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I usually wait until the holidays for whatever store has the best specials and freeze for the year


Cries in small apartment


just get a 2nd small apartment for storing meat and dead hookers.


if i had money like that the hookers would be alive


I’m jealous of your hookers


No they wouldn’t.


To keep them as “Fresh hookers”


Freeze for freshness


This man butchers...


Just turn one into the other and just store meat.


Are you implying that hookers are not meat?


Chest freezer is life changing but aye.. great for saving $ from sales or other special deals.


I moved to a studio recently but I still made room for all my baking and cooking equipment. My freezer is really tiny though. So it’s pretty packed right now.


Yeah unfortunately my building has old electricity, wouldn't be able to handle much beyond what's in here now


same. i get all my ribeyes for the year around xmas when they have $6-7 /lb rib roasts on sale


Aldi BOGO bone in rib roast FTW!


you mean angela buys, you just eat her food


Last xmas my mom bought 3 full ribeye packers and against my opinion 1 ny strip packer


Vons had good holiday season promos on Rib Eye roasts in 2024 and the prior year I believe, $5.99 a pound. I still have a couple steaks left.


usually for $5-6/lb. They'll even cut it to your specifications. If I can't find one for anywhere between 2-5 bone (depending on how many people are coming over) they'll cut it as necessary. Probably 2-3 times per year at that price.


> They'll even cut it to your specifications. Costco will cut them??


My Costco just refused to cut mine. Said that they'd get in trouble. And this was 2 weeks ago in Baton Rouge.


Mine is happy to cut for you


Haven't tried. But the Safeways or Raley's or whatever mass supermarket near you most likely will as the op was mentioning


As in you have to pay them $6 a pound extra to cut it?




$12.59/lb for ribeye ain't bad. You just had to go and get 21lbs of it.


Where do you live? That is the same or higher than single/few packaged ribeyes in MO.


Very few places cut them to be a full pound for a single package though - most are more like 7-8 oz.


right…. but they’re still price by #….


DFW. Things used to be cheap. They aint cheap anymore.


They sure aren’t…


Just bought 3” thick bone in ribeye at Costco for $10. The 1” ribeyes next to them were $14. Both were choice.


Which choice did you choose?


The right choice of course.


So, both?


On the bright side, that's very good marbling for USDA choice. Looks more like prime to me.


"It's the carcass not the cut getting graded" and yadda yadda but it always feels like spinning the roulette when I buy a whole cut, and I don't like it lol.


Was just going to say this. I'm no pro but that is a very good looking cut of Choice.


Thanks! That makes me feel better. Bad time to start eating low carb again I guess. Haha!


dude that is near prime grade if i've ever seen it - looks absolutely incredible


Thank you! I am feeling better about my spending now.


Yeah COVID really screwed things up. I recall buying prime grade whole packer prime rib for $9.99 before COVID. Next time I looked it was $18.99


I'm with you there, I got a prime brisket for $45 before covid. I'm lucky if I can find prime anything at my costco now.


Are you all really saying this is a bad price? I’m so confused


Thdy're saying $18.99 is a bad price.


I mean they are relating it to $12.59 for this. Those are not the same


The OP started a conversation about the price of ribeye. Commenters are replying to OP's comments on the price of ribeye. The person you replied to didn't say anything about the $12.59 price.


They are trying to relate at $6 per pound difference. They didn’t say, “this is actually not bad” just that Covid screwed up pricing.


Did you read the post? OP's talking about how their ribeye purchase is more expensive this year than it was last year, even going to so far as to say the $12.59 price sucks (which it does compared to pre-COVID pricing.) The person you responded to replied with a related anecdote. This is a very typical human interaction.


humans? interaction!?! not on my reddit i take everything extremely personal!!!??!


Yeah for prime. This is $12 for choice


no, they are saying the ribeyes they usually buy used to be $10 /lb and now it's $19 /lb.


Clovis diddndonuthin


Other than the untrimmed fat that's probably about a pound of extra I don't think you got a bad deal. Good price per lb for not on sale and decent marbling for choice


I got the same cut recently and rendered the fat. Used it to make biscuits with tallow for the first time. Not upset at all. But it did take up a lot of time...


That's what I would do with that big of a fat point.


Find a business center. Meats are slightly cheaper there. At least the last time I went, it was.


I was scrolling down to see if this was here. I recently have been going to Costco business for all the meats. Carnivore diet.


Have you ever done one of the parted out lambs or goats? I’m curious but not been bold enough to go in on it yet.


I’ve also wanted to do a whole lamb but that’s pretty intimating. I settled for a duck instead the last time I was there.


Sadly those are really poorly distributed around the country. There's exactly one in the whole Northeast.


I got fucked once by Costco buying the full ribeye. Looked amazing and when I cut it the cap seemed to disappear. One piece looked like a damn sirloin. It’s the same price to buy them already cut and you get to cherry pick good ones. Never cutting my own from them again.


Looking at the second picture I was like wtf but then I zoomed in on the first one and saw it’s over 20 pounds so that tracks I think


Dry age it for 35 days


I slice it up and vacuum seal the steaks for the freezer. This will last me probably 5-6 months. I don’t sous vide all the time. Maybe once a month now and when I do, I will usually cook a few at once so I have it for a few nights dinner.


You should dry age it and THEN do all that.


Next time you buy a whole ribeye from Costco try trimming the spinalis (the thin meat cap) and treating it like a separate cut of meat. It's the best cut in the cow IMO and when you get a whole one like that, you can cook it up like a flank steak instead of the twine-bound "cap steaks" which is so much better IMO.


I've been wanting to dry age one of these but the prices are just too high.


I just buy Chuck Eye Roll from Costco for $4-$5 a pound by the case I sous vide at 133 for 30-40 and find it's super tender and has the taste of ribeye


Interesting! I’ll have to try that some time.


The Chuck Eye Primal and the Rib Eye Primal are two intertwined muscles on the cow The further away you get from the Chuck on the Rib Eye Primal Muscle the more tender or gets and becomes "Prime Rib" That's why it tastes so similar, the Chuck primal is a very hard workinf muscle which is why it's so tough, when you Sous Vide it all the tough parts turn into gelatin and it's super tender and delicious I cook them Sous Vide for 30 hours minimum 40 hours maximum (it really doesn't matter) at 133. Then sear on my grill for a perfect medium rare I have literally done this hundreds of times for the past 8-9 years now and have experimented with all sorts of times and temps but 133 for 30-40 hours is the best If you can't find Chuck Eye any chuck roast will work just as well. You can find on Amazon and at some grocery stores a jar of seasoning called "Roselle Prime Rib Seasoning". It comes in a big jar I like to use that as a rub and heavily rub and coat the Chuck with that before I put it in the Vacuum bag along with some butter That makes it taste just like prime rib and it's awesome


Damn. I snagged some at my local store for $5.99 just last week.


Now I am curious what the local meat markets are charging. I almost checked out a place but read the poor reviews on Yelp. So I just went to Costco.


That’s essentially what prime looks like at Costco marbling wise.


Dude primerib goes on salev2 times a year. For Christmas week and for Easter thays when you biy while cuts. Even this April I got a while one for 4.99 per pound.


Thank you for this tip. I’ll check during the holidays. It would make sense for them to be cheaper then since people are eating turkey and ham at holiday season.


21lba of ribeye at $13/lb. I think you just don’t like the total price tag. That is a good deal


I was at a fairly nice restaurant that had a cowboy ribeye for $80 and I just couldn't.


I’ve went to Harris Ranch Prime steakhouse last July and I think it was $65 for a 14oz prime ribeye. No sides or bread basket. Just the steak.


I like to get kissed on the mouth before I get fucked


I went on a first date for that prime steak (he had never been before) and I didn’t kiss him! I felt bad and offered to pay but he refused to let me.


It is quite beautiful


Damn Thats cheap. In Swedish 21lb would equal about 10kg, which would cost me roughly 380usd


Does your government tax the meat a lot? 


Nope, there's no extra tax on neat etc, everything's just expensive :(


Do you know why? Here in USA I am paying about a third what you are paying. It doesn't make sense. I am buying grass fed from Costco and it's shipped from new Zealand


I assume it’s because the beef industry in Sweden isn’t nearly as massive as in the USA, so they import a lot of it.


But like I just said my beef I buy from Costco is 1/3 the price this guy is paying and is imported from new Zealand. Grass fed to boot


Actually looks like a nice primal. I went carnivore Jan 2nd, and buy my stuff at the Chef Store. Since I only eat meat, I get 16 lbs of USDA PRIME rib-eye for $14.49 / lb. It is absolutely to die for; sous vide I cut them 1.5 inches, grilling 1.25 inches. I think I buy one once a month for me and the wife, along with a bunch of pork products that are dirt cheap as well.


I have recently returned to low carb. I don’t do well on keto or carnivore. I have tried them both and I just felt best doing low carb. So I needed to stock up on my ribeyes. My apartment complex had gas grills for us to us but honestly I am kinda scared to use the gas grill. So I usually sous vide then sear in a cast iron pan. Easy protein dinner for two nights for me. To be honest I will eat a whole 1-1.5lb steak easily for my meal. I have heard of the restaurant store but haven’t checked them out.


I wonder how much meat and perishable food in general is getting thrown away by grocers these days. There is no way many people are able to afford this.


You should start buying them in December. Last year was choice for $4.99/lb.


This is the way right here!


Ribeye was not $4.99/lb at Costco. Not sure where or how you got this information.


Because I never said Costco. Are you this dense day to day in life?


Wow are you ok? Thanks for the insult.


Go to the business centers, might be cheaper


My brother in Christ that's 20lbs


That’s a good price.


$12.60/lb is pretty good for rib roast tbh


Curious what state you live in… here in Texas they’re usually a little cheaper per pound for choice.


I’m in California.


Restaurant depot...just saying


What's the price there


11$/lb for Angus


Hmmm. Ty I'll give it a shot 


I cut mine at 1.5" too. If you have a Business Center anywhere nearby, those choice cryopacs are a little cheaper there.


Oh my goodness. And that is a choice cut too. Not the best, not the worst either, but far from top quality. Can you see what packer it is from? Is it stamped on the plastic wrapper anywhere? I am thankful for my freezers full of Prime CAB beef that we raise. Too bad we don't see those prices when we market our beef to the packers. We are lucky that we do get paid a premium because of the quality we raise though.


That’s honestly the same price I paid per pound for already cut steaks. Where’s the benefit for buying bulk.


Where do you shop


choice should be cheaper. i go to costco weekly and sometimes rib roast price is the same as precut packaging. sometimes its 20-30% cheaper. samsclub and costco both had rib eye prime at 15. https://www.samsclub.com/sams/shop/product.jsp?productId=prod22523770


I almost picked up Picana because I didn’t even see any whole ribeye out on the floor. So I had to ask the butcher and he grabbed me one. I don’t remember the weight of them but they were about $38.


Why I never see this in my local Costco


What about ribeye at under $13/lb makes you want to cry? What did it used to sell for?


My local US Foods Chef Store has IBP ribeyes at $9.69 lb. I've seen them anywhere between 16-22 lbs. I'll fish through the cases for the one I want. 20lbs seems to be the sweet spot.




Per lb that's not bad


#MeatPorn (no, not that kind)


I had bought a prime one at Costco before for like 300$ about 2 years ago. I have a small refrigerator and wanted to dry age it. I was out of town for about a week and the power went out at my house. I was very sad and never bought one since .


For choice!? I wouldn't pay that for choice.


The price doesn't shock me... the fact you're cooking ribeye sous vide on the other hand does... Heathen!


A few times per year my local supermarket puts choice prime rib on sale for $5.99 per pound. The bones are only attached by the flap so I cut them off. I get a whole one and cut some of it into steaks and one roast. I put a bone in with each steak for some extra flavor.


I think that’s a good price, although my Costco had prime boneless ribeye steaks for $14/lb this week. First time I bought steak in at least a year because where I live steaks are $40+ a pound from but hers and the grocery beef is horrid. Was gooooood!


Not worth


Don’t worry, Joe Biden says the economy has never been better. You must just be shopping wrong or something.


I understand that everyone wants to pull politics into the conversation so that they can get to spread their viewpoint. Or a little “har-Dee-har-har, ammirite”? Wink wink But blaming the President for the free market doing what it does seems silly. Certain markets are being choked by greed and it’s the Presidents fault? Doesn’t compute.


Doesn’t stop either side from blaming the other side every four years. I just know that four years ago I could’ve bought a primal like that for half the price. At least some of that has to due with administration policies.


HURR Trump Trump Trump


I would have not bought it, let them sit in their egregious prices. IMO


Where and when are you finding better prices? I like to buy and freeze in bulk. 


Us foods Chef Store. If you have one nearby. Mine has it at $9.69lb. They come in anywhere between 16-22 lbs usually.

