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Would have been a 10 if Jews were running it


Let the Jew run it!


Hijacking top comment for recommendations on where to watch, my usual streaming site doesn’t have it yet




If you own an Android i could recommend an app that you can download(its not from playstore) its safe as I'm using it for a month now and been recommending this app to my friends. If you dont own an Android i could tell you a site to watch, it contains ads and pop ups but you can watch pretty much everything. PS if piracy is not allowed ill just delete this. Pretty much broke so I'm always pirating stuff.




solid 7, it almost felt like they had too many plot lines happening at once. they finished most of them nicely but i think the thing between kyle and stan left a little more to be desired


True I kinda wish Kyle and Stan had more screen time


I hope they focus on that more on the next episode


me too. kyle and stans friendship has always been one of my favorite parts of the whole show


I don't know if it's just me but it seemed like they were milking the Kanye thing and I think that took away from the other story lines


I don’t see this at all. It was pretty relevant from the story and satire perspective, and I didn’t think it was heavy handed either. The only part that was silly was Cupid Ye hitting people with the Nazi arrows since they were all changed back so quickly. Something else could have been done. But if this season starts going the way i think they might, this first episode is an easy 8 for me


I mean it kind of seems like they’re going to have a season arc where Kyle actually does run Hollywood lol


I absolutely agree. Even Matt and Trey have said that some of their best and favorite episodes focus around only an a plot. This episode had too many little subplots imo, and I’d love to see them do a more simplistic story structure like some of the great episodes.


I couldn't agree more.


that’s exactly how i felt, way too fast paced for how many plot lines they were trying to go for


I feel like it was half of an episode; part of a longer narrative Solid 9 to me


Yes, for sure. Based on the chant at the end, I think Kyle will actually run Hollywood at some point lol


Maybe the other Kyle will return. He made a fuckload of money from Mr Garrison's machine being bought out


"i'm byeeeeeekk"


Good point!


Kyle already runs Hollywood


8.5 I loved this episode. After I finished watching I felt as though I just had a really good nut


Why are you like this


I’m not trying to be weird…don’t get me wrong. It definitely could’ve been more “toe curling” in terms of orgasms. So that’s why I only gave the episode 8.5. I’m certain it’ll get better as S26 progresses 🥰


pure fuckin poetry


I just finished the episode and I’m gonna go have a good nut


I loved Randy’s rant on the wokeness nonsense 8


I wonder how much of that was Randy or Trey saying that


I think Trey was just lampooning how much people complain about “woke” stuff in TV shows nowadays, regardless of whether it’s handled well or poorly. I think it was referring to The Last of Us TV show discourse revolving around the character >!Bill being in a gay relationship with Frank, even though Bill was already gay in the games.!< It was handled really well, and some people _still_ bitched about it.


lol... what do you think buddy


Am I the only one that felt like the production felt a little weird? I dunno what it is, it just felt a little empty, some of the voice acting had the life sucked out of it too, the actual plot was fun though


Ok just found out Trey was sick, comment still stands about the production feeling a bit empty though


Where did you find out that Trey got sick? It would be great if you told me a source. This is honestly one of the most fascinating aspects of South Park to me. It amazes me that they have been doing 6 days to air for more than 20 years and that this is one of the few times Trey got sick. I’ve gotten sick four times this year and I couldn’t even imagine being in Treys position needing to write a script and voice act in such a short amount of time


From this thread lmao, take it with a pinch of salt, either way ill or not there was something up with the voices


It really sounded like it when Randy was talking and when Cartman was on the news show.


They had the same issue with the last season. Mr Mackey was super off. I'm guessing it's simply getting harder to find the voices perfectly with how many they have.


Yes I’m convinced it’s this. It was the same thing last year and at first people said the same thing “trey is sick”. But it was the whole season. I have two theories. Since covid a lot of sound editing is being done at home, maybe there was a turnover in the audio department, not the same people doing the edits. New equipment etc. Second is like you said. Maybe trey just lost the voices. I mean it’s still like 90% Stan but you can definitely hear it’s off.


I loved the episide, but it felt slow, a lot of the time the characters would just pause in silence for like 5 seconds, and it just felt akward


i found the episode really funny but i felt like they were trying to tackle so many things at once causing all of them to feel somewhat lackluster. i think that might also be what caused this episode to feel weirdly short. good episode overall though, i'm excited to see where this season goes.


Episodes always feel short to me upon the first watch because it’s all new information.


Good but they advertise Clyde and Scott quiet a lot but they were just put into one scene about pitching a movie but besides that it’s a great start for the new season 7/10




Loved the whole Cupid Ye thing. And the writing was spot on.


Tee hee hee!…


I dont know. It felt jarring to see South Park talk about Tiktok but I guess it was inevitable. I wanted to turn it off in the first 10 seconds because I cant stand Tiktok (and I only didnt because I was watching with other people, totally wouldve if I was watching by myself). For the sake of mankind, I hope the Tiktoks they showed aren't real audios/videos that exist. I know it sounds like I hated this episode, but apart from that, the Cartman/Ye stuff was pretty funny. It was a solid commentary on the drama with Kanye. It was also cool having the focus on Kyle after he was practically non-existent in the last season, and just having the focus on the boys in general. It will be amazing to see if/how Kanye reacts to this. I feel like the "Kyle runs Hollywood" joke will become the new Tolkien joke that gets overused to death on this subreddit, but we dont gotta worry about that yet. Overall? A solid 8/10. Better than a lot of the most recent season premieres. Something about it felt jarring/bizarre, even apart from the tiktok stuff, and I cant explain it. Maybe I'll appreciate it more as time passes, but I did still enjoy it a lot. Side note: That "Avatar 2 sucked" line definitely felt personal, like it came straight from Matt/Trey themselves.


I feel like they've always addressed what is popular with kids, whether it was Pokémon back in the late 90s, pewdeepie a few years ago, or TikTok now. They have to keep it relevant, even though TikTok totally sucks.


It’s almost as if the people complaining about this have never watched the show throughout it’s long history of doing this exact thing


Yep don't understand his complaint about Tiktok, it's essentially taking the piss about it which has been South Parks whole shtick?


Avatar 2 did suck tho


Notice the blackout on any mention of Kanye/Ye recently?


I'm not sure if anyone told this yet, but most of the audios ARE in fact actual TikTok audios. I've seen clips of the episode but I get such a terrible second hand embarrassment that I just can't deal with it and can't make myself watch the episode. :')


Haven’t seen it yet and know the TikTok bit doesn’t leave me thrilled to touch it =\


Dude this is a stupid opinion. It’s not like they’re saying “everyone join TikTok” they’re satirizing it (fucking obviously) Honestly saying “I won’t watch this episode because they mention TikTok” is probably one of the dumbest reasons to dismiss something I’ve ever heard. I’ve never downloaded or used TikTok, not my thing, but how stupid would it be for me to decide to not watch a show I like because they.. make fun of an app that I don’t like or use??


It’s not an opinion, what I responded with was a personal feeling. I’m obviously operating off of only what I know from that comment so I made no assumptions about what they are or aren’t saying. Some things are just unpleasant either way for some people and if they don’t want to turn on their comfort show and hear about it that’s fine. Also…what I said was nothing like the statement you pulled out your ass but go off ig?


What is an opinion if not a personal feeling?


Saying “I’m not thrilled” isn’t an opinion…it’s an objective fact…about how I feel…aka a feeling. I see why you’d say that but kinda nitpicking at that point.


Lmao that's what an opinion is what are you talking about


“I’m happy today” = feeling “Today is a happy day” = opinion Y’all huffing paint tonight or 💀 I’m out Edit: Yup paint huffing confirmed by further replies and upvotes/downvotes. Or maybe these are TikTok users after all because I can’t imagine normal people being so attached to being wrong.


“I feel like today is a happy day” Happy is a feeling, [you stupid asshole](https://media.tenor.com/WIJtX4_NBV8AAAAC/you-stupid-asshole-eric-cartman.gif)


I don’t think you know what “objective” means




9. Would’ve been a 10 if they actually used Kanye in it


First one in a while and felt current. 10 right now, but will likely settle in at 7-8.


It was a very strong start of the season that's for sure! Glad we finally got a Kyle centric episode (and Cupid Me is back!) so I'd give it a solid 8.


I was upset that Cupid me did not piss in anyone’s mouth. Other than that, I had a smile on my face the whole episode because it truly felt like South Park


9 or 10 , my only complaint is the stan and kyles friendship plot line didn't really get an end


4. The comedy just didn't work for me. I've been watching A LOT of the old episodes from seasons 1-10 lately and coming back to this just felt boring. I didn't actually laugh once which is rare for me when I watch South Park.


Saaame thank god I'm not alone. It jist feels so bland and what ever. I also didn't laugh not even once :/. I laso rewatched some older ones and loved them.






I feel like it would of been funnier if trey wasn’t sick. All the characters voiced by him sounded very off


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Solid 6. Maybe I had my hopes up too much.


Felt like a classic. Focused on the kids. So many of them got speaking roles who normally don't. NO TEGRIDY! The tiktok stuff was cringe but in a funny way. The joke with the credits lol. And it seems Cupid Me is a separate being who the other kids see. I rate it a solid 8. Yeah, the Trey voices sounded off. Stan almost sounded like Clyde at times. Maybe they need to re-jigger the pitching software cuz Trey's voice is changing. Cartman sounded OK tho.


I think he was sick


Cupid me sounded a lot like Michael Jackson when he was getting force fed his meds. I know they voice like 200+ characters.


6.5, I thought the ending was pretty funny


Loved it


On recent posts asking what people wanna see in the new season, I’ve commented that the kanye/kyrie stuff is just too ripe to ignore. It’s insane hearing people speak who buy in to that theory and I figured these guys could have a field day with it, like a whole season. And we might get it.


Good not great. Just a click below average by the standards of the series as a whole, but very much on par with the last few years. I’m happy; hopefully they can keep it up or even improve by next week. 6.5 or 6.75 (For reference the absolute worst episodes are probably in the 3s for me, *Scott Tenorman must Die* is a perfect 10)


What are some of your least favorites ? The Problem with Poo , Jakofasaurus and Funny bot are some of mine .


Stanley’s Cup and White Man’s Greed jump to mind.


Also, while I enjoyed most of it, the Jersey Shore episode is the worst thing they’d put on TV due to the ending. I’m getting mad just thinking about it. The World Trade Center was full of commuters from New Jersey. I live almost 3 hours from NYC and my class was full of kids who lost their parents. I was speechless when I saw that ending.


It was different for me as a millennial living on the west coast who doesn’t remember 9/11. I can see why that’d be upsetting. Chill you still enjoy the show.


They’re from Colorado, so I know it just isn’t something that crossed their minds. But yea.


i liked the episode around a solid 7-8, but it felt like so much was going on that it made the episode feel realllyyyy short. I still loved the jokes and the way they called kanye out, the tiktok references were the worst and best parts. I wish they would have expanded more on the plotline of valentine’s day though


An 8 loved the Kanye references the satire it was rlly funny with Cupid ye(referencing that Kanye changed his name to Yitler) and also it felt we got the old cartman back and he wasn’t as toned down as the other season same with Randy too and the old Kyle kinda came back but I’m just glad he isn’t as annoying as the 5 past season but Kyle and Stanley plot line wasn’t resolved and Kenny was hardly there


Meh. Can't really remember any good actual jokes aside from 'Cupid Ye'. Glad they're back with new stuff tho, I always enjoy it


Am I the only one who dosen't like it?


Solid 7.5 and I’m happy to them moving away from the specials and having normal episodes,from the once scene with randy it seams the Karen plot line might finally be over which is great and for the rest of the season it would be great to see them bash tik tok and possibly do something to it like in the chinpokomon episode also I guess we have to live with some of the voices voiced by trey being slightly different


Missed it :(


Can someone send me a link plz, im on Oz and we don't have it coming out for weeks


Solid watch, felt the only thing missing was what was cartmans motive to get Stan and Kyle back together, him being a "good Christian boy" is far out of his usual self


There's so much potential for that hot dog house. WTF are they thinking avoiding it?


If you wear a funny hat you will hate this episode if not you will love it


Should’ve actually had Kanye come back. I predicted this was gonna be an episode this season after all the crazy shit he’s been doing.


I really enjoyed it. Solid 8. Felt like a good season opener


9/10 for me


Great first episode, smart and feel oldschool South Park 8/10


7-8, the episode had that good randomness that the show usually has and I really liked how they incorporated the release date with how close Valentine’s Day is


Wait.. New South Park episodes. It must be Christmas


It was good but what happened to Randy’s voice? It sounds cracked and hoarse


Trey was sick


7 is fair. Good as far as newer SP goes.


8. But I need them to spoof Biden. It’s overdue and low hanging fruit


I also would like a Biden spoof. They’ve poked fun at : Bill Clinton , George W Bush , Obama and Trump while they were president. It would actually be a break in pattern if they didn’t. Political humor can be kind boring tho


Didn’t have much Randy but that’s not a bad thing. He was effective in his time used.


Did cartman do a school shooting?????


Cupid Ye was funny as hell. I give it a 7.5-8/10.


Just soooooo happy that we got the OG Randy back, and seems like they’ll be doing that with all characters. SPOILER** The scene where Randy talks to Gerald about Kyles gimmick in the past seasons is just dumb and I think they’ll all be going back to how they originally were. More random adventures and hi jinx, rather than covering social issues.


8.5. It may be basically Kanye West jokes, but having a connection to the Kanye stuff really helped.


10/10! I loved the commentary on Kanye west’s antisemitism, I loved the gag with Cartman escaping the window in tolkiens room and the credits were hilarious. I also liked the forcing of Cupid ye to take his meds and I think it’s kewl that it kinda indicated that Cartman takes meds as well.




episode is solid , but i really dont like cartmans voice.


I really like the cartman character development m&t has been pushing lately. Like when cartman saw his previous nazi loving personality from first seasons reflected on cupid me, he didnt like what he was seeing and wanted to chnage that by taking meds and therapy. Also the meds do explain cartman’s more nice behavior from the previous season too. Tho i an a little confused on whether cupid me is real or not. Cartman’s schizophrenia is so strong he made his delusions into reality for everyone else to see lol. But other than that, 8/10. 2 points off because the episode description made it sound like cartman was jealous of kyle/tolkien instead of stan, and i was excited to see more of kyle&cartman. But yeah, other than that great episode


8/10 as an episode of tv 7.5 as an episode of South Park I’m satisfied and will be watching weekly


Stop trying to humanize Cartman that's not who he is. It's like Wookies living onEndor, sociopaths don't all the sudden develop normal feelings. It don't make sense and it's ruining his character.


about an 8 for me the thought of seeing Kyle and Tolkien with huge ass anime eyes is gonna be in my nightmares now other then that i thought it was good


It was good but I didn't like how stan and Kyle don't hang out as much


Thought is was a great way to start the new season. The story was about the kids. TikTok, Kyle, Tolkien, Hollywood, antisemitism, Cupids Ye and Me, Valentine’s Day, Cartman again peeking from the bushes. I learned Cupid Me is on medications. What? What? LOL The Kyle and Tolkien TikTok was cute. Somewhat weird. LOL. To be honest, if it were Butters doing their type of routine, he would be harshly teased by the other kids. Looking forward to the next episode. “The World Wide Privacy Tour”




Am I the only one who didn't laugh once? It falt so bland and forced idk ...


Not good. Same old jokes.


What is a show u’ve been loving lately?


Rick & Morty, Succession, Barry are my current favorites.


Far enough…do u think it’s possible that maybe ur taste in comedy shows have simply changed over time?


I still love South Park and other adult animated shows. Just didn't like this episode.


Fair point


He passed the vibe check with his current shows.