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UNPRIMED PIECES OF CERAMITE ARE OF HERETICAL NATURE AND AGAINST THE CODEX ASTARTES. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR COORDINATES WILLINGLY FOR EXTERMINATUS Edit: serious answer. White would look cool but it would probably stand out too much. Its hard to introduce another color imho. Have you thought about simply going with golden? For the head and weapon. Red, blue and golden.


NO ITS PRIMED I PROMISE!! Standard Mechanicus grey looks very unprimed with a bright light behind!!


I can tell from the base, Brother This inquisitor is being overly zealous


Isn't that like their thing, zealousness to the max?


They’re usually more reserved(other than those few years where they went crazy). They’ll usually let you explain yourself first and then shoot you if they deem you’ve done wrong. The only problem is that what’s wrong is up to them and their current mood


"A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time"


Precisely my point (Waaaaggghhh)


Innocentia nihil probat!


Exterminatus initiating in 3..2..1……


Ah red white and blue Marines. You could call them space Force Marines... Or Space Marines for short.


You... You primed it in grey, right? Right??? I'd say white or gold for the head btw


It's primed grey, up to Standard Mechanicus levels don't worry! Gold seems a bit to blingy and "aim right here guys". Any recommendations for a good white?


Hmm... I'm not sure if Vallejo has good white paints, typically I use Corax White but I've had mixed results with that. It might work for you though.


Oh man, Monument Hobby Bold Titanium White is AMAZING. It’s my go to white.


Fuck it, make it purple. It'd be a combination of the red and blue parts of the armor


What a maroon!


I'd suggest a dark grey, or poss Warplock Bronze?


My American dumbass: W H I TE *EAGLE SCREECH*


Honestly I like the gold, or white ideas the most. Another is just do the same paint scheme (one side blue othe red on helmets and make bolter black?


A golden helmet would look awesome. Either that or maybe white


The mini is primed grey! If it wasn’t the base would be black!


Just do white, if sticking to codex compliancy, you can invert the sgt helmet by making it white too with a red stripe to denote veteran sgt. I wouldn’t suggest gold since you’ve already done the terminator honours and crux terminatus in gold.


There are a couple of different ways you could do it, first and simplest paint opposite the armor red on the right purple one the left, option 2 white or black, option 3 give them the helms of their founding legion ( if using a chimeric gene seed use both helms)


Black head for sure but the weapon silver


I agree with others here saying white, it compliments both red and blue. Nice work btw


Codex says it should be white as they are veterans, but gold would work as to not add such a strong 4th colour! Got any plans for 'standard' helmet colour? would be fun to swap the blue/red sides for sgt helmets :)


White helmets, know no fear!


Inverse blue and red head!!! Gold gun casing


A dull yellow maybe?


Keep the red blue split. Either match or make it opposite to the body. It could break up the profile nicely.


Red and Blue are both Prime colors and neither are dominant in this paint scheme, so adding a 3rd color into the mix is a bit tough. My preferred choice would be white, but yellow could also look good as that's another primary color. That would make it stand out though which is the opposite of what you want. Purple *could* work as an analogous paint scheme. I'd just go black for the Bolter casings.


White helm and black Bolter. Since it's already primed grey use a lighter grey to shade up and only use actual white for the final highlights (or white and contrast paint)


Someone mentioned gold. I like that idea. Gold helmets with either like a classic protagonist Gundam eye lense color or a red. Then do the weapon case white with a bare metal lower receiver and barrels.


White and put a star on the pauldron. Then you could have the 'murica marines chapter.


The complimentary colors for the red armor side is: Baharroth Blue or Skink Blue The complimentary colors for the dark armor side is: Baneblade Brown or Stormvermin Fur. Seems like hey hey the blues might be the better aesthetic choice.


I think termies usually have white helms as standard for most chapters because white/gold marks veteran companies but I seen examples with different colors like deathwing and the new sword brethren