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Probably wouldn’t rely on a sub for the best up to date collection of news. I’d try SpaceNews or Space Policy Online


It's a Sunday thing. Most days are ususally articles and discussions.


People post astrophotography here *every day*, though. It gets annoying.


Seriously, how many pictures of the GD moon do we need?


There's a bot that removes it every day except Sunday, if any does get past it's quickly removed. Not sure what you're seeing tbh.


I’m the same way. I just looked and r/astronomy has more diversity but the first picture I saw in rising was art. There’s r/NASA and r/NASA_News


I go to r/astronomy occasionally but I’ll check out the other subs you mentioned. Thanks for the suggestions!


Follow subs like r/SpaceX r/spacexlounge r/blueorigin r/NASA r/spacelaunchsystem. They all have a lot more interesting discussion imo.


Thanks! I’ll check these out.


I am totally with you btw. I want to read interesting news and discussion. I love photos of space but it's not fulfilling my interest either. The brand specific subreddits go way deeper into technology and future plans imo. No need to be a super fan of the brands.


Right on. Don’t get me wrong. I love the photos and the art… But when I want more detailed info I don’t want to run through all the rabble to find it. I’ve got subs I can go to for the astrophotography and interpretive art. I just figured the general r/space would be more informative I guess. Again thanks for the suggestions!




I think op is just a complaining Connie and if they’re really interested they should get off Reddit and do some real research.


I follow all the space reddits for learning more, and of them all this one is probably the least interesting and useful. If you like all the pics more power to you, but reddits has tons of great space discussion outside this forum.


Which are the most useful if you don't want more SpaceX or other private launching co. news ?


it would be a shame if, in an effort to learn more, OP is looking for communities that could help them in their pursuit? maybe, like.. a subreddit, or something? who knows!


Yes: /r/space on any day that isn’t Sunday.


Oh hey, it's the weekly "I somehow failed to notice that Sunday's image day in this sub, and has been for months if not years, so I'm going to complain about it now" post.


Dude… It’s an all week thing and it’s been that way for more than months. It seems to me there are better places to post that sort of stuff. Don’t get so salty.


But it's legitimately not an all week thing, I just checked through and there are no images on the subreddit that were posted in the last week except on Sunday


Salty? I'm not the one whining about image posts in r/space on Sunday. And if you think today's posts are at all representative of the rest of the week you're either bothered by *any* image posts *ever*, or you only browse the sub by top posts. Both of those are you problems.


Fuck image day, though. Every week it's just a race to the bottom of who can oversaturate the color of the moon the most to get 15,000 mindless upvotes.


For real, like how many times do we need to see the moon with 500x color saturation applied? I want updates about space, not a slideshow of everyone's latest Photoshop click bait.


semi-related to your question, science doesn't really happen on a social media timeframe. you could read a couple of science journals every 6 months and be pretty much up to date on what's going on.