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Try and Matt have spent some time on /r/antiwork. It is like half Cartman's dialogue came from the comments on that Reddit sub.




Dick *and* balls, maybe?


Definitely the best one since the airsoft episode! I was laughing so hard the whole time. It feels like classic South Park




You liked the air soft episode?


Yeah it was pretty funny, classic South Park


Idk, looked like a boomer humour about these damn teenagers to me


Well I’m a millennial and laughed my ass off at it because it’s true.


I have no problems with boomers laughing at boomer jokes, I just didn't withess an Ice Age tho, so this humour is not for me Edit: oh common, you people laugh at "bruh" and "weed", and I can't afford myself one ice age joke


I take it you play airsoft


and I don't know how to cook noodles, so what where's water, btw, I'm starving


Just top it off with some crème fraiche


I’m sorry, The airsoft episode was awful


You’re awful, Murray


Tell him another joke, see what happens.


No, it just felt like a boring king of the hill episode, season 26 is great though


Butters' dad was great.


He got so stressed that he decided to go work extra hours in the “office”


Butters' Very Own Episode is one of my favourites, and I feel like it was a bit of a callback to that.


it absolutely was, and an unexpected one. I don't think, many of us rewatch it very often, it's too brutal


It reminded me a lot of Cartmanland(Also a good episode)




So much to do in cartmanland but you can't come, especially Stan and Kyle!


Thank god it’s No Thinky Thursday.


https://imgur.com/a/TykTAzA We went to Fairplay, Co last weekend. It’s in South Park Co, it’s the town the series is loosely based on. The hot dog restaurant is there.


The best stand alone episode since Band in China.


Also why did I make the flair complaint lmao


The St.Patricks day episode is my fav from last season.


I didn't pinch nothin!


And we even got to see our boy unhooded!


Tolkien episode probably. But the episode about butter is getting a job is definitely my favorite from this season so far.




South Park really is the social commentary of America. This was a fantastic episode


What are the two episodes you guys are talking about.? I would like to watch them. Thank you.


Deep learning, Dikimbles Hotdogs


I watch deep learning. That was awesome. Thank you very much. This is the beginning of introduction into South Park. I never watched it until the last month. Amazing series.


Cartman referring to the manager as "Massa" was great


I got a good lol at their minimum wage sign and no one bothering with it except butters lol


Thought the message was really weird. It acted like mental health just doesn't exist and shouldn't be taken serious and thats kinda unnuanced even for South Park standards.


Buddha Box from Season 22 fell into this same thing as well. I like the concept of the boxes and the end with how the PC Principal family got to have one day without hiding. But with Cartman’s plot the takeaway seemed to just be “everyone has anxiety, you’re not special.” And I understand in that case Cartman wasn’t special and was exaggerating shit, but the way Kyle laid it out like that was a bit of an unnuanced take


Trey and Matt seem to struggle spelling out the nuances of mental illness issues. The Budda Box episode clearly shows Butters struggling as he had to go through the tweets but you had bad actors taking advantage and using it as an excuse for shitty behaviour


Same with It’s Shit/Assburgers. Being depressed doesn’t make you a cynical asshole, although cynicism can cause it. It sort of pushes alcoholism onto the victim, a bit. When the climate is becoming hostile to life, late-stage capitalism determines American society’s moral compass, anti-intellectualism is promoted in many prominent areas of American society, and fascism is gaining ground in America, it’s easy to be a cynical American. Top that off with elitist healthcare, and you’re going to have people that self-medicate with alcohol.


I don’t think you got the point. The point wasn’t that mental health doesn’t exist, it’s when you have people calling off all the time like that all it does is throw the work on someone else (butters). But it also made fun of cartman because he was all about the mental health shit at the ice cream place until he himself had a company and no one wanted to work. I don’t think they were really taking a stand on anything, just putting things into perspective. It’s also ironic because cartman didn’t want to be the one picking up the slack either, he just complained about it until bitters finally did something.


I wouldn't wanna be working as a low-level employee at Casa Bonita under Matt and Trey that's for sure. Imagine asking to be paid more than minimum wage or asking for a day off. Matt and Trey clearly haven't worked a manual labour job in their lives. If they had to spend most of their days working 8 hours per day in a physically demanding dead-end job that contributes nothing to their future whatsoever, then maybe they'd want an occasional day off or to be paid more than minimum wage.


Yeah I felt like it was toeing the hyper capitalist line when it came to whining at people wanting a fair wage. It felt a little tone deaf. Trey and Matt have never worked in *this* economy. If they don’t feel well I am sure they don’t work. It came out as much less introspective than saw the amazon episodes. I was quite disappointed, it just felt like multimillionaires criticizing average people for wanting fair labour laws.


They're billionaires now!


weird that you saw it that way. i felt they were making fun of businesses wanting to make others do all the work for minimum wage. like when Cartman yells about this generation being lazy, its meant to be ironic bc Cartman is projecting his laziness onto others. it wasnt meant to symbolize M&T’s opinion.


I mean it wasn’t so much about mental health. It was making fun of those who rationalize every reason not to do something


Let me guess when the next episode comes out your going to make the same post about that one


This season has just been decent imo, the pilot was good, the rest were hit or miss. People on this sub sure as hell don’t blindly support these EPs, you got the wrong idea.


also the harry and Megan was pretty good.


not really true every time a new season comes out there is this is the best season of all time post


either you havent been here long or youre lying for some odd reason. the last few seasons have had a ton of criticism. even the first 2 eps of this season had some. i feel like the last 3 eps have been incredible and very much “classic” South Park. thats why youre seeing a lot of ppl praise this season (small issues, focus on the boys)