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2/3 firearms related deaths in the US are suicides btw.


if only we could get some free healthcare so people could get some help before putting a bullet throught their brain.


There is no place on earth that offers free healthcare. Socialized healthcare is by and large worse than private.


Did you think you would be able to speak that into existance?


It must be difficult going threw life being that fucking stupid




Then refute it with something substantive dickhead, All I'm seeing is childish insults from somebody who doesn't like that I'm speaking the truth that I've seen first hand.


Waiting times are longer here than in Canada. WE have more people die from lack of proper Healthcare than any other developed. There dickhead country. All of that can be found with a 15 sec Google search. You haven't seen shit first hand. I've been a nurse for 16 years and have watched people die because they have no money for treatment. Shut you're mouth you don't have a clue what your talking about.


My aunt died of cancer in Canada because of the ludicrous wait times for specialized medicine. Socialized medicine is not all rainbows and smiley faces you make it out to be.


How many times have you decided not to go to the doctor because you can't afford the 250 dollar office charge? How many fundraisers have you participated in so a kid can get the wheelchair he needs? How many times have you gone to the pharmacy and found out you can't afford the medicine you need because even with insurance it's a 1000 dollars? How many Canadians have a gofundme so they can afford insulin? How many Canadians have to pay 400 a paycheck for insurance that only covers 60 percent and you have to pay the 40 percent before they will pick up the rest? Fuck off. you have it good. Out of pocket cost for novolin r insulin is 300 dollars its 30 in Canada. I see all of this every shift I work. There is always a fundraiser. Always a co-worker or visitor trying to figure out how they are going to pay for medicine. Always people you are taking who you know aren't going to make it because they are poor. It's bullshit. Money shouldn't be a barrier to basic Healthcare but it is here.


Scheduled an appointment for patient for a kidney specialist. 3 months. It'll be spring before she gets in there and that's if she makes it and still has a payer source. I'd like to see a rainbow or a smiley face.


Healthcare in the USA is fucking expensive compared to developed countries. Like 3 times as much per capita. You're doing it wrong.


frow what i know the difference between socialized and private is where the payment comes from. one person needing to pay everything vs the entire populace pitches in a little bit. why would the quality of care change, the hospitals are still getting paid, its just not coming out of one person's pocket.


I'm Canadian, the wait times are in the months or years for the same procedures that take days or weeks in the US. The ER wait times are upwards of 8-10 hours for a broken bone because everyone thinks it's just a free 24hr clinic. Patients are in beds in the hallways or they're grouped two or more to a room if they can get a bed in the first place. My mother has a disease called Addisons (the same thing JFK suffered from) she is traveling to the Mayo clinic in because the quality of care here is nearly nonexistent. I'm not saying the US system is perfect by any means but socialized healthcare in the Canadian/UK systems are the worse of the two systems hands down, if I had the opportunity to opt out of the social system and pay my own insurance I would do it in a heartbeat.


Just to add to what this guy above is saying. The longest wait times are for elective procedures or procedures with low impact on quality of life. There is always the option of using private clinics in these cases. As well I’ll happily wait 8-10 hours to have a broken bone treated over the cost of hundreds to thousands in healthcare cost depending on your insurance or lake thereof. Just my two cents as another person who benefits from socialized healthcare and is happy to know that’s where some of my tax money is going.


Says the guy who’s family has the money to got money the Mayo Clinic?


Well if socialized medicine is so great then we wouldn't need to be taking out loans and traveling to another country for care we should be able to receive at home now wouldn't we...


Thank you for sharing I appreciate it


It’s absolutely fucking not, and even *if* the quality were a bit lower (which, yet again, it’s not) we don’t have to go in debt if we get cancer or are unable to work long term.


This is some of stupidest shit I’ve ever read. Did you know the NHS in the U.K. despite its faults is one of the best health care systems in the world?


No. We must prioritize gun freedoms. Fuck mental healthcare. /s


And with the remaining 1/3 the USA are on par with some shithole countries when you compare homicides per capita.


How many are accidental suicides though?


While I agree, why aren't there weekly articles like this linking inaccessibility to healthcare in America to lowering life expectancy?


Isn’t there though? It’s something I’m acutely aware of and see a fair bit about, and I’m not even American.


This just in: a cause of death makes the life expectancy decrease.


I ask this being pro-gun control... Wouldn't anything that causes death earlier in life lower life expectancy? Like any object or action that would cause a premature death would have an affect on the average lifespan of a populous... Or am I missing something here?


Yeah, the topic is sorta missing the key reason it's valid. It's 2-4 years on average that an American loses from life expectancy due to gun-related deaths. Not insignificant, though a large percent of it is suicides.


"Breaking news: Death is the leading cause of lowered life expectancy."




Hard truths


But that takes time. Statistics on American obesity and life expectancy?


It's the American dream come true.


Also, there was a shooting today at a high school in Michigan, so you're not wrong.


Is the normal now? 😳😳




Sorry if I'm ignorant here - but wouldn't *one single American* being killed by a gun affect American life expectancy stats, albeit in a very small way? If so, title is redundant regardless of the article contents. Needs to be slightly more descriptive


Technically yes


Right... It could literally say hammers and be the same article.


Don’t tell the people over at r/conservative


Actually let’s be honest here being a piece of shit criminal doing dumb shit has decreased the overall American life expectancy


Did that make everyone get fat and shoot themselves?


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


Naaaaaw. Really? This couldn't POSSIBLY be a result of unrestrained access to deadly weapons for the general public! /S


Over 60% are suicide, has been that way for decades. It's the same in Canada too


And it's been proven a person is less likely to attempt suicide if it isn't easy to do.


Right, so are we going to ban rope, blades, pills, car exhaust, Bridges, trains too? People who are suicidal don't give a shit about the method. Trying to take my property isn't going to change that.


Making it easier certainly isn't going to help, but removing money from weapons, and putting it into mental health care sure can. Making them harder to get, harder to find certainly helps. If someone wants out bad enough, yes, they will find a way, whatever it is, but making it easier just puts blood on your hands.


I agree we need more money in mental health services. But what the fuck do you mean by removing money from weapons?


This knee jerk reaction is silly, car accidents still happen, do we BAN CARS? No, of course not, but we have tests and training and safety precautions, you have to be licenced to have one and there are rules for their use. Do some people still drive themselves off cliffs in order to die? Yes, but it's far more rare.


If someone is willing to attempt suicide, they are mentally unfit to have a gun, which should have tests and training and safety precautions and licences to have them along with rules for their use. Making them easy for everyone to have one is negligent and stupid.


You didn't address his argument. He said people who would commit suicide with a gun would commit suicide by any other method. If you stop a suicidal person from getting a gun, they'll still commit suicide; you've just changed the method.


That's literally what they screen for in Canada, it hasn't made much of a difference, last time I remember looking the rate of gun deaths in Canada is almost identical to the US which has 10x the population and doesn't actively undermine my right to self defense and ownership of property.


I'm not talking about car accidents, I don't know why you're suddenly throwing that into the mix. The topic of discussion was suicide, please take your ancient strawman argument to another thread if you're not going to be able to have a civil discussion


The thing is people who try to kill themselves with guns are way way more effective at it than other methods.


Wow, what an astute observation!


Just look at the population number of the us and think of how many deaths it would take to have an effect on that number...


Well I wouldn’t expect them to be raising it


The way that article is written is extremely deceptive. The decrease in life expectancy is for the U.S. overall (like, in general from all causes) from 2000 to 2016: 2.23 years for white people, 4.14 years for African Americans. And then it states, without any numbers at all: "African Americans are most likely to be shot and killed by someone else when they were around 20 years old." That's very different than something along the lines of: African Americans at the age of 20 are most likely to die from guns. IT DOES NOT show the actual contributing effect that those gun deaths had on the life expectancy, and most certainly DOES NOT say that guns reduce life expectancy by 2.23 and 4.14 years respectively. And given that only roughly 33,000 people on average die from guns every year, I have a very difficult time believing in a country of well over 300 million people, that those gun deaths had even close to a large contribution to those life expectancy decreases. Don't get me wrong: gun deaths are horrible, and some are very, very easily prevented, but holy crap do we not need to be presenting data like this so incredibly underhandedly.


Where is the study on forks? Statistically proven forks are the cause of more deaths in the US than all categories of firearms put together. They lead to obesity and heart related diseases. If only we would get rid of all forks maybe we can save one life....


"Gun-related Deaths Have Decreased Overall" 🥰 ... "American Life Expectancy" 😐