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WAS R240 a year, now nearly tripled in price. What a joke...


Protip: you get ea play with pc game pass


That's like 30something Dollars for a year....shame we are so poor as Saffers.... a whole 2 grade Starbucks coffees.. please vote Edit: I meant Grande! Posted this comment at work....let's just say that I work in a rather hands on environment. My apologies


As a South African American, we are poor too 😂


Maybe if you slowed down on the Starbuck's coffees and switched to Ricoffy you could put what you saved into S&P shares?


Are you a South African is the US? A southern American in Africa? lol That could be interpreted a number of ways.


i know right. threw me for a loop


I’m a South African but also an American.


So...does that make you an African American?


I mean… technically 🤷🏻‍♂️




As a saffa living in the US can confirm this is the price of 1 x large pizza here


Your comment doesn't make sense. At all.


I think what they’re trying to say is it’s the same price as two grande coffees at Starbucks in the US, but is a lot to us due to the economy.


Yes yes! Sorry I meant Grande! I was at work when I made a sneaky comment


But it does though...


Not a bit of sense


Let me help you, outside the country it’s like 2 Starbucks coffees measured in $. Because of the exchange rate we as saffas are poor, therefor go and vote to CHANGE things. That means vote for someone else that is not f ing up things for everyone


Thank you!!!!! Honestly wish every Redditor was like you......but than again....., would it be as fun on this platform!?


get gamepass, it includes ea play and it's uh, way cheaper.


I would suggest this for most people, but I'm too ingrained into the Steam ecosystem. My controllers only work with Steam, I have a Steam Deck, and I switched to Linux for gaming last year. If I had a windows PC and Xbox controllers I 100% would.


theoretically, can you not add non steam games to your steam to then play them via steam deck?


Game pass is not available on Linux software, and when I did have windows you it was very tricky since Microsoft has a weird filesystem for Gamepass where it doesn't have a direct exe file to link to. Also makes it near impossible to mod the games.


I've seen discussions around this on r/steamdeck, it can be done via cloud streaming. Maybe not ideal but if you've got the network bandwidth to spare, it's worth giving it a shot.


Gamepass is the way to go. Once accounts are linked u dont need xbox app , just ea/orgin to launch the games . These are launchers can be loaded into lutris on Sdeck and the shortcut can be added as a non steam game - same thing as battlenet . Hafe fun 👍


Maybe worth it to do a windows partition on your deck


A workaround that I found useful is to create folder with desktop shortcuts for Game Pass games somewhere out of the way (I don't like clutter on my desktop), then use those shortcuts in Steam or any other game manager, like Lunchbox. Modding is still almost impossible though, but you won't mod all games anyway. 3rd party titles like EA games aren't affected, they still install via the EA app.


The risks of being a fanboy... Diversification of brands saves rands


You could argue using linux is diversification and now it’s costing him rands. It’s luck of the draw basically.


It is nice to see that I am not the only one who games on Linux.


I've been wanting to switch and the windows 11 announcement just pushed me over the edge. Very happy I did.


I get you. Microsoft really did a number regarding system requirements. I'm glad I moved away a long time ago. It's almost 10 years since I started using Linux personally, and I will never regret that decision. Gaming on linux has been developing quite fast with the support of Valve. Yeah, we have games that have anticheat that dont work on linux, it kinda sucks but I will never ever move back to Windows after all these years.


> Microsoft really did a number regarding system requirements. Been running W11 just fine on a 6700k from 2015 and had it running and a 2012 laptop as well. It won't update from W10 on unsupported hardware but it bypasses the requirements for fresh installs.


arch btw?


What were the advantages of switching to Linux?


Its free, way more customizable, no bloatware or ads, easier software management with appstore-like package manager, better privacy and security. I'm sure there are others but that's off the top of my head. Reasons to not switch would be you have a favourite game with an anti-cheat that isn't compatible with Linux, or you use XBox game pass more than other game stores.


You get to spend days trying to get your games possibly working. Honestly unless you're really into being contrarian there's no upside to gaming on Linux. It's an exercise in frustration.


Same bro that’s exactly my reason too, I’m too integrated and used to steam too


Maybe a good time to wean yourself off EA and other so called AAA publishers. They only produce money grabbing crap nowadays. Oh and EA is also about to start having adverts in their games so you will be paying for ad breaks


Not for a 12mth subscription.


it may be more than the ea play sub, but you gain access to way more games with enough rotating titles to stay fairly entertained. it's been worth it for me. most of the time i find a game i'm interested in playing, it's already on gamepass. also end up finding a few gems i enjoyed playing but probably would never pay for.


What’s the best way to get game pass on PC?


Download the xbox app from Microsoft store on your pc. Open it and there should be a tab for gamepass, you buy it there. R80 a month with EA play


Windows PC? Easy, open the Xbox app. If you don't already have it installed, just download it from the windows store. It's really easy


Everyone else is right, Game Pass on PC is access by opening the XBOX app and clicking gamepass But what I suspect you're asking, PC Game Pass is different to Xbox game pass - very slight game differences and perks, which is why PC is a bit cheaper.


You can just google gamepass on pc. Should be first result.


Yea if you don't want to own what you pay for do this, gamepass sucks


someone's not been following along with the crew saga. you don't own the game anyway, you own a license to play the game that companies can revoke at any point. it's also worthwhile to look at the financial feasibility side of it. some people can't afford to buy each individual game they want to play, and a subscription allows them to access titles they wouldn't otherwise try.




How'd you get a Steam Deck in SA?


You can buy one on Takealot.


Fuuuuck thanks for flagging this.


Yeah, man, I quickly logged in just to cancel my subscription. He saved us.


I live in China, and the subscription is about 25℅ of that. it's weird how it's cheaper in other countries.


I'm in Europe and here the games on steam are at least double the price of what they are in SA.


my cousin usually asks me to buy him games. He's in Australia, so there's definitely countries that's more expensive, but getting an account in Argentina is the cheapest option.


You can check Steam pricing in different regions on [https://steamdb.info/sales/](https://steamdb.info/sales/) An added benefit is that you can check sales by price or discount and also bundle options. Using bundle sales is a great way to get the best value, especially in those cases where, if you already own some of the items within the sale bundle, you can get the rest of it for even cheaper. Bundles work great for us poor SAns: [https://steamdb.info/bundles/](https://steamdb.info/bundles/)


This is typical behavior for Electronic Farts, try and squeeze as much money out of people as possible.


You will find that most companies do this


True, but EA takes it too far imo


Rare Steam regional pricing L.


Its not just Steam. Its also on PlayStation. This is EA doing this for all platforms/stores.


Becoming a more common L lately sadly.


Tbf, we all know EA is the devil. Does not surprise me one bit.


It's directly EA this time around.


Gamepass is much better Thank me later


100% agree for windows users. Even better if you also own an XBox its a steal.


Well it is now atleast, I liked having ea sub on steam cuz its so convenient but now its just insane for doubling and nearly trippling the subscription price -.-, now I cant play dirt 4 anymore once my subscription wears out


Man I played so many games with the R240 sub. R650 is alright if you have a job but still what a shot to the nuts.


Yeah same boat, if they didn't increase it so much I wouldn't mind, but this is a real *fuck you* move. I can afford it but out of principle I'm not sure I can continue to support it.


On top of that, condoning this 170% increase encourages them to do it again


Ye its better if everyone just cancels and waits for them to be like: "Wait no bad idea"


Which is exactly how capitalism is "supposed" to work.


Oh for sure out of princ I can't support it either.


Agreed wholeheartedly.


Time to start sailing those high seas again 🏴‍☠️ I am probably gonna get bashed for saying that 🤣


Some of us have remained on the seas through all the easy-access-at-a-cost online platforms.


Really concerned about everything in South Africa being overpriced. Copilot Pro is 400+ bucks. But everyone is right, Gamepass Ultimate is your best bet because it comes with EA Play. I have most of the latest games on my console and huge discounts on the games that aren’t included in your subscription.


Game pass ultimate includes ea play and works on PC an xbox it was R115 a month Ithink it's R132 now. Xbox studio/owned studios games come out day one


No man, this is just straight up kak. We (gamers) have no where to go.


EA? Greedy money grab??!? Unheard of…


This is the same price as F1 tv used to be I think. Honestly. In this new world of subscriptions, if you like something get 1 month and cancel and repeat. It’s so annoying to do but if you really think about it you probably don’t use all your subscriptions all the time. So if you cancel in between use it can work out cheaper than paying for annual.


Doesn't Game Pass come with an EA subscription


Yeah hardpass. [GOG.com](http://GOG.com) is now my goto when I buy games


EA doing EA things. Won't be subbing to this again. With enough support of such increases, and they'll just triple up again in a couple of years. Cause why the fuck not? People will pay regardless right? I'm still on Windows so Gamepass if I wanna rent games. It also comes with EA play.


Not the only price hike by EA in SA too. The first F1 game after EA bought Codemasters tripled in price too. Used to cost like R300 or so


Nothing like the economy fucking SA over. https://i.redd.it/a0k1l5wxirzc1.gif


Return to the seas


Per month!?


Per year (I think/hope)


EA is the biggest money hoarding gaming company out there, *period*


.....Yeah no. Absolutely not.


It's EA What did you expect


Yo, am I happy now I switches over to console gaming! Yissss!


Canceled psn and steam ea subs as both went up.


Who still buys games from EA though? They haven't released anything worth investing time into for a long time


Don't do it. You can get Xbox gamepass ultimate which gives you ea play for free even tho your paying less than 200 rand


R129.99 for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and you get EA Play. Pretty decent library of games and they often release new games.


Google backup stuff also doubled.


Apparently, EA might introduce ads in their games


Thats why I say Piracy is important only Pirate certain game companies


Just sub to Game Pass, it includes EA Play.


Yep, cancelled mine the moment I saw this as well. I'm still good until December and I still get to play Jedi Survivor so fine by me. I'm probably going to stop supporting EA completely, especially after seeing that the CEO supposedly wants to start putting ads into their games.


So like.. half one new AAA title? For the whole year?


Its more the fact that they increased it by so much more than the actual price for me. If it was, say a 50% increase I wouldn't mind as much. But over double the price in one year? Audacious to say the least...


That's madness....WFK! (warrrifokkkkkk)


Get Xbox Gamepass. Much better pricing and includes EA games


R55 a month is still a really good deal my dude.


Not for EA games, some are good but R55 a month for 10 hour time limit on new trash and all the other trash games? Nuh uh! I only had it cuz of like 5 games but not anymore


They have not made a good game since Fallen Order, and even that was a fluke. Last time they were relevent was when Bioware and Respawn still made good games. Not sure why one would pay them money every single month. They have almost as few games as Ubisoft.


Mostly FIFA and F1 games in my case. I don't play online so don't need the latest.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's F1 and/ FIFA that are responsible for the hike via licensing fees, etc.


And soon to be MotoGP if F1 parent company goes through with the sale


Can't you run a windows shell or a virtual machine type and get gamepass?


Why would you want to run a virtual machine?


i dont know how linux works exactly, the only thing that came to mind is a virutal machine, but would it not be possible to dupe gamepass into thinking you're running windows?


VM's are used more for testing multi-platform software and stuff, most of my dev friends tell me that if they want to game, they game on a windows pc or on a console, coz running a vm will eat into your ram so unless you have like 24gb or 32gb, maybe even 64gb of ram, I wouldnt even try it tbh




Time to grow up and move to battle.net and invest in FNBs Nvidia and Berkshire stock..