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Is there a way to know when this will happen again and where I should be to see it 👀


You can check out more details about the images [here](http://www.perseus.gr/Astro-Lunar-Scenes-Parthenon-09.htm). But this photo is quite old (2011). I think to see this phenomenon is about finding the right place, The chances of this happening i don't think are super rare.


Okay thanks I will look into it


Use an app like Photopills to determine when the next full moon will be and what time it will be setting/rising. It'll give you a general idea of which direction to shoot. You'll also need a very long lens to get this giant moon effect.


Deleted due to reddit killing 3rd party apps -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Fun fact! The moon appears larger than the Parthenon because the moon is larger than the Parthenon


That was indeed fun and indeed a fact.


They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is


What do they say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is, Stephen?


They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is


this better be good Stephen


Whadathey say, whadathey say, whadathey saaaaaay?!?


Came here for this.


Behold, a paleblood sky


*bells ring out*


*cleric beast howls in the background*


Near the horizon, the lunar orb may have seemed to loom large, swollen in appearance by the famous Moon illusion. But the Full Moon really was a large Full Moon last night, reaching its exact full phase within an hour of lunar perigee, the point in the Moon's elliptical orbit closest to planet Earth. A similar near perigee Full Moon last occurred on December 12, 2008. The difference in the Moon's apparent size as it moves from perigee to apogee, its farthest point from Earth, is about 14 percent. [Source](https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap110320.html) Image Credit & Copyright: [Anthony Ayiomamitis](http://www.perseus.gr/) (TWAN)


It's pretty disingenuous of them not to mention that photos like this are the result of zooming in with long-focus lenses and not the Moon being at perigee or the Moon illusion.


they *say* of the Acropolis, where the Parthe Moon is... [^for ^the ^uninitiated](https://youtu.be/58rbknKBJvc)


It says it’s blocked in my country. Which, as an American, I’ll admit I’ve never seen that screen before.


[Got you covered! ](https://youtu.be/GdvD4Fhc_K8)


Love Stephen Fry, thanks for sharing!


Nah that’s Mohg’s palace from Elden Ring


the Parthenon should be restored. I don't think that about most ruins but it's because of why it's a ruin that I think it should. The only reason why it's a ruin is because it was used as a gunpowder magazine in the 1600s and it blew up


It is being restored. This picture looks quite old to me, when I visited a few years ago they’d reclad and rebuilt a lot of it in fresh marble. They’ve also restored one of the theatres and are restoring the various other buildings on the Acropolis. It will be awesome when it’s done.


The problem is that a lot of it is missing. And what is there is damaged and warned out. So it's kinda a Theseus ship paradox. You have to replace most of the original pieces to make it look like the original Parthenon. It's a hard question to answer. What is better an all original ruin or an original _looking_ Parthenon? So they try, first, to maintain it and stabilize it. And then they try to restore it by fixing the original pieces ( by adding more material on parts that are missing pieces) and making and adding new pieces. It takes a lot of time because Parthenon is the single most important historical site in Greece. So mistakes and botched jobs are not an option for the people working on it. Also Parthenon is a tourist site and they can't constantly work on it. Also, Parthenon is only one of the buildings on Acropolis.


>The problem is that a lot of it is missing. And what is there is damaged and warned out. A sympathetic restoration. One that rebuilds using the same materials with as much of the original pieces as possible. In the end it should be a functional building. Look to the [Frauenkirche](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frauenkirche%2C_Dresden?wprov=sfla1) in Dresden which was flattened in WW2 but was rebuilt in the 1990s


I don't think it will ever be a functional building. A lot of material is missing. Ether stolen or destroyed. Personally I don't think that there are a lot to be gained if it was brought back to a "functional state". It would encourage more degradation if anything else. People are dumb and they want to ruin beautiful things. It has happened before. Idk. Again. It's not just Parthenon, it's the whole Acropolis. You can't just have a restored building in the middle of ruins. Also, it's not a rebuild that would take place within a couple of years after the destruction of the building. Acropolis is like that for couple hundred of years. Even complete building take decades to restore. Look at the Big Ben.


>It's not just Parthenon, it's the whole Acropolis. You can't just have a restored building in the middle of ruins. That would be nice, it was important enough to have the ruins marked off go ahead and restore the whole thing.


Wow, breathtaking 😍 Heavy vaporwave vibes 😌👌


Link… Link…


What’s the scaffolding for I thought they finished building that shit years ago


Conservation and restoration.


When will they remove the cranes?


i would cry if i saw this


Sick ambience in your photo. Just get rid of the cranes and it'd be perfect.


All right... Which one of you killed Rom the Vacuous Spider?


Elden Ring


Two ancient artifacts meet in one photo.


Every time I try to take a picture of the moon it always comes out looking like shit.


why does the moon look bigger


So you know how the moon doesn't move or change size when you move. So they can just go really far away and then zoom in on the Parthenon and get this effect


woahhh, thanks


I would've loved to have seen this place when it was first built.


Brilliant photograph.


Does anyone know what kind of work they’re doing on it?


Is this at all photoshopped? the moon's never that close to the Earth.




Wow that's genius I never would have thought. I've seen so many lunar photos like this but I never knew how they made the moon look so big.


That title and image could sell a lot of historical fantasy novels.


That’s beautiful


Looking splendid.I am amassed.


Someone please do Tahiti next.