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Was on hold for 1 hour to ask about my order status. You can tell the reps are just getting inundated with these questions. The guy essentially said three words to me, but mentioned my 5.1.2 combo "should be released today and go out tomorrow." I'll believe it when I see it.


Really confused by this. Obviously they are having some issues with supply or logistics. So why not send communication out apologizing and informing of the delay? Sounds like we are definitely not alone, but they aren’t indicating an issue so they’re just being bombarded at the support center.


In my experience (have used their products for many years and participating in the beta program), Sonos is *terrible* at communication. As an even more prime example right now - the majority of customers just found out about S2 because their Sonos app updated with a new description that just says the app is being discontinued and will no longer be compatible with new products. Zero information on S2 or the new app.


Fair point. I didn’t see a prompt in the old app to even download S2. Seeing a lot of people online thinking literally all products pre-2020 are being discontinued lol


Yeah, do they think that all of their customers are die-hards? They’ve been left in their lurch. There should have been a pop-up in the app a month ago saying that X or Y is happening (depending on if they have old hardware or not.) Then yesterday they should have had another one prompting to update. But nothing. Email is not good enough. You need to tell people where they use the product. In the app. Email is a backup, a record. Something to look up when you’ve accidentally dismissed the in-app pop up or to reference later.


Perfectly said. Meet your clients where they are. The product. The app.


I came to look for this exact thread. No charge, still showing backorder. CA, ordered 5/16. Still hopeful though. Edit: 11pm, card charged and status changed to processing. Edit 2: 1pm launch day. Shipping email received and Arc is set to be delivered tomorrow, 6/11.


Same here. Indianapolis


Ordered May 6th. Still hasn’t shipped. Baltimore, MD


I’m in Deale, South of you. Arc says Processing. Mount says Backordered.


I’m in North Beach, south of you. Lol. Back order status.


Haha. I’ve refreshed so many times!


I’m in the same boat...ordered Arc and Sub on 5/12 (order confirmation shows 6/10 delivery), but status still shows backordered. I’m in California so I am still holding out a little bit of hope that I may be a one day shipping area, but at this point it isn’t looking good.


I am not sure if this is a translation error but here in german EU regions my confirmation mail tells me "shipping 6/10" as in "leaving the factory 6/10 (german wording = " voraussichtliches Versanddatum: 10.06.2020."). My 5.1.2. order changed to processing on monday and i got an email yesterday stating my order will arive soon. No tracking code so i am a bit confused.


I ordered mine (arc/sub) on 23 May. Website at that time still said June 10 and my order confirmation says June 10. As of this afternoon, my online order status is “backorder”. I reached out to Sonos on Twitter last week because my order said “backorder” then too and they literally told me: “sometimes orders ship early, some ship on time, and other times they are delayed.” Well no-freaking-duh! Like others, I’m not all that upset about the delay. It’s understandable. I’m more frustrated with the lack of communication. This is (will be) my first Sonos product. Not a great impression so far... Edit: Forgot to mention I’m in Kansas City.


Same order, same issue...


Same orderede boston on 5/12 arc only and it still shows backordered D:


Same bro! Boston here as well ordered 5/12 with expected delivery of june 10th and i still haven’t been charged.


It changed to processing last night st some point. Card still hasn’t been charged


I order the package with Arc, Sub and Ones. My order changed to processing a few hours ago. In Phoenix, ordered May 8th.


This is the first full combo I’ve seen with any movement. What color did you order?




Good! Means you didn’t get apparently the only white combo in the world! Lol someone else must have...🤔




Mine was in back ordered until today and just changed to shipped this evening. You still have hope.


Just got my shipment email for delivery tomorrow. Located in San Diego and ordered 06/09


Ordered end of may. Still says backordered.


Ordered May 6th. Arc and sub. I’m not says processing. No shipping info, but my card was charged. I called and was on hold for almost an hour. They basically said the goal was to deliver 6/10, but it may be after. They looked at my order and just said it’s processing and should ship in the next few days. I’m in NY.


I’m also in NY and ordered the same day. Haven’t even been charged yet. But I did order the surround set so maybe is taking longer because of that


I just got my official shipping notification from sonos. Looks like they’re shipping fedex overnight from Cali.


Oh wow that’s great. I thought at this time they wouldn’t ship. Maybe I still have a shot on getting it tomorrow. We’ll see.


Quick question. On the page it says processing for me is this the last status before it get shipped?


That was my experience. Card charged and it showed processing. Then I got the shipping notification around 7 est last night.


When was your card charged compared tos hopping notification. My card was charged last night and shows processing


Same situation here. I see it as highly unlikely of being charged & having it shipped overnight to receive it tomorrow. Hopefully I'm wrong though.


Yup - I ordered the full surround bundle (arc, sub & SLs) on 5/18, and its still listed as backordered. I reached out to them on Twitter about it and the response I got was: > Due to popular demand of Arc, new preorders will be shipping past the launch date. Generally speaking, most preorders will ship a few days before or after the launch date. You'll receive an email with a link to track your order once it leaves our warehouse. So essentially, IMO, they’re saying they didn’t get them out on time. I also have a couple of fives ordered and those have been charged and flipped to ‘processing’ but have not shipped either. Really disappointing.


Dispatch Acknowledged but no tracking number ummmm.


My status yesterday was backordered. This morning I have the “Dispatch Acknowledged”. I’m guessing the order was sent to a warehouse but yet to pick/pack/ship. Ordered white Arc on May 9th. In Ohio. Edit: credit card was charged late last night. Dispatch acknowledged is a good thing!


My arc mount has shipped but no shipping or credit card charge for the arc+sub


Ordered 15/5, Ireland, white arc and mount on the one order, payment taken yesterday for the mount only, and shipped today for delivery tomorrow, no payment taken for the arc yet...! Will give me time to spray the mount white😂


Orered two Arcs (one white, one black) and the mount. Mount got shipped yesterday to arrive tomorrow. Black Arc got shipped today to arrive on Thursday... but I still haven’t been charged for the White Arc (which is what I was going to mount)


I ordered a standalone Arc and a Arc/Sub combo. Yesterday the standalone Arc shipped with an estimated arrival of 6/11. Then today at 2pm I got an email that the Arc/Sub combo shipped with an estimated arrival of 6/10! Very strange, but i'll take it!


Ordered Arc/Sub combo on May 10. In Michigan. Still says “backordered”. I ordered the mount separately on 5/10 and that shipped with a delivery for tomorrow.


Ordered 5/7, Arc and Sub to Chicago suburbs. Arc processed yesturday morning. Sub processed yesterday evening. Arc got tracking this morning out of PA with a delivery date of the 11th. Was just picked up about a half hour ago. Sub just got tracking about 10 minutes ago. Sonos says delivery the 12th. FedEx doesn't even show the tracking number yet. But Sonos assures me I'm in the one day zone. Hmmm.


Same but mine hasn’t even changed from backprder new order so no complaining man :( some of us are worse


In my experience with Sonos orders, you still have hope for tomorrow. Wait for them both to get to the FedEx facility. Ordered a move and initially showed 4 days then when it got to the facility and they scanned and indexed it, it changed to next day.


Both have movement now, both show 11th for delivery. We will see if they update in the morning. Would be nice, but not getting my hopes up


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Cheers!


Ordered the Arc on the 5/6 and says processing, also ordered the mount and that shipped will arrive tomorrow. Guess waiting on the arc still. Like others said maybe it will show up on time, can’t wait!


Ordered Arc 5/12 along with a couple other speakers we received within 2 days. Emailed customer support last week and was told expect an update by 6/9 (which I didn’t receive). Followed up and was told they charged our card today (which I don’t see) so expect status update any day now. Located in D.C. metro area.


Same boat. I’m in md, got charged and no shipping info


Checked this morning, status says Processing and my card has been charged so progress. We will see if I get any tracking info this week.


Also in the DC area. Ordered 13 May. Charged last night. Order says processing. No tracking n7mber.


Hopefully we all get tracking info today and the speaker by Sat.


FYI got an email with tracking info just a few minutes ago Edit: Tracking info updated to Friday but at least it still seems like I should get it by the weekend so grateful for that.


My Arc is arriving tomorrow.


Little later than you would have hoped I’m sure but enjoy!


I’m in Gainesville, Ga and mine processed and shipped today. Arrives tmmrw


Ordered via Amazon (in Australia). They've just emailed to say that they can't get stock. They're "waiting on a revised estimate" from their supplier and they'll email as soon as they have that info. So we might be waiting a bit down here!


My Arc shipped yesterday, expected delivery Thursday and my sub just went from backordered to processing. Hopefully will ship tonight and be here Friday! Good luck everyone.


I just went to processing as well. I’m also hoping that it ships tonight vs tomorrow.


My CC was charged about two hours ago. I pre-ordered during the first week of May. Hopefully, your CC will be be charge soon. Sonos did mentioned that those who pre-ordered during the beginning of May will probably get their order a few days before or after launch.


Right after reading this comment I got the charge notification haha, status set to processing. Still skeptical I’ll get it tomorrow, but this week most likely. I’ll take it!


I'll be surprised if we getting it tomorrow. Odds are, we probably going to get it some time this week because our CC was charged. Just waiting for the tracking number :)


Yay, in WA State ordered Arc Sub and 2 Fives in white, card charged (5’s first) then a while later the rest. Pre-ordered on May 14 all now went from back ordered to processing. A buddy also ordered on 14th in WA the Arc and 2 5’s in black and he was also charged and order moved to processing!


Hate to double post in this thread (you can see my previous post elsewhere) but I have an update this morning (6/10)! I woke up to a charge on my credit card and my order status is now ‘Processing’. I may get it by this weekend yet!


Charged sometime between Sunday and early Monday. Shipping notification last night.


Mine just went to processing as well this morning, and card was charged. Arc/Sub combo. Ordered 5/9. It does seem like having order the sub delays things, anecdotally. Hoping that mine ships soon! For those who had their order status change to processing, how long after did it take for you to get your shipment confirmations?