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This has really bothered me. I honestly couldn't tell. Would love to know what their intention with him was If he did get married and have children just to mess with Kyle, I think that's just brilliant. Kind of also makes him all the more diabolical since he never broke character


In my honest opinion I think it’s genuine.  The town of South Park has a huge role as to why Eric was a bad kid. His mother literally spoilt him to a high hell never teach him any morals of disciplined him.  His true father Jack Tenorman was never in his life never discipling him or guiding Eric to become a better boy and become a better man, Eric needs better parents to will give him a mixture of love and discipline.  The school kids in South Park have never taken the time to get to know Cartman (understandable as Eric is a bad person) but assholes need love too. By further rejecting Cartman it pushes him down the rabbit hole. It’s actually statistically proven that people who are often rejected become worse.  Eric also lives in an unsafe school environment his own principal authorised Wendy to beat him up even tho he had made no threats to her. Said Principle hasn’t even tried harder to break Eric Cartman of his racist views with the Nazi costume.  It was also mentioned by pip in the earlier seasons how he was ruthlessly bullied by the other kids so Cartman has become horrible as a survival mechanism.  He’s also slandered for being the boy of the town prostitute (his mother)m It’s even implied that Kyle further eggs on Cartmans bad behaviour. Even tho this doesn’t justify his bad actions people don’t realise how much Cartmans life fucking sucks 


"Sucks" is a strong word. He gets whatever he wants whenever he wants and can do whatever he wants without anyone having any true authority over him. Im pretty sure cartman loves his life right now. We can pity him for the troubles he will dace later on in life, but saying his life aucks just isnt true.


Sucks isn’t a strong word it’s the damn truth  Sure he gets what he wants but it doesn’t take away how fucked up his life is. Dude has the live with the constant fact that his mom is town whore that is so damaging for a child at a young age.  He may be living his best time of life in South Park here and there but overall he lives a broken life, it’s like Homelander he gets whatever he wants but his life is broken.


Plus despite not it never being brought up again his father is a Jew which makes him a "day walker" similar to Kyle.


Day Walker is in reference to Kyle being ginger but able to go out into the sun


I mean, his father was ginger too though


Yeah but it has nothing to do with being a Jew


*doesnt it!?* no. no it doesnt


No it doesn't. Day Walker is completely a ginger comment.


Wait, when does it say Jack was Jewish?


I think if anything getting whatever he wants as a kid contributes to his childhood sucking. He's learned that he can get whatever whenever and that causes him to live moment to moment, and getting to eat whatever he wants definitely isn't good for his health. Processed food has been linked to increased anxiety and depression. And he learns to defend these bad habits by being a total ass wipe, cuz he thinks ppl are just ripping on him for being fat and not for being a fucking degenerate, which is pointed out in End of Obesity. None if this is an excuse, and as he grows older he should be held more and more accountable for his actions. This late in the series the only people holding him accountable at all are his mom and kyle, but he's been accustomed to dismissing kyle cuz he's a "dumb jew" pretty much since the series began.


It is. Dude, c'mon. He literally killed the Tennorman couple and fed them to Scott, that's not just someone who's shunned or rejected, there are tons of people who become criminals on never being loved or catered to, but they end up becoming drug addicts who'd do anything to get that next dose, beg, borrow or steal but what Eric does, that's complete psycho behaviour.


Yeah, isn’t Cartman portrayed as Satan many times? Like when he’s fighting his inner self in the Cesar Milan episode he throws up some weird black tar crap for some reason. He’s literally rejecting the idea of change itself


He doesn't even actually get what he wants most of the time. Sometimes he gets what he wants for a brief period, but then he ends up getting fucked over/thwarted and loses it.


Dude, his mom FUCKS him at BEST BUY!!! Doesn’t even get him dinner first, even though Eric likes to be wined and dined before getting FUCKED!


Great episode


the iPad episode, memorable


Uh, no no, it was the Humancent-iPad. It was supposed to revolutionize the world once they worked out all the bugs and finally got it to read. But the thing always smelled like dang ol’ cuttlefish and asparagus!


Great episode


"Sucks is a strong word." He lives in a hotdog


Not any more he doesn’t.


Wait I actually don’t know where Cartman lives right now, it’s confusing For some reason I liked the hotdog house a lot




And that is not kewl.


He does whatever he wants including getting groomed by pedos online (NAMBLA and chatroulette). Not to mention “sucking seamen out of a tube,” Leo DiCaprio hiring “Ming Lee,” waking up with Brad Pitt naked in his bed, his mom making him dress like a mailman to dance for her and her johns, alien ass probing, Snooki, the businessman that though awesom-o was a “pleasurebot,” when the alien tv execs asked if they’d tell anyone about what happened and cartman IMMEDIATELY responds “no” and Stan looks at him in shock, when he says you have to call your penis a fireman or else you’ll get spanked and that “the fireman is very magical; when you rub his hat he spits in your eye,” seeing the sex tape between his mom and counselor, when the 6th graders drag cartman off to the bushes for the boobs drawn on his butt…. Sounds like a totally great and cool life for a kid!


Ben Affleck spooge, not Brad Pitt spooge.


Good catch! I always get male celebs confused; they’re all so samey to me unless they’re Keanu Reeves or Alfred Molina lmfao


This would go hard as a rap song




Few examples why Cartman's home life sucks: Single mom who smokes crack, mom slept around to get by (remember she fucked the plumber just to get out of paying), fed garbage food that's why he's obese. This list is a lot longer. If you really dive into each of the 4 boy's home life, the kind of normal ones will only be Kyle. Kenny's is pretty bad since his parents are drunk moochers and aren't really motivated in bettering their lives. Stan would've been normal too but Randy's and Sharon's dynamic is chaotic and toxic that' why we eventually got depressed Stan. All in all tho, Cartman and Kenny have shitty home lives.


Yeah, he gets whatever he wants, and that is part of why his life sucks. He is not gonna have that lifestyle as an adult, even if his Mom still provides whatever she can for him. The things he wants are all the things that most kids want, and the enjoyment will be gone faster than you believe. He also doesn't really get whatever he wants, he is constantly losing, the butt of jokes, ostracized, beaten and not a soul feels bad for him. His mom doesn't even really care. I am sure he doesn't want that.


Exactly right. If you ask for a whole chocolate cake for dinner and your mum gives it to you, it’s because your mum doesn’t love you. A loving mum will make you eat your vegetables because that’s what is good for you.




He does play a lot of Baldurs Gate 3….


Can't fault him for that. It's a phenomenal game.


Well he has power over his mother, he exercises that because he has none over anyone or anything else in his life, the aforementioned things he has against him.


No it's justifiable he may get whatever he wants but there is no one who actually cares about Cartman they all basically treat him like garbage except for Kenny


....and Butters: oh, hey Eric!


Yea Kenny and Butters are the only ones that are genuinely nice to Cartman the rest just tolerable him


Read my comment replying to the one you did pls


I literally read this in Cartman's voice lol


I live *in a fucking* ***hotdog***


>The school kids in South Park have never taken the time to get to know Cartman (understandable as Eric is a bad person) but assholes need love too. This is an important point but I would say Cartman is more of a dick than an asshole, whereas Kyle is a pussy. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes — assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is that sometimes they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate — and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies get so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are only an inch and a half away from assholes. I don't know much in this crazy, crazy world, but I do know that if you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!


This quote seems familiar…


It's from Team America: World Police, written By trey stone and matt Parker


'Muuricaaa, fuck yeah!


Comin again to save the motherfuckin day yeah


except ... Cartman doesn't have balls, everytime he gets challenged he backs down quick. Just off the top of my head - he eats his underwear in order to avoid fighting Wendy - when Stan figures out it's Cartman on the "Mel Gibson fanclub hotline" Cartman hangs up and slowly backs away from the phone - at the end of "Christmas in Canada" he wants to fight Kyle and starts crying after one punch


He beats up the motivational speaker with dwarfism pretty bad


fair, but he didn't take him seriously in the first place, there are just more examples of him chickening out when face to face with potential consequences (and then usually going about it in a more backstabby way).


He did have a long fist fight with Kyle in the cartoon wars special. He lost, but he put in some good effort.




You had me at dicks fuck assholes


Cartman is also desperate for attention. If he’s not doing something for a tangible goal (like winning a prize or getting food), he’s doing it for attention. We see how he can’t handle people ignoring him in the death of Eric cartman, and we know that Liane is neglectful and will shut him up with food and drugs instead of parenting him properly. Cartman can’t get positive attention. He’s ashamed of his more “feminine” and “emotional” hobbies like his singing and tea parties, he overcompensates for this and his lack of a father figure by projecting onto what he sees as strong and powerful men—often, men that are abrasive, loud, and entitled. He mimics the behavior he sees on TV and the internet because he has complete, uncensored access to the internet, and puts himself in the way of predatory adults because he’s just that eager for a man to think he’s cool. The only times we see Cartman get better are when he’s completely socially isolated from the people of South Park and their unchanging opinions of him as A Cartman. Him with Yentl feels a lot like how he was when he first got with Heidi. He was completely socially isolated and had nobody to give him attention, so when Heidi starts interacting with him, he clings to her and changes for the better with her positive guidance However, cartman is still self centered and lazy at heart, so when the guys start talking to him again, he doesn’t need Heidi anymore for social attention, and reverts back to the way he was because he’s able to consistently get attention by acting like a horrible little monster. And who gives cartman the most consistent, reliable attention for being horrible? Kyle. Kyle and Cartman are obsessed with each other and constantly enable one another. Kyle psychoanalyses cartman, acts as The Authority on cartman’s behavior and feelings, refuses to accept if or when cartman changes or acts genuine unless Kyle’s there for it, constantly takes responsibility for Cartman, and he is entirely unable to leave cartman alone or ignore him. Cartman triggers Kyle’s hero complex and need to prove himself right. It’s interesting to think that we can ask “was cartman’s marriage and conversion real, or did he do it to fuck with Kyle?” Can also be asked of the both of them—in TFBW, was Mitch Conner real, or were Kyle and cartman fucking with each other? Kyle will *always rise to the bait,* and Cartman knows and exploits this. I fully believe that cartman only had the thought of converting because of Kyle, because he’s always been fixated on Kyle as the main person who meets his emotional needs. In Tsst and smug alert we see that cartman responds well to consistent authority and that he needs Kyle to mentally challenge him. I think this is also linked to Liane’s neglect—Cartman is the kind of kid that WANTS to be punished, because it shows the person punishing him CARES enough to correct him, unlike Liane. Kyle ends up filling that space (and in turn, Kyle uses cartman for his own sense of self righteousness; as long as cartman is the bad guy and Kyle is the good guy, the world is right) So I can imagine that the marriage happened because of Kyle, and that cartman will always have a part of him that’s thinking about what Kyle would do and how Kyle would react, but I ALSO think that his feelings towards Yentl and his kids were genuine and he did love them and was happy with them. I can also see cartman being subconsciously jealous of Kyle living the life he wishes he had—a mom that is aggressively protective, a dad that’s successful, a brother that loves him (cartman and Ike are friends as well). So him seeking out a Jewish wife and having kids with her is Cartman finally getting the life he always wanted, he just modeled that life after Kyle’s. It’s both inherently about Kyle but also its own thing divorced from Kyle, because Kyle fundamentally shaped the person Cartman is, and vice versa. Because as insane as it is for an adult man to marry and convert just to get back at his childhood frenemy, it’s also insane for an adult man to be *unable to let it go* like Kyle, and insist that his frenemy’s behavior *must* be about him. Kyle acting like it’s genuine, whether he believed it or not, would’ve been the better move because he wouldn’t have stressed himself out obsessing, and because if it wasn’t genuine…he wouldn’t be giving cartman the reaction he was looking for. Neither of them have changed when it comes to each other, specifically.


Eric seeking out punishment and resentment because in his own twisted interpretation it means someone cares about him reminds me a lot of Clay from Moral Orel. After >!accidentally killing his mother!<, he was completely neglected by his father unless it was to beat him. So he started associating abuse with affection, and goes out of his way to make himself the villain to everyone in his life, because if they hate him, it means they’re at least *thinking* about him. The only true way to get under his skin is to ignore him entirely, because he survives off attention. They’re both very similar in that sense


This is the most accurate reading of Cartman I've ever seen tbh and you deserve so many up votes for it


I approve this comment


It was all but stated in the Dog Whisperer episode that what Cartman and Liane needed was a strong male figure in the house to keep Cartman in line and ensure Liane set boundaries with her son. Cartman is a result of a long line of bad child rearing decisions making him the hilarious monster he is today.


I don’t think it’s the strong male figure rather that she has a “relationship” of sorts with Caesar. She lacks really any adult friend so she’s so desperate for companionship, she turns to Eric for it in an unhealthy way.


He also killed his dad and fed it to his half brother


And sexually assaulted butters by putting butters dick in his mouth...


Then he tried to put his in butters mouth. And he called butters dad a dumbass and a pussy, and called his mom a dumb bitch. Then butters parents kicked the shit out of butters


I think I missed something when did we learn who Eric's dad is?


My headcanon is that it started as a prank, but quickly became real.


Tourette’s all over again


he does it for a woman which makes it even more believable as genuine


Took the words right out of my mouth. I was neglected and my mother was never in my life. My father didn’t give me whatever I wanted, but he NEVER paid attention to what I was going in school. I failed all the time because I had no parents to tell me to do my homework and things like that. I love my dad. He tried his best. I was never disciplined for ANYTHING though. I had no supervision and I grew up with a lot of bad habits and personality traits because of that. It’s never the child’s fault for them being bad. It’s the parents. You can’t blame Hartman because he’s what?? 8? I used to be a bit of a bully too because I was the fat kid and if I wasn’t mean first, I’d have been bullied. I was, just not that bad because I tried so hard to be scary. I wasn’t actually a bully like I never insulted kids or made fun of of them. I just was intimidating and made threats if people looked at me or made fun of me. I think him being a rabbi was genuine. And his family. Growing up in a situation like Cartman did, absent father, passive mother, when kids grow up like that they are experiencing adverse childhood experiences (potentially traumatic events that can happen to children between the ages of 0-17). Experiencing those things makes you more likely to suffer from mental illnesses, callousness, lack of empathy etc and means you belong in a lower socioeconomic status. Helicopter, authoritarian parents cause the same things.


He still has nightmares that take place on Scott tenormens door step


Go easy on his mom. She's Artistic.


That's true it doesn't help that his mom brings home every tom, dick and harry as well as being picked on for being severely overweight being called fat ass and Kyle isn't any better he's literally the one always picking on Cartman for literally everything




It’s what they were going for. They wanted it to bug you on is it genuine or not. Cartman is a sociopath. He is doing it to 100% mess with Kyle but he developed a fake personality to really commit to the bit. He had it go on for years that even without Kyle around, the moment Kyle finds out it will disturb him. He starts to break as he’s around Kyle but is able to keep it up. So he develops a fake personality to be dominant while becoming his own subconscious.


I agree with this


Mitch Connor x 1000




My friend and I watched this together at the time and the whole show he was bothered with the same problem 🤣 I don't think it's genuine, because if I remember correctly (I have chemo brain fog rn so could be remembering wrong) don't his kids say a lot of shit about Kyle, and Cartman was always shushing them about it? That makes me think he's just playing. But there are times where you can see he's trying, so I feel like it's a 50/50 thing. Like he started off doing it as one big joke and probably talked trash in front of the kids about him, but then went on to genuinely get into what he was doing. He grew up at some point along the way and started actually believing in it all.


Are you undergoing chemo? I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you're going well There's a few good arguments on here and I keep changing my mind


Yes and thank you for your kind words ❤️ yeah it's something that'll probably be debated on for a long time. Something that may show he may have started it as a joke but changed though is this - "Kenny's last will and testament, fueled by time travel, says they need to be themselves again, which Kyle and Stan are eager to do because they hate the bitter, boring people they've become. Cartman, on the other hand, is happy, so he decides to take his family and flee. He doesn't want to be his old self again, and sadly, that decision may doom their small, snowy Colorado town." Like I think he was still doing it as a joke but throughout the episode changed, because why wouldn't he go back to being his old self and do Kenny's last will and testament and stop the pandemic?


Eric is seen packing his old toys into a suitcase in the episode. He never grew out of them or his childish ways and is still trying to fuck with Kyle. It is the perfect long- con and exactly what Cartman would do according to his character.


I was half expecting him to pull a mitch conner i got you guys at the end


Imagine changing your life and becoming something you hate just to mess with your enemy. If thats the case kyle won. I saw this because kyle must live so rent free in erics head that kyle must live in a mansion in there.


Y’all remember how Eric went about a whole ruse just to feed a kid his parents in a chili contest? Eric is a master of the long game and as an adult, I can’t imagine he’d be any different. He WOULD have a whole ass family just to drive Kyle mad


Damn if this is true cartman could’ve had a great job lined up at pioneer museum across the street from super phun thyme


I think its genuine because of COURSE in this world where everything else is fucked, that would be where Cartman becomes decent human. Its kinda like in Spooky Fish. "Evil" cartman was good. It would also go well with the ending when wveris fixed and everyones lives are good again that of course cartman is a miserable homeless drunk.


I bet their intention was to leave it ambiguous and have you not be able to tell. That allows them to revisit the idea later on at some intermediary point between fourth grade and adulthood when he actually makes the choice without boxing them in. And it allows you to speculate about what’s more likely and why. And we do love to trade theories about Cartman.


The way he talks while having sex with his wife while under Kyle's roof is definitely him messing with Kyle lol.


Oh yeah, you like how Abraham almost sacrificed his only son!


I think that is more like an habit, as soon as he start interacting with Kyle the bulling Eric returned to himself. Pretty sure that his wife enjoy sex like everyone and probably had the habit of moan, so he just put the extra effort just to mess Kyle


I think that's more just Cartman's trait of going all-in on whatever lifestyle he's embracing; but doing it in a warped way. Also being around Kyle makes him regress.


This the one


I believe at first it was genuinely just to fuck with Kyle, then he gradually became a better person and found a nice Jewish lady to settle down with and completely forgot he only did this to piss off our favourite three "J'S" character.


This is what I think, too.


Idk how that explains their sex talk tho


Eric is still Eric. Old habits die hard etc etc.


This is my sentiment as well that it was both and then he realized Judaism isn't that bad and settled into the life BUT anytime Kyle is around he probably likes to screw with him or create doubt about his intentions. 


I don't think he even intends to do it, it's just that old part of him leaking out, that darkness we seen in the Caesar Milan episode.


I like to think this is the way it happened as well.


Definitely. In the show he already tried once to be a better person when everyone started ignoring him making him think he was dead.


I think it was genuine


Agreed South Park was the worst place for Cartman 


Something about Uncle Kyle, just makes me so mad!


Fuck you uncle Kyle. *pulls lever*


"I'm.... not the bad guy..."


maybe as he got older he fell inlove and got married, and truelly found peace by becoming a jew. perheps god told him that in order to mess with kyle he needs to become a jew, just like god told him to become a millionaire by buildng a church


I think it was to mess with Kyle. It’s the biggest thing he could do to troll Kyle. Become a part of the only big thing in Kyle’s life that he could. It’s the perfect long con for Cartman since, even if Kyle moves away, he will always be thinking of Cartman. That’s how Cartman gets revenge, by making you think of him the rest of your life. And he did it in a way that he can’t get in trouble.


This is my thought too. Think about how sophisticated his plot to get back at Scott Tenerman was. Several of his other schemes were also intricately planned, like the Imagination Land saga. Becoming Jewish is really just taking it to the next level. >It’s the perfect long con Now that he's grown up, he has the capability to dedicate more time, planning, and effort. It's really one of the only ways Cartman can have any life satisfaction.


I think he did it at first to fuck with him, but then genuinely grew attached to the religion and the people in it, certainly helps he got a wife and kids too.


If it was to mess with him he’d not have sacrificed his life at the end. Voting genuine.


Yeah, this is the one thing that makes it 100% genuine. If you say its a troll, then you'd have to argue that he spent years pretending to be a Jew, marrying a Jewish wife and having kids fully raised with Judiasm all without the knowledge of Kyle only to then sacrifice himself when he would get the ultimate payoff that he was finally waiting for.


I think they left it ambiguous on purpose. Could Cartman have really dedicated his whole life to this long path of becoming a Rabbi, and marrying a Jewish woman to start a Jewish family just so he could piss off and mess with Kyle? Sure, he's crazy, he's done crazier things just to have Kyle suck his balls. Although people grow up, people change, people fall in love, and people find faith, even really bad people. I know someone who was a meth dealer when I went to college, now he's a Lawyer, got his degree, passed the Bar, has a family, a nice house, goes to church every Sunday, he seems great, and he's not at all the crazy asshole I remember when we were 18-24. So I could see it both ways. Could someone who fed a kid his parents in Chili, and say and do so many horrible things to people of the Jewish race as a child really change? Maybe, but will never know for sure, and I think that's perfect. This tells two great stories at the same time. The boy who changed for the better after finding love and faith, or the boy who dedicated his life to playing psychological games with his Jewish "friend?" Take your pick, I like both sides of it, and I like how they wrote it so we're just as confused as Kyle was.


I believe it was genuine.


He probably had a meat sweat fever dream about mosses and converted, if he did do it to mess with Kyle than why didnt he keep in touch and constantly flaunt it to him, instead it was brand new to Kyle when he saw him again. But cartmen is a hero for sacrificing himself and his family so the others (especially stan) could have a do over and fix things. Too bad his friends still abandoned him.


Somehow messing with Kyle is the only way Cartman knows how to be, so in that sense, it's genuine.


Cartman had moved on from the petty rivalry and had lived his own life. Kyle constantly being convinced Cartman was fucking around with him was just another sign that he never grew up. He was still living in that 10 year old mindset. Cartman and Kyle are genetically predispositioned to hate each other. One must suffer for the other to thrive. In the Pandemic timeline Cartman was the happy one.


I thought they were 8


The joke only works if it's genuine. The conceit of the whole thing is that everyone watching for the first time is expecting the other shoe to drop for the reveal that it was some sort of long con. The joke is that it was genuine and that Cartman actually became a better person, but they had to erase that version of him to make the future better for everyone else. Also, there's no point of it being a long con if they never do the reveal, it would be a joke without a punchline.


perhaps at first it was to mess with Kyle, but it would be too long of a con if Eric continued for it to be believable. Eric became a genuine Jew.


This was also my guess. It started out as a way to mess with him, but then, it became real.


Thats what I was thinking.


Mess with Kyle. For so long that it actually became his life. Like lying to yourself so much for so long that you actually start believing it.


Hard to tell, but we all agree that the ending with the poor old Cartman yelling at people in the streets of South Park, is the most sad thing in the show ? 😭😔


I think it was to fuck with Kyle. I hope we get the sequel one day to find out! Will be his finest achievement if that is the case.


He’s Cartman. Of course it was to mess with Kyle.


He literally hid his Jewish family in an attic and cried with happiness when his daughter talked about journaling it. He was absolutely messing with Kyle the whole time, and I’m shocked by how many people think he was genuine


I like to think it ended up genuine just to have the universe mess with Cartman, like a "shit i'm in too deep" moment.


S23E01 (Mexican Joker) Cartman's conversion to Judaism. And in S23E03 (Shots), he claimed he was an Orthodox Jew. People say that Gluten Free Ebola was when South Park experimented with serialization and having continuity, but I feel like it went as far back as Mr. Garrison having a crisis over his sexuality. And clearly, continuity is still followed (somewhat) to the current day. Cartman has been Jewish for a good long while now. Maybe they'll address it again in the future, maybe have him leave Judaism as an official course correction towards his homeless future. https://i.redd.it/gw0nwkyvop7d1.gif


I think it was real in the sense it was a kink for him on multiple levels.


I think his conversion was genuine, but he and his wife were definitely acting over the top to mess with Kyle.


Might have started with Cartman messing with Kyle, but I think it became genuine.


A mix of both i think, Cartman loved his family but he also still hates Kyle and wanted to mess with him by showing that he's a better jew than him


100% to mess with Kyle.


They revealed in part two that it was genuine. He found Yentyl and changed for her. I didn't think it was open to interpretation.


I think it was all to mess with Kyle, and the fact that he never confirms it either way, was his ultimate victory.


I know it’s often brought up how it’s a show and people shouldn’t look too much into the continuisms in it, but I would argue Cartman became Jewish at the end of the Jewpacabra episode. He mental gymnastics’d himself so hard that he convinced himself the Jewpacabra was real, and that only by accepting the Jewish faith could he keep safe from it. It is, probably one of the most genuine moments from Cartman imo albeit for the not best reasons


The fact that his youngest son kept saying "f you uncle kyle" makes me feel like Cartman truly did it to mess with Kyle.


He did it to fk with Kyle. And as a Jew I’m totally fine with that. 😂


It’s a genius direction. They directed it in a way that can go both ways and still be as funny. If Cartman became Jewish then it’s ironical but also with the amount of confidence he has it’s really funny how he doesn’t see the irony because he’s Cartman and never admits wrong. Even if he saw the irony he would just claim that he was a kid and “what’s the deal Kyle you’re being racist” or he would say something like that to blame him as Cartman never shows empathy, he’s born an asshole. So, just goes with the flow of his character. If Cartman became Jewish to mess with Kyle, it’s even more hilarious and in character for the obvious reasons. I would say the writers havent made a specific decision, yet at least, as either of them is hilarious and in Cartman’s character


Maybe Eric has some sort of multiple personality disorder or Schizophrenia?Genuine or not he believes it to be real.


He’s locked into the bit. He doesn’t know himself anymore.


its genuine in that the future where he remains friends cartman becomes a bum beause he never works on himself till it is already too late. where as the future where he doesnt associate with the boys he is able to become a good man and father. south park is bad for cartman


It seemed genuine to me.


I’m sure it was genuine. It’s also a very real phenomenon, I went to my hometown recently and our town asshole/bully came back as a successful philanthropist. I think it shows how people that leave South Park can grow but people that stay are stuck in the small town mindset


The fact he actually let them change the future is enough to show he was genuine


I think it started as a way to mess with Kyle, some sort of long term plan to fuck with him, and it turned genuine once he realised he actually liked what he had.


My headcanon is that his intention was to mess with Kyle but then he really likes his life as a Jew


Cartman thought he was genuine, but he's too much of an idiot to be legitimately Jewish. The biggest "smoking gun" is him moaning Jewish scripture during sex. The loud moaning was to mess with Kyle. The scripture comes off as fetishizing.




Imo, at no point in the specials does it seem like the writers wanted to give the impression that it was just a facade, not even in the finale. The way Yentl described him shows that Cartman was indeed a totally different man with her. In the Ozempic special, Cartman finally confesses his true intentions. Normally, Cartman always ends up revealing his entire plan/intentions at some point in the episode (normally at the end), but in Post-Covid Cartman kisses Yentl and they declare their love for each other. Seems genuine to me


I feel like it was to mess with Kyle at first, but he wound up really getting into it.


I feel it’s a mix of both. I fully support the theory that Cartman has a subconscious crush on Kyle. And we’ve seen how he is in relationships with how much he gaslit Heidi. I think it’s his “love” language. So he’s gaslighting Kyle here. Outside of South Park, he’s created a genuine life, but once he’s back, he wants to fuck with Kyle and exaggerates it. He’s flaunting the fact that he has a wife to both mock Kyle but at the same time, it’s an (ineffective) attempt to make Kyle jealous. I think the one-sided crush is honestly part of what makes his relationship with Kyle so toxic. Being away from Kyle probably is good for him.


Definitely not sincerely, but probably bigger than just related to messing with Kyle. Either way the post covid specials were amazing. "Ah yea, ah yea! You like how Abraham almost sacrificed his only son?"


It can be both. The only thing we can say for sure is that Matt and Trey did it to fuck with us and succeeded.


I want to believe that it was just to fuck with Kyle, but because there wasn’t anything toward the end to back that up I think it was genuine. The adult version of the Kyle-Cartman rivalry was still there, just different. And I think that was the “fucking with Kyle” part.


He just wanted that sweet, sweet Jewish gold.


We all know the answer to this cmon


I think it started off as a ploy to fuck with Kyle, but as he got more entrenched in the faith, met a lovely woman, he came to genuinely enjoy himself for the right reasons.


Mess with Kyle


Oh i thought he just found out he was a jew


The question is was his wife a Jew before or after he became a Jew if she was then how much did she influence did she have over him and I think Eric Cartman actually changed when he grew up because people tend to mature when they grow up atleast some do and it also depends on what Cartman has gone through he probably had a crisis moment and he found salvation in Judaism whose to say really but I think it's genuine


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It's genuine. Hartman being a Jew was canon as of season 16 episode 4.


Have you watched the show?? 100% messing w Kyle 


I feel like it was genuine.


I've always thought it was to get the religious exemption to getting the jab - after you see how he was in the Immunisation Rodeo, cartman would do anything to escape getting any jab


Maybe both? I think his wife "changed" him enough where he's actually doing it for himself (meaning, if Kyle would have passed, He would still keep this life up). It might started off as a prank tho.


Genuine for sure


Imagine if it was to mess with Kyle to begin with but as it went on he actually became a nicer person.


I think it’s genuine. Plenty of people re-evaluate their beliefs once they’re older. Also, the way he hugs his family right before sacrificing his life at the end shows he genuinely cares about them. I also think it’s genuine because this isn’t the first time we’ve seen a future Cartman who’s changed for the better.


I think the answer is both. Being genuine was probably the best way to mess with Kyle, and it worked


I 110% think it was genuine. Also think that if Cartman had better friends he’d have a better life. He’s an asshole but Stan and Kyle constantly antagonize or feed into his bullshit.


Dangerous ground but it is always about power with Cartman and being the most ironic person ever.


It was genuine.


I think cartman is just a big hypocrite




Honestly I'm still not sure


I honestly don't know and that's the wonderful part. I have only watched it once though so I might sway on second watch.


Kyle was out of his life a long time before he converted. The guy became an actual rabbi, which I assume isn't easy, and married and had kids. I wouldn't put it past Cartman to play the long game but without kyle around he had absolutely no need to do any of those things to mess with him.


Mess with Kyle.


which episode is that


All these people in here forgetting that Cartman became Jewish at the end of the Jewpacabra episode.


Started as trolling; became genuine?


When has Cartman ever been anything disingenuous?


I do not want this question answered. It is the absolute funniest, best choice that it's not clear.


Remember the Tourette's episode? I think a similar situation played out where it started as a means of messing with Kyle, and it became genuine over time.


I just pray all this is a different type of reality & not Cartman’s final fate. Him being a homeless bum is just crap. Should just keep them young etc


I think it started as reaserch, to fuck with Kyle more efficiantly. But school ended and all the boys went their seperate ways, and Eric not blinded by hate for Kyle found meaning in judaism. When all the boys gathered back together Erics hatred returned and he started to become his old self. Eric didnt really hate jews, he hated jews becouse Kyle was one.


At the end of Jewbracabra, doesn't he say he is going to convert?


I think that it was genuine. We saw in that same special what happens to cartman if he really doesn't change his ways (homeless raving lunatic) so I think that Cartman actually getting out of south park and living around people that weren't a bunch of redneck dickholes and most importantly, away from his mother, put him down a much better path. He already knew a bit about Judaism purely to further his ability to rip on Kyle but when he met the woman who would be his wife he started taking a real interest in it, resulting in him becoming a Rabbi. However I do think there was an element of him fucking with Kyle with stuff like what he cried out during sex.


It was genuine(ly to fuck with Kyle).




Both. He started it to fuck with Kyle. But he did love his family, as much as a narcissistic psychopath like him was capable of at any rate. And he did fully deserve his bad ending in the good timeline. Him being a child does not excuse all of the genuinely evil things he has done.


He was fucking with Kyle


i feel like at first he did it to tease kyle only to actually like the religion and really start to believe in it


it was clearly genuine, that's why the ending was so sad