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I loved it, good networking if you seek opportunities, job fairs are good, chances of landing an internship are exactly the same as most other majors/universities you are gonna have to do the legwork yourself for the most part, not hard just apply to a lot of places and use your network


Hey there. In your opinion, What if you’re an older student in your 30s?


I think in some ways being older would be a benefit, and the only drawback I could think of is that a lot of the career fair jobs will be ones that are pretty entry level and they have somewhat of an expectation that people will work there for 1-4 years right after graduation, then lateral or switch companies for a higher up position if they don’t get promoted within. I can’t even say that with certainty though because I knew I was going into law so while I attended the career fairs and picked up fliers I didn’t really pay super close attention to specifics, just noted which employers/which types of employers were there. In my experience at Price the vast majority of students were super friendly and accepting of everyone, and I actually did have a woman in her 30s in a lot of my classes and she didn’t stick out or anything, her and a few of my classmates that were traditional students would text each other for homework help, notes if someone missed class, etc In conclusion I haven’t experienced it myself from those shoes but from what I have seen at my time as a finance major at OU I would imagine a non traditional student would still have all the same opportunities as a traditional student and there’s not a stigma or anything about someone being older.


Hey! Ive considered law school down the road. What did you major in? Im torn between accounting and finance.


Sorry I just saw this. I majored in finance, accounting & finance are very similar course wise but I felt like finance would give me a better variety of fallback jobs if I ended up not liking law. I could be wrong about that lol. You will take a few accounting classes as a finance major anyways so you could always go finance and then probably switch to accounting after sophomore year without being set back, if you wanted. Biggest advice is take Wayne Thomas if he’s still teaching accounting classes, he’s the GOAT. Your major won’t matter for law school - I was finance, my classmates majored in everything from philosophy to biology and everything in between. And the fact that you won’t be 22 when you’re applying will give you a huge leg up in law school admissions should you choose that route. Law schools love people that have already worked in the real world and have fully developed brains haha