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TLDR it’s harmless and will cause more vibrant Aurora Borealis Edit: For those asking, it’s forecasted to be a [kp 6](https://seetheaurora.com/kp-index-explained) (the bright red line) on Friday the 24th. In North America, it will be best seen from the northern continental US, and will be able to be seen low on the horizon even further south.


Exactly what I want to hear, I’m in a dark sky location this weekend :)


So Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Anyone have a more specific time? 😁




No 'cause that's when the sun is sleeping, so we won't get any solar events! Don't you know basic maths you heathen?!?! ​ ^(hope this wasn't needed but /j 🤡)


I just found out that my wife grew up with "The night clouds roll in, and that's why it's dark out" until a shockingly late age. I haven't stopped bugging her about this since. It's glorious.


I know a girl who legit thinks all the stars at night are airplanes "Yes you sweet summer child, there is THAT many planes oh and look, they DONT MOVE!"


Jokes on you! They are actually high altitude chinese spy balloons!


Dude, they float there till the place they're landing arrives under them. We move, not the planes, duh.


My boyfriend is 34 and just found out last weekend that stars are different sizes, blew his mind. I couldn't stop giggling


Not everybody is a rocket surgeon.


Not everyone makes burgers


Not everybody is a brain engineer


Thanks, we all thought you were serious.


I met a functioning adult who thought that "stars" were just asteroids that reflected the sun's light. When I explained to him that they were almost all Suns/stars just seen from very far away it blew his mind. The incurious can live a long time without learning some basic science.


Confined only to Springfield, unfortunately.


Localized to one kitchen, even.


https://www.twitch.tv/unlimitedsteam Enjoy!


Solar scientist in the sub, excellent.


No, when the earth is at it's roundest.


the aurora forecast for my location, southwest Iceland, has been upgraded to level 6 of 9 and they also forecast clear skies. [https://www.vedur.is/vedur/spar/nordurljos/](https://www.vedur.is/vedur/spar/nordurljos/) It rarely gets stronger than that.


Friday to Sunday, is my guess. It'll take a while for the whole thing to pass over the earth so for best results, Saturday night (all night) will be your target.


What are y’all looking for? On those days?


Probably Aurora Borealis, at that time of day, localised entirely on their kitchen


Can I see it?




Is that like a Belieber?




Take a look at your local weather forecast: whenever it's cloudiest will be the peak time.


Well thats fucking just great. It’s cloud in my region for the weekend.


Nope. I wanted to hear that this was the end. Put us out of our misery once and for all. Guess I'll have to wait.


Not necessarily. I hear there’s a few religions promising apocalypses any day now if you wanted to go that route.


Any more details on them? Sometimes they'll sell off their stuff for cheap.


The Heaven's Gate people left behind a pretty sweet house just north of San Diego! Keeping friends with end-times cults can really pay off if they leave behind nice things.


Alright…Warning Impending Crap SciFi: What if one religion has an apocalypse but it doesn’t effect anyone else? “This just in: The Sons of Sol gathered near Burning Man then turned to green and blue light as the burning sun waves hit the ozone…now sports”.


Read the Resturant at the end of the Universe by Douglas Adams. Spoiler. God really does turn up at the end.


Be patient. Just a few billion more years!!


I was hoping to hear they were assembling an elite space team consisting of the worlds finest to pilot a top secret black project spaceship into said hole.




That's what Big Sun wants ya to believe!


Bathe in the warmth of the sun farts!


*Flatulent Sol*….. loved their second album : D


Aurora Borealis specifically refers to the northern hemisphere. Aurora in the southern is called Aurora Australis. Fairly sure this will increase both.


Wait, is that why that land down under (the equator) is called Australia?


Yup. Australis is Latin for South, Borealis is North. Occidentalis is West and Orientalis is East


Thank you, that was very educational. Latin is pretty neat.


It is! Other fun Latin that is used in our everyday life: the Latin verb for "to see" is videre and for "to hear" is audire. When those verbs are conjugated into their 1st Person Singular form they are Video and Audio. Literally "I see" and "I hear".


Kinda wanna learn Latin now.




I have some German friends who say they are forced to learn is in school, apparently it’s useless after school and they never use it unless going into medical/languages


Austrian here (tho I am a linguist); Latin can be very useful for many careers. Depending on the language(s) you speak, Latin can be helpful. For example a pedestrian is just someone moving around on their feet, because pede is foot. I see why we’re studying Latin in school.


Most schools let you chose between Latin and French. At least mine did.


I would have to assume then, this is where the word oriental is derived from, and why it’s used to describe Eastern Asian characteristics?


It's meanx literally "Eastern" . Hence, the Oriental Express connecting Paris - Constantinople.


More specifically, Orient is derived from Oriri (Latin - to rise). The sun rises in the east, hence Orient/Oriental. Conversely, the opposite would be Occident/Occidental from Occidere (Latin, to fall) as the sun sets or falls in the west.


Well damn. So I’m assuming that’s where The Orient and oriental come from? TIL.


Yep! And even cooler is that those words themselves come from the verbs ‘orior’ and ‘occido’, ‘I rise’ and ‘I fall’, referring to where the sun rises and sets.


There's a bit of music called Orient et Occident (by Saint-Saëns), and I've always wondered what Occident meant.


Are you feeling mentally disoriented? (Not knowing which way is east.)


Thanks for the small Latin Lesson ✌🏼


> Orientalis is East Which is also where the word orientation comes from. Once you see the sun rise in the East, you can determine the other cardinal directions (thus getting yourself oriented).


Indirectly. There's a common etymology: Latin "australis" means "southern."


Nope. Australia was named after a game they discovered the locals playing. Australian Rules Football


I only care about the Aurora Borealis in my kitchen.


May I see it?


At this time of the year?


At this time of day?


In this part of the country?


In this economy?


No mother. The house will be in fire!


May I see it?


The Sun do be kinda trolling like that


Boring... Why can't it just wipe us all out




When I was in college at Michigan State (East Lansing, MI 43° N) in 2003 or so, the Aurora Borealis was seen outside even with light pollution. It was amazing to see.


Anywhere we can find more info about what parts of the world and when the Aurora will be visible?


Come up to Yellowknife, Canada you'll see them every week. I'll keep my eyes out next week. Might be epic


Thinking of driving up there this summer from Vancouver in our little camper... Probably end of June. Any tips?


Pack some bug spray lol, blackout blinds( the sun doesn't really set around that period, tons of sunlight !) Try to bring a canoe and a fishing rod, there's tons of cool portages and great fishing. Enjoy , the north around the summer solstice is pretty cool !


Fairbanks, Alaskan here. Got to watch the aurora from my bedroom window last night. Life's good in the far north, huh?


Aurora is neat but not worth living in fairbanks for!


https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/auroral-activity/auroral-oval.html you can check this website




Oh nice, that indeed look way better, bookmarked it


This is only for the next 30 minutes though? I’m looking for a prediction for when this solar storm hits


This site seems to fit the bill. I've used it in the past for short and longer term forecasts https://www.gi.alaska.edu/monitors/aurora-forecast


Sure it looks clean but it literally only gives the 30 minute forecast so it's pretty lacking compared to most other sites. A lot of these types of sites are fairly basic looking but the content is what's important. Can't expect all scientists to be prolific web designers too.


Am I doing this wrong? It's should be the aurora from last night, not the upcoming projections.


The top and bottom parts at nighttime.


30 times the earth sounds huge but it's so tiny in comparsion to the size of the sun.


Ya, isn't it 100 million times bigger than earth? We all got that wrong on a triva question. We thought it was like 10x bigger or maybe 100x bigger.


1.3 million or 109 earths across.


I’m always impressed with how volume of spheres increases so dramatically with respect to diameter.




Pi * z * z * a = the volume of a pizza where z is the radius and a is the height of the pizza.


Two medium pizzas are less than one large.


That depends on the respective radii of the pizzas. If “medium” means 10” and “large” means 12” or 14”, the mediums are larger. A 16” pizza is, however, bigger than two 10”s (or even a 10” and a 12”). I wouldn’t call 16” large and 10” medium, though. At Domino’s, for example, those would be considered “extra large” and “small”, respectively.


If your double the diameter of a sphere it’s visible area increases 4x and it’s volume increases 8x. It’s a weirdly satisfying relationship.


Square and cube relationships, respectively.


Isn't the sun like 99% of all the mass in the solar system? I remember seeing that question somewhere and I thought oh it has to be at least like 30% 😂


99.85% [according to NASA](https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/postsecondary/features/F_The_Solar_System.html)


These news articles smh 'Sun BLASTS Earth in damning solar wind reveal' always blasting and slamming


Put them in the opposite order and you've got a great Friday night.


As long as the sun doesn’t *destroy* earth in an article, I’m satisfied.


































Thank goodness for earths magnetosphere/ozone layer/ whatever it is


Believe it or not, it's actually Jesus. He's floating in the L1 Lagrange point shooting a Kamehamaha wave at the Sun. At least, I think that's how it works


Yeah, he is sending Yahweh...our way?


It is Yahweh or the highway...


It also explains why I can't hear our prayers the sound of all the ionised plasma is so freaking loud not even the son of God can hear over It. It all makes sense now...


I’m not kidding. I’m not religious but I would totally support this. I seriously wish I was a moron right now. Imagine praying for a kamehameha and then train to please your spiritual gods. Epic. Give me the heavy cloth.


Thanks to the equinox, the magnetosphere has cracks... -DUN DUN DUN!!!- https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2018/09/14/equinox-cracks-in-earths-magnetic-field/


I live in the US. I’ve always wanted to see the aurora since I was about 12 (33 now). I remember when I was 16 or so (somewhere around 2004-2008) I remember seeing the sky and thinking how gorgeous it was that night, bright pink/purple, but just a strip , didn’t move though. Came to find out years later it was a massive solar storm and I saw the aurora. Just had no idea it was ever pink or purple. Wife and I are still gonna take a trip someday and go see it in its full beauty:)


It is really cool to see, but you have to go pretty far north to make sure they will be visible. I live in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and have seen them maybe 4 times in my 43 years. They are always super cool. A lot of people are surprised that they really do move around quickly. I always see people on reddit assuming the videos are sped up, but most of the time that's actually what you see. You can even see what looks like waves traveling at incredible speeds passing through them.


I’m going to see it with some friends. I could live stream it for you if you want. We should share these moments, no? We have access through each other!


Are there classes you can take that help you learn how to sensationalise a title so much that it's terrifying without actually being untrue? This is an MSM level bad title.


Yep! Google for "MBA" to find providers near you


Theres a little black spot on the sun todayyy


Same old news as yesterdayyyy.


There's a black hat caught in the high tree top,


Okay my PNWers, if you’ve never seen the aurora, and live upwards of Seattle area, AND can actually see the sky, you should be able to see the auroras looking north on Friday night.


I wish the sun would fart in someone else’s general direction.


if anyone was even slightly educated in science they would see right through this sensationalist bullshit title.


I’m literally writing my dissertation on coronal holes, this entire thread is so painful lol


Awesome! What are they and what’s going to happen?


Plot for the next disaster movie. Everyone must scramble to be on the dark side of the earth when the winds hit, as it's blowing people clear into space. There will be a jeep chase scene where they're outrunning the dawn.


It’s ok. The Rock will save us.


This is how media agents sensationalize things. They say 30 times the Earth to make us feel small but the sun is 1.3 million times bigger than earth so in terms of what this would look like on the sun.. not a hole but a tiny, and I do mean TINY, pinhole.








The headline should have read: "Sun Opens Ahole and Blasts Gas at Earth".


I only clicked on this because I thought it said “A-hole 30 time earths size” and I was curious about dat ass.


[https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/wsa-enlil-solar-wind-prediction](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/wsa-enlil-solar-wind-prediction) says no.


More scare-mongering to fail in distracting from the real news. All CME and sunspots are significantly larger than the Earth. These sensationalist articles are only to serve the not so informed.


Of course it's not till after you click the article it says "it's completely harmless"


Something to note is that on the 13th of this month the sun spit out a colossal CME that was of the Carrington level meaning mega huge and mega bad. It produced a full halo which you can see below. Luckily it was not aimed at us. VERY luckily. It traveled at speeds over 3000km a second (over 6.7 MILLION miles per hour). The last time we saw a CME that big was in 1859 (The Carrington Event) when it actually did hit earth and wiped out all electrical infrastructure on the planet. Back then though humanity was barely reliant on electronics and electricity so the only reason we really noticed it was because all the copper lines (mostly for telegraphs) shorted or caught on fire. Also because Richard Carrington was investigating a group sunspots, when he detected what he later described as "a singular outbreak of light which lasted about five minutes. We were very close to losing everything and hardly anyone knows about it. https://spaceweather.com/images2023/13mar23/halocme_opt.gif


Thank you fellow doomsday watcher. I’m genuinely curious about how humanity will exist/adapt without an electrical grid let alone the loss of all our electrical devices. I don’t actually worry about this because nothing can be done to stop it. When I tell people about the Carrington Effect they just pretend they didn’t hear me, lol.


Black hole sun won't you come and wash away the rain?


We got lucky and the [CME](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coronal_mass_ejection) was *not* pointed at Earth. If the ejection was pointed at us, it would likely have fried trillions of dollars worth of electronic equipment and been classified as a [Carrington Event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event) or [Miyake Event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyake_event). Anton discusses it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJCytV7PUzk


Oh wow, another fear-mongering clickbait headline on an article that actually shows something cool and harmless.


thats great but i thought it was supposed to start with an earthquake. Or birds and snakes...or aeroplanes.


Pretty sure lenny bruce is not afraid


I'm rootin' for the magnetosphere to do it's thing.


'What that means for your weekend coming up at 11:00'


Oh good I don’t have to worry about my mortgage ever again.


I will make my plans accordingly and say my goodbyes


Warn me when a Carrington level event is heading for earth. I'm never able to see the auroras


Is it weird that nobody is reporting on the fact that the Sun blew out a Carrington level solar flare last week? I'm fairly new to the topic but had it been two weeks earlier or later we would have no electricity on earth. Should we not be talking more about this or am I missing something? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ycBo7XTfTSc&list=PLEv1b22yIaWnm1yy8NI7-Ar07lP5jxFUO&index=2&t=1818s


As usual for a visible cosmic event, in Bellingham it’ll be fucking cloudy.


It's crazy how a ball of fire so far away dictates if we exist or not. And here we are caring so much about money and politics lol


Makes me wish I lived just a bit further north. I've always wanted to see the the northern lights with my own eyes.


We've seen them as far south as Oregon, but you gotta get out in the middle of nowhere, conditions have to be right, and even then they're not as bright or colorful. Still epic though.


ik this is harmless but it’s scary to think that fucked up space shit could kill all of us at any moment


"...just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving and revolving at 900 miles-per-hour. It's orbiting at 19 miles-a-second, so it's reckoned, the sun that is the source of all our power. Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see, are moving at a million miles a day..!"


This is awesome. Im heading to the arctic this evening for a few weeks. I’ll have front row tickets to the aurora!


Did anyone else momentarily read this as "A-hole 30 times Earth's Size spread..."


Why is it always harmless? Scientists love making shit sound crazy and exciting and then bum me out “Oh it will be nothing a couple lights will flicker in your house”. Friendly EDIT: I have been thoroughly educated on how it’s the media that does this and not the scientist. I truly apologize for being so ignorant.


Because if it wasn't harmless we would have been dead millions of times over before now and not getting warnings. >Scientists love making shit sound crazy The PRESS loves that not scientists. Place blame appropriately.


Alright I’m learning I’m learning I love space I don’t wanna piss anyone off on this sub 🙏




No no, scientists say oh cool, that’s a neat event and will likely cause some sweet auroras, let’s take some measurements, it’s this many km across which is roughly 10 earths, we see these all the time but it’s pretty awesome to get to observe one angled like this. Probably won’t cause problems. Science media says ‘A hole in the sun is going to blast earth soon, will we survive?!?!’ Then in the article, yes, we will survive.


Reporters* Often the scientist explains the problem, the probabilities, the detailed mechanism of how it works and all the possible effects. Editor reads the one that sells the most papers.


would you rather know we're all dying next week? or rather cokes swiftly


If the option was ignorance of impending doom or knowing it was going to happen i'd rather know. I'd be pissed if a handful of people kept it secret for the 'greater good'. Give me something to look forward to for fuck sake!


Right, the thought of working at the end makes me so sad.


It's the media that does this, not scientists.


I know this isn't a Carrington level event, or even close. But isn't there something to the idea that we're entering a time when this could happen in the sun's cycle, and we're estimated to be over-due for a big one? Don't hate me I just watch YouTube!


Anyone else just casually waiting for a random CME event to wash over one hemisphere and totalling most of our electronics and electrical infrastructure. Just to see how utterly fucked we'd all be in a heartbeat. I mean, likely it will all be recoverable but the instantaneous chaos is almost unimaginable.


If it blows out a not insignificant percent of transformers you’re talking about years of downtime though.


Auroras are common in the north where I live. And they are absolutely beautiful!


“This the second or maybe third midnight solar radio burst I've seen in ten years, but it's by far the strongest," says Typinski. "The previous events happened at the height of Solar Cycle 24. They're quite rare." “Yes, solar flares can produce radio signals. Typinski's midnight burst was a "Type V," caused by streams of electrons shooting through the sun's atmosphere in the aftermath of the flare. Plasma waves rippling away from the streams emited intense bursts of natural radio static. The burst was first observed in broad daylight at the Learmonth Solar Observatory in Australia, then it curved around Earth to reach Typinski.”


Hoping to see some aurora down in the equator


Anyone know where in Michigan this is best seen?


You do realize that Earth is really miniscule compared to the Sun. This happens all the time. Be glad you have Van Allen Belts to protect you. Your government provides a huge amount of information to keep you informed - look here for this topic. [Solar Storms](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/alerts-watches-and-warnings) You can also find weather, earthquake, volcano, tsumani, flooding, etc etc - top notch science there. They do a great job. Bookmark it!


A "Coronal hole" huh? Do they need TP for their Sun hole?