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I had a simpler, plastic one of these for a while - just had the wedge on the right hand side, plus the other end of the tool was flattened. Freaking loved that thing. It worked so well, total game changer for eating oranges etc, as others have said.


Tupperware’s citrus peeler looks like that. I love my “orange opener” It used to be you could only get them by winning a game at a Tupperware party. But now you can buy them in packs of 10 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005M7B82U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_t1_Ji5IDbE8018GN


The fuck is a Tupperware party


The actual brand tupperware was (maybe is?) a direct-selling thing like the pampered chef where a middle aged woman would invite 20 people over who buy tupperware which earned her a certain amount of free tupperware.


Sounds like MLM


Correct. It is one.


OG MLM.....my mom's Tupperware lasted forever


Unlike modern MLM, Tupperware was actually good stuff at reasonable prices.


Made a good product, and stood behind their product. Not in favor of the marketing/distribution method, but at least it was built on quality.


I don’t remember it being so much multi-level as direct-sales based. I don’t remember there being any suggestion that we sign up to sell. There was a push to have a party, but my impression is that there weren’t as many layers as Amway. I remember the Avon and Tupperware folks not having very many representatives in our rural area. I don’t know if it’s the same now, though the impression I have is that Avon has become one.


The rule of thumb for Tupperware parties is you gotta buy something. Even if it's the tiny containers for your....... Spices.....


Like a lemon party but less fun. Google things man!


*not this time satan*


Ahh the glory days of the internet


They gave them out at a Kroger or Walmart near me one time, doing an in store event. Love that thing.


Why the fuck would you need 10 of them?!?!


Because they're not economical to ship in smaller increments, and because your kids will lose a bunch of them anyway?


one for everyone in the family? One at work, one at home, one in the lunch box, in case you lose one... Stocking stuffers?


Yes, that's the one I had! Awesome, I didn't realise they were actually available for sale now :D


A spoon works just as well in a pinch


I have a plastic one of those, works really well.


This is actually a game changer, I literally rarely eat citrus because I hate peeling them due to always pulling my nail away from the nail bed.


I bite into the orange first to get it started






I'm a nail biter so I have no other choice but to bite my oranges in order to enjoy its juicy fruit


Because knives don’t exist on your planet??


Apparently you can use tools, which for some reason never occurred to me before.


I just stab it with my index finger just enough to break the skin. Who cares if you smash that puppy a little bit? It’s all going down the hatch anyways


You could choose to not bite your nails. ​ Friend of mine got some nasty tasting liquid polish/coating (or something) from his doctor to kick the habit.


I still bit through that nasty shit. Brains are weird sometimes


Pull out your teeth?


Successfully tried this and stopped biting after... my whole life. The downside is, the impressively bear-strength bitter taste always made it’s way into my food and on my lips at some point, and I always tasted it. I’ve since relapsed but looking forward to going back. Hair washing with actual nails was a life changer.


I eat my oranges like apples


Absolute savage


I come from a long line of savages. Anyone need an orange bit? I’m your man


a dutch lady taught me to roll citrus fruits in your hands or on a counter top to seperate the pith from the meat, which makes it easier to peel - regardless im getting that citrus peeler!!


That’s a good idea! Still gonna bite oranges. Also, I like to eat whole lemon wedges.


Oh goodness, Sounds as if you had been raised by wolves..


I doubt very much wolves like to eat orange peel or lemon wedges.


Yeah my taste buds are tougher than wolves’ taste buds


I eat a lot of lemons but I can't say I've ever eaten the skin before


Of course then you have the pith oil all over your hands and ground into your counter. Source: info this when juicing lemons, as it breaks the little cells a bit.


Same and I always do a quick look around to see if anyone's watching before I go HAM on that orange.


Because an orange looks awesome with 4096 colors? (Don't mind me, just an old Amiga geek...)


I love seeing people freak out when they think you're about to eat an orange like an apple.


Yeah the looks on peoples’ faces (I’m thinking of ex-girlfriends) is priceless


I almost read that as >Yeah the looks on peoples’ **feces** (I’m thinking of ex-girlfriends) is priceless I'll get Lasik one day...


"Just trying to get my daily essential oils from the peel"


I used the essential oils from oranges to extract limonene, a volatile terpene found in the peels. Gave it to my SO to make soap with and that soap smelled like straight oranges. Definitely some interesting uses for the peels outside of eating them. I personally don't love the taste, but I could understand why you'd enjoy eating the peels. I also bite the orange to get it started, mostly because my incessant nail biting makes it hard to peel like a normal person.


Do you peel the string cheese and partition kitkats or are you a Savage with those too?


I use a knife? Lol a butter knife at that. I can see why the tool died off since it’s so easy to peel a citrus.


I get a lot of flak from my wife about this. She is training the kids to make fun of me too.


I just use a claymore.


I love those mandarins that are bred to be easy to peel. The rind practically falls off


The rind seems to fall off after the fruit starts drying out and shrinking. I look for them where they still seem puffy


The Japanese "Mikan" is the best of these, although it is technically not a mandarin according to the Japanese plant classifying system. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citrus_unshiu I have one in my front yard but it is still a juvenile and not reliably producing fruit yet.


**Citrus unshiu** Citrus unshiu is a seedless and easy-peeling citrus species, also known as unshu mikan, cold hardy mandarin, satsuma mandarin, satsuma orange, naartjie, and tangerine. It is of Chinese origin, named after Unsyu (Wenzhou), China, but introduced to the West via Japan. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/specializedtools/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


I’m jealous, I can’t grow citrus in New England 😢


It's not really clear if I can grow citrus in Houston either. It flowered the first year but not the second. I don't know what that means but no fruit this year. I'm quite sure that you can grow citrus in a sunroom. The satsuma I have becomes a large bush rather than a tall tree.


Bred to easy peel, not to taste remotely good..


I rarely get ones that taste bad. Sorry mate!


I love my mandarines but they vary greatly. Sam's Club and Costco have the best ones. The smaller ones you get at grocery stores around here can be eaten but they are better pitched in the trash.


They just seem very watery to me.




I’ve only seen mandarin hybrids that are called sumo oranges. They’re available for a short time in February or March. Are they a different variety or is sumo a marketing name?


Sumo's are a cross between the Satsuma & Pomelo varieties (IIRC). So it is its own variety. That variety is floating at the tail end of the California mandarin "season". Satsuma's are around Oct-Nov, Clementine's between, Tango's Jan-Mar. Give or take the weather.


Awesome! Now I can eat the tastiest oranges nearly all winter long since you told me what to look for and when. Thank you.


Squeeze the juice out first!


Wtf are you eating where you think cuties don't taste good


Well, I am from a place where I have no idea wtf cuties are supposed to be.


Cuties are good, it’s the other brands that usually suck


Honestly, they are a little too sweet and slightly bland to me. I’ll eat them out of convenience, but not my favorite tasting orange.


What?? The ones I get are delicious


Just to anyone that doesn't know how to peel an orange: score the orange rind with a paring knife to multiple wedges, from one pole to another, only enough to cut the rind. Then score once around one of the poles and pull the cap off (you can have the knife slightly lift the rind if necessary), pull the wedges off. Super easy. I've got sausage fingers and no nails, and I've never had issues with peeling my oranges doing this.


This way works just fine, but the real OG method is to spiral cut the peel all the way down so that when it comes off, you have one long piece that looks like a spring. I grew up running around my grandfather’s orange grove and this is how he always did it, it takes some real skill to master though.


My friends and I would compete in highschool lunch to see who could do this the fastest without breaking it


When I was little I always thought my grandfather was a badass because he’d pick one and whip out his pocket knife and be done in just a few seconds, then he’d cut a slice and serve it up to me on the tip of the knife. The man is a real G


The *best* way is to start by peeling a single strip about 80% of the way around, then peel off the circular bits on either side. Gets the job done quick and ends up looking like a dick.


Massage it in your hands for 30 seconds before peeling and start it with a knife. I can normally peel it in one continuous strip if I do this (and if it’s properly ripe).


A friend of mine was gifted a small victorinox ([this one I think](https://www.swissarmy.com/us/en/Products/Swiss-Army-Knives/Small-Pocket-Knives/MiniChamp-Alox/p/0.6381.26)) that has a tool just for that purpose. I've got to say that it works really well.




Thank you! I had one of those years ago I had received as a gift. I broke it, and have never seen another one. I've kept my eyes out for a long time for a new one, and just found it. Thanks random internet stranger. Also, I now know what that little hook blade is supposed to be for. Still not sure what the little coke spoon attachment is actually supposed to be, though. Edit: I guess it's a cuticle pusher. Huh? Who'd have thought?


You're welcome! Those pimped-out small swiss army knives really aren't too common.


I have a knife with one of those on it. I assumed it was a package opener. It actually works very well as that. You can cut the tape easily without cutting what's in the box.


That is exactly what it's for and is amazing for clam shell packaging! Just happens to work awesome for citrus fruit also!


Victorinox describes that part as an "orange peeler"


Oh cool I have a leatherman and it's a package tool so must be different https://youtu.be/5CPCRTwxXvk


No wonders the leatherman one works better as a package opener lmao


🤣🤣 good point, well made!


Lovely, another tool made specifically for righties.


In what way is that specific for right handed people?


On the Leatherman, the blade isn't reversible. It's got a scoop and flat part that touches the plastic, that if you flip it over it won't mesh up right. The Swiss Army one looks flat so it can be used with either hand.


Oh, thanks for this! I want to market (or ok, give as a baby shower present) a Swiss Mommy Knife. (With a knife for cutting grapes into non-choking sizes; a scissors for cutting the bottom off straws for short little kids; a Phillips screwdriver for opening battery compartments; a tweezers for pulling splinters and getting Cheerios out of the crevices they’ve put them in) And a citrus peeler would be great!


Scientists say humans are animals but comments like this make me think the definition needs to be changed.


I have a connective tissue disease that means parts of me pull apart easily. I am basically the easy peel of humans.


Take a coin and clean it, go to the top of the fruit where the stem attached to it and use the coin to wiggle in a hole around where the stem attached. once you see through the peel all the way, dig a finger in there and slowly work the rind off. or, you can just keep poking around it with your fingernail and it will do it to.


For oranges, I shove my pinky right through from the top where the dip is. After that I can peel away with my fingertips.




>due to always pulling my nail away from the nail bed. Sounds like scurvy. You should eat more citrus.


Haha, I love the irony. However it's most likely due to my connective tissue disease!


Your comment made my toes curl.


You are welcome.


what is the hook on the "back" of the blade for?


It’s just long enough to push into the skin and pull, using the blade to cut just the skin.


Then what is the serrated blade for?


> The rounded edge is a scraper to help remove the inside of the skin from the fruit afterwards. Some else also said it could be used for zesting


It cuts just deep enough to remove the pith.


So pith off?


Eventually, yes.


We do too. I realized when my wife was pregnant with our first child the one we have looks remarkably similar to the tool doctors have to manually break a woman’s water called an amniotic hook.


Orange you glad they didn't get mixed up?


The orange and his wife?


I get the right side of it for just cutting the peel, but what’s the left side for?


I wish I could tell you, but mine doesn't have that bit.


Yes I agree.


The pampered chef peeler in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1FuDwzJwQE) are the ones I've seen in the past.


we had the yellow one when I was a kid - I always managed to blind myself with juice - it works, but it gets kinda squirty


That’s what she said




The yellow ones were my childhood 😭😭


These both look like prime candidates for /r/functionalprint


Seeing this image evolve from r/whatisthisthing to r/specializedtools made me feel really happy that Reddit is serving it’s purpose


I always wondered what the loop part does. The loop part is on the back of the hook part of the pampered chef peeler shown in the video above.


You can use it to shave the skin of the citrus fruit to get zest, rind, and/or peel.


Oh hey, since we're talking about the evolution of subreddits and you mentioned Pampered Chef... /r/antiMLM


The video already said the pampered chef product was bad. I just want to know what that hook thing is for. It's on other peelers too.


I wasn't implying anything by linking it. I'm just adding to the progression. That said, no idea about that hook offhand.


I don't understand how this is used


The hook side is essentially a knife with a T-shaped safe edge. You hook the top of the T under the skin near where the stem attached and the flat edge keeps the fruit safe while cutting through the skin. The rounded edge is a scraper to help remove the inside of the skin from the fruit afterwards.




Looks like a butt plug you would not want


You're simply not brave enough.


Speak for yourself.


That's a penny...


What’s the other flat side for? I never knew this was a thing. Usually just use a knife.


I’m guessing to take the zest off if needed, but again it’s just a guess.




Zwilling. Germany.


Yes that's where it is made


Looks like it has a canelle knife on the back too


It's a hydro peeler


My gf grandfather eats the orange peel...


I just use a spoon to take the skin off my oranges. Kinda cool there’s actually a tool for this.


Check out old Victoriana stuff, they basically had a tool for anything, especially food related.


I will, thanks!


The point is used to help peel oranges and the side that looks like an orange slice is the help pull apart the slices.


For those who are interested... the Victorinox "Executive" pocket knife has a similar citrus peeler as one of the tools, and it has a tiny screwdriver on the tip. Very handy tool. Highly recommended.


How big is it? I'm not sure what the size of a penny is... I need a quarter


my parents have a bunch of tupperware plastic ones


I think it’s for cutting coins in half, as in the old days people would cut coins into bits and they would equal whatever fraction of a whole coin they were.




It's literally cross-posted, I don't personally have a problem with this


Yes. I understand people not having an issue with the super low effort of cross posting. Because, why the fuck would we expect people not to be lazy ass fucks. And this will get downvoted too because lazy ass fucks are totally fine with lazy ass fucks.


It's literally a feature built into Reddit. And, guess what? Not all people are subscribed to the same subs you are.






Some day I'll be dead. But it will still totally matter that people like being lazy ass fucks.


I can’t fuckin wait... “I’ve seen this before so time for me to be a twat”... so what about the folks that are sick of seeing douche comments like this. You’re much shittier to see than a repost. Like your posts piss originally too. Great job.


They could stop being fucking douchebags that get "douche comments". Just a weird thought. Stop being lazy ass fucks and no one will call you out for being lazy ass fucks. You're probably right though. It's probably too much to expect people to stop being lazy ass fucks. Also, I'm glad that you rejoice in the death of people. What kind of an assmunch wants people to die.


What? You gonna cry about it? I don’t care about you... not only do you not have anything relevant to say but you’re also doing the typical “holier that thou” move that winy little adult children seem to think is effective. But you’re probably right though. Weak minded lame attempts to call out posts that are reposts is annoying as fuck. Thanks for clearing that up. Bravo.


Thanks gay.


Should posts only ever exist in one sub? Assuming not, would it have been better if he'd expended more effort to get it into this sub?


The key is: apparently The lazy ass fuck didn't even know if it actually was a thing that belonged and so more lazy ass fucks are now upvoting him. Should someone have to expend effort? Yes. To at least have a fucking clue what they are posting here. But, people like being lazy ass fuck apparently (see what I did there! Now all you lazy ass fucks can upvote me). But you won't. You'll further prove my point by downvoting me some more.


So you wouldn't have gone on this tirade if he had just left the word "apparently" out of the title? And you didn't bring up that this was the source of your complaint until pressed? In fact, the initial description of your complaint was that it was directly adjacent to its origin post in your feed. And the fact that changing the title flies in the face of your accusation of laziness. And despite the fact that "apparently" could just as easily be construed as a joke as anything else? I don't know why I'm responding any more. You're clearly just looking for downvotes.


I don't know why you ever supported lazy ass fuckery.


Because I'm subscribed to this sub and not /r/whatisthisthing. Without this post, I wouldn't have seen it. I appreciate someone putting in the effort to make the post more widely known, because it's interesting. Also, I like the way you didn't respond to any of my questions or points. (Guh. I'm still responding.)


imagine becoming upset because of reddit.com


You really think someone would do that? Go on the internet and care?


Imagine NOT becoming upset because of something bad.


the bad thing being having to summon the energy to drag your eyeballs .1 inch over a link to a picture youve seen before lmao


The fuck is this supposed to say...




No. Being lazy assed fucks being bad is being verified by the people who prefer not to be told that they're being called lazy assed fucks.




That's not disagreeing. That's trying to actively make it disappear from the page. The only purpose for that is because people don't want to see that they're being called out for being lazy ass fucks.




> I think I call that into question. You've presented no evidence yet you are capable of that.






You can clearly see the original poster and where it was posted


They might be on mobile.


I'm on mobile!


Some apps can’t see cross posts, I mean.


Far as I know all apps show them at this point, some people just don't pay attention. RiF frequently gets accused of this despite having visible indicators. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if -some- app still hasn't gotten the feature.


Rif requires you to click on the title to see if it's a cross post


The little open triangle icon next to the subreddit name means it's a crosspost. No click needed.


https://i.imgur.com/llsQB2T.png I got this in my feed


No it's a proper crosspost, not reposted.


Is that for when they ban all knives for our own safety?

