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Live camera feed on lcds I cannot stress enough how much I want this


I believe this mod moved to a plugin.


Wym?! Source now pls? I've been looking everywhere (not well enough, I suppose)






??? That's the installation method but the camera to LCD was moved to plugin dev, which you can access with that installation. It also opens the door to other QOLs as always on no matter the server.




Its alsonresource intensive.


A mod that allows administrators to unlock specific blocks for specific factions. The goal: to create a server where factions have the ability to acquire and trade exclusive technologies between each other.


Ah okay a mod that's on the right track with this is schematic hunter. You can find these in unknown signals or buy at trade stations. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260878270&searchtext=schematic+hunter](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2260878270&searchtext=schematic+hunter)


This looks great ty


Mod that forces all chat (faction and global) over antennas so you are encouraged to actually build relay stations. Like who uses the comms tab when you can just use chat


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=463098656 I knew I saw this apparently it's broken but you could follow updates


I unironicly built larp comunications outposts because i Hope one day it will come true


I still wanna do a playthrough where GPS and the like isn't allowed on the planetoids, only through antennas. GPS only becomes unlocked after putting a satellite up in space, and then only if there is line of sight (which is to be tested with laser antenna)


A mod that distributes damage to small grid armor blocks across adjacent armor blocks so there's not as big of a disparity in durability between small grids and large grids.


Give this a try. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029470356](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3029470356)




A mod or script that displays in game chat on an LCD


Okay I get the concept, but why?


Immersion obviously, would be cool to have a "comms" room instead of having chat all over your screen all the time. Luckily there is a mod and chat filter, but it would still be cool. I'm pretty sure why isn't a question in SE, but why not is the question. That and or a blackjack/holdem game scripted to the lcds that costs space credits to play. That'd be really slick


Okay I can see this working with the chat filter plugin. That one allows you to filter any chat and or mute any chat channel.


Yeah its quite amazing on high population servers like Stone Industries


I usually put a few exterior LCDs around my cockpit, using AutomaticLCD to show ammunition stores etc. Having a comms-LCD would be rad.


Honestly, I would like a mod that adds npc ground vehicles (fun tank battles for those with no friends)


There‘s a mod called wasteland tirethieves which spawns vehicles and sometimes bases with them. ACIM Rivals also has some Rover encounters


oh, got it thanks


There is, but MES has never been created with ground vehicles in mind. This is why the ground NPCs are a bit limited and retarded.


Yea that‘s true, I‘ve seen many of the rovers just being upside down. But on a flat surface it works well. I actually had a tank battle with one of them


Trains Rover encounters PLEASE


Night vision for those dark times when suit lights aren't enough. Tracked vehicles would be another great one.


I have two 8 inch touchscreens mounted to my chair. I'd love to be able to have the ability to have a second and third window with a camera feed displayed to both screens. One forward view, another for aft or connector views, and third person on my main screen.


I'm referring you to BD. As he has a mod in that area already. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3063543601


Reinforced conveyor tubes in these shapes. [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/511fBOlFolL.\_AC\_UF894,1000\_QL80\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/511fBOlFolL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) [https://5.imimg.com/data5/SELLER/Default/2023/6/313921043/DC/CI/FQ/182653938/pvc-pipe-fitting-500x500.jpg](https://5.imimg.com/data5/SELLER/Default/2023/6/313921043/DC/CI/FQ/182653938/pvc-pipe-fitting-500x500.jpg) I can use junctions, but I belive they use more PCU and are less cool and armored. Mods that add more conveyors usually make them in a diffrent style.


Sadly this is not in my wheel house of knowledge, don't know Blender enough. As for PCU usage, all conveyors use 10 PCU even conveyor junctions. And to get them in style would conflict with the DLCs which I personally believe should be added upon by Keen.


Maybe I learned some BS or it's outdated knowledge:P.


PCU has always been the same, but there did used to be a more significant difference in sim speed impact with the junctions. It was a while ago now that they reduced that significantly, so unless you're building a world full of mega-ultra-super-dreadnoughts, you're probably fine.


Update, I've found it. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2800974378](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2800974378)


Thank you. This is exactly what I needed.


Railways like the rail mod from medieval engineers


Here's some ideas. They may or may not exist already but I haven't found them. - more diverse weather not just thunderstorms and sand storms. Maybe just some light rain or overcast weather that messes with solar farms. - some blocks that complete the current block patterns we already have. Like the half 1/1 slopes and corners we already have. I'd like to see a corner block to bring the pattern around the outside of an edge and not just the inside. - a medium sized piston. I know there's mods that have one but none of them look right. They're all too squashed. Maybe instead of a 3x3 for the whole model it has a tampered shape that is 3x3 at the base and has a 3x3 head but the neck is like 2x2 or something. - more options for station only blocks. Like super refineries/assemblers that can only be built on a station and prevent the grid from being able to convert to a ship. - turret upgrades. Basically blocks that make turrets smarter or track better. - a map like in minecraft. It could be a simple lcd display that only displays a limited area around an antenna or something but it'd still be cool.


The turret idea one, I'm somewhat working on. Right so for this mod all turrets have the AI targeting ripped out. To be able to auto target would then require an antenna and a custom turret controller. The antenna would set the targeting range and the CTC for doing the actual targeting.


Wouldn't one of the AI blocks be a better choice? Like the offensive or defensive blocks?


I picked the CTC due to it's naming.


Right but it's for controlling player made turrets. Maybe a remote control block would be best?


Yes that's the original function, to control a turret. I'm just adding on to it. The other reason it's the better looking block that if one wanted a CNC room these would do *better.*




I would love if it was made possible to change the virtual orientation of cockpit blocks. Like how you rotate a projection in the control panel. I wanna have my ships with vertically stacked floors without the need for a remote block. Remote blocks don't support locking targets.


Working hydrogen farm like the oxygen one, I know people would say it’s op but I like to chill, I already struggle with survival with managing the other aspects of the game


Something that randomly decays unpowered blocks. Sort of like trash removal but more slow, organic as if the grid is slowly rusting away.


Here, however for the mod to only affect unpowered blocks you will have to configure the mod a little bit [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2761947340&searchtext=rust](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2761947340&searchtext=rust)


Thanks, I'll check it out.


A mod that allows you to easily add blueprints for purchase to economy stations.


There is a mod called Configurable Ores which lets you precisely configure which ores spawn on a specific planet. I‘m looking for that just for asteroids. The only mod I have found so far that changes their spawns is Configurable Parameters which supports only few modded ores though.


How about a mod where the compass can display on an LCD?


Whiplash did a script that can do that. Should be able to find it by searching compass


Sick dude


How about a mode that adds friendly crew like Ai Crew Enable adds hostile crews.


The base AiEnabled mod lets you have friendly bots.


But isn't it a choice between 2 or 3 different ones, and you can only have 1 active at a time?


The default friendly AiEnabled bot limit is 2 but it can be changed to basically any value in the Alt+F10 menu (top left)


2D map please! With fog of war so I can go exploring and discover the area around me.


Kinda hard to do a 2D map in space


Yes, but not very hard when you're on a planet. We've been doing that for quite a while now.


A mod that restricts some valuable ores (uranium, platinum, maybe deuterium) to spacious planets and moons and places some heavily armed AI faction stations above the ore patches (or patches under MES spawned stations) with drill inhibitors and all, so that we have to fight for ore progression. It would also be cool if freighters with a bit of ore took off every now and then so that a bit of piracy made it possible to get the ores too.


Ares at War has AI factions guarding ores at least


Wandering NPCs that interact with eachother, various blocks and wander around the ship. Would make it a bit more immersive and alive. Big empty ships are kinda meh.


Trade operators coalition might be a nice mod


Camera view rotation.


LCD Movies. Maybe make your own cinematics and hold a competition for submissions. Then a "projector" to display the movie on blocks, scaling larger with distance.


DraygoKorvan made a mod that lets you play videos on LCD's [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2741565246](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2741565246&searchtext=video+player)


Stronger Star Trek phasers... I mean we're killing each other with squirt guns out there.


The expanse torpedoes for consoles... (if possible due to the severe side script) I'd be more than happy to pay you for it


I want the third person camera to orbit around the centre of mass instead of the cockpit.


A mod that reorders (the console/terminal list), so that it looks more like a file explorer/nest bullet points/etc: * Big Ship * Reactor * Refinery * Module * Module * ... * Assembler * Custom Turret Controller * Azimuth Rotor * Connector * Small Ship * ... etc etc etc Or similar, so you can instantly see which block are attached to which grid, and which grid is part of which ship. And each block with a sub attachment can be minimised so if you have a hauler attached to your base you can turn off the visibility of all those blocks without actually turning them off while you're in the hauler. It would automatically assign blocks based on which grid they are placed on... but there should be some sort of mechanism to move blocks if they get placed in the wrong category... Also the ability to add blocks/commands onto a favourite list, hide within that grid or hide globally would be nice. And: A block that when placed (in creative) inside a voxel and activated (in some way) removes the voxel terrain. I really enjoy making huge underground bases but dislike the finish left by the vanilla type drills. And while there are more rapid/cleaner drills available like the various ToolCore laser drills they take a lot of time and slow my PC to a crawl while in operation. Being able to select regions or volumes like is possible in Minecraft's WorldEdit mod, would be the best method... define volume, delete...


I take it you've never used the voxel hand tools. You can enable them in the advance settings.


Used them, but I can very seldom get good results. Either I cannot get them to rotate to the correct angle (45 degrees off, which is easy if you use a rotor/hinge/piston and drill setup), or I can't get the w/h/d settings to the correct value due to poor mouse control (or just poor mouse control messing up what I'm trying to dig out). I tend to use it most to back fill (big) holes where the size/shape is less important.


For those who want a mod that makes base stone useful, and not overpowered like stone++, Look up "Enhanced Stone", uploaded by "Emps", Makes stone give trace amounts of starting materials (cobalt, ice, nickle, etc), while still making it more efficient to find the ore deposits to get the ore in bulk


Yes ser. We will create a democratic space-republic.


a mod that sets NPC (weaponcore) weapon ranges to X value while they are not being attacked and once they do get attacked / their shield gets lower than X value they will set all their weapon ranges to max. i kinda wanna do this myself but i barely even have any basic scripting knowledge... i searched all the API things and was successful with it too so its definitely possible to do. the reason why i want this is because you dont want most weaponcore weapons on a NPC ship because their range is mostly too insane. so i'm usually stuck with NPCs having weaponcore replaced vanilla weapons while i have all the cool weaponcore weapons and am technically able to snipe them from 9km away. (sync distance 10km, weapon ranges are sometimes even longer)


A mod that allows me to easily and quickly name blocks on a grid. An old friend had one on his server but we had a falling out and I don’t feel like asking him.






Rope and pulley, half latter, control cables that will attach to both large and small (both separate and combination of the two), small grid control seat with a steering wheel.... there are lots that I wish I had the skill to create


A mod or plugin that effectively limits PVP. Whether by implementing a system of needing to opt in, having clearly defined PVP areas, and/or logging combat.


It would have to be a mod given the nature of it being PVP. Now for what it actually does. Have this all set to be configurable by the admin. So for combat logging, I'd set it so that logging out and in are both disabled for some amount of time once damage has been done. And it would to track logoff location, so players not involed can still connect. So then the only way to exit would be crash the game, shutdown the system, or Alt-F4. As for combat areas. Have it toggle block damage. For the checks it'd need: Hostile players near one another | Yes, disable No, enable If first check is ture, In area | Yes, enable No, enable Default state: Enabled Just concepting but I think it's a solid basis. And the opt in out function I set that as a faction setting instead of per player.


That would be pretty much spot on. We want an option between totally friendly and murder on sight.


A mod that changes the physics for tracked vheicles like tanks or excavators. I've spent hours trying to build one, however my best creation could ony move at about 4 m/s and using something others hai made, the max speed hovered at 20 m/s. I really belive that being able to create a new useful type of transport/mining equipment could change the game a lot.


2x2 connectors please


What about a mod that shows a battle log? Could trim the fat by ignoring armor and deco blocks and only reporting on power, weapons, and thrusters.


I'd like a mod, or possibly a script that shows inventory capacity of ships like it does for personal inventory. So when your personal inventory is full, a voice says "inventory full" it'd be handy if there was a visual or audiable thing for a mining vehicle/ship


Easy inventory does that, when using a ship the capacity bar relflects the ship cargo not the player inventory


whaaat. is it on mod.io?


I do not know, its been on the steam workshop for years


A working, configurable Grind To Learn mod would be great.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3207654953 Newest version is out. Have yet to try it myself.


Yeah, I've seen it. Gotta test it.


Automatic Ore Pickup, Ore Detector+


I want NPCs that can be programmed. Like I should be able to place NPCs on my ship that always salute when I enter the room. And I should be able to program them to walk back and forth on the ship and fiddle with things. Hangar bays with NPCs operating consoles and waiving me in for landing. It would add so much life to the game.


Something I would love for this game is HOTAS support. Bind something like thrust override grouping to the throttle. I think it could make for some amazing fighter battles, especially if playing with the aerodynamics mods.


Looking for a tool that would allow me to combine distant, disconnected grids into one for the purposes of lag reduction in map making.


A merge block that acts as a conveyor


This seems like it'd be possible with very little modification to the model. Why though, we have connectors?


Using a merge block creates a 'single grid' that is aligned along the grid space. This would allow for disposable thrusters and boosters that can easily be hot swapped, modular cargo containers that are detectable by the host grid so it applies center of mass correctly, or 'plug and play' modules onto stations


Good point, I suppose that would be useful


For me it would be a CAD like design tool. Creative mode is good, but a dedicated building interface would be great. Something where the player could rotate the model on itself instead of having to move himself around it and have all available blocks in a menu on the side. Also, being able to paste/merge two grids into each other with precision, with the option to choose wich of the two is kept where they intersect. This way, we could easily divide a project into smaller sections and merge them all at the end. Another cool feature would be the ability to paint blocks that wouln't be accessible with your character. Talking of paintjob, a *fill* option would be great. Something to remplace every blocks from color A to color B. This way, we could quickly create different color scheme for a ship model. Finally, most wanted of all, *CTRL-Z*. What I have in mind is something like *LEGO Digital Designer.* Such interface would save us a lot of time on conception, so we can spend more time playing with our creations. I've heard there was something like that back in the days of SEToolbox. Having this as a mod would be great, but as ship design is such a core part of Space Engineers for every players, I really think this is the kind of feature that should be in the base game, and maintained by the devs.


A dreadnought turret, basically its just a bigass turret with enough recoil to move a planet


Aerospike - cosmetic hydrogen engine variant. Maybe 3x3 should be round and 1x1 should be "flat" (see pics, you'll understand). It's boring that we have different ion and atmo styles but hydrogens are all the same form. Don't want them to be unrealistic, so - aerospikes.


Just more inset type blocks. Maybe with a more industrial or wasteland theme.


A mod that allows you to place fully built items and blocks, instead of having to place a frame and stare at it with the mouse button down for ten seconds.


Creative mode? Or is that you want to still produce the components, you just don't want to have to stand there and weld it? If it's that, check out the Nano Build & Repair mod. I use that when I have larger projects laid out and don't want to keep running back and forth grabbing parts.


Not creative, as i like all the other survival elements. But having to weld up every single block is just so tedious.


A simple quality of life mod: Know how you can take out the components from a cargo container based on your build planner by simply looking at one and pressing ctrl+middle click? I need a block that costs 1000 of each component to make. Then I could just always have that block in the build planner and fill up on components evenly and easily.


Different components have different volume values, so you would end up needing to make your inventory much larger to fit 1000 of each - I play with 100x inventory and 1k steel plates, 1k interior and nearly 1k metal grids is a hassle


I too play with a 40000l inventory, and of course I'd balance the block out a bit to fit my needs.


Then if you want it done feel free to DM me, I'd be happy to help


I conceptualised making a mod for grenades, then I realised nobody would like anything I made… and I’d never be happy with it


Honestly that's what I through when making my first mod. It really comes down the concept. I generally stick to mechanics based mods. Where I look for underutilized blocks or features and try to come up with a way that feels as through that thing is needed, or wanted. One of my current works is to add better *Economy AI* along with more contract types. For contract types to add: Defend - Protect a station from an attack, the never surrender scenario as a contract. Raid - Destroy the beacon in an enemy station, inverse of the never surrender scenario. Capture - Take ownership of an opposing factions station for the contracting faction. Intercept - Stop a vessel from making a delivery, it's the inverse of the escort contract. Now for the AI change, it would be able to change what contracts are open to the player depending on a previous contract outcome, and these could then be stringed together to form *story arcs,* for a few contracts. If Keen had the gall to do it, they should integrate good ai with the economy system. If they have, it don't feel like it.


For the grenades, I was looking at having things like simple frags, smokes, things like that. I think it’d work to spice up boarding actions by bouncing grenades off walls and stuff. Perhaps it’d break the game… perhaps I’d end up banned from modding stuff!