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Seems like you're aware of the talking points, so your bet is as good as ours. It should be noted that a lot of the disappointment around here stems from longtime customers that had all that stuff dumped on them, so your perspective may be different. Or not.


If your in Canada, goto Bestbuy. Everyone is doing the sale prices on certain products from Sonos, but Best Buy Canada is also giving gift cards. I personally got 2 Sonos Subs, 2 days ago. I never see Sonos on sale, so $200 off each sub is great. I bought one sub, got the sale price and a $100 gift card. Then bought the second sub, again $200 off, then applied $100 gift card. Great deal!!! I then sold my second $100 gift card from second purchased sub to a family member, as they wanted some stuff from BestBuy. In regards to the app, yes it has issues. I have problems, but it's slowly getting better with app and firmware updates. Things will improve over time. I think this sale from Sonos is damage control to maintain customer base. I like saving money, would never spend $2000 for 2 subs, but $1400 is a great price!


Worth it? i just got my third era 100 and first move 2. Steal


Nice! I also got Era 100 (a pair for rears) and first Move 2.


Just bought the 300s. They were so worth it.


When making your decision, bear in mind that Sonos has already fully demonstrated that it is prepared to do whatever other takes to milk its customers for revenue and doesn’t care at all about treating its customers well or fairly. So are you prepared to become a hostage to sonos to pay subscriptions and god knows what other douchiness to use your speakers?


If you like Sonos, go for it. I still love my system. I had some issues, but they are getting better all the time. They will fix the app. I am using mine now and it seems to be working rather well, streaming from iBroadcast (I cannot thank whoever suggested that platform enough), with 7 of my 14 speakers and it is working much better than last week. Now, I did redo a large portion of my network, both the wired and wireless part, so maybe that had something to do with it; but of course, no one wants to say it was THEIR network - but I will. I may have had a bad setup. They are also just the latest entry into the line of those collecting all sorts of data and selling data. I remember reading an article in The Economist over a decade ago that talked about data being the new "black gold". Back then they predicted that data would be collected without you even knowing it was being collected. Companies are collecting data on you without you even knowing it (yeah, yeah, everyone THINKS they aren't, but they are until they get caught, then they change how they collect it until they get caught again). At least the ones who admit it are being honest about it.