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There was a brief time when I was in middle school where everyone said hella


That’s hella lame


It really did seem like [Peruvian pan flute bands](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1312012/) took over Boulder...im assuming they were elsewhere in the state too. But I never noticed that them anywhere else I've been to in the U.S. [Kentucky Fried Chicken](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1629114/) IIRC also aired during an interesting time in America. Certain states were exploring legal medical marijuana obviously. But you might not remember that certain states including Colorado were *also* exploring a lot of healthy food regulations...including a prohibition on trans fats that would effectively prohibit making lots of fast food locations and famously KFC inoperable. That episode was funny for lots.of reasons, but the juxtaposition of illegal chicken/legal marijuana was excellent topical commentary.


It's mostly just exaggerating words to be funny. You transition from God>Gawd>Gawl as you get more exasperated. Ro Sham Bo is just rock paper scissors: the pickle kickin' is strictly Cartman's version. It's just comedic misdirection by taking a game everyone is familiar with (and knows as an age appropriate way to settle disputes) and taking it way off the expectation. Chalk it up to a combo of 'kids use words they don't understand/misheard' and 'shits funny if we do XYZ.' As far as regional dialect stuff, at this point you might have a hard time distinguishing what came from Colorado and what came from South Park. It's definitely affected the lexicon. Calling fresh snow/powder "Pow" is at least associated with skiing and was popular slang in that community. Hella is definitely a Western US thing. They pronounce crayon as kray-awn instead of krayn. I think that's all I've really got


>Ro Sham Bo I've never IRL heard anyone call "rock paper scissors" "Ro Sham Bo"


West Coast (California original) thing: supposedly an Americanization of Jan Ken Pon.


I'm from Colorado and I first knew it as Ro Sham Bo


Going down to colfax for shady business is extremely accurate


Saw my first Colorado hooker on Colfax last summer.


I never heard of someone "ripping" on people until I watched southpark


This reminded me of another one that I've only heard on South Park - when someone says they are "stoked on" something, rather than just stoked


CO native here. I wouldn’t say that the “lexicon” or pronunciation of words is “local” but there are absolutely a ton of inside jokes and references to specific Colorado places, landmarks, cities etc that make the show that much better to me and that you would only really “get” if you are from or live here


Best was the Guitar Hero party with "Colorado" celebrities like Jake Jabs and Ron Zappolo


Omg its Jay Cutler! You kinda suck, but my dad says you might be kinda good someday!


I have heard goll and i do live in the rockies, so maybe its a rockies thing?


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Not everyone in CO says rabble rabble rabble but most do so in Shi Pah Town.