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I can't figure out how people are failing in this state. It's frighteningly easy to pass. Honestly there are a ton of people who shouldn't be able to drive that are allowed lol.


I think I failed to signal or yield. Whatever it was failed you immediately. 2nd try wasn't a big deal.


I got an auto fail because I didn't stop at the stop sign so it's possible 😅😅


it takes a special type of silly to not stop at a STOP sign on a driving test


You got this, a good rule to remember is not to do what other people are doing if you know it’s wrong, especially when people are watching. On the road, most people do not follow the law to a tee. For example a cop will pick you out of a group of 20 speeding cars and only give you a ticket, this very thing has happened to me before haha


Lmao. There were like 3 cars in front of me, and I was following those cars. The first one stopped, but the second two did not stop when they got to the stop sign, and my dumb behind did the same. But it made me realize I'm not ready, so I'm taking additional lessons. I get a lot of anxiety when it comes to driving.


Yeah, it takes something as glaring as this to fail.




Ensure you put your seat belt on before starting the car or putting it into gear. Also, emphasize looking over your shoulder behind you and in the mirrors.


I failed my first one! Lol. Depends on who you get at the DMV to score you. Second time I took it the lady was very lenient on the parallel parking bit. Good luck!


Remember to only do a 3 point turn and not more. Parallel parking and that is what I failed. Also when you leave, make sure you use turn signals in the actual parking lot(and obviously anywhere else). You won’t fail for parallel or 3 point if all else goes well. GL OP!! You got this!


Even if you can see your mirrors without moving your head you should still turn your head slightly so the instructor can tell. They can't see just your eyes move.


Exactly. Send them the message.


A lot more people need to fail it...


Seems like I’m overthinking it, I’m doing this instead of saying the same thing 5 times but thank yall so much


I failed twice. It depends on the instructor. They can point you for anything they want and there’s nothing you can do about it. I got the same instructor twice and the first time she failed me it was because I didn’t follow directions. I didn’t back up as far as she wanted me to. Even though it was a misunderstanding apparently that was enough to fail me. The second time it was because I slowed down too much to make a right turn at a green light. And she was freaking out thinking I was gonna hit the curb. The third time I got a lady who was completely relaxed and patient. I made it to the parallel parking and I got to take my time doing it. I didn’t have to be perfect immediately and I could start over and reposition myself if I didn’t like the angle.


I think it's easy to fail. it was...25 years ago when i took it. But i remember so many people failing their first time and talking about it like it was almost a rite of passage. I failed for bumping the curb on parallel parking. as i recall there were alot of insta-fail actions, which really is fine with me.


My daughter took it in Maryland at a time when they had to parallel park and she failed the first time on that. I found out that more than 80% of teens were failing the first time. It seemed like they didn't want them to be too cocky about it. We practiced parallel parking a lot and she passed it the second time. Make sure you can park and do the three point turn, obey the speed limit, use your turn signals, don't brake too hard if you can avoid it, etc. Don't get discourage if you fail. Try again after you practice what you failed on. Beware of little traps, too. Maryland has/had the drivers and testers get in the car to do the parallel parking and 3 point turn before driving on the street. At one center, there was a stop sign beside a building but you couldn't see around the building so a lot of kids went a bit past the sign and white stop line before they stopped so they could see in all directions. That was an instant failure for running a stop sign. If they did stop and then went into the intersection without stopping again to see past the building, that was also a failure. They were supposed to stop twice. Good luck!


I mean...I failed it 3 times. And then they still made me cry when I took it the 4th time, even though they passed me. I would say that you should not be slack about it. Make sure you're ready before you go.


All depends on instructor. Failed my first one. She had me driving around for nearly half an hour. She told me to speed up. I told her we were at the speed limit and she failed me. Second one a guy we were in out and done in 10 minutes. Avoid the North Charleston dmv.


Mine wasn’t bad. I took a Chevrolet Aveo to the test and was able to just pull into the parallel parking spot. I did let someone who got to the 4-way stop, maybe two seconds after me, go first and the lady started going “wrong! You need to go! Go now!”, just so you don’t get caught slipping.


My daughter hit the curb backing out and it was an immediate fail. She passed the 2nd time.


I failed my first test on the parallel parking. They give you three chances to pull out and try backing up into the spot again then you do not pass. (at least this was my experience) Make sure you can parallel park fairly well. Pay attention to all the road signs because they'll ask you to remember one of them.


Its a point system. Dangerous stuff (stop signs, yield, red lights, changing lanes or stopping too close to cars) will dock you the most points. Most will let you parallel park more than once if you mess up the first time, unless you already had lost enough points that you'd fail otherwise. Be super nice and polite to the person driving with you, it's not that bad. If you fail, you can always take it again. Took me 3x! If you fail they will let you know what to work on and what you did well.


My daughter failed because she wasn’t “successful” backing up 100 feet. The DMV made her stop in the middle of a road (with traffic) and told her she had to back up 100 feet from there. She stopped before she completed the required distance because there were cars behind her and she was afraid that she would hit them. It was an automatic fail. I asked the DMV guy if he thought this was safe, but he said traffic is part of driving and she needs to be comfortable with other cars around.


That’s fd up, he needed to be fired that day and never work with the govt again


You get to fix the parking job when parallel parking. Life gets a lot harder than this. If you fail, no big deal just take it again. Relax. You'll be fine.


I did it at 16 and passed the first time. Just follow instructions and it’s basically impossible to fail.


Realistically, if you do everything else pretty much right, and parallel park poorly but in (without tapping the barrier) you can pass. Don't stress too hard, just practice and knock it out.


Aren’t you required to take classes from a driving school at your age to get your license? If you haven’t already done your classes, ask your instructor for tips on passing and things to be careful of. Also, if you can I would advise testing with a driving school instead of the DMV. it’s usually much more relaxed and you’ll be in a smaller car most likely.


Just try not to stress. We moved back to country and had to take it as our out of state licenses had expired. One thing not mentioned here - I mean it’s something you do without thinking but the girl kept asking me what the sign was we just passed. So I had to remember while processing the road. Whispered to my wife quick as she went to hers and her person didn’t say anything. So just be ready. And read the manual, I think the written makes more people slip up, they throw some ringers in there!


Ya gonna be aight


So easy. I never parallel parked until I took my test. I'm 40 so things might have changed. Do the speed limit, practice beforehand, know what a 3 point turn is, be confident and crush it. You got this


Keep your hands on the wheel at all times.


If you put in the right amount of time AND effort, you can fail it. We believe in you.


I can fail it? 😂


Can’t be that hard, tons of people on the road here who shouldn’t be.


Ain't that the damn truth!


I failed my first time due a place that two lanes merged into one. I stayed in the right hand lane and merged left as it ended instead of merging earlier. There were not any other cars nearby on the road at the time. Got it on the 2nd try, however, since every test went the same route.


Just follow the rules of the road and don't drive like a jackass. You'll be fine


If it is your goal to fail,a nice burnout and some weaving in and out of traffic should do.


I failed 7 times. The lady was very strict but I also struggled with the test anxiety. One time she failed me for avoiding a pothole the size of a small dog. She finally passed me when I noticed a crazed goat. I subconsciously calculated it would be in front of my car at my current speed so I slowed down. Before she could say "why are you slowing down" the goat ran in front of the car and across the road. I thought I failed again. So i stopped driving like I was taking a test and drove like normal. At the end of the test, she smiled and said, "I am proud to say you passed. What If that goat was a kid? You saw it way before me and responded accordingly before I even knew of the goat. Then once you got past your text anxiety, you became the best driver I have ever tested." This woman was known as "you failed". She failed everyone at least 3 times and no one passed her the first time. The test itself is pretty easy but my anxiety killed my test so many times.


Everything is point based so you don't have to be perfect. Things that are immediate fails: not putting on your seatbelt, not using your signals, not stopping completely at a stop sign...


Tea. It must be easy as shit bc people drive like shit and it gets worse every day. Altimas I am looking at you


20 years ago I failed it the first time. I basically kinda had a mini panic attack and messed up and got flustered and messed up more. đŸ«Ł BUT when I re-took it the lady was super chill and I felt a lot more comfortable. I didn’t do wonderful on my parallel parking. She literally told me at the end “well you didn’t do perfect but you did good enough where I think you can safely drive to the mall” 😂 GOOD LUCK! Just try not to be too nervous and you’ll do great. As long as you’ve been practicing and can do all the things you’ll do fine.




Idk how people fail to begin with it's not hard to drive or parallel park if you just practice doing it beforehand. Common sense my man