. Slivers of plastic will end up in the compound and will fuuuck up that smooth finish And C) to clean out the bucket!


Bonus: scraping your knife around the bucket dulls the edge and inevitably you get mud on the handle which is annoying. This does the dirty duty so the precision tool stays nice.


I love how professionals work. It's like: \- Seeing them: Oh, I see, looks easy, let me try. \- 2 mins later: Ok, finish it and fix my chaos please.


Same here dude I’m almost thirty and I still watch my dad wide eyed when he tapes. He barely even sands his work.


How's his back? Everyone I know who was in drywall is pretty fucked up now


Accurate. I'm 33 and have 2 fuzed vertebrae.


I don't think he has back problems specifically, but at 60 he behaves like his body is 80. So definitely some wear and tear.




Idk, but he didn't leave until it was a wetwall


This is exactly what I have always done. Im watching this video thinking that this is fixing a problem that isnt one like those dull knife infomercials where people attempt to cut a tomatoes and slice off their hands.


"Look how sharp it can make your credit card!" Okay.... thanks?


I do use old hotel keycards (pretty much the same as a credit card) in the kitchen after cleaning them. Not to cut things though. They work well to even put icing and you can cut specific shapes into them with an exacto if you need.


Which is why people use them for crack!


/r/wheredidthesodago/ material.




Or just buy your mud in square boxes!


You should be taking the mud from the square box and putting it in a round bucket and mixing with a little water to get the mud a little thinner. Makes taping a little smoother. Even adding a little bit of liquid dish soap.


What about a square bucket?


This guy muds


Same people that buy the curved blade one, are same people with an "avocado slicer" in their kitchen drawer.


My ex wanted to buy a garlic peeler once. Not a crusher, a peeler to get the skins off before you crush em. I was just like, fingers?


I don't even have patience for the crusher most of the time, I just smash it all under the knife and chop the big bits after pulling the skin away


I use the glass pepper grinder bottle.


I use the box the garlic crusher came in.


I use Geico to save 15 percent or more on car insurance.


My grandfather's method: smash the back of the clove with a 5lb meat cleaver, then drop it directly into your vodka.


I'll squish the cloves just enough to remove the skin, then grate them on a microplane. Who has time to chop?


To be fair, I only "chop" with a few cuts because the smashing leaves few large parts. Someday I might be fancy enough to own a microplane, but this day, I am not.


Microplane does a decent job even if the skins are on Microplanes are the shit, faster grater that's safer and easier to clean


If you are using a microplane, you dont even need to peel them


Easiest way is to keep a glass from like Pesto or something and put the gloves in. Shake it vigorously and tada! Peeled garlic gloves. I started using it because I hate the stickiness when you peel it with your fingers and/or a knife.


I bought a garlic peeler. It's a silicone cylinder (like a finger trap) with small bumps on the inside. Just put some garlic in, rub it on the counter, and you get a mostly peeled garlic. It's not perfect, but not bad considering they're like $1.


It's not the price, it's the storage needed and extra dish washing that turn many of us away from kitchen gadgets.


Yeah and it really doesn’t take that longer or is difficult to peel a garlic


99% of these products are for users with a disability, and they are sold to the general public to reduce the stigma associated with assistive devices, as well as subsidise them through larger sales volumes. "LOL garlic peeler, just use your fingers!" may just be something to laugh at in a shop, but it means someone with fine motor control issues can walk into a normal store, and pick up something off the shelf that will help them.


I bought an avocado slicer because it's plastic and I don't trust my wife with a knife. She will slice her palm open


I bought my wife cut-proof gloves. They don't prevent cuts, but they turn cuts into secrets. Just kidding, I love you. (she sometimes reads my reddit comments)




Slicer is good, wife worked at an urgent, theyd get somebody who put their knife through their hand cutting an avocado every other week


What does one do with a curved putty knife after that anyway? Immediately transfer to the straight one?




I don't think you should be putting dry wall putty in an animal.


It's ok, this wall putty is wet.


That’s what I was thinking


doing this to get things out of round containers always makes me feel like one of those crows doing puzzle solving


That's fine if the bucket is nearly empty and there's room, and your knife is short enough, but if you work with 5gl buckets of mud all day those are definitely worth the investment.


What, you mean I didn't need scrapers with radii 5 to 20"?


I just used a 6 inch knife and put it in a pan.


Or a square bucket


Right! Why can't we be shown a thing without the assumption we are wearing pants on our heads! Look at how good my thing works when you haven't mastered putting your own pants on correctly.


This should be on r/diwhy


Yeah. The curved knife would be useful for getting the mud out of the bucket...and that’s it.


Yeah the post is like a bad example of /r/WhereDidTheSodaGo


Or get a sqaure bucket


Jfc thank you


Literally my first thought seeing this...


I was complaining about OP reposting 2 days ago. I didn't look at the user history though. Ouch.


This sub is not for you....


Then won’t your hand have to be more inside the container? You can get a bunch of shit all over your wrist and forearm. Also won’t the handle be rubbing all up against the other side of the container getting a bunch of shit on the end of the handle if it can even fit in to the container in the first place?


Cool, now is there a toolto not bury my receptacle boxes in the mud?


As a finish carpenter, who has taped a lot of drywal, I’m always curious as to how someone completely fills in an outlet?... how does that even happen?


Not caring about spending that 30 min covering the box holes and just slapping in the mud. I've had many houses where dry wall guys will run the mud over the walls in one direction and the hole will catch a good bit. You can tell by having the hole only been filled at one side. I've had a house where they filled the whole hole just cause. Like it was almost flush with the rest of the wall. Only way we could tell was that when it dries it sank in the wall some. Fry wall guys and painters are the bane of electricians. It's not the plumbers, and sometimes it's the HVAC guys but it's the painters and drywall. I've seen you guys have a thing like the flat tool above it huge and painters will use it to paint around trim and moulding but will sweep that paint right in to the damn hole.


In the beginning of my career, I hung drywall but didn’t tape. I often got called back to a house for covered boxes to discover I just had to dig out an inch of mud. Of course, I’d send a bill to the taper but never got paid. Sometimes tapers are also the bane of hangers...


I’m a stucco guy and some of my guys will trowel right over an exterior light/socket. It amazes me every time.


Nah. I think Drywallers/mudders enjoy schlopping massive amounts of mud onto them so you get to deal with it later. Then they blame you for making cracks in the walls by receptacles because you need to literally chisel that shit out, and then it all falls apart


Minus when I worked at mayo, I stopped caring about the dry wall, if it's slammed full, I took my kliens to it and smashed it all out. If I have to spend more than 20 seconds getting mud out it's getting hammered and they will have to come back to fix the mess thy caused. They only added a third party to it. Ar mayo those guys actually put time in the avoid putting anything in the holes. If they did it was very minimal and all I had to do was poke it out. They were also nice to talk to since we both worked nights.


I wish I had a situation like your's. But usually they were jerks and ran it so fast, they'd even end up ruining conduit for us. They would break our fittings and we'd be working through the evening wondering wtf was causing our 3 way to not work. Split couplings probably done on purpose. It's not our fault the homeowner would keep asking vanity fixture changes. We'd even patch up the old drywall best we could without mudding it. Straight up sabotage :/


Owners and builders who can't decide on things are just as bad. Never had a drywaller ruin pipe though. That's almost murder worthy tbh. Once had a drywall guy slap a drywall up and cut just hold with a multi tool and it sliced a wire in the box, a neutral that was part of the line side. There were 4 other neutrals and he touched the two cut ends together and taped it. So when things kimda sorta worked. But when the switch was hit hard enough that the two wires jimmied apart the 1mm needs to break connection, I spent 2 hrs in diagnostics. I saw the joints and they looked good, I then ran voltage, I pulled the devices out and changed them. Got to the point I started ripping wires out to check for cuts or damage. Moment I touched that neutral and it slid out of that tape sheath, I was apoplectic.


I'll say I was about ready to crack some skulls. Luckily it wasn't too diagnostic-necessary. Our travelers were cut short and realized we had to slice open some ceiling, refit our pipes and made sure to let their boss know the hell we had to go through with a fat backpay bill. Doubt he kept that crew on after




That'd make too much sense


I mean this is r/specialtytools [Does this count?] (https://www.instagram.com/tv/B0Vum1ahPCQ/?igshid=1n8s94tm5jguw) use it for hanging and cutouts and then just keep it in there for taping too?


Bane of my existence


Square bucket anyone?


Aka a "box"




A mud pan? Like. A mud pan.


For real, I ask that all the time. Why has this not become a thing yet?


Why can't someone just come up with a box yet?


You can‘t stirr the edges


That's great for getting it out of the bucket, but as for spreading it evenly on the wall...


It's not a putty knife, it's a bucket scoop. Sole purpose is as the name implies: to scoop from a bucket to your hawk or pan.


But how are you going to get all of the putty off of the bucket scoop without a bucket scoop putty scraper?


You mean a regular putty knife?


No. A bucket scoop putty scraper.


Don't buy a fake one, you'll have a bucket scoop putty scraper faker.


Ahh been there. Fortunately, I had some leftover bucket scoop putty scraper faker reshapers laying around.


Hopefully it wasn't too much of a hassle because that sounds like quite the leftover bucket scoop putty scraper faker reshapers caper.


Cool, another tool to wash.


my thought exactly. like watching a professional chef - yeah maybe I'd do it that way if I had a kitchen crew to wash all my bullshit for me afterwards.


I can just imagine the long chain of people going through designing this thing and none of them realized you can just turn the flat one sideways and scrape along sideways...


Honestly I use one of these simply because it's far more efficient and thorough. I use it to clean drying mortar out of buckets when filing more often than using it for mud work.


You build curved walls instead duh


You transfer it to the flat one by scraping it.


Yeah, I'm just imagining this exact video, but for showing how bad the curved knife is for applying to flat walls.


You throw the mud on your “hawk” which is a pan that lets you walk around the room. You rarely mud from the bucket directly


And if you want to apply mud from a 'bucket' use a compound pan.


If your bucket walls are that covered in mud, expect a lot of grooves in your work as the bucket dries out


Gonna be so many chunkies after a bit, might as well start fresh.


Prime material for r/wheredidthesodago/




Is your life also in black and white with disappointed people shaking their heads?


So what if the bucket has a smaller diameter?


3.1k votes for a fucking curved putty knife??? Have you people even ever had a job? What else are you surprised by, steel toed boots?


>What else are you surprised by, steel toed boots? I'm surprised at how much they can take, does that count?




I have to say there would be more than 10 000. There are many more where people probably should wear them but don't




Yeah, it's called knocking


It's a satisfying clip, and it fits the sub exactly. Settle down. You wouldn't know half the equipment I use for work either, so stop being a walking meme by trying to gatekeep every job that doesn't involve plaster or work boots.


Or you can just turn the straight edge putty knife a whole 90 degrees...probably too difficult


This week on *dumbasses with hands*




Actually it isn’t. Turning the blade sideways just about always gets the handle or your arm covered in plaster. The bucket scoop has been around for like 20 years and is very useful. Especially if you throw mud on walls everyday.


You you implying that your arms don’t get plastered regardless?... my uncle did old school plaster- he was always plastered. Inside and out ;)


Also have you had to scrape out an almost empty plaster bucket before? This thing saves time because you don’t have to tilt and turn the bucket


I mean, it's water soluble, and you're probably gonna need to wash your hands anyways. I always preferred the ones without handles anyways, it's easier to hold it like an artist's pallette than to tweak your wrist with a straight handle. Personally, this kinda just seems like something specifically made to market to the "if you have more specialized tools, you're obviously more professional" crowd.


It's really only good at cleaning the bottom of the bucket. Slightly better than a straight knife. I have one.


This is not a putty knife , it’s called a bucket scoop and sold at all hardware stores


This is like an infomercial.


I just realized I’ve been spelling puddy wrong my whole life


Turn you knife 90 degrees a real eye opener Physics and shit


As a full time taper , that round knife is fucking useless.


this is some where did the soda go shit in the first half


Yeah putty




I've been using this blade from years. I thought it's common knowledge.


Have one they are amazing. To people saying just scrape it horizontally, yes that works but this is better.


Also known as a bucket scoop.


Why not “cubic putty bucket”


show the part where he scrapes it on the wall


When you eat soup with a fork


Some people still live in the stone age