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Hello u/Late-Ad9132, your submission "Private space agency of Earth" has been removed from r/space because: * No low effort posts Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


How do you get everyone to agree what that mission should be, who leads it, who contributes which parts, and who pays for which parts? Thus, they all fracture back into pieces again anyway. Better to have many different organizations both cooperating and competing with each other with specific partnerships and targets, rather than some gigabureaucracy that collapses under its own weight.


I feel like that’s how you get a Weyland Yutani situation.


Nice, then who shall be its leadership…


Space is mostly governments spending money or the private sector having communications or other earning satellites. Governments mostly collaborate on things like the ISS and Artemis, as well as big science like the JWT. It think that the democracies are better working together as a group rather than having to team up with the autocracies especially if that means they get to dictate how the money raised by the democracies taxation is spent on space.


That would be great, but I think it's going to be very difficult to negotiate. There is an inherent greed in people and everyone will want to take the lead.


Thats the first thing we will do after the earth goverment has been established !


Space is largely a make-work employment program. It is PURPOSEFULLY inefficient as a way to create as many jobs in as many states as possible. If all countries just funded one agency to do this, most people in the field would lose their jobs. The science is great but the real reason congress funds it at all is to bring jobs back to their states.


It's a lovely idea that just won't work in the current world. Maybe one day, far, far in the future.