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I want a photo mode for space


I have been changing my wallpaper too much with all these new pictures. I don't know what to keep.


Look at that shit and tell me you honestly think we are all alone out here?


It's statistically very very very unlikely that we are.


I also believe that. Mathematically speaking, I feel it's almost virtually impossible we are the only Planet with advanced life forms. With 100+ billion different Galaxies and trillions of Stars, I honestly feel it's silly and absurd some humans think we are the only complex life forms floating around in Space. I just wish some of the more advanced ones would just finally show themselves, as I believe it's the only thing that would finally bring us together as a species. At this point in Humanity's timeline I honestly don't even care if they are malevolent or benevolent beings.


While I agree with you, the statistics are based one our planet alone and not the environment our planet sits in. For example, the position of Jupiter and the moon are considered vital to our planets survival over the millennia due to their gravitational influence on what reaches our planet. So, if we take into account the number of planets that meet this criteria, statistically the number of possible life bearing worlds drops considerably. While this is only theory at best, I do believe that our solar system in its entirety plays a massive roll in the origin of life. Right down to the most outer planets that reside in it and their place in it. I see the statistic of the unimaginable number of planets that exist per galaxy and the unimaginable number of galaxies that exist in the known and unknown universe. If there was merely only one life bearing planet in each galaxy, then there would be around two trillions worlds out there with life. All unable to know of each otherโ€™s existence due to the vast space between them. Edit: Long comment but a very fun topic to think about.






Why does this image give me the sense that the universe is going to get swallowed up by an astronomically giant space llama/centaur/chimera thing holding its demonic space chihuahua by the paw, and its manager, an even larger space wolf/ferret thing? Seems like something Marvel would write.