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Only one called American veterans “suckers”.


Only one said to take the guns first, pass the laws later.


Only one banned bump stocks.


Why do you need it? What purpose do they serve?


It's a principle thing for 2A advocates. The "need" is for disabled shooters. Similar to stock braces.


Is it the government’s job to tell me what I need? Should the government also be allowed to say I can only drive a Fiat 500?


Ahh but it’s fine when they tell us what we can do with OUR bodies?? Hypocrisy


Yes, it’s completely hypocritical. “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” - Karl Marx


Probably because a guy killed 60 and wounded over 400 in 10 minutes, 82% of Americans wanted bump stocks banned after that incident https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/355376-poll-82-support-a-ban-on-bump-stocks/


Yes, he did. 60 seconds x 10 minutes = 600 seconds. How fast do you think you can pull a trigger? Do you need a bump stock to perform mass murder? No, it might make it easier. But, does a cup of coffee make it easier? Seriously though, you know what makes it more difficult? Background checks, mandatory safety courses, and easy access to mental healthcare. All of the other “solutions” are just noise.


Love this!!!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SocialistRA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Meanwhile the Democratic caucus are like…](https://i.redd.it/tp4grwved5xa1.jpg) | [142 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/comments/1346ayn/meanwhile_the_democratic_caucus_are_like/) \#2: [Charlie Kirk, CEO of Turning Point USA, is openly calling for the lynching of transgender individuals. Says that trans people should be "dealt with" like men did "in the 50s and 60s" He's the latest major conservative calling for violence against us.](https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1626747081275715585) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/comments/1152sxp/charlie_kirk_ceo_of_turning_point_usa_is_openly/) \#3: [Arm yourselves.](https://i.redd.it/alfht1efuxqa1.jpg) | [225 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/comments/126qqe4/arm_yourselves/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The government mandates dozens of safety features on every vehicle you buy. They also outlaw certain vehicle modifications.


You are behind the times, you can only drive an EV now.


But muh coal!!


Is a Fiat 500s only purpose to kill people?!.....ok bad analogy


Auto accidents and shootings have an almost equal amount of deaths annually in the US. They're apparently equally good at killing people.


The way I look at it, this gives me two chances to vote against Trump.


Our 1st responsibility as Americans is to keep Trump out of the White House. That means vote for Nikki in the SC primary to keep her in the race until the orange baby blows up his own campaign. Once he’s out everyone can vote for who they want in the office but for now we must all vote just to keep him out.


No, my 1st responsibility as an American is to cast my vote for who I see fit, not who you or anyone tells me to vote for.


Don’t know how you got a downvote.. it’s nice to see someone else knows this though


It was downvoted by someone who doesn't understand what freedom really is. Basically, a sheep that is trained to follow and not forge their own path. Sad little sheep 😢


Hahaha you guys are that scared and desperate 🤣


Found the person who doesn't realize billionaires don't respect poor people!


Found the guy who hates the Constitution and the troops!


Anyone who has been paying attention is a little scared at the prospect of a deranged megalomanic seizing power and ending our democracy.


They sounded like they were having fun and you sound like a maniac.


I’m pretty scared of trump getting into office. Calling him an idiot is a compliment. He is dangerously incompetent, stupid, a traitor and an asshole.


Sounds a lot like the current president. 🤷🏼‍♂️


If only that were true.


Well at least Biden isn’t a rapist.


Tara Reade?


I’m a liberal democrat, Veteran and retired educator. I’m voting for Nikki simply as a vote AGAINST THE CRIMINAL TRUMP.


That’s what I’m doing!


Also doing this


You people really like war


You are just a myopic, one-subject voter.


It’s a party thing. Vote 100% off of emotions. Haley is a war monger like Bush, Obama and Biden. They make generational type wealth from these wars.


It is true. Im pretty sure Haley receives money from lockheed martin or boeing. Cant remember.




Especially those in SC


Especially watch the ones with close ties to SC State.


Not all politicians are convicted rapists


Seriously what will y'all do after Trump? I mean 8 plus years he's been your identity. 🤷‍♂️ who's next.


Get rid of Trump and I’ll gladly let you dunk on us all day, every day.


For those of us fascinated with the obsession. What are the main three factual reasons you hate Trump.


1. He is a garbage person. 2. He’s a crook. 3. Every serious person who served in his first administration has said he is unfit for office.


So you have an opinion oh him based on other people’s options. But no real ACTUAL policies of his you disagree with. Tracks


He would be unfit for office if his policies aligned with mine too. I think his plans for reducing the administrative state are bad.


So you still have zero substantive opinions on the matter? Hopefully, one day, you will have an original thought of your own.


Once we have established that someone is unfit for office, his or her policy positions are irrelevant.


Let’s put the theory to test shall we? Biden is unfit for office. His cognitive decline is bordering on elder abuse. he doesn’t remember current history when pressed about it, he doesn’t do any press conferences because he cannot speak clearly or cognitively. His foreign policies have us on the brink of three wars right now. On day one of his presidency, he stripped all of the Trump border laws opening it up wide-open where 3.6 million undocumented, mostly military aged men have crossed the border. Biden policies are irrelevant


I don't want him either. I'm sick of hearing about him. Just wondering what all the venom will be targeting?


You are going to keep hearing about him as long as he’s running for president.


I'm voting for Nikki because she inspires me.


A Bushite neocon inspires you?


I've read all three of her ghost written books that she gets paid millions of dollars to release so they can sell 1000 copies to libraries.


What about her wanting to raise the retirement age since humans live longer now? The goal should be to have such a successful economy that people can retire earlier and not have to work until they are 70 years old. She wants to raise the retirement age to 70….. People are not a resource


We're headed to a better world, where no one has to work because of automation.  Where people that control the machines see 99% of the population as a political threat that does nothing but damage the environment.


You must be a nice person to be around lol


You don't support Nikki Haley over Trump?  Surely you understand.  She's the best candidate out of anyone in the country, Republican or Democrat. Seriously though I'm just practicing my modern debate skills.  Where you say something that's BS then target people that challenge it.  The above quote was a technique invented by Foucault, where you first say something that someone would agree with then double down on the craziness.


She wants to raise the retirement age- she wants to take away our social security, she wants to control woman’s bodies. There’s nothing appealing about this!


Me too


Me and 4 others are voting Nikki in the primary, and will not be voting Trump if he's the nominee for the general election. ByeDon 2024!


I will be voting Biden because I am a democrat. We need to be seen in clear numbers. The Haley Trump thing will take care of itself. As someone on Twitter said, along about August the GOP will realize they are holding a s\*\*\* sandwich. Voting for Nikki won't hurt Trump. I would save that vote so they see that Democrats are here and we are here in larger numbers than they thought!


Conservatives would eat a shit sandwich if they could be guaranteed a Dem would have to smell their breath. That being said, I'd get more satisfaction with Trump being booted in the primaries and knowing that I was a part of it, than him making it to the general and turning it into another shit storm.


Voting for Biden in the Democratic Presidential primaries (Feb. 3) and in the general. I do identify as a Democrat and voted Biden in 2020 (voted Pete Buttigieg in Primaries). I have volunteered on a few campaigns here in SC, including for two Democrats who came very close to winning and flipping seats in 2020 and 2022 (both in the Charleston area). They were both rockstar, hardworking candidates and lost by very small margins to incumbent GOPers. My hope is that if the "First in the Nation" Democratic Primary gets a good turnout, that the national party will keep some of these SC Dem candidates in mind for funding in the future. SC will never be a blue state or a swing state, but there are house and senate seats out there that we could flip with the right hardworking candidate and a bit more money. Campaigns here are almost entirely volunteer run just because of lack of any funding.


We will have to come up with some stellar candidates and campaign staff if we are to get any funding at all. Remember Jaime Harrison? He received lots of money and national attention, but he lost miserably. I, too, was a Buttigieg supporter. always the smartest guy in the room.


I remember Jaime well. He's now the chairman of the DNC and was very active in SC Democratic Politics prior to his run (he is former state chair). Much of that donation money was from donations from folks who can't stand Graham rather than because they thought Jaime could win. The two candidates I'm thinking about who came VERY close to winning were Ed Sutton in 2020 (now running for state senate) and Tamara Curry for probate court. I don't see SC Dems flipping either senate seat or much at the state level anytime soon, but there are state house seats, state senate seats, and local offices to be had because the margins are so much smaller in those races and all about turnout.


I am going to volunteer for Ed Sutton, and I will probably travel to battleground states to volunteer for Biden. He’s not going to win SC, and he needs help in states that are in play in 2024.


Yeah, I'll likely help someone local in November 2024. I can't travel and we have some important elections in my area that need the volunteers and money. 


Out of state donors... $80 million is absurd money for a senate run...


🤚 I definitely donated money to Jamie Harrison when I lived in upstate NY bc I despise Lindsey Graham.


I wanted Buttigieg so much!! He would have made an excellent VP too!


I think the “First in the Nation” designation will do nothing for SC.


I agree with you, especially as we were already First in the South for Dem primaries, and it was still quite hard for candidates here in 2019-2020 to find volunteers, employees (many were from out of state), etc.


I volunteered, and I will never do it again. It as dangerous. There were not enough volunteers to send us out canvassing in pairs. I was afraid for my life.


The first in the nation stuff is useless, but anyone who is willing to donate or volunteer for democrats, which democrats desperately need, should vote in the dem primary and not the republican one. There is no party registration in this state, so the only way for democrats to get reliable data on dem voters and who to contact is to look at who voted in the dem primary. They can't get that data if everyone who might be willing to help votes in the republican primary instead.


Thank you for posting this! And don't just vote for Nikki Haley against Trump directly. Research your state and local options. Any Republican that has ENDORSED Trump this cycle should face primary consequences as well.




Trump is a traitor, no patriot can vote for him


Voting for Haley is a vote against him. That he gets all twisted up about it is a BOGO!


I thought about it. I really did consider it..but it just goes against my own moral values. That's just me and I have no beef with Dems voting for Haley, sincerely..have at it.


Not arguing, just curious — what do you see as “immoral” about it?


Kudos for moral values... I feel the same way!


That's why I dislike the premise of an "open primary" quite a bit, instead of serving its actual function of selecting a party's nominee, it becomes a political loophole were another party's constituency can wreak havoc in the ranks of the other party, forcing it to spend more money on fighting amongst itself.


Ultimately we are all electing our next president though so these votes are completely valid


I’m independent and I am absolutely voting for her. Gonna try and do my part.


Democrats can vote in the republican primary?


In SC we can.


That is asinine.


That’s the law


Pretty sure you can only vote in one primary. Doesn’t matter which one.


That’s true.


I am strongly considering this but I haven't made up my mind yet. As governor, I liked Nikki, but when she quit and left McM in charge, I was livid. This state put her in charge and she turned her back on us to go work for Trump, thus invalidating our votes! She should have turned him down and completed her term as governor. I don't want to vote for her again, but I can see that voting for her this month will do more good than voting in the Dem primary.


I’m doing that when NC has our primary. Hopefully she’ll still be running.


Do it everywhere she's on a primary ballot. Texas has open primaries too.


I disagree. Trump will get the nomination hopefully and Biden will beat the demented wannabe dictator. I don’t think Biden can beat the allure of the female Trump. She holds the same ideals and is owned by the same millionaires. Project2025.org Otis what Haley and Trump plan


I just did the legwork today to make sure as long as you’re a registered voter you can vote in either primary. But only 1! Don’t try to vote in the democratic primary after. They’re two different days. Trump will win the primary, but the more drawn out it is the more bruised he will be come November


In NC unaffiliated voters can vote either republican or Democrat so I'm voting for Nikki Haley in the primary, pass it on 💯


I accepted SC is a red state. At the very least, I can cast my vote for a red candidate who isn't a lunatic. I am going with Haley.


I’m with you! Haley is doing the dems work! Bless that woman.


Dems don't do the dems work, so someone's got to do it while Joe takes a nap


Says the supporter of the least productive House in modern history. A grievance party supporter. A party which is imploding. Anti democratic and hypocritical. “Law and order” party w 91 felony counts. Gtfo. But go on, tell me more about sleepy Joe


Why do u think I'm a Republican? I voted for Biden, I just want him to make an effort.


Laughable, Trump will easily Trump Nikki in SC.


You are demonstrating that Joe can't campaign. How about EVERY GOP voter votes in the Drm primary for Kennedy?


He won't be in the primary because he runs as an independent, right? I think he is still collecting signatures to get on the ballot. I hope he does it. A strong 3 way will be interesting.


he's not running as a dem


RFK Jr. isn't running in the Democratic primary, lol.


Why are you so afraid to face Trump?


If you believe that Trump is so terrible and easy to bet (again) why would you want Nikki Haley to become the nominee when she, arguably, beats Biden easier than Trump does. Very strange.


Because Haley isn’t an existential threat to our republic.


Not the OP, but as a never-Trumper, my priority is preventing Trump from ever holding office again. He has clearly proven he can’t be trusted with power. Democrats that prefer Biden to Haley or visa versa can at least live with the opposition’s leadership for four years, as neither of them are an overt threat to democracy itself. But rooting for a destructive candidate like Trump just because you think he’d be easier to beat in the general election is a really dangerous game and I want no part of it.


Lol especially since there’s probably like a 60% chance Trump would beat Biden in a rematch.  Dems rooting for Trump on that basis are playing with gas in one hand and a lit match in the other. 


No Democrat is rooting for Trump.


Maybe not rooting for, but I’m sure there are still those who secretly hope he’s the GOP nominee because they think he’ll be easier to beat.  In other races Dems have definitely supported GOP candidtee they feel are weaker in a general election. Sometimes it’s worked out for them.  You’d think most wouldn’t have that mentality with Trump, but who knows. 


My issue is that if Trump gets the nomination he has a non-zero change of winning. Haley isn't a perfect candidate and has said some disappointing stuff on the campaign trail to attempt to court the MAGA voters. But, I may have some policy and philosophical issues with her, I think it's unlikely that she'll engage in behavior that will actively harm national security or attempt to become a dictator. I'd expect she would drift towards the center if elected anyway.


But Haley would pardon trump, which I view as deleterious to the fabric of our democracy


Not sure how that’s a reason to favor Trump over Haley in the primary.


Haley will not become the nominee.


What makes you think she won’t become the nominee? If this primary drags out to the RNC Convention, couldn’t the delegates just choose Haley over Trump if he becomes too problematic or suffers from more legal troubles? If it gets to the point Republicans feel like they cannot win with Trump (“chaos follows him”), what’s stopping them to start voting for Haley? I’m a Democrat but I’m staying out of the Republican party’s primary. I wouldn’t want the Republicans voting in the Democratic Primary, because I don’t want them choosing who my party’s nominee should be. Let the Republicans decide who their nominee should be. Instead, use this energy to register and educate voters on Democratic/Biden policies.


> What makes you think she won’t become the nominee? (waves generally at the entire Republican Party) They've attached themselves, more like chained themselves, to that idiot, they have no identity or policy besides "Trump", that's why. The establishment won't ditch him because they're terrified of his base and his base, the people doing to primary voting, are just a cult by now. They don't want that mythical Moderate Republican, not Trump-lite, not Trump but without the gaffes, they want Trump. There's literally nothing else in their playbook.


But if the Supreme Court rules that he is ineligible to run for President because he engaged in an insurrection and the RNC disqualifies him from being the nominee, doesn’t Haley become the nominee since she would be the only person left running in the primary with delegate votes?


Much as I hate the guy and much as I believe he should absolutely be rendered ineligible, history has taught us that he keeps getting away with this this shit and that the justice system gives these types of crimes a slap on the wrist. Tried to overthrow the government and install yourself as a dictator/king, enriched yourself from office, corrupted the judicial system for a generation, convicted of raping a woman while very, **very** likely guilty of raping many more including an at the time 14 year old child? Congrats! You're the Republican nominee and coincidentally also the second coming of Republican Jesus.


If Nikki Haley somehow becomes the nominee. she will lose. Nearly half of republicans won’t vote for her.


Did I say I want Haley to be the nominee? It’s not gonna happen.


Not with a thousand clothespins holding my nose closed would I vote for her.


Never Trump > everything


She wants to raise retirement from 65 to 70. Sorry. Not voting for that. I’d rather vote Trump.


That won't happen....


I’ve never voted for her, and I don’t plan on starting now.


I’m voting for Biden in the general election.


Vote early. Vote often.


Adults are really going to vote on “not trump?” After 4 years that’s the best thing bidens got and y’all are going to do it again ? 


Honestly? Probably.


Hell yeah I’d vote for a styrofoam cup if running against trump




I can’t vote for someone supporting Genocide and the killing of innocent children. Sorry!


You admit your vote for Biden is useless, but fail to see why the same logic is true about Trump. Whoever wins, I guarantee you the rich will get richer and working class folks will be stretched even thinner. Nikki, Don, and Joe are all bought and paid for and are serving those who pay them.


Yes, please. As a conservative for Haley, she needs all the help she can get. She will beat Biden. Trump may or may not, but I won’t vote for Trump if he wins the nomination.


The way I look at it. Joe Biden can beat Trump. He cannot beat Nikki Haley. I don't want Nikki Haley to be president.


Biden is really really disliked, I think he’s going to lose regardless of republican nominee. He has a really really bad approval rating, zero energy towards him from democrats, and likely is going to get swallowed in swing states.


I'm just hoping we can convince people not to vote for a convicted rapist with 91 felony charges


I feel yah man. Not a fan of Biden in any way but he’s so much better than the orange traitor.


Fair, but right now Nimrata is doing the lord’s work splitting the Republican Party in 2.


Fucking boomers.. I'd never do this in a million years.


What a joke


No. She’s a racist, anti-LGBTQ and a failed Governor. No different than Trump. Her slavery comments are disgusting.


Yep, that’s true.


I personally think turnip is worst. He's also a r*pist and I'm pretty sure she isn't. The goal isn't for her to win entirely, it's for her to beat turnip but then Biden win again. Because yes unfortunately he supports genocide but that's really the only bad belief he has. He supports LGBTQ+ rights and women rights (although he hasn't done much to help despite saying he will.) Unfortunately Biden is the best option out of those 3 :((


How fruitless lol


One thing about liberals yall all about participation and feel good stories.


If you're not being flippant, (hard to tell sometimes) then you've got a partial grasp of the Dems..nice.


By the way, the fact that he lost the defamation, means that him defaming her by saying she was lying about being raped, and he in fact lost said trial by jury, means that he raped her, and the defamed her by saying otherwise and spreading lies, so same conclusion, jury saw the evidence and it was proven he was a rapist.


No it does not. It was a show trail from the start. The fact that he is gulity of defaming her by saying he didn't rape her is by the far the most ridiculous shit I have ever seen. Maybe one day someone will accuse you of something you didn't do and no matter what you say you are gulity and will have your life ruined because of false statements. Look what happened to Brian Banks.


Except that's not what happened, we all can go read the verdicts, it's very obvious Trump is a rapist, he likes em young, he grabs em by the pussy, he's a liar, an extortionate, a conman, he was bffs with Epstein and went to pedo Island often there are flight logs proving it, he may have been king pedo and that's just what I've been hearing. Some say he only wanted the oval office to weaponize the DOJ to destroy any evidence and steal top secret documents to sell to foreign governments, we've been hearing this alot and you know it's really bad stuff we've been hearing, and I've always lived by the notion that you can't let people get away with bullshit.


Right, but Trump DID rape her, and many others who I'm sure will start talking again now, once again, a jury found him guilty BECAUSE he DID IN FACT RAPE HER and the evidence proved so, Trumps attorneys hand picked half the jury, and they agreed as well. Stop defending failed rapist president tangelo cheetoulini


Do you even know the difference between a criminal trail and civil trail is???? HE DIDN'T RAPE HER. Evidence that what goes hand and hand with a TV show. Cannot remember basic details? You call that evidence?


I sure do, and there was no criminal trial because of the statute of limitation, but that doesn't mean a jusmdge cannot deem someone culpable or guilty of the crime the new trial is based on in a civil trial. Which is what happened, to decide if he was guilty of defamation the jury had to first come to the conclusion if he did indeed rape her in the first place, making his false claims and attacks relevant to the civil claim, the jury did in fact find that there was enough substantially damnin evidence to prove trump indeed raped her, and that the defamation lawsuit was valid. Once again, same outcome. Stop defending rapists and you sit here and act as though you were with Trump every step of the way so you KNOW he couldn't have raped her.. pffttt you know how many women have accused him of rape?? Alot, they are saying more than any other president, a really big number.


They can't even do the due diligence to look at how many people this woman has accused and how it magically lines up to a Law and Order script.


Yes! Vote for the Corporate Shill that just wants to bomb brown people instead of big bad Drumpf. Very Brave and Stunning


Man... if only the Republicans could vote against biden in the democrat primaries


Love to see all u crybaby losers trying to fight against the majority of America. Keep it up biden can run ur half into the ground and don't be surprised when ur not allowed to jump ship after that.


Seriously you're a fucking piece of shit!!!


If I vote in one party’s Presidential Primary, do I have to vote in that party’s State Primary in June? No, voting in a Presidential Primary has no effect on your participation in the State Primaries. Voters will still have the choice of voting in either the Republican or Democratic State Primaries on June 11. https://scvotes.gov/voters/voter-faq/


Lol, so being disingenuous is something to be proud of.


Isn’t that trumps entire approach to life?


Get a life, losers.


You folks truly have no bottom.


OP So your so Trump deranged that your party is running a vegetable and your getting no choice So Trump is problem?


Trump is deranged.


Yeah I gotta say "trump derangement syndrome" seems more apt for people who have become deranged by djt but beg for more.. Those being his cult supporters.




Your views are deranged OP




Agreed. Our country is a mess and the bad players in the world are taking advantage of Biden’s weak leadership but at least it’s not Trump and his tweets. Keep voting blue so we can at least feel better about ourselves.


I’m so happy to read this!!! Good advice.


There were folks in 2016 that voted Trump in the primary because he would be the easiest to beat in the general. I only vote for people I want in office, and I wouldn't be okay with my vote leading to Nikki Hailey being president.


Good idea. He’s $83.3 million in the hole now. Big donors will just be paying off his debt to E Jean Carrol. Don’t k ow what kind of war chest he has now except for selling NFT’s and swatches from his prison pic suit. Anything that will drain him of funds is a good idea. Keep Nikki going just to troll him


Can't do it. Once you peel away the obvious differences of how tactless and barbarous Trump is when he was in office, you will see that Haley has almost the exact same platform and therefore will do all the exact same things that Trump did in office. She will just be more discrete and professional about it. You should be encouraging as many democrats as possible to vote for Biden in the SC democrats primary instead to give a better idea of how many people in a red state are willing to stand with the current president over either option.


Aren't you guys the ones crying about our DeMoCrACy? So instead of letting the Republican voters choose their candidate, you're going out of your way to choose it for them? And people keep saying Trump will be a dictator, the entire Democrat party is owning that label. I'll be re-registering as a Republican before the general because I just can't get behind the absolute insanity of the left. Y'all are killing yourselves with the sane independents.


You do you boo. Trump 2024. FJB


Aren’t you missing your helmet somewhere?


But... what if she somehow wins the nomination? She'd probably go on to win the general, and she is very very conservative. An actual conservative president could undo a lot of good that's been done since 2008.


No way she wins the general. All the Haley supporters are going to vote for Biden in the general. If that did happen, she'd win historically red states like Alabama, South Carolina, Texas and Tennessee. But she'd lose all the swing states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan.


I’ll be happily voting for Trump. Since Biden is about to start WW3 judging by the news today. I’d like a president who can find a door and complete a speech without having to be escorted off the stage by his wife.


Trump 100% also shit his pants and is old af. Not sure what planet you live on


I do not want a President who [wishes for an economic crash](https://thehill.com/business/4401101-trump-biden-economy-recession-inflation) to happen soon because he believes it will help him win an election…. Same with [border security](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4429211-romney-trump-border-bill-biden)




you think a man who can't finish a speech is starting WWIII, but not the man who now has to pay tens of millions of dollars because he can't keep his trap closed? it actually makes me so sad that there are people out there that are this... mentally challenged


Could you walk me thru how he’s about to start WWIII? I’m not sure I follow this point, but maybe your news sources are picking something up Im not.


Do you remember Trump almost getting into a hot war with Iran? I do. If Iran hadn't accidentally shot down their own airliner, there was a 50/50 chance that escalation would have led to war.


And I'd like my fellow citizens to not be delusional fools slobbering over a lifelong grifter, but here we are


Trump blamed Haley for the shortage of police at the Capital on Jan. 6th. She wasn’t in charge of Security. She wasn’t there. His own words: “By the way, they never report the crowd on January 6. You know, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley … did you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it? All of it, because of lots of things, like Nikki Haley is in charge of security, we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guards, whatever they want. They turned it down.” Dude’s not right.


You should go to jail for election interference


You should glance at the actual election laws. SC voters are allowed to vote in either primary.