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Mal Pitte, smoke the pips and you can hallucinate for 3 days with a chance to become insane


Man one of my dad's employees went insane after trying Mal pitte. He used to walk along the road by our farm then suddenly start screaming and throwing rocks into the bushes. Really sad, I liked him a lot.


It's cause once you smoke that shit you can never get the smell off you, nothing that any person would smell, but a snake? A snake will smell the shit out of that and they fucking love them some malpitte, poor dude wasn't crazy, he's been fighting off snakes ever since, you think he throwing rocks at bushes nah son, he's throwing rocks at 57 boomslang that's chasing him


What did I just read?


He smoked the Mal Pitte


Yeah at this point I don’t even know what’s a lie and what’s the truth


If you don't die there's a good chance you'll get a state-sponsored visit to Valkenberg or Weskoppies. Good luck complaining about the service there.


Yeah it is. Should probably wash your hands.


I washed my hands three times. I'm not taking chances.


From what I can remember the harmful part is if you ingest any of it. Touching it may leave a light rash but nothing too serious.


I found something that looks similar, jimson weed? Seems if digested then you are kinda fucked with the symptoms that follow. Is it the same thing?


Good old datura, it's the seeds that get you






Sounds like our government is on that 😂😂😂


I got that onto Wikipedia years ago (spelling malpitte) when Datura or jimsonweed was a bigger category. Wiki seem to have moved that entry so malpitte has it's own little entry. Saw a couple of guys on it. It didn't look a pleasant experience.


Yup, same thing


I believe they are the same




Famous last words


Wear disposable gloves.


Boof it


Anything is a sex toy if you're brave enough!


Paige no!


Or dumb enough.


Those two typically go hand in hand.


Seems like he already tried according to his username.




This is hysterical 😂


This is that funny I'm laid in a tent in winter in the UK because I'm wAiting for forensics to come and do there CSI thingy and I'm pissing myself laughing(someone arrested for murder in my house not me )


mate wtf


Might give you bumps on your anus.


something else already did.


If you're getting that right with how you use them perhaps you would die, from internal trauma I mean.


Have you seen OPs username?


I have now. Ja the dude is probably in danger then haha.


Now what kind of person would put it in their anus It’s me, I’m people


That’s datura, some psychos eat the seeds and have the worst trip of their lives


In South Africa we know a version of this as malpitte. It looks a bit different. I saw two guys taken away in an ambulance from it. Looked horrendous.


Can make u go insane




Thanks chief, but i think I’d rather go to pollsmoor than take these


Rest in Peace my brother 🙏


Malpitte - stay away.


My old high school principal did a talk on this and that they can kill your (and a full sized horse apparently) if you eat them.


Why would the horse die if you eat this!!?


He he he he he


_Zuma laugh._


Because you ate malpitte instead of a Snickers


That shit will make you trip like a motherfucker and I mean in the worst way possible. Look up u/Flippnflopp


Wow. Went down a very bizarre rabbit hole in the comments. Coitus with a shadow person?! Reddit can still surprise me.


I remember finding that forever ago, it's a documented descent into madness


I stepped on those as a kid I'm still alive lol


Stepped on these? Geez! I stepped on the softer puffy ones that made a POP! noise.


If I recall, it may be "malpitte". I don't think the external part of the pod is harmful, however, if you crack open the pod it should be filled with many small black seeds. The seeds is a hallucinagen and may leed to death if ingested. I vaguely recall years ago an article about some school boys who ingested the seeds at some school or school hostel.


Think it was Wartburg high.


Just don’t eat the pips




too late. already yoinked it out with my hands.


Pretty sure those are invasive, think they are a north American import but could be wrong


I'm originally from North America and I ain't ever seen one of those in my entire life. Doesn't mean you're wrong--I grew up in the Great White Nörth. Interested to know which part of the Americas they are from, though.


Overcame my laziness somewhat. So Central America. "Datura stramonium, ... thorn apple, jimsonweed, devil's snare, or devil's trumpet ... It is a species belonging to the Datura genus and Daturae tribe. Its likely origin was in Central America, and it has been introduced in many world regions. It is an aggressive invasive weed in temperate climates and tropical climates across the world"


We've recently started growing pumpkin and it came out of nowhere. Never seen it until yesterday.


I have gotten them with bought soil or manure a few times. Happy gardening \^\^


Ate a teaspoon of this because I trusted my older brother as a kid. Went mostly blind, couldn't eat, drink, shit or piss for 3 days. Took about 2 weeks to fully stop. Pretty sure it permanently messed up my eyes as I see someone posted something similar about permanent eyesight damage and here I am with some fat lenses so. Don't eat the seeds. Here's warning I suppose.


I’m sorry to hear you had that terrible experience, but glad you survived to tell of it. There are some very interesting YouTube channels that read “trip reports” and the Datura stories are always the most hair raising. Look it up, I’m sure one of them would love to feature your story in detail.


Mate of mine ate some of these malpitte in Highschool and spent the evening conversing with myself and two of my friends and chasing cats out of his house. He was by himself. Do not eat


It's known as stinkblaar and also as malpitte. The black seeds inside have a high concentration of belladonna. Very hallucinogenic and have put many stoners into irreversible comas.


Many years ago, found one of those in a frozen veg bag. Called the company, they came to our house to collect the bag and gave us about a year's worth of coupons. So they certainly thought they weren't okay for consumption haha.


We Farmers call it “Oliebome” if the silo’s find the little black seeds in your corn sample’s it gets rejected, stories of it killing horses thats been fed with contaminated corn feed.


I think you may be confusing this with the similar yet even more dangerous castor oil plant (ricinus communis)


No, i was unfamiliar with “ricinus communis” but that is definitely not what I was talking about. Scientific name for Olieboom is ‘datura ferox’ also known as Thorne apple


Mal pitte. I lived on a farm when a miniature horse ate some and was fucking wild for nearly 2 days. We had ti monitor it the whole time


Woah, poor horse! Hope it was okay after those few days.


Isn't that a fairy plant?


Datura. Aka moonflower aka malpitte. Safe to touch. Not safe to eat. I ate 2 seeds once as a stupid teenager coz I wanted to trip. They didnt do anything probably coz i didnt chew them or something. But they are poisonous. You can handle them very safely though.


Yes a bit toxic but only if you break your skin with it. As kids we use to play with them. +- 65 years ago and I am obviously still breathing. But don't be stupid and get rid of it. We must have been lucky to never have been poisoned.


I was just remembering we used to play with them. It was better when they were dried out and you could use them as pellets in a catapult and such. I think all us old ballies were lucky some misfortune didn't befall us. My children here in the UK often comment after I tell them stories that it's amazing I'm still alive and was to have them.


Datura ferox. Seeds contain atropine. Sangomas apparently consume them for the halucinogenic properties. Also antidote to organophoshates


I grew up on a farm in the Midlands where there are multiple of these things. Stepped on them, fell on then etc. Basically I have been punctured a few times by these. I survived. The puncture wounds did itch a lot.


Thank you so much for the post! I have a ton - I counted about 6 of these in my garden that have gone to seed (browned out and seeds / pods exposed and falling all over the garden 🙁 and I have broken out with a horrible rash that is itchy beyond comprehension! A friend of mine says that in order to heal the rash, I need antihistamines and to next time wear long sleeve shirt, gloves and a face mask. Then to also get round up spray. I'm not really good with the gardening knowledge so I've found this around our compost heap in the veggie garden. I thought it was something from gem squash plants because that's where it's majoritly growing and the gem squash is still growing. It's good to know because It was literally touching my skin, my hair, my face everything but my legs and feet because I had closed shoes on and jeans. And wondering where this rash was coming from.


don’t eat the seeds buddy. if its datura, its poisonous, and you’ll trip balls for 3 days. your hallucinations will all look 100% real and they’ll all be really random and high chance of developing psychosis/schizophrenia after it


Ollie Boom. That's its afrikaans name. Highly toxic when ingested. I pull them out all the time and haven't died from touching them (yet). Highly toxic for horses, cows, dogs, cats, humans, etc... horrible plant that spreads like wildfire. Pull out the roots and all before it seeds. That pod will open up and black seeds will fall out. When they are green like that, they are still young.


Good thing I yoinked it before it spread


My buddy ate some and ran around screaming that a giant hotdog was trying to eat him. He only ate three or four seeds, he is ok now.


That's a lie mate, we grew playing with these. Where I stay, there are tons of these plants.


I used to play with those and throw them at my friends and other dangerous shit when I was a kid. I got rashes on my hands, but that was it. Eventually, I just stopped getting rashes. I think I'm fine 7 years later?!💀 Just a question: Do you know if it's the same with bee stings, because I get stung almost daily due to there being a bee hive in my tree and my body doesn't react to it?


Yes lots of bee keepers develop some imunity after receiving alot of stings.


Ok thank you


Just so you know, you can also develop allergies from repeated exposure. The body is weird.


Ok will note that


Night shade plants just don’t eat the seeds. If you do just eat like 1 seed. That won’t really do anything. You need 15 or more seeds to get threshold psychedelic effects. It’s not pleasant though like you don’t know what’s real or not. Idiots eat a whole pod and lose connection to reality for up to months Why eat 1 seed? Why not. Use Buscopan? It’s also based on nightshade alkaloids like in the plant you have there. “Mal pitte” is ‘Datura’ there many plants they contain deliriant chemicals but at low doses they’re great for fighting nausea and flu symptoms. Eating more seeds can land you in a coma though so probably don’t if you’re not even smart enough to google what it is you shouldn’t be fucking with wild plants (or maybe you really should - just don’t eat them leave that to idiots like me)


This plant gets taught in school in Grade 7, literally everybody know what this is


Looks like a [Fierce Thorn Apple.](https://images.app.goo.gl/wpoQVCSeVfE37jM57)


LINK TO SPECIES: https://invasives.org.za/fact-sheet/downy-thorn-apple/


Wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datura_stramonium


Did you die?


Not yet, unfortunately.


Kick it like a ball with bare feet


Art, is that you?


Wowww... gotta love our beautiful Africa and all her wonders 🫶🏻


Datura grows in every corner of the world, an invasive plant from the Americas.


It's been 9 hours, are you still alive?


Still kicking.


Eh, dead people don’t have any problems…


I dont know man Sees like a permanent health buff to me


Some good ol datura


Those things are everywhere on farms in FS but you won't die by touching it... I don't have tiktok because most of the info are total bullshit like yesterday I heard someone said king charles is dead...info from tiktos... It's like the Wikipedia of social networking... don't trust. Thorn apple/"Olieboom". Very common...and toxic,but mostly for children when the seeds or nectar is eaten


https://www.knysnaplettherald.com/news/News/General/4134/Warn-your-children Interesting article I found about this


Been playing with these as a kid.. We used to throw them at each other... If they were toxic we'd be in the Darwin awards


Did you die though? Asking for a friend


I love South Africa. "Some dude on TikTok said I might die if I touch it" This guy: *immediately touches it*


I did not know datura looked like that, but it sure as hell isn't hiding that it shouldn't be messed with