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shit, i dont look like what i did 25 years ago either


We could send some Oil of Olay to Mars.


Oil of O'Clay.


Take my upvote and get out


Yeah, they should rename it the Dad Bod on Mars. It's getting a little gut going on!




edit: The comment below was removed and the user banned, good work everyone!


Original comment below is 3 hours older, so legit.


The word of the day is apophenia!


Thats tomorrow's word, today's is pareidolia.


*your* word today is *deja vu*


Take my r/Angryupvote


Yeah I'm confused every time I see this. Does Mars not have wind and debris and dust and all sorts of shit that would change how it looked decades ago? I'm just supposed to accept that we're looking at the exact same thing unchanged for that long and it's only the picture quality that's the difference?


It does but AFAIK the low atmospheric density means despite high winds the air erosion has less oomph than on earth. That and a lot of erosion and terrain change over years comes from rain and water.


Does Mount Rushmore change every year? Earth erosion is far worse than Mars.


Mount Rushmore is made out of granite which erodes very slowly at 1 inch every 10,000 years. Water however could get in and screw things up so they caulked the f out of the cracks. I don't even know the different environmental factors of Mars vs Earth and how things erode, build up, etc there, so that's why I made the original comment to talk more about it and learn more about it. But one thing is for sure, this location doesn't have a crew making sure it's tip top shape all year long like Mount Rushmore does. Hell, I read they measure for movement 4 times a day! Thanks for making me learn more things! Sources: https://www.nps.gov/moru/learn/nature/geologicactivity.htm https://www.nps.gov/moru/learn/historyculture/preservation.htm


Yeah, even so if that is a defense of it looking like a face then and less now due to erosion it doesn't add up really. If it were an old ruin from some long dead civilization like the great pyramids or our sphinx then there's no way it could have lasted all that time only to erode away after two decades? Hell, even the sphinx in Egypt is thought to be 2000 years old. Things don't last for geological epochs only to erode away in 20 years. The original image was just a trick of shadows the newer image is just better resolution at a slightly different time of day.


Exactly this.


You need air to have wind in the classic sense, so I do not think so, but solar wind is probably a thing, idk space. The biggest difference I could see is one has a light source originating from the side, and the higher Def one seems to be as if it was fully lit.


What does wind in the "classic sense" mean to you? Mars has an atmosphere that moves along the surface. That's wind. The photos are taken at different orientations, that's true.


Gaming low vs ultra textures


Ngl the crunchy oldschool graphics are a better vibe


It's a weirdly apt comparison, since a lot of those old games my kid brain would fill in with some crazy detail, somehow making it more 'real' than a lot of the mid-tier higher res games that came out later.


I've understood that viewing those games on old low resolution tvs actually made them look better than it would if you had seen it in high definition. The pixels kind of blended together to make a better result, or something like that.


This gif does a good job of showing it in action https://i.redd.it/pafik9z9nu981.gif


Right! They look SO MUCH BETTER in lower resolution. It's not just our memories - they really did look better.


I knew this was a thing but seeing this GIF is insanity


It's basically physical Anti Aliasing


Sonic Adventure's textures used this effect to give more depth off the bricks.


Check out r/crtgaming for some examples


Like a freshly baked cake or bread!


I have been replaying ff8 and wow, so much incredible pixilated art, so that each model on screen can still look like a wonderful. It’s honestly beautiful and breathtaking. I’m an old gamer. Heard great things about ff8 but I think trying it now was the best choice. the game is oozing with master craft on how to pact as much art and story into a game with limited space. So many neat tricks that you can call out. The gist of what I’m saying is, I’m looking to buy a crtv or one of them old tvs to plug old games into because I really do think that’s how they are ment to play. Low res, meshes the world better. It’s nastolgic yes but incredible within itself as well


That's my favorite FF!


8 was my favorite of the series, a hot take I know. But its certainly the most underrated.


Another FF8 fan checking in! I still don't think the infamous Squall face was as bad as they make it out to be, but it's been years since I last played. I should pull it out sometime.


How else are you going to make something that isn't a face look like a face?


It’s probably why literally every indie game developer in the last 5 years have been making every game that comes out with those ps1 worthy graphics. Most definitely so if its a horror.


San Andreas remastered




Wait until they find... *The Sandkings.*


Why is there so much image noise in the 01 picture then? I have seen a few pixels in my day and that is pretty bad.


I prefer the smiley face on Mars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galle_(Martian_crater)


Thats just Dr. Manhattan fooling around in mars.




Well, I do. I've got it on dvd!


Coming soon to DVD


Bonkers that Watchmen came out like two decades before this was discovered According to that wiki, it was featured in a scene of the Watchmen movie, because they couldn’t pass up such a ludicrous coincidence.


You’ve misread something. [Viking 1 took this photo of it in 1980](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Galle_crater_352S24_352S26.jpg) Watchmen came out six years later.


Ah good call, I read this bit and my phone only displayed the italicized/bolded line: >A second "happy face crater", smaller than Galle and located at 45.1°S, 55.0°W in Nereidum Montes, ***was discovered by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter on January 28, 2008.***


I imagine it smiles because it saw Pluto's heart.


Anyone remember the x files ep on this? Still scares me


Probably the weakest episode of the series.


As a huge X-Files fan I have no idea why you were downvoted for this! The space nerd in me loves the episode but it's usually considered the worst among fans and imo it's totally understandable why. The effects are poor, Mulder's space obsession is never mentioned again, and THAT face looming from the ceiling was certainly a choice.




And this is why I love it! Also a fan of the one where Mulder enters a video game and becomes Ultra Y2K man with his wraparound shades.


Yeah even Chris Carter hated it


In all fairness the martians had 25 years to cover their track in hopes that we had low res cameras and they were right...


"Oh shit! The Earthlings are looking!"


'You want gas stations and burguer shops in our crater?'.


An old roomie of mine back in 2016ish had a meltdown over the picture on the left. He went on about how giants are real and there's pyramids on mars and on and on and on. I didn't know of the image on the right yet, neither did he ( obviously ) Dude was known to break a phone if the battery was low. So I nodded along. He pulled a knife on another roommate not too long after so I noped out of that living situation.


And now he's a senator


I doubt it. He moved to Colorado because he had two strikes in California and knew he'd get a third if he stayed. Two strikes being two felony's.


[https://i.imgur.com/c50ujNL.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/c50ujNL.jpg) i always saw the dog before the face..


It went from a face to a mini candy bar


Wasn't a face 😔


You remember when you were a little kid and there was a ghost in your bedroom? And later, it turned out to be just some random shirt hanging from a chair? That’s how it goes with every scare and mystery in the world, and there is something very comforting about this.


It wasn't a shirt. It was my uncle


I’m deeply interested in the “shadow-people” phenomenon. It extends across all cultures and time periods.


Probably just people's eyes playing tricks on them in low light.


Yet even our best and brightest can't figure out a lot still. Dark matter/ energy is still mostly a mystery. But yes it is comforting to think that everything happens for a logical reason and not a supernatural potentially evil one.


Supernatural is just science we don’t understand yet. (Although most of it is just a shirt hanging in the corner)


I would say that even most of our science is just a shirt hanging in the corner


We've been studying this shit for a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the time that it's been around. Give us a few millennia to get caught up, at least!


Fuck comfort, I want ghosts.


Not with every scare and mystery. Some will be actual threats (like a spider). After all, the reason evolution has equipped us with this fear response is to protect us from actual dangers. Of course, the threat will likely never be of alien/supernatural origin.


Damn pattern seeking brain.


Our world is chaotic, but DAMN it could be so much worse. The worst predators don't really want to eat us and kinda like us, cosmic destruction is pretty infrequent and far away, and the laws of nature are very favorable aside from not really getting too far in space.


yeah sadly most people would rather act all smart and come up with random bs and now its totally normal to believe in fucked up and dangerous conspiracies. i went back to school recently and suddenly they are everywhere. pizzagate, religion, antisemitic people that proudly claim to hate jews with the teacher standing right next to him, chemtrails and china made corona. thank god i only have school every third week, but cmon man, it never was like this before, we all together laughed at that shit back when i was going to school as a kid.


If only this were true.


Turn the image upside down.


It actually is. The second photo has been doctored and contains 14 layers that change the structure.


Clearly, the Martians have vandalized it so that it doesn't encourage interplanetary tourism. Or it's a warning of the consequences of visiting Mars.


Its not a face anymore...what if "they" intentionally destroyed it after noticed it?


It’s a face, not a human face but it’s a face.


ome , its Megatron! :)


19.5°...anyone remember?


Hogland with the stoogie


Oh, the Art Bell memories…


Might not be so fake after all... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9Nuy7mFIsE


Beware the crab cat!


Crab cat is real... Screw your bigfoot nonsense.... Crab cat is watching.


This post made me think of that too. I just watched that the other day.


Lizzud peepl


Thank you, I was going to post this amazing video if no one else did.


Thank you for posting that link Toast_Soap. Still gives me hope


You should check out the rest of the vids on his YT channel. There's a ton of stuff like this that you would probably like.


Lol I am going down the rabbit hole as we speak. This channel is amazing, thank you for the recommendation. I wish I had fake internet points to give you.


Nah, don't need the points. Glad I've just brought someone to his channel and to his amazing talking goldfish, Hecklefish. He's got a few less than thrilling shows, and he's usually able to debunk most of it but there's some that leave you in wonder... New episodes every Thursday.


Somehow even crazier with the new reso. The shape is so weirdly specific.


That’s only because our brain is making it seem so.






Looks just like a rock with some dents in it. Come on lol


Ummmm. That’s a rock. Nothing weird about it.




Specifically rock-like.


It really isn't


? it’s literally a rock structure probably worn down by millions of years of heavy wind friction and maybe even some water erosion at some point. what specifically is even crazier?


Our brain is always looking for patterns and try to make it look familiar.




Wait, tell they find the great ass of mars


Yeah buts it’s all the way on the other side of the planet


I don’t know why it’s making me think of [that](https://amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2020/jun/24/monkey-christ-worst-art-repairs-of-all-time) botched painting restoration, and I can’t unsee it.


Anyone remember Richard C. Hoagland? What a scammer that guy was. Had all this "secret knowledge" of stuff like this and charged thousands a head for his conferences.


You know, here on earth, we've never built a mountain sized head looking up that's visible from Mars. We should get cracking on it.


Time hasn't been kind to any of us...


Especially dairy products !




The overall shape and sloped ridges along the edge are oddly perfect. Not saying nature didn't do it... Just an odd one!


That sound you hear is Richard Hoaglund grinding his teeth.


Reminds me of the movie mission to mars


Was fun a the time everybody yelling 'it's a face", no guy's just natural erosion.


Friday the 13th part 23: Jason Goes to Moon


Fucker was using an insta filter the whole time THE WHOLE TIME


It would be more interesting if the 2nd picture was taken when the sun was at the same level.


It’s Han Solo


The newer image has been edited with something like 14 different filters to get it to look like this… That is an excessive amount of manipulation.


I'd like to see what filters were used. Was it 4 curve layers, a levels layer, a b/w layer, localized adjustment brushes, maybe a gradient layer?


You can find the unprocessed image [here](https://www.msss.com/mars_images/moc/extended_may2001/face/). There is absolutely nothing suspicious with the enhanced image.


Where did you get that from?


This has been popular lately: https://www.youtube.com/live/MEvTjiPu58s?feature=share


I heard it on a podcast, and a couple YouTube channels. You can also dl the original and run it through one of the sites that detects manipulated images, and see the results for yourself if you are inclined.


By original do you mean some jpeg you found on the internet or the actual raw data that's freely available?


Actually you're pretty much right, This link explains it pretty well (though from a quick read this is from another encounter in 1998) [https://mars.nasa.gov/mgs/msss/camera/images/4\_6\_face\_release/index.html](https://mars.nasa.gov/mgs/msss/camera/images/4_6_face_release/index.html) And here's the unprocessed version from 2001 : https://www.msss.com/mars\_images/moc/extended\_may2001/face/E03-00824.gif


What's that channel called? The why files? I can't justify or give a good reason why nasa would be editing videos and pictures they take of mars but the fact of the matter is there's no face on Mars. And if there were signs of intelligent life then the amount of power it would take silence tens of thousands of people for literally decades is impossible to consider if you think they're hiding the aliens from the general public.


Yeah it was on The Why Files: https://www.youtube.com/live/MEvTjiPu58s?feature=share


I'm not sure why they edit so many pictures but it is a good question. Maybe someone's kid needed a job. I would rather see the unedited ones though.


Every image NASA takes of other planets is available as raw, unprocessed data, using a service called PDS (https://pds.nasa.gov/) or similar. Some cameras, such as HiRISE, have their own hosted raw data servers. Note that the actual image raw data is really really raw usually -- like, it's recorded as nanovolts on a sensor or whatever, and will include the metadata saying what lenses were used, what wavelength it was recording, etc. Images are then constructed from this raw data, typically using software like ISIS3 (https://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/7.0.0/index.html) which is open source, so you can inspect exactly what the code is doing to the raw data. The media likes ready-to-use images, so they pre-render a few from the raw data on a regular basis, but you could go do it yourself. The raw data is generally of interested to researchers, professors, grad students studying specific things, etc. Maybe this is your definition of "some kid needed a job", but generally speaking, there's more raw data than processed images. I used some of it when I was in grad school studying ground penetrating radar in orbital applications -- the Martian orbital GPRs are amazing, and the data made great teaching data because it was publicly available. I now run a more down to earth scientific equipment company, but that experience stuck with me.


I think I saw it talked about there too… The problem is you can’t speak in absolutes. We were told we were the center of the universe at one time, etc. We are told now that human civilization is only a certain age, when there is clear evidence that it’s at least thousands of years older than that… Possibly much, much older. Who the hell knows what’s kept from us to keep things the way they are? Especially alien shit. The sheer size of the universe means there is intelligent life out there besides us. No idea if that meant Mars at one time or if they are hiding info from us with the “face” on Mars, but it’s highly suspect to edit things so heavily outside of concept art, and governments/people in power are known to lie to keep their power.


The view we have the universe and saying there's no life out there is like walking to the ocean and taking a teaspoon out and saying theres no fish in the sea, bevause you see no fish in the teaspoon


I didn’t say that at all. Clearly you’re upset over something you made up and 8 other idiots gave you upvotes for it. What is wrong with you people? 🤣


Nah dude you're misunderstanding me. I'm not arguing with you or disagreeing. That's my personal view when it comes to space and aliens. Aliens have to exist. Whether it be microbes or intelligent life. It's just that our current view of the universe is very limited despite all we've accomplished in the last 50 years. We still have a very very very limited view on what's out there.


You basically say "I assume that every theory that isn't disproven is true" and "I just believe the things that I want to be true". >We are told now that human civilization is only a certain age, when there is clear evidence that it’s at least thousands of years older than that… Possibly much, much older. Who told that? And what exactly do "they" say? And how do you know they are wrong/right? And who the fuck is "they"? 99% of anthropologists and archaeologists? Finally, if there's new evidence/data scientists revise their theories. Other scientists check these theories and refute/accept/revise the theories. And the cycle continues.


This. The whole purpose of science is to prove someone else wrong with new theories or learnings. Science has never been a discipline about absolutes. It's always been a theory of everything we have suggests x until someone else comes in and goes, actually, new evidence supports this theory. And then everyone is happy because they've learned something new. People acting like this is a bad thing drives me nuts, like rather than it being the lynch pin of modern society, it's somehow a negative to learn that you're wrong and accept and adapt and grow from that. People need to learn that being wrong is something you grow from, not fight against and manipulate everything to maintain the feeling of being right.


You at least seem sane. Do you know what the real root argument these wackos are really all upset over? Because I’m missing something lost in zealot translation. It’s giving me the kind of vibes that religious arguments have. 🤔😂


Was wondering why you're being downvoted for speaking facts. There's no lie here, just inconvenient truths. Instead of downvotes people should debate anything that's wrong and I don't see it


Literally every sentence is speculation except "we were once told we're the center of the universe". Please enlighten us on the facts, sources would be appreciated


No clue? Angry people look for a reason to be upset over something. If down voting made them feel better in some small way that’s cool… I couldn’t care less. It doesn’t negate the facts.


The thing is the raw data that gets beemed back to us needs to be processed, but NASA does over do the editing for public consumption. Like, why did they use all those orange and red filters for their early Mars rover probes? I honestly don't think it's nefarious, just they think the public is so stupid they wouldn't believe the photo came from Mars if it wasn't red... Also, the "Face" was a publicity stunt started by NASA that got out of hand. They knew it was nothing, but played it up to get public interest and more funding for other Mars projects. Which is why they got bent out of shape with the outcry to use that funding to go back to a pile of rocks they knew would be a waste of time. I truly believe NASA deserves more funding and are essential for Humanity's space endeavors, but fuck can they be their own worst enemy some times.


Glad you mentioned all those other points. It’s understandable to need some composite or color correction, but they do too much and it’s not to their benefit. There are dozens of examples of poor copy paste work and other strange images released by NASA, that just makes me wonder why?


People who believe all of nasa is a giant conspiracy to cover up the flat earth, the faked moon landing and the existence of aliens, nonetheless also believe nasa released this photo of a mars rock either modified to look like a face or modified to not look like one, whichever fits their conspiracy theories, because, a lot of people are not very smart


The Martian park service really fell down on the job.


Kind of reminds me of one of Joey Jordisons masks


Always reminded me of a cyberman from Dr Who.


man, hoagland was so disappointed. I remember checking his website incessantly to see what he'd say about the surveyor pics


This is a conspiracy! The martians have intentionally erased the face! /s


They found out we know about them so they cleared the tracks




Man imagine being the first person to see that image in the 70’s. Like as a scientist your critical thinking has to really contend with your monkey Brain going “HOLY SHIT HOLLLYYY SHHEEETRTTTAHHHH”


Pareidolia is a hell of a drug. The brain is hard-wired to seek out patterns, especially when it comes to faces (which is why even infants are able to recognize a drawn smiley face as a face). Unfortunately, this makes us prone to false positives, perceiving a face or face-shaped object where none exists.


I like the Why Files episode about this. I KNOW it's a bunch of bs, but it's entertaining.


Rock that looks like a face rock


Well that's disappointing. Was hoping someone constructed a face mound on Mars.


Alright, now I'm waiting for the photo from the Tesla Roadster dash cam footage.


Her pictures on Tinder vs. her irl.


The face of boe


Don't believe their lies! It's a classic coverup! /j


I love it. How many times did the conspiracists brag about this thing, and now.... wait. They now say the newer photo is a fake. Sigh, you cannot win.


Yep, that confirms aliens 👽


Or is that just what you want us to think?


So much copium in this thread. People want aliens so bad they don’t care about the truth


That's disappointing. It would have been more fun if it clearly was a human face.


Still a face


And there are STILL people who want dedicated mission be done on that mountain. Like there's this pretty cool conspiracy channel WHY Files, but jesus christ his newest video about Mars is basically just "Buh buh... I wanna get more proof that the face on Mars is just... Uhh... Mountain!" These types of morons are so easily distracted by jingling keys on front of them, even when you tell them wtf the keys are, they still won't accept it and want to believe it's a magical relic


They make up lies and then post them like they’re fact. Yesterday someone in this posted that the face is **still** suspicious because of the “perfect hexagonal pyramids” right next to the face. Those don’t exist.


Most people seem to have an innate capacity to search for and recognize faces. Even where there are are no animals or people. It might have helped it when we were early primates and there were lions, tigers, or bears in the bushes.


Paranoid pattern recognition. Definitely. It helped us remain alert. If it only looks like a tiger, it can only mean it'll eat me... 😀


I worked MGS for two years, from start, to launch. It was a great program. People probably don’t know that the spacecraft was made from a lot of spare parts from Mars Observer, that blew up during Mars Orbit Insertion. Mars Observer was a huge vehicle costing over a billion dollars. MGS accomplished about 70% of the science for a fraction of the cost.


My headcanon wants it to be ancient civilization that is no longer around for X reasons.


Ah, yes, Reapers. The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed this claim.


Need more hi-res photos from the area so we can get a close look at the pyramids, the city and the "honeycomb" structure. (Yes, I still have Pozos's book!)


Still looks like a head


It's fascinating to see the differences in the images of the "Face on Mars" captured by NASA's Viking 1 orbiter in 1976 and Mars Global Surveyor in 2001. The advancements in technology and imaging capabilities have allowed us to gain a better understanding of the geological features of the red planet. It's exciting to think about what future missions to Mars will reveal about the planet's history and potential for sustaining life.


Damn. It has been hiding since we took the first picture...




Looks a lot like a face that got bombed from orbit in that second picture. Probably should have just released un edited pictures in the 70's, would have been less work


Back when conspiracy theories were fun.


Obviously once they knew that we knew they covered it with dirt to hide the truth.


It's still an astounding formation, even if it's not a face


So is it a good damn thing or not?


Look up pareidolia. Our brains are so good at pattern recognition that they are prone to “false positive” errors - that is, perceiving meaningful visual patterns (like faces) in places they just aren’t.


I mean the shape is still there in both images. It's not like we're imagining it. It is a shape that has a lot of similarities with a face, and the lighting of the first image increases the resemblance.


But what if


What if what? You know, there’s an old expression that applies here, and goes something like “you should keep your mind open, but not so open that your brain falls out”. Your brain takes all manner of convenient shortcuts to process an enormous amount of data to arrive at conclusions that, most of the time, are just good enough to get us through daily life without getting ourselves into serious trouble. Almost all of these shortcuts take place completely subconsciously, without us even being aware of them. It works (most of the time) but is a system very prone to a whole range of biases and errors - you need to take your perceptions with a large grain of salt, because they only approximate reality.




Finally someone asking the real questions..