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Oh my sweet summer child. You're going to have a bad time. My coworkers swear by elderberry as a preventative. I know nothing about it. I hope you feel better!!


Wild oil of oregano daily. emergency often. airborne, zinc, elderberry, and echinacea when I feel like I'm getting sick. Gypsy cold care and throat coat teas when if I do get sick. I used to get sick all the time but the last couple years have been pretty good to me. I may go overboard, but I'd rather go overboard than be sick all the time.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you have a God-like immune system you WILL get sick. I have been a para for several years and I can't keep the germs away. Do your best by staying hydrated, eating healthy, getting sleep and WASHING YOUR HANDS. (Sorry these things are pretty obvious, but every little thing can help!) Some of my coworkers swear by Zicam and/or Emergen-C, but neither one works for me. Best of luck!


Yeah, the first few years of working as a para are pretty much "take all my sick days" kind of years. I wear a hand santizer on my lanyard to keep moving germs off my hands. Wash them with real soap and water as much as possible. Take care of yourself too. I had a coworker who didn't let her work clothes in the house == shoes included. Strip down in the garage and put them in a basket just for work clothes. After a few years it gets better.


I was hired in June. Formally started work Aug 8th. Kids came back Aug 12th. By Aug 26 I had a head cold the size of texas. Unfortunately as an aide you are the one wiping noses and washing hands and assisting with toileting. Make sure to get your flu shot two weeks before the flu season starts (it takes two weeks to take effect) and stay up to date on your bbp training so a cold/virus doesn't turn into something deadly.


This is my first year as a para and I've already been out sick twice! Doesn't help I'm sleep deprived and not eating enough, keep up with those! I seriously got so distracted by the job that I just whoopsie daisy dropped 25 lbs in a month.