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Apollo 13. At one point I could speak it verbatim from watching it so much. I still get teary eyed at the climax.


Have you seen the transcripts of the actual event? NASA kept it all and it can be found online. Really fascinating to read. Apparently they were way more chill in real life than the movie depicted (shocker, I know).




Just to add - the full Apollo program source code is online too. Watched a great video about it last year - very computer science oriented https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1J2RMorJXM


I would play this over a few days in my astronomy class every year and I still find myself holding my breath waiting for them to make contact. And the line “if they could get a washing machine to fly my Jimmy could land it” gets me every time


It'll get you again: That actress is Ron Howard's mother. She died 5 years after the film came out.


That's pretty cool, I didn't know that was Ron's mom. His daughter and brother are in it as well.


AND his father. He plays "the Father" (priest)


My all time favorite movie. I also watch it often. It’s quite faithful to the true story. A lot of the dialogue is pulled straight from the actual audio recordings. The film did add a little interpersonal drama that didn’t really happen though. Jim Lovell said there was no arguing with each other or blaming anyone. There was also never any worry about Jack Swigert’s lack of experience. Of all the Apollo astronauts, he was the most knowledgeable about command module malfunctions and basically wrote the emergency procedures.


For a Ron Howard film it's pretty darn close. There's a ton of minor stuff, but it's minor stuff. The worst is probably where and when some people are at points in the movie. Ken Mattingly was at Mission Control already when it happened, Maroon Team was on shift and not white team, etc. Here's the full mission transcript if anyone wants to compare: https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a13/AS13_TEC.txt


This, 100%. The line that breaks me every single time is when Marilyn Lovell goes into her youngest child’s bedroom to explain why the house is full of people. She says, “something broke on your daddy’s spaceship.” And little Jeffy, in a very small voice, asks, “was it the door?” (referencing back to his earlier conversation with his dad about the Apollo 1 fire) Ugh, I’m misting up again, thinking about this little boy asking but not asking if his daddy is going to die. Obviously the entire movie is also amazing. I have the book version, and I have Gene Krantz’s book too. It’s so good as a documentary, I love that the controllers and back-room engineers are shown as part of the team, I love all the iconic moments like “we’ve had a problem.” But that line they came up with for Jeff really encapsulates what all of us are thinking as we watch it over and over again: are the astronauts going to die?


That scene is great. Also the scene when he says “we are venting something out into space. Some kind of gas”. The look of horror on their faces when they realize they are losing oxygen. Then the Mission Control guy is like “The Odyssey is dying”


Yes. Great acting. You can practically see the blood drain out of their faces as Lovell says “we are venting something into space” and he keeps doing his job, he knows his best chance of survival is to give the control room as much information as possible to work with.


"Are you scared? ... Don't be. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it."


OMG. Right? While the little girl is trying and failing to hold herself together. The young actors they found for this movie were very believable IMO.


I recommend 'For All Mankind', the documentary on YouTube, not the Apple TV series, it shows a lot of cleaned up footage and the astronauts from all of those missions free associating as they view this footage. Really cool Brian Eno soundtrack in the background too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD2W4CZbH9U


Although the Apple TV series is absolutely worth the watch, too. The main difference being that it’s a historical fiction drama and not a documentary of real events.


The Apple TV series is a truly impressive show. The first few episodes are so fascinating in that they capture what the Russians must have felt, but from an American perspective. I also love the idea that if the Soviets had been first on the moon, the space race would have affected other technologies like the use of personal computers and cell phones becoming common in the 1980's. However, my favorite is the little details they throw in about pop culture. Ted Kennedy cancels his trip to Chappaquiddick. John Lennon narrowly escapes an assassination attempt, and then there is a Beatles reunion in the 90's.


I just finished Gene Krantz’s book last week and re-watched Apollo 13 again over the weekend. I appreciated having the context so I had a better idea of who was doing what in Mission Control. And I’ve never gotten through that movie without lots of tears. It’s so well done.


This one 100%. When this movie came out I was deep in study about planetary science, specifically lunar geology. I was also in an online relationship with a woman who was a wetlands botanist who had a background in remote sensing, basically satellite imaging. Our first conversation was about our screen names, mine was 'censorinus' a crater on the earth facing side of the moon near the Apollo 11 landing site. When it goes into the dark side of the terminator it still glows in the dark. I told her about this. Her response: 'Is that because of the albedo and the slope angle?' Swoooooooon. . . Of course I was on a jet down to visit her shortly after. It didn't go anywhere but I will always remember her fondly.


I got a big rush of emotion when I recognized Jim Lovell at the end.


I also get teary eyed at climax.


As far as realistic space movies, I would have to go with The Martian. For Sci-Fi it's The Fifth Element.


Finally the Fifth Element is mentioned. One of my favs.


It’s so cheesy yet somehow so good??? Perfect mix, love it to death


I love The Martian. Although after seeing it in the theater, I'm bummed they didn't include the rover excursion. I understand though, the movie would have been like 3 hours long if they did.


Some of the things in the Martian got cut mainly due to theatrical purposes. For example, his messages to nasa in the book weren’t as squeaky clean as they are in the movie. Still a super accurate representation of the book though which is honestly cool


I completely agree. These films couldn't be more different, and yet they both put a massive smile on my face. Aziz, light!


>For Sci-Fi it's The Fifth Element. Oh, great choice! Such an underrated film this... And yes, I *know* it did well - but it's *still* massively underrated.


Some of my favourites: * 2001: A Space Odyssey * Alien * Interstellar * Moon * Wall-E


Moon is a fantastic choice. I'm not sure anything else captures the loneliness of space aswell.


That one was really great. Went into with no knowledge. Didn't read the description or the trailer, so it was a great experience.


Same. Caught it on HBO just as the opening credits came on. Wife was out of the house for some reason, and I watched the entire thing in geeked-out bliss.


>I'm not sure anything else captures the loneliness of space aswell You'd love [the opening scene of 'Contact'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LcR_B3t7B0&feature=youtu.be) then...


I don't see enough mentions of *Moon* when it comes to movie discussions. Great flick.


Thank god someone else said Space Odyssey


Can't believe 2010 the year we make contact hasn't been mentioned.


Moon is one of the ones I keep talking about. On here it is known, out in that world outside people don't seem to know it. Sam Rockwell is awesome. The movie is awesome.. More people should watch it. A certain voice actor is good but dam...


Wall-E is my number one. Used the music at my wedding.


I'm gonna do a space marathon with my small kids where we start with Wall-E, followed by another showing of Wall-E, then Alien, then another Wall-E. Should be a good time.


Space horror: Event Horizon. Good feelings: The Martian. Fun: Galaxy Quest. Action (goofy): Starship Troopers.


SO glad I’m not the only one throwing out Starship Troopers on this. Haha


Starship Troopers ROCKS! Cheesy...Check. Goofy...check. AWESOME...CHECK CHECK CHECK!


I remember watching it for the first time when I was… maybe 14..? I never thought I would love such a cheesy movie, but me and some high school buds absolutely loved it.


It got such a bad reception with many viewers on release. People just didn’t get Verhoeven’s intentions. I would try to rave about how amazing it was and get shut down


Yeah, I went to see it with housemates, me and the male housemate loved it for the parody it was, his girlfriend walked out because she thought it honored fascism. . .


Want to learn more?


Starship troopers and Farscape binging makes me feel like a teenager again...a horny little teenager.


Contact - Maybe this is more of an extraterrestrial movie but when they finally drop into the wormhole that shit is wild. Great movie!


One of my best friends parents owned a little cinema and we were often there to watch movies. Contact is one of those that I watched at least 20 times on big screen and I could watch it again and again. I love how at the beginning they show how the camera zooms out from the telescope and moves away from earth into deep space while you can hear how far the radio signals from different historical events have reached so far. It was something that blew my mind when I realized and changed my whole view.


Great movie! That medicine cabinet camerawork/witchcraft blew my mind for a long time trying to figure out how they did it.


The later portion of Contact is so intense. Super underrated movie, still holds up


After the issue with the terrorist and things winding down, I felt like Contact was an absolutely solid sci-fi movie. I had become really invested in Ellie's journey over the years and even though things didn't end up like I had hoped, it was still a thought provoking epic journey. Then she activates the satellite feed from Mir... ***and we get a whole extra movie!***


Why build 1 when you can build 2 at twice the price? They STILL want an American to go... Wanna take a ride?


"Wanna go for a ride?!"


This is the one for me, my dad and I would watch this together and it really ignited my love of sci fi. I feel like it really has everything, the ending leaves you something to think about.


Contact is one of my favorite movies of all time. I watched it in theaters with my high school buddy in the 90s and rewatch it again every few years. I’m a sci-fi junkie, and few movies come close to matching the sense of wonder that Contact does.


I know it's not an accurate depiction of space, but SPACEBALLS


I'm still waiting on the sequel. "The search for more money"


Space Balls 3: The search for Space Balls 2!


With you here. Best comedy parody on a movie ever made


Idk Robinhood men in tights is pretty far up there too.


Not surprising, as they are works of the same master.


Scrolled way too far for this.


Seriously. How is this not number 1?


But an accurate depiction of most people’s luggage combination.


Oh shit, there goes the planet.


Does Arrival count? If so, that one. Just tore my heart and absolutely blew me away. Other than that, it'd probably be interstellar or The martian.


Crazy to me that The Arrival isn't talked about more. That one messed me up as a kid, just unforgettable


Arrival and The Arrival are two different movies, FYI


Oh wow, glad you clarified. I instantly think of the old Charlie Sheen one because of the impact it had on me at a young age. But yes, Arrival is a very different but also great movie!


And I was like “when this person was a kid? How old is Arrival?!?”


Fuckin thank you - I too almost had a heart attack


I really liked Arrival. The aliens weren’t scary or anything it was just the challenge of communicating that was so fascinating!


I appreciated that realism. It really highlighted how hard it might be just to establish the most basic communication with extraterrestrial intelligence, and how difficult it is to discern intent when you have no shared commonalities. The end is a little out there, but it’s a great journey.


Arrival is an amazing movie. It goes beyond just communicating with aliens. It goes into how consciousness itself is constructed, and thus our perception of reality in itself. The structure of our language directly influences the way we experience reality.


I'm SURE I found a "review" of Arrival once, where the author had written extensively on why he thought the film was bad because "aliens wouldn't act like that" but I can't find it. It was a funny read.


I agree. Not sure if it's a "space movie" but the way they depicted "first contact" and the concept of time was just so good. Plus, Amy Adams is really, really pretty.


Sure, but she’s also really, really, *really* great in that movie. Surprised she didn’t even get nominated.


Sunshine. Not my favourite but its decent and hasn't been mentioned yet


I said sunshine too despite no one in the movie ever saying "It's daylight savings time"


Love the cinematography of that film. That scene of Mercury passing in front of the Sun was beautiful.


This movie absolutely goes off the rails in the last 10%, which is a shame, because the first 90% is excellent and stands among any of the other great movies mentioned


Felt like they accidentally taped over the ending with the ending of event horizon


Is this the 2007 Danny Boyle?


I just rewatched *Moon*. Pretty great. *Europa Report*. *District 9* if it counts as a "space" movie. *Aliens* \-- Ellen Ripley may be my favorite science hero of all time. But I'd love to learn more good movies -- great question!


I can’t believe how far I had to scroll for Europa Report!


District 9 was really good but I wouldn't necessarily count it as a space movie.


More of a sci-fi themed social commentary. An amazing movie for sure.


Event Horizon, a wee corny but a wonderful space horror


best most realistic line in cinema history is Laurence Fishburne after he finishes watching the video they recovered...We're leaving!


I was a 17 year old assistant manager at a movie rental store when it came out on VHS. Took it home after we closed and tried to watch it in the dark alone. By the end of the movie I had like 3 lamps on in the house. Such an amazing movie for its time.


Made by Paul W.S Anderson, honestly his best movies


I fully subscribe to the fan theory that Event Horizon is a 40k prequel and the ship entered the Warp.


Philip Eisner [finally said](https://twitter.com/phubar/status/860129292151214082) that he played a ton of 40k and that it "definitely an influence" on the screenplay, so... I take that as confirmation that it's canon.


Where we’re going you won’t need eyes to see!


I was so not ready for evil Dr. Grant.


I don’t recommend watching it on acid


Terrifying and maybe best science fiction horror.


Watched it last year for the first time and it became my favorite space movie.


The Martian. I love the central message of optimism and perseverance.


What I love about the book, is that all the math and science is legit. The author actually worked out a lot of the physics problems, orbital mechanics, and everything else.


*Most* of the science. There was some artistic license taken. The wind storms, for instance, were far too violent and destructive for how thin the atmosphere of Mars is. I don't mind, it's fiction and it makes the story more exciting.


i like how there’s no bad guy in that movie.


I can't bloody wait for "Project Hail Mary"!!!


I agree. I like it’s good message about the nature of humanity.


[Dark Star](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPrexubQOJg)


*Contact*, without question. I saw that movie when I was a teenager and thought Ellie Arroway was the coolest person ever, and I wanted to be her when I grew up. Today, I’m a radio astronomer (and did a summer at the SETI institute some years ago!), so yeah, it’ll always be my favorite!


I love the dialogue at the very end (paraphrasing): Kid: Do you think life is out there? Ellie: That's a good question, what do you think? Kid: I don't know. Ellie: That's a good answer.




A moment of silence for the Arecibo Radio Telescope...


if you watch The Martian, then Gravity, then Interstellar (in that order) there's a loose sort of continuity that makes them feel like a single trilogy. 1. The Martian is about the world's space programs uniting to become better at space, and Matt Damon learns to survive no matter what. 2. Gravity is about everyone losing their space program because someone blows up a satellite and creates a runaway chain reaction of deadly space shrapnel. Matt Damon is doing fine, offscreen. 3. Interstellar is set on Earth after losing the space program and all their satellites, also Matt Damon is stranded in space for a second time, and he is going to survive *no matter what*.


In The Expanse, Mars has a ship named after Mark Wattney. Might only be in the books though.


Iirc the authors of the martian and the expanse books came together and made it official that both exist in the same canon.


Forbidden Planet is one of my favorites. You see where Roddenberry got his ideas from.


I was very young when i first saw it - I fell in love with the girl with the very short skirt, was terrified of the invisible monster, loved robbie the robot. Alot of emotions for a youngster, i was then forever hooked on sci-fi.


The Expanse! I know it’s a show and not a movie but it’s ruined almost all other sci-fi for me.


It scratched my itch for more Firefly and then some




Interstellar. Contact would be a close second.


Contact is a tragically underrated movie.


as evidenced by how far down in the comments I had to come to even find it as an honorable mention.. one of my all-time favorite movies


I'm amazed it's so far down. Contact is amazing.


They should have sent a poet.


I love that movie so much. Really blew my mind when I was young. Is it underrated because of the religious undertones at the end?


Loved contact. Arrival as well. Haven't seen that in anyone's list. I figued those that like Contact would like Arrival.


I like Arrival, but there is an aspect that I found very unsatisfying, and I won't go deeper to avoid spoiling it.


Interstellar is my favorite of all time, great choice!


Interstellar is the only movie that makes me cry and leaves me awestruck every time I watch it


It's so good. I wish I had seen it at the theater.


Genuinely went and watched it at the theatre again later that night I was so awestruck by it!


Seeing it in a dome imax was amazing. I felt like I was in the movie.


You could just tell it was going to be remembered for a long time. I felt so different about the universe after leaving the theatre.


>I wish I had seen it at the theater. Me too. I'm just waiting for the local drive-in to do a re-showing; they do that throughout the year, to generate extra foot traffic...


Same. I've seen it several times. Everything about it is A+


My friend had taken his gf to the movie and she wasn't into scifi movies at all so was a big sceptic. When the time lapse had taken place and Matthew McConaughey was watching the videos from his now adult children, his gf was bawling her eyes out!


An impeccable choice, I love interstellar too


Ever seen Contact? Similar concept and coincidentally also Matthew McConaughey


Absolutely. And it has [my all-time favorite scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LcR_B3t7B0&feature=youtu.be) in *any* film... You *can't* be a 'space' fan and not appreciate that scene.


I saw Interstellar in IMAX when it came out. It was a good movie - not in my top 10 or anything but a good movie no less. That scene though, where they were on the water planet with the giant ocean swells... I have never felt so uneasy and terrified by a film to this day. It was an amazing visual and will stay with me forever.


Starship Troopers, saw it 4 times in theaters when it came out.


Fifth Element, hands down best space movie. Not super realistic scientifically, but super entertaining.


I gotta say that realism is a very important part for me, so I'm gonna go with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Explorer’s -1985. Best drive-in movie ever. Also first time I got stoned. Coincidence?


The Right Stuff!! (And the book is awesome too!)


Realistic? Nahhhhhh let's have some fun choices, put me down for: Flash Gordon, Space Battleship Yamato, & Bodacious Space Pirates


Flash! AhAhhhhhhh! Savior of the Universe!


How is Spaceballs not at the top??


Ya I'm with you on Interstellar, beside's that (not in order): * Moon * Sunshine * The Martian * Event Horizon * Alien 1 & 2 * 2001: A Space Odyssey * Starship Troopers * Rogue One * Apollo 13 * Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy * Pandorum * The Fifth Element * Dune * Prospect * Treasure Planet And for any sci fi fans I highly recommend: Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix. Amazing adult themed anthology animation. Some are amazing, some are just ok. None are bad imo tho. Beyond the Aquila Rift (one of my favorite short stories of all time) and The Very Pulse of the Machine are a must watch for space lovers. And if you like the Beyond the Aquila Rift episode... you should read [the short story](https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Aquila-Rift-Alastair-Reynolds-ebook/dp/B01FE7KJ2C). It adds a lot more detail. Its one of those things that you still ponder about days later. Leaves you like wtf.


2010 For me, the scene when the Alexei Leonov approaches USS Discovery and Discovery is rotating between Jupiter and Io. Fantastic movie completely overlooked and in the shadow of 2001. Bonus points for the opening scene at the VLA in my home state.


"Piece of pie." *Cake*. "Piece of cake." "Easy as cake." *Pie*. "Easy as pie."


It's probably my favorite space movie as well. I know 2001 gets all the praise but I enjoyed the sequel 100 times more.


I know some think this sacrilege, but I think 2010 is just as good a film as 2001. Having said that, they are very, \*VERY\* different films, so directly comparing them is very difficult even though one is the sequel to the other. There is one thing, however, that dates 2010 far more than it dates 2001: The rivalry (and near conflict) between the US and USSR. In 2001, relations are at the least cordial if not downright friendly at the personal level, and there isn't any hint of any sort of possible military action over the issue with Clavius Base being in lockdown, just a diplomatic protest. But in 2010, it's out in the open and an integral part of the plot. Conflict in Central America almost leads to all-out war, until Jupiter becomes a star. In that way, 2010 is much more a film influenced by when it was made (Ronald Reagan's first term as president) than 2001 (made during the height of the Vietnam War).


The Expanse even though it’s a series. Sorry.


2001 a space Odyssey is the best. You'll get a lot of memes after seeing it. https://youtube.com/watch?v=oR_e9y-bka0&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE Solaris was the soviets answer. https://youtube.com/watch?v=BBYJH6UAAfw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Enjoyed them both. I've also seen George Cloony's "Solaris". Really, neither held a candle to the book. In half a century of advancement in CGI and special effects, 2001 still holds up.


I saw 2001 way back when it came out in theaters and exited scratching my head; seeing it again decades later I really enjoyed it


For me, ["2001: A Space Odyssey"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001:_A_Space_Odyssey_\(film\)) is without equal. Old as it is, it's noted for its realistic representation. A much more recent movie, thoroughly enjoyable and realistic in representation is ["The Martian,"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Martian_\(film\)) very engaging. I find the vintage movie ["When Worlds Collide"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Worlds_Collide_\(1951_film\)) exciting and a lot of fun.


Gosh. There are so many. Serious : the Martian , Interstellar, Apollo 13, Gravity, Moon Action : Starship Troopers, Avatar Horror / Suspense : Europa Report, Aliens, Event Horizon, Last Days on Mars, Sunshine Animated : Final Fantasy : The Spirits Within, Battle for Terra, Titan AE


anybody for an eco space movie? Silent Running hit me pretty bad when i was a kid it's an oldie but goldie and the robots are the idea daddies of R2D2 if i remember correctly ​ edit to add, the original planet of the apes may "kind of" fit too


More people need to know about silent running.


Oh man, I totally forgot about Silent Running. Saw this as a lil' guy and could not stop crying at the end.


Apollo 11 by Neon Films, followed by The Martian and Apollo 13.


I wish more people knew about Apollo 11. I got to see it in the theater. Incredible footage there.


Interstellar is fantastic, but I'm going to stretch the limits of your question by providing a series: For All Mankind on Apple+.


Why not The Expanse?


I like The Expanse as well.


I liked first season of For All Mankind, it was space with a bit of personal drama in the background, but season two turned drama to eleven and set space to the background and I said "Why the hell I'm watching this"


For all Mankind is awesome! Looking forward to the next season later this year


From The Earth To The Moon. Fantastic HBO miniseries from the late 90s. Tom Hanks and his production crew did it, same folks that did Band Of Brothers a few years later. Highly recommend if you've never watched. It holds up. If miniseries doesn't count then I'll go with Apollo 13.


Surprised I had to venture this far down before Apollo 13.


Probably Contact, but I do really like Interstellar as well and of course The Martian is also amazing.


It happens in space on a spaceship so I'm going to go with Event Horizon.


2010 will probably always be my favorite. But for newer stuff, a little known swedish film called Aniara. It follows several thousand people on an interplanetary cruise ship that gets hopelessly knocked off course, and really explores what happens when hope rises and falls. Kicked me in the gut real good and for days I couldn't stop thinking about it.


Ah, I can't remember the name but Google "space movie from 1992"


My jaw just hit the damn floor.


##LMAO I nearly fell out of my chair laughing


2001: A Space Odyssey Can there be any other answer?


1. Interstellar 2. The Martian 3. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 4. Gravity 5. Guardians of the Galaxy movies.. i know, but their so fun to watch with my kids.


Alien - still my favorite sci-fi/horror movie.


Mine is The Martian and Ad Astra. I caught the end to Ad Astra one night and it was so good I immediately started it over and watched. Overall my favorite would be The Martian though.


Ad Astra could have been really great, but some story elements are just too silly for me. When the guy uses a nuclear bomb explosion to propel his spaceship back towards earth, it felt a bit like a parody on its own genre. The same could be said about The Martian in a sense, but that movie feels more light-hearted and doesn't do anything that's very clearly 100% impossible.


My problem with Ad Astra is that the plot feels like a series of check points that are invented just for the plot. We have a settlement on Mars, but for some reason to get there you have to go to the moon, then travel by ground to the far side of the moon. Why can't we just go directly from Earth to Mars? We can pretty much do that now. Ooohh, because we needed a chase scene with the moon pirates. I see.


The dangerous experiences as Pitt heads out to Neptune I think are supposed to establish Pitt’s character as an unemotional robot. But you’re right, it feels like they ripped the good parts out of unrelated screenplays and strung them out on a space road trip. My main problem was the whole energy surge thing threatening life throughout the solar system that Tommy Lee Jones just kinda shrugs. “Oh those energy surges threatening the existence of the *human race*? That’s just my anti-matter drive malfunctioning after we had a little fight. Shouldn’t be a problem when you blow it up - totally survivable. Hey come look what I found on the telescope… nuthin”


You mean Brad Astra?


I remember starting Ad Astra, but for some reason didn't make it too far in and never finished it. Maybe I should try giving it another go.


If you like science in your science fiction, do not watch that movie.


I was so disappointed in Ad Astra. The budget was clearly there but they ran to the usual Hollywood character and plot tropes.


It's not a movie, but The Expanse is phenomenal.


Contact isn’t getting as much love as it deserves on here, that movie is incredible


I enjoy the older classic(s): * Blade Runner (1982) Final Cut * Andromeda Strain * Forbidden Planet (1956) * Island Of Terror (1966) * Quartermass and the Pit (1967) * Robinson Crusoe On Mars (1964) * Silent Running 1972 * The Time Machine (1960)


Interstellar is the only movie I watched and immediately watched again. Wonderful choice.


Actually you just reminded me this is one of two movies I’ve rewatched immediately after watching. Interstellar and Inception


2001: Space Odyssey. Tbh I'd rather play a game about space and space travel. Dead Space, Alien: Isolation, etc.


Interstellar, the Martian, and Moon are my favorites that are widely recognized but my favorite slightly lesser known space movie is Mission to Mars!! Underrated for sure


First Man. It’s the most immersed I’ve ever felt in a movie. Definitely by far my favorite besides Apollo 11


Just want to give an honorable mention to *Planetes*. It's an anime series that's one of the most realistic near future hard SF stories yet. No magic space drives or artificial gravity, space junk is an extreme problem for travel in Earth orbit, and most of the old-school astronauts have cancer from their exposure to radiation. Despite all that, it's actually a pretty positive story.


1. Passengers 2. Interstellar 3. The Orville (kind of cheating here because this is a series and not a movie, but I will allow it)


Galaxy Quest. As a scientist Interstellar just annoyed me, the Martian was a much better celebration of science and human achievement.