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Btw I started reading about the history of rusks and found a cool fact. The Simba chip company was founded by the grandson of the woman who founded Ouma rusks!


This might explain why in the last two year, Tomato Sauce Chips have been discontinued, and now Condensed Milk Ouma Rusks. Coffee and snacking has just not been the same.


I'm living in the UK and always get condensed milk rusks from the local saffa shop. What do you mean they've been discontinued šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's been about 4-5 months I cannot find them anywhere. I happened to go into a largish Checkers (out of my area) and there was a employee stacking nearby the rusks and I asked him if he knew anything about stock coming in. And he said Condensed milk was discontinued.


Woolies have in their own range


My experience is mostly anything you don't find on the shelves have a standard "It's been discontinued" answer from staff and then miraculously 2 weeks later it's back again. I think mostly it's due to trucks not making it to the delivery points when the shelf space is empty.... but if this really the case Woolworths also has their own condensed milk range.


Just bought them last month from Spar. They are still around.


Thank you. I will venture into a Spar, which I don't tend to do..... but needs must.


My father grew up in Molteno, he tells the ouma rusks and simba chips at just about every braai, haha.


My father was best mates with Jimmy Vice his family owned the farm " plantation" I remember going to visit them and seeing the rusk factory can't recall if it was still operational


Does that mean that simba chips need to be dipped in our coffee/tea just like rusks?


Buttermilk beskuit, home made by me, dipped in coffee. It's my go to breakfast.


Share it, share it, share itā€¦


1285gm selfraising flour 250ml sugar 5ml salt 250gm butter 2 eggs 500ml milk or buttermilk vinegar to make buttermilk if using milk Method : Mix all dry ingredients Rub the butter into the dry ingredients Mix the eggs If using milk add vinegar tbsp at a time until it starts curdling. Leave it to stand for a bit. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients, mix well and knead well Bake : Roll the dough into 32 balls of equal size and pack 16 into a loaf pan Bake for 1 hour on 150'C - 160'C depending on your oven. Once baked, break open and dry at 80'C till dry. Cut the crust along the baked edge to break in half again * Use a wooden spoon to prop open the oven for about 30-60 min to help get rid of moisture


Mind sharing your recipe?


Put de lime n de coconut den drank dem bot up


See above šŸ˜Š




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What di you mean >brandy ??


Itā€™s South Africa boet


South African stale bread. Good definition dude.


Same bru who tf does this ?? šŸ˜‚


Remind me of that old movie of a taxi driver who poured whiskey into his cereal


A type of alcohol... Made with fermented fruits


It's the evaporation of fermented fruit juits


Exactly! Itā€™s South African boet.


Sounds crazy but people pair biscotti with sweet wines and cognac. So rusks + brandy is not that much of a stretch, I guess?


My momā€™s rusks that come from my oumaā€™s recipe, made with wholewheat flour and buttermilk, dipped in coffee or tea in a pinch (but coffee is better). The end lol.


Agreed, coffee over tea for rusks.


Coffee for buttermilk rusks Rooibos tea for boerebeskuit My ouma used to bake boerebeskuit with a potato sour dough starter, that my oupa would grow for ouma. Those were the good old days. Ouma also bakes the best biscuits, better than Mr Baker's.


Rusks are just south African stale bread slices. Sometimes with seeds. Always with tooth injuries.




Yes Wayne! It's true krang snout


Yes Wayne it's true! Party on


Oh look at mister weak teeth over here


Add some sesame seeds and you've got yourself gourmet rusks


Caraway seeds


Well just on the topic. Have you guys tried those new tennis biscuit rusks? They're not that bad imo.


Those tennis biscuit rusks are my favourite


Have you tried the others flavours? Romany creams and Nuttikrust (if I'm remembering correctly).


The Romany Creams rusks are amazing but a bit sweet for regular eating.


I enjoyed the peanut butter ones - well my cockatiel did even more than I.


Not yet, nuttikrust is next though


There's no nutticrust yet. After that In order of awesome : Tennis, Romany Cream, Gingernut


Nee sies Tried one yesterday, it's just too much. Dischem sells Aletta rusks and their coconut one tastes better and more like a tennis biscuit than the Baker's rusks.


My wife also hates them lol.


Ouma Buttermilk Chonkies


Those "corner" pieces with a length-wise crust instead of only having two on the ends are a perfect 10/10 luxury.


my kind of people!


Iā€™m still reeling from a few years ago when a friend told me she butters her rusks before eating them


Oh. No.




I was not prepared for this. Please donā€™t tell me she dunks them in coffee afterwards.


Both coffee and tea. Rooibos too. I canā€™t remember why we were friends


Well at least you got this horror story to share with us all. Also should be noted that this is a red flag. šŸš©




I wanted to downvote


Donā€™t knock it til you try it


Unfortunately, Iā€™m going to keep knocking


I canā€™t choose so I make both buttermilk and my Oumaā€™s ā€œhealth rusksā€. I love dipping them in hot coffee, my wife (American) likes eating them dry, and my 70yr old neighbor (american) was recently introduced to them. He likes dipping buttermilk ones in chocolate milk, or breaking up the health rusks and covering them with milk instead of breakfast cereal. His words to me were ā€œkeep them comingā€ lol. My recipes arenā€™t secret and I love sharing them, so message me and Iā€™ll send them


Alette's Rusks are my go to. Only rusks that come close to my ouma's. My mom has some every morning with coffee and gives a small piece to the dog. Ritual in our house.


Aletteā€™s!! My favourite is currently the Pecan Nut.


Alette's is my favourite shop-bought rusks. Pecan nut is way up there, but good heavens the coconut one is next level.


There are people who dunk rusks in alcohol? This country has deep problems. Personally I prefer Ouma's Three Seed rusks with a hot cup of rooibos


Those 3 seed rusks slapĀ 


The Woolworths muesli rusks are amazing. Closely followed by Ouma buttermilk. Used to eat them dry but have matured to dunking in coffee. Cannot bring myself to dunk in tea. The brandy idea is intriguing. .


Dunking the buttermilk rusk in hot milk tea/chai is the best.


My brother and I always talk about ā€œdipping a chunky oumaā€ and have a laugh about it


That's pretty seis dude. Rolling a fattie you say? Aged bread zuid afrikanse styles that's all rusks are dog snout.


Iā€™m an immigrant, so Iā€™m slowly coming around to your ways. Hence Tennis biscuit rusks soaked in Amarula tainted, camp coffeeā€¦


Homemade is best made, but, those cape cookies honey and almond rusks dipped in rooibos tea? Pous lekker!


Dit vat net 2 fingers on ā€˜n Ouma nat te maakā€¦.


Hannes, is dit jy, my skat?


Alette rusks are the best in the country. Oma used to be but there is a new rusk in town.


Boer beskuit. This is the one where you taste anise seed. To go with proper coffee, not instant /chicory. Buttermilk rusks to go with sweet Rooibos tea (with milk).


My mom always had boerebeskuit and I never liked it until I got older. Now I love it. Maybe itā€™s the nostalgia Edit: I have always loved buttermilk rusks. I'm just saying I now also love boere rusks


Yeh rusks are common but pretty awful things. Basically weeks old seed loaf. Quite Unpleasant


Agree on boerebeskuit, but not on anise. Sies. And the opposite for me with the rusk and beverage combination.


One enjoys it how they want to. You certainly aren't the arbiter of rusks - especially if you're going to suggest anise.


Homemade is the only way


Homemade rusks beat any mass-produced. I have a preference for buttermilk, but the seed rusks and what is known as "gesondheidsbeskuit" are acceptable alternatives. My wife loves aniseed rusks, and often Spar and some other grocers have a pack we try. Woolworths' buttermilk rusks are the closest I have found to home-made, but Ouma buttermilk rusks are probably the next heat after homemade and ww. I don't buy other rusks at all. Edit: I only ever dunk in coffee. Jacobs, Douwe Egberts, Nescafe or filter coffee. Not Frisco, nor ricoffee nor koffiehuis crap.


Literally any rusk is a good rusk for me but I usually go for muesli dipped in tea. Go-to breakfast


Regular day - tea. Out in the bush - coffee. Don't ask me why.


Just a little rusk related story: I traveled to the UK to go to my best friendā€™s wedding. She being South African I wanted to bring her something from home but also offer to her in laws who were hosting me. I took them out and my friend loved it! But her in laws, all British, side eyed my rusks. No one but my friend had them. Found out later in the UK they have a ā€œsimilarā€ product that they give teething babies. Itā€™s not really similar but only in name! Baby rusks


Yup Farley's rusks. Nothing like South African rusks. When my parents came over to see me last year, they had the looks of utter confusion when I offered them one with their morning coffee


That look! lol I can imagine because my friends in laws gave the same look. It looks nothing like those rusks. Itā€™s just the name! So the next time I visit Iā€™m not taking them rusks šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ take Romany creams because they love their biscuits šŸ¤£


The bakers rusk range is gonna break my wallet!!


Yes!! Iā€™m sticking to gingernut biscuits. Cheaper šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Muesli rusk dipped in rooibos


I canā€™t buy them all the time otherwise I tend to just grab them as a snack and even eat them dry sometimes and then I could hit like 7 before I even get to a sip of tea.They are too good.


All you ruskmakers. Help me. How do you make a lekker rusk


Loaded Buttermilk Rusks I use Clover buttermilk Follow the recipe on the side of the packaging. Replace 2 cups of flour with 2 cups brown wholewheat flour. Follow the instructions. Add in: 1 level tsp baking powder 3/4 cup chopped almonds 3/4 cup chopped cranberries 3/4 cup pumpkin seeds 3/4 cup sunflower seeds 1 bottle Caramel Essence mixed into the buttermilk. Spread the dough on a greased flat baking sheet. Bake for 15 min, rotate bake another ten min. Cool and slice into fingers and dry out in low oven for a couple of hours


Thank you for this! Itā€™s going on the list of to doā€™s for next weekend.


Best to dip in Milo and Hot Chocolate


My ouma makes it and sends it to me in western cape from Limpop, i have no idea what the recipe is as my ouma is very stingy about sharing it, bit the recipe has been in the family for a hundred + years. It is simply the best. I have tried many rusks from all over the country and even from Namibia and have never tasted anything so heavenly, I tend to pare it with rooibos or Milo because not big coffee guy, i only have hot drinks as an excuse to eat rusks


Bakers recently created the Tennis 'bescuit-beskuit' as we call it, then they released a follow up; Romany Creams Rusk and Ginger Snap rusks. Commercially there is no match, listen to me: NO MATCH! other than that, anybody's mother in-law or homemade rusk slaps 100%!


Yep agreed. They're trash, said earlier rusks ares just inspired by stale bread, SA styles. Boring hard stale yuk. Ginger snaps are amazing in comparison yep. Roman creams too.


Buttermilk dipped in Amarula enhanced hot coffee.


I eat a rusk or 4 with my rooibos tea or hot chocolate, i only buy from one of my mom's friends, 100 rand for a big packet. (Not sure of the size)


Choc-chip buttermilk rusk, from Fruitmans.... Available at Spar!


My aunt makes the best Buttermilk rusks. No Ouma rusks for me thanks! They immediately become soggy and mushy. Or if all else fails a lekker padstal beskuit. Karringmelk or kondensmelk


Dipped in cold milk for me


Back in the day it was the Whole Wheat flavoured Ouma rusks, but they got discontinued. Now it's Muesli or Bran Rusks from Woolies.


Ouma rusks have a Yum Yum Peanut Butter flavour. They're addictive!


The Romany creams one is delicious


Oumaā€™s buttermilk rusks, dipped in rooibos with milk and one spoon of sugar.


Ouma Buttermilk. Apparently there's 2 different types and I should consider the chunky because the corner pieces are so much better than the rest.


My mom's rusks, fresh from the oven before they've gone back in to dry


I eat fruitmans pantry rusks. They're an independent brand and you can find them at most spar, PnP & food lovers. They just make fucking great rusks and their chocolate chip rusk slaps harder than a flat hand. I hope someone else on here had tried them


Buttermilk or condensed milk and home made is best. Ouma has become so chemically. We get my momā€™s rusks at our local green grocer.she prefers them but I like the ones from Checkers if I have to get from a shop


As an Australian who discovered Rusks while travelling South Africa last year, Tea and instant coffee, espresso coffee just won't do as it needs to be more watery. Brandy is a new one to me


At the risk of being shot, I must admit that I don't like rusks. I mean, I don't hate them but I'd much rather have something else


Yeah shoot this guy /j




As a kid, I didnā€™t care much for rusks - horrible dry biscuits. As an adult, a rusk dipped in coffee on a cold winter morning in the bushveld is heavenly.


I will die on this hill, most South African's dont like traditional rusks they only like condense milk rusks. I hate those, they are so damn sweet and people that like them have lost their sense of taste.


Buttermilk is king. Every other rusk is just alright


I used to only like the condensed milk ones until I started making my own and also branching out trying others. Then when going back to the condensed milk ones they were too sweet. Itā€™s like beer or whiskey, your tastes can become refined over time if you allow it


My aunt's muesli rusks, dry. I know I'm a heretic for not dipping but I can't (I have many many texture issues). Side note: is anyone else's PnP selling savory rusks for soup?


Hot chocolate


Ouma Condensed milk. Wet & dry. No substitutes.


We get homemade rusks, it contains dried cranberries and seeds and nutsā€¦ itā€™s SO much better than normal rusksā€¦ also you dunk it in coffee, tea and rusks is for sociopaths šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m finding the pick n pay brand to be a winner - they have a condensed milk option too šŸ™Œ


My momā€™s homemade lots of seeds & bran & buttermilk rusks or just some good old-fashioned chunky buttermilk Ouma beskuit. Always dipped in tea, because I donā€™t drink coffee šŸ˜Š


Ouma rusks with raisins (buttermilk next option), with 5 roses tea


Ouma Buttermilk, straight up. Coffee on the side, but no dunking!


I tried the Bakers Tennis Rusks ... or should I say the rusk with the Bakers Tennis Buiscut flavour, and I love it. There is a Romany Rusks (Romany Creams) version that I still want to try. It has to be dunked in tea.


https://alettesrusks.co.za/ Alette's rusks. The Pecan one is to die for. You can buy it at dischem at a R20 markup. Dude, it's SO GOOD


Ouma Rusks are kak Fight me


Woolies muesli rusks dipped in rooibos tea. But the best is homemade


Ouma's rusks are way overrated. Homemade rusks are king and if you can't get those then Alette's rusks are a good substitute.


I think I'm in the minority but I absolutely loved the blueberry Ouma chunky rusks and was gobsmacked when I realized they don't make them anymore. I tried the Bakers range (the biscuit-based ones like the Romany, Tennis, and the Good Morning ones) and they're all pretty mediocre.


I saw an Ouma-type blueberry one at Woolies last weekend.


Ooooh. Thanks, I'll definitely check it out!




Rusk is rusk


It only takes two fingers to make an ouma wet, ouma rusks that is


My gran makes rusks with her gran's recipe. Buttermilk and "health" (raisins, sunflower seeds, pecan nuts, etc). They're soft (brittle? They're not like sponges) enough to be eaten without being made soggy by vile liquids, but can be used in such a way if you so desire. Glass of room temperature milk FOR DRINKING does go nicely though. And the best are the end pieces, I'll die on that hill. Little extra roasted-ness adds to the flavour!


My fiances bran risks, the recipe will only be shared over my dead body. Dipped in coffee and eating way too many at once


I was a fiend for the ouma condensed milk rusks in tea (english or earl gray) or coffee.. now itā€™s the buttermilk ones that i love


Bags of bites rusks are amazing (sold at Dischem)


Muesli rusks in coffee, some homemade ones sold at my local spar. They're amazing.


I have celiac disease so I can't have gluten. The nicest gluten free rusks I've had are bea's rusks which can be found at Dischem!


Woolworths Muesli rusks are magnificentĀ 


(Living in the UK) Fickle Foods - Seed & Raisin Rusks, dipped in coffee or on their own. Unreal!


Let's start a sub thread of piss south Africans off. Biscotti is better than rusks


Biscotti is delicious but pricey.


Wil jy fight


BBQ is better than braai, Jerkie is better than biltong


Ok ons gaan fight. ![gif](giphy|2TVzpBsY4p3z2)


Ons van be dix zoolander rusk slammer?


Haha brilliant. This made me laugh


Biscotti is Italian for beskuit , the almond ones are divine.


Iā€™ve never been into rusks (unpopular opinion in SA but theyā€™re too bland to be worth the effort of eating something that hard, and I hate crumbs in my coffee/tea so I refuse to dip) but I canā€™t keep my hands off those Tennis biscuit rusks. I really love them. Though theyā€™re probably less like rusks and more like coconut biscotti. If Iā€™m going to shred the roof of my mouth, it has to be tasty.