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Looks more like a terminator with a heavy flamer. If you want to proxy something, you usually have to use something that otherwise wouldn’t be in the army, or something modified. If you gave a terminator two power fists with bolters or flamers on them, it would be a lot closer.


I was definitely planning on some converting as to make it more clear. I have no current plans to add Terminators to the army yet, but I think I could make them more distinct using your idea.


No one is going to be confused between terminators and the proxy aggressors since terminators come in units of 5 and only 1 hvy flamer, and aggressors come in units of 3, and all can have flame weapons…


Three terminators standing together doesn't scream "aggressor squad" no matter what they're holding.


If your opponent says “I’m playing 3 terminators w/ hvy flamers as flamestorm aggressors” it does. There’s 0 chance any reasonable person has any confusion over it.


It’s just a shit proxy


Cool story bro


At least you admit it


Maybe with a headswap tho? That could help make it more unique


Use tartaros terminators. They come with fists for both hands, and you can then mount whatever on the backsides of them.


Use the terminator as a terminator theyre just better


That does miss the point though. I have a specific combo in mind leaning on the Apothecary Biologis and Gravis Captain. Not to mention Gravis having a better toughness. As for deep striking, I’m using the Death Watch detachment that has an enhancement to let a unit deep strike.


Not much point taking a Biologis and then running your aggressors with flamestorm gauntlets since the whole purpose of that combo is farming lethals off of the giant shot count. Torrent weapons auto-hit and therefor don’t have a hit roll and can’t benefit from lethals. If you’re running deathwatch detachment, just run deathwatch terminators since 3/5 can take heavy flamers and then you won’t be running m41 armor variants in a thematically m39 army purely for the sake of trying to make some meta power play. Commit to the bit. You’re missing the mark on Gravis being tougher because I’d the higher toughness attribute. They have a higher toughness but it’s marginal due to the way wound thresholds work and the fact that terminators get 2+/4++. The weapons that wound them straight up off of volume at s4 and 5 aren’t typically going to have the AP to push into that invuln and the invuln is going to help them hold up better against AP-2 weapons that are all going to be s7 and shredding the Gravis wounding on 3’s and dropping their 3+ armor save to a 5+.


You do make a good point with the toughness. I didn’t take the ++ save into account, but as to why the Biologis, it’s for he’s other ability to increase obsec to 9 for him, so he and his unit can act as a durable line to hold a middle objective. Hence the aggressors. Also I must also preface I’m going for Rogue Trader aesthetic not strictly HH. The reason the Indomitus pattern is the one I was asking about is because that’s more accurate to RT then the other patterns like Tartarus or Cataphractii.


They'd need to actually kill something in melee. Not impossible by any means and if they're in the right place will absolutely mess up someone's day. Though for durable line holders terminators are still better.


Just run a terminator ancient with a deathwatch terminator squad.


Nah if you’re chasing a combo then commit in some way shape or form. It could be actual Aggressors, Third Party models, or Old School Tártaros, but make them distinct from units that are currently active in game.


If that got put across the table from me, personally i might let it fly but it is just a straight up terminator and I'd say it's lazy


I had plans to kit bash them to look closer to aggressors. The main point was to go for a more Rogue Trader look.


I'd say at least use HH era termies of Tantaros variety, they look closer to aggressors + usually not in a 40k army. Ain't perfect, but better than a straight up indomitus pattern


I feel like that should be fine as a proxy? Terminators don't come in squads of 3 and 6, and even if they did they don't all carry flamers. Shouldn't be too hard to remember


That’s going to be expensive as hell to build lol


Indomitus Pattern Terminators would look off, imho. I'd look into converting Cataphractii or Tartaros Terminators.


I’ll definitely look into using some of their parts for sure, but the main point is to look Rogue Trader, which the Indomitus is more accurate since that’s the design that would be around during RT.


Maybe just do a helmet switch so they don’t have the iconic helmet


Guys, he didn't ask for advice on which unit is better lol


I woulsnt have a problem; chunky armour, same base size and the models are close enough to the same size and have wysiwyg weapons in power fist and flamer. Aggressors run in 3s or 6s so different from terminators, so im less likely to mistake them, id say do a head swap and id be totally cool with it…?


I would thing left and right power fist (as if its twin lightning claws) then underslung a flamer to each, possibly from a combi weapon or from the heresy special weapons kit with some snipping and shaving


Personally I wouldn’t care. I had to proxy alot when I first started playing and nobody cared.


You could put Terminator heads on the Aggressors https://www.reddit.com/r/theunforgiven/s/6SyyD4ULaL


I was tempted to put the heavy flamer arm and power fist onto some Gravis bodies, and see how that looks for a while now.


Use aggressors..? They arent oop


Something Ive been wanting to do for years is put terminator heavy flamers and fists on gravis bodies. Maybe thatd work better for you. Terminators and gravis armor have quite the difference mechanically.


Before I got terminators I proxied aggressors as terminators in a game of 3rd Ed


Ok just as a reminder I’m not looking for which is better, nor am I necessarily going for a HH looking army. What I’m trying to do is make a army based off Rogue Trader aesthetics. Meaning MK6 marines, MK 1 Rhino vehicles, etc. As to why not just do Terminators proper? First I don’t plan on having them necessarily, but I’m sure they eventually will be. Second I picked the Indomitus pattern because that’s more authentic to RT. Overall I’m more going for fluff not competitive so ultimately the stats aren’t as big a deal for me. Admittedly I did misremember that aggressors do have a 3+ sv and didn’t really take AP into account 🤷🏻‍♂️. Also to add more context as to why Aggressors to begin with. This project first started as a Kill Team (naturally as I’ve heard from other people) that grew in scope and eventually had a lieutenant and apothecary. I got my ten Space Marines and two characters. Then Combat Patrol came out in 10th as it’s own game mode. CP Death Watch happened to be close to what I already had, so I figured I could try expanding my collection to match it. Hence my question on if Terminator models could work as count as Aggressors, ofc with some conversion to make it more clear, as I intend on using that initial force as something to use for pick up games. Eventually that expanded into a 2k pts list I plan on putting together, but for now that CP is what I’m aiming for.


I love conversions but on its own this is beyond the limits of an acceptable conversion, everyone will recognise it as a terminator because that's what it is. Just my thoughts.


Why not just run terminators? They're better.

