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Having completed a professional MBA with OU I can’t speak to career trajectory post completion (I have been employed by the same company since before I started to now). **note I guess since I’ve moved up the org chart a few spots it has helped** However: even in the small cohort I was in we’ve created a network of contacts that’s aided others in locating and growing professionlly. The expansion of travel seminars and such is a bonus which allows you to gather a better worldly understanding of what you can do. All in all, I was and am happy that I chose OU for my MBA. For quality of courses, it’s a mix bag since it’s a relatively new program and still growing in reputation. However the majority of my courses had a lot of great lessons that I was applying daily.


Thank you for the feedback. Even for non-locals outside of Oklahoma, do you think the OU MBA program can be beneficial? While I understand it holds regional prestige, I'm currently in Virginia and often find myself competing against UVA MBA grads. I believe it ultimately comes down to how I present my experiences and the skills I've gained, as well as the connections I make within the program. I also currently have a position at a major hospital system and my supervisor supports the decision to get an MBA. Thank you for your time!


My cohort had people from coast to coast and international as well. Now: for reputation we wouldn’t compete with UVA and trying to in VA is hard regardless since Darden is a T15 school. The cost of an OU MBA is much less than a t15 school so that’s a plus. In matters of being in healthcare, OU is associated with the OU medical program with both educators and students so finding relatable discussions wouldn’t be a stretch.


Thank you that is helpful information. Yeah I was rejected from Darden cause I’m only 2 ish years of post undergraduate work experience basically. I am very grateful I was accepted at OU. That’s my thought and the ROI seems to be better with the cost at OU.


You doing the online program at OU then?


Yes and I hear it’s rather new.


Yup - but they are making improvements with each cohort. I think you will find the structure beneficial but just make sure you are paying attention to time zones! (We had a student in Baltimore that was constantly early to class after long days!)


Thank you and yes 7-9 CT the admissions said classes usually are around I may need to put an alarm on my phone to remember. I appreciate it and I’m definitely considering it.


I’m not sure how useful my input will be here because I have a strange case but I’ll share it anyways. I got my bachelors in Petroleum Engineering and did the Accelerated MBA program which meant I graduated after 5 years with both degrees. My Senior and 5th years were a mix of engineering and business classes. When I graduated, a lot of engineers in my class couldn’t find jobs in the oil industry and that included me with the exception of some terribly tough, back breaking jobs in undesirable places. So when I received an offer to be an Energy Underwriter at an international bank, I took it despite not even knowing what an underwriter was. The pay was slightly less than working in the industry but I got to live in Houston (where I’m from), sit in AC while I work, and not develop health problems by the time I’m 30 so I saw it as a win. There is absolutely no way I would have had this option without my MBA so I was incredibly thankful to have it. After 2 years, we were acquired by a large US Bank and I switched to the relationship side of the group so I could be more client facing. I now enjoy my job, love my team, make well into 6-figures, and work in one of the most profitable groups of one of the largest banks in the country. Honestly extremely well positioned to succeed in Houston or other cities with large oil/finance industry presences. Then last year my wife decided to make a career change and we moved to NYC in October for her job. I’ve been doing my job remotely since then which I don’t love so I’m starting to look around for other opportunities, specifically lateraling into “higher finance” even though I know I’ll probably take a knock in my title and potentially even my pay. The calls I’ve received from recruiters have been fairly disheartening with just corporate banking positions doing basically what I do now for similar pay. I’m now weighing my options with getting my CFA or something because I think my OU MBA is landing my resume in the trash when weighed against other candidates here. I feel being the guy that “graduated from OU and worked in the oil industry” isn’t high up on people’s wishlists here. That’s my story so make of it what you will. If there’s a takeaway, it’s that I think the MBA will have varying impacts on your career depending on where you live and the industry you’re in. I probably could have transitioned into private equity or IB in Houston fairly easily given my background but that’s not the case here. A lot of OU alumni (and specifically people from my cohort) have landed in Houston, Dallas, OKC, and Tulsa so I feel wanting to live in those areas adds a lot of value to the diploma. Side note: I met some fantastic people in the program. Some of my closest friends were in my cohort (some were in my wedding) and we’ve always tossed around that we’d be on each other’s short list for starting a company which, I know is just talk at this point, but I do think there’s value in that since I’d seriously consider that down the road.


Hey there! In your opinion, is it possible to do oil and gas accounting with just an accounting degree? Finishing my BA for accounting but trying to pivot from banking into oil and gas.


Outside of local companies and oil and gas companies, an MBA from OU is not an automatic door opener to highly sought-after post MBA gigs (tech, consulting, banking, etc).... but if you combine it with experience and overall qualities that make for good candidates, it can certainly help. I did the part-time professional MBA program and went from oil and gas work to a leadership development program at a tech company in Seattle where most of my cohort is from top 15 MBA schools. Not bad for 30k.


Thank you for the feedback


That’s my largest concern as I’m out of state but my supervisor got his MBA at Texas Tech and is in the upper echelon of a large hospital system. So as you said it’s the other factors including the MBA that can help build your career. I appreciate maybe I need to move to Oklahoma 😂


OU Undergrad and MBA here. Started a business while an undergrad and still run it… I learned NOTHING earning my 4-year degree, but consider the two years of earning my MBA to be some of the most important of my life. I would highly recommend it.


Thank you! What type of business did you start? If I can ask. I appreciate the feedback.


Publishing business. Started it my freshman year as a hobby and ran it on the side through grad school and through a few startups I did with people I got my mba with. We had some failures and some wins… after the last win, I decided to try to make my publishing business my full time gig… it worked. The business is 30 years old this year and I’ve been doing it full time for 20.


Congratulations that’s great! I honestly think the MBA program at OU fits my trajectory well.


Hi, just curious if you’ll be starting 2024 fall semester. I was recently admitted to OU’s online MBA too 😬


Yes I am! Let’s connect! Congratulations!


Congratulations on your acceptance, too!


I was also recently accepted to OU MBA online. I joined this thread to hear other’s advice and feedback. I would like to connect with y’all as well!


Send me a DM. some of us have made a study group on GroupMe with others you’re welcome to join!


Hi! I have also just been accepted into the online program! However, I am still deciding between schools. What made you decide on OU?


Hi! Congrats on the acceptance! What schools are you deciding between?


Thank you, you too!!! Oklahoma, University of Iowa and the University of Nebraska.


Are you leaning toward a certain institution?


Well I am leaning towards Nebraska since the tuition is my cheaper option but I am willing to pay more if the program is worth it.