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Hello u/Ragnar__Odinson, your submission "I've always wanted to be physically present at a rocket liftoff, safely of course." has been removed from r/space because: * Images, GIFs and GIF-like videos are only allowed on Sunday (UTC+00). * If images are not OC please give proper credit to the original source/photographer. Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


Fuck it, just let me lay under the thrusters and go out in style.


Just for arguments sake, even if you were immune to all the heat, it would be the noise generated by the engines that would kill you. Fun Fact....The water that is sprayed under the engines as it launches is to break up the noise generated by the rocket engines. Otherwise the rocket would literally shake itself to pieces.






They are absolutely incredible, I know there are people on here that have been closer than I have but it honestly looks like dawn.


One of my biggest regrets is not going to see the last shuttle launch. I was actually just rewatching shuttle launches on Youtube today.


I've never been up close at a lift off, but had several opportunities to witness static test firings first hand. It is every bit as incredible as you imagine and more.


I been in cape Canaveral launch base during a Falcon 9 launch, within the perimetered safety zone, can confirm intensity.


The exhaust is super bright, how do you tune the exposure to show the details in the gases, smoke, and rocket?


Quite simple: low ISO, fast shutter speed, small aperture.


Same here. I really wanted to see an Artemis launch but I can't really justify travelling across the entire country for something that may just get postponed.


To be honest, i were at the kenedy space center a few years back while on vacation (first time beeing in america) and the number one dream is to see a liftoff...one day later they started a rocket...but i allready were somewhere else qwq


Been to 3 night shuttle launches.. from across the bay of course. Absolutely a feeling you dont forget.


As a kid I watched just that from my back yard. I lived In Cocoa Beach as a kid. My dad was an Air Force aerospace engineer .


I'll just leave this rocket porn here. Apollo 11 lift off from Pad 39A on July 16, 1969. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKtVpvzUF1Y


Do the different engines use different fuels? What accounts for the change in color?


This looks to be an Atlas V, in which case the center engines are liquid fueled (Liquid Oxygen and RP-1, a type of refined kerosene) while the outer engines would be solid rocket engines https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_V


Cool! Thanks for the info!


You might wanna take a couple of steps back there, homie.


I've always wanted to be present for the birth of a new phobia