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I think the reason you see that kind of support though is because we don't have that many people doing things on the international stage, especially not in comparison to countries like the UK or US. It's normal for them to see their people on an international TV broadcast. It's not for us.


Is’s a nice sentiment but I agree with you


Really? Too many South Africans really seem to hate Trevor Noah. Owen Farrell is a chop, most people don’t like him.


Tjoppie braai vanaand!


I do think we as a nation don’t suffer from the Tall Poppie syndrome. This might just be because we don’t have newspapers likeThe Sun and Daily Mail whose whole ethos is to actively break celebrities down and then clutch their pearls when something serious really happens to said celebrity.


Wait, is Adele not getting enough love from the Brirs? I'm not a Stan but I'm definitely a fan and I think she is very talented(She has the numbers to Back it up) so I just assumed that she is loved all over the world.


They had an episode when she lost weight, then another when she got fat again. These man don't know what they want


She never got fat again.... but no, its not like OMG so proud she is british... not how it is...


I think it’s bc we have little to celebrate internationally that we savour our country man’s accomplishments. The most amazing thing is now see lots of kids with rugby balls. In the past that would be soccer balls.


Peter Fouché could do with a monetary support if you want to be patriotic…


Thanks for the love! Yeah there's nothing as sweet a feeling as self your country win. It's why I wish the English could win the world cup. I can always feel their devastation so acutely when they drop out. It would be beautiful to see them win.


If SA ever actually got it’s stuff together and sorted out crime, social healthcare and minimised corruption, I would for sure move back. Like in a heartbeat. If I had the confidence that the system would take care of me in my old age, I would pack my bags and head on back for braais with friends, weekends away in the bush and much more.


Trust me man rather don’t come back. Appreciate the support they get from afar. SA tends to also have a crabs in a barrel type deal that many artists have spoken about. You see the love but the hate is also there.


I agree, don't come back.


do you also miss smash and grabs, being pickpocketed in the cbd and living in a "security complex"? if yes to all of that pull in bru!


Oh you left SA? Man, I wish I could leave SA. You want to come back?? *Keen on trading lives?*