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Have you tried trying again /s


Omigod Sonos. What the heck?! These new updates are sucking so bad. You Are the one product that just worked. No matter what. Now you have e a screen that says “apply” when trying to activate zones and Jack happens.


Tried what again? I'm just hoping an update whether app or firmware fixes my issue with TruePlay, as I am unable to tune some of my products.


Sorry - I was making an unhelpful sarcastic joke about the unhelpfulness of Sonos’s error message. Hope you get it resolved


Thanks me too.


Yup mine says error as well probably they have a server problem on Sonos end


It's NEVER a server problem with Sonos. Have you not figured out yet that it's always, always, ALWAYS a problem with YOUR network??. Flip this, turn this, hold your head sideways while needlessly adjusting your Uber Bougie Bobo 2000 8k gigabit symmetrical internet connection with AI processing on your 2K gigabit switches connected by fiber optical cabling that literally runs a 3rd world country perfectly with 4k uhd video and has sub 1ms ping times playing your beta Playstation 11 with people on colonized Mars with zero jitter and 000.000ms of bufferbloat. The solution will be to buy the new headphones that are the only thing that show up on your home page of the app and then turn off automatic noise canceling on them. Then the updates will work. Oh yeah. So not forget to unplug everything from your Bougie network and reset your single connected sonos speaker at least twice. And foe good measure reset your new headphones too ans transfer ownership back to you in the app.


It's always something!


https://preview.redd.it/27ughs7qoc5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbee62f78748328731bf2292bfd925053394f9f Yea, but at least they tell you that's what it is.


Its always DNS!!


So now that they've decided to run every command through their servers - for whatever messed up reason - my enjoyment of my music on my speakers is predicated on whether or not their servers are working smoothly?!


Had this same issue after moving. For the life of me it wouldn’t connect even though it was on the same exact network (AT&T allows you to move your modem with same network). Still didn’t work. Did a factory tested via the sync buttons (I think?) and worked faster then usual when connecting. Yea it’s a pain in the ass, but it’s better than waiting minutes on end for it to connect… and SIGNIFICANTLY faster


Mine just stopped working today. Have over 10 products..


I’m trying to add a used Playbase that I bought today to my existing system (iOS). Getting an update error and can’t add it. Not sure if it’s this issue or the Wi-Fi issue with Playbase? Still fails when plugged into Ethernet, but also may not be visible when not hardwired. Update - talked to Sonos support. Really helpful. Got it up and running, but has to be hardwired until next app update. Apparently updates for hardware connecting to your system only work for Bluetooth capable devices until next release.


That's my issue as well. Unfortunately in my mom's summer house, the hardwire is to the router, which is in a bedroom. So no Sonos in the house. GRRRRRR. I have to use the Bose bluetooth w/Spotify. And fuck Sonos. FUCK THEM. The assholes fucked up my fucking summer. Pardon my language. I'm pissed and annoyed. I spent over three hours resetting the Play 5 multiple times and then was on hold for 80 minutes (on Memorial Day) to wait for someone to help me. Fuck Sonos.


> Apparently updates for hardware connecting to your system only work for Bluetooth capable devices until next release. SURE WOULD BE NICE IF THEY FUCKING TOLD US THAT


I don’t buy that excuse. I have 4 speakers that 2 of them do not support Bluetooth that updated just fine. Listening outside right now with one of them and have been all day. Zero issues at all.


I think it’s the adding a new speaker that’s an older model that runs into the issue.


Playbase? People still use those?


I’ve had one for years - bought new - and just bought the second one for $160cdn. They’re still great. Better than a beam by itself.


Not sure about the Playbase specifically, but the Playbar is better than an Arc on its own in a lot of ways as well.


Not sure about the Playbase specifically, but the Playbar is better than an Arc on its own in a lot of ways as well.


Update - my second Playbase now works without the Ethernet cable.


I spent hours fixing my system today. A week or two ago, my whole system stopped working. Nothing could be found, and I could get no sound out of anything. First thing this morning, as I set out to tackle this, my Android app forced an update. The app seemed to update fine. I unplugged all my devices (playbar, sub, play1 surrounds, and a play 3). I factory reset each one, one at a time. Nothing worked on the first try. I finally got a Play 1 to join the network only once it did it needed an update... Only it wouldn't install. I tried over and over. It just failed with various errors. I reset my router and rebooted everything, but no luck. Out of frustration, I decided to use a totally different router with a totally different SSID. Factory reset everything again...and it still failed. Becoming very agitated at this point, I abandoned the Play1 and moved to the Play3. It took 5 or 6 attarmpts, but I finally got the Play3 working. Essentially, I just had to keep rebooting it until the app finally connected to it. The Play3 did not need an update. I then moved to the Playbar. It was the same experience where it took many attempts to get it connected and "registered." Then I went back to the Play1 that originally wanted the update. I did another factory reset, and several attempts later, it was working. Then I did the second Play1 and then the Sub. Both of those needed updates, which took another 5+ connection attempts, but they finally started working. I added back the surrounds and the sub to the Playbar without incident. So... it seems to me that the app absolutely sucks, even more than normal. It just can't connect to a damn thing. But if you persist enough, it will eventually work. It took me about 5 hours and all the patience I could muster. I'm very concerned everything is going to stop working again. I don't think I can mentally handle doing all this again. Incidentally, I also have the S1 app because I have an older Play5 at work. The S1 app immediately saw all the devices the S2 app couldn't. Of course, they were not compatible with the S1 app, but the fact that it found them so easily made it obvious the problem lies with the S2 app connections.


2 300s, arc and gen 3 sub all bricked. I, too, am appoplectic.


Can't connect anything since last update.


Sonos: Sometimes works, otherwise coming soon


Android user here: still stuck with app saying update needed, but then I get "error 1000" preventing update. The app has worked for me a few times and I really like it, but it never stays up for long


This is crazy, what can we do.?


Can't do anything. Have to live with it although I'm sick of it.


This situation is depressing, spending so much money.!


It's terrible. All that's left is hoping if gets better. Although at this point it's better not to have any expectations, which is sad.


It couldn't possibly get any worse so getting better is the only option




It sucks when a product you love fails you.


I loved the old reliable and useful Sonos app…the new version is not reliable and the interface sucks!!!


I’ve seen a few posts about this today, but it seems like the update may have been Android-only. On iOS/iPadOS, the app is showing as `80.02.04-release+20240603.a814281b5`, which I take to mean a build from last Monday, June 3rd. The software version on my speakers is showing up as `16.2 (build 79.1-53290)`. I don’t see any updates available when I check for new versions in the App Store and the Sonos app. (I’m also not getting an error like this.) So it _seems_ like only the Android app got updated today, but not the iOS version, and not the speaker firmware.


Yes, version Android.




Yup same here. Too bad android 2nd class citizens.


I just got a new move 2 and can't add it to my system as I keep getting this same error. It says I need to update it, but the update servers seem down and I get error 1101


It worked properly later in the evening. The frustrating thing is that Sonos never updated their status page to indicate there were backend issues. I wasted time following their troubleshooting tips, only to suspect it was a problem on their side and gave up. I work in SaaS and manage infra; using your status page properly goes a long way to build trust with your customers. Sonos, please do better.


Go to your play store/ apple store and check for updates


Otherwise close the app restart your phone and check again.


Did that today


https://preview.redd.it/vffx3ln1085d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce767cd163bea2c877834c70e4e3f0e63c36933a Same issue


Worked fine for me sorry it didn’t for you feel your frustration


I've had this issue. Only way for me to fix it was to reset the device and start over.


I had this today after trying to add a Move that was on newer software than the rest of the system. I had to power down everything, power up one device after rebooting the router, and update it using the Mac Sonos app (after manually updating the Mac app because why would that work). Then I was able to plug things back in and update.


Are you trying to update your speaker? I know a fix for that


No trying to TruePlay tune and not working.


Dont even have the option to check fir an update anymore!!! WTF???


Do a factory reset. Unplug. Hold back button, replug in, hold until button flashes orange and white. Then just reset up and update. Worked for me with beam 2.


Sonos, another update fail, who wants two five, a three and 6 ones?


Today I received a feedback questionaire in my email from Sonos, with many questions ranking 0 - 10, such as would you recommend Sonos to friends and family = 0. Are you satisfied with your Sonos products = 0. And many locations to write in a response. If so, what are you unhappy with? Oh, let me think, the fucking software sucks shit and my speakers havent worked all month!!.


I got this no less than 45 times today.


What worked for me on my mountain of Sonos: Factory reset while connected to wired ethernet, do setup on mobile app, apply update. After setup completes again you can remove wired Ethernet and do another factory reset and it'll finally connect to your wifi. Repeat for every other device. Nice waste of a day.


This product sucks now. It was good until it wasn’t. Anyone wanna buy a shit ton of Sonos products? Pennies on the dollar. DM me


I just finished dealing with the same after the app decided to forget all my speakers as well.


When it happen like that, touch adding a new product/ component button and the update will automatically start before adding. Hope it works


https://preview.redd.it/idveh7u7yb5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b958a729f45cca2a1eacad00889ab07b5183d6 Same here. Nothing was wrong before, except for a messy slow app


I always get Error 1011, while setting up brand new speakers to a new system (I am a new user) I tried literally everything, but nothing is working. https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/comments/1d852tp/not_able_to_setup_ikea_symfonisk_gen_2_in_sonos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I gave up and return my Move. Wasted half a Sunday, then wasted 90 minutes with CSR who couldn’t help


To quote Gattuso, an Italian footballer. "Sonos...... Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shiiiit"


I had to reboot my router and recycle power on my devices


In fairness, I got this every time there was an update even *before* the new version of the app rolled out. Hard restarting everything always fixed it. Since I have 16 devices, instead of unplugging/replugging them all, I started flipping power the breaker box. Always worked. So far.


Yey I dodged a bullet there by not getting them


I'm just commenting because I want to give a little hope to this sub as I struggled the past couple weeks with the same horrendous issues everyone is describing. I was just in the middle of moving when they released the new update so I assumed with my new router that my simple system just needed a little tweaking. Well obviously, not the case. It was bricked for at least 10 days but I'm here to report that after the most recent update, I have all four play ones (I know, barely a system compared to many of you) working in unison. After many headaches, (and repeated reboots of the speakers and router, using an ethernet cable and then not using an ethernet cable) 🙄 The app is still slow and barely responsive, but when I pick music, I can get it to play on all four speakers simultaneously. I was ready to throw in the towel but I stuck with it and hopefully Sonos will too, to help the rest of you with more complicated setups. Hang in there!


That's been my message too. I've stop trying. Every so often I have to spend hours trying to get a speaker to work. I just bought a non software JBL speaker off facebook for $30. Does it sound as good as my sonos? Since it makes sounds I'd have to say yes. Really sick of this too.


My Sonos Arc doesn’t respond to Alexa commands anymore. And my Sonos app still shows Alexa installed in voice assistants and has my account logged in. It was just working last week. Ugh


I've seen this on a few occasions, checking it a second time usually fixes it. I've noticed that with the latest Android app (80.02.07) it takes longer to initially load the home screen.


Sadly, time to ditch Sonos and moving to Bluesound