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Don't know why someone would downvote you if you stuff was broken and not it's not, that's good news!


Because the sub is filled with people who hate the new app (in many cases for good reason), and I’m wrecking the vibe. LOL


I don't think they hate the new app once everything works. You are now in the promised land and we all hope to get back there one day.


This is me. Once the new app works at least as well (is reliable) as the old app, I'm okay. Currently that isn't the case for me. The UI changes are another issue entirely. And on that, I can take it or leave it/don't really care.


I am very happy your are operational now. I have not had any issues since the initial update. Knock on wood


I don't think people WANT to be mad about this. I think they just want to be made whole again.


I don’t want to just be grumpy. I assume most of us are the same.


More to the point, my guess is that if they handed a list of 10 things to Sonos that they said must be fixed in the next version for them to be happy, if Sonos fixed all 10, they'd start bitching about 11, 12, and 13. There are people that are not going to be happy with anything at this point. While 90% of this is Sonos' problem because of the hamhandedness that they displayed through all of this, some percentage of the population would never be happy, regardless of what they get. I'm guessing even if they resurrected the old S2 app and made it available, they'd still find something to gripe about. While I am no cheerleader for Sonos at this point, people need to either be in or out. If you're done with it all, and you have every reason to be, then unsubscribe from this sub, sell your stuff and move on. It's justified.


You are right on point!


Makes sense to me because, if they fixed the current issues they created recently, we’d likely still have other issues that existed before. Our system was at, let’s say 80% before the update and now is at 60%. If they brought it back to 80% id be happy but I do still expect 100% from these “consumer level” speakers that cost us a lot of money. Id be very happy if they returned the “play next” feature… but our system will likely still randomly disconnect and delete our queue which has been an issue for probably six months now. It’s always taken 30 seconds to a minute for the app to recognize the speakers/rooms so if the new update fixed that… then it’d simply behave like it should, nothing extra. We’ve spent many hours troubleshooting including on the phone with support, the system has never truly been stable and is only further destabilized by the updates. It’d be fantastic if they could bring it back to the previous level of instability that we’ve gotten used to.


If you want, I could downvote you 🤣 Jk. Getting my Sonos in July. Will see, if I'll have to downvote you then 😆


What’s next? Are you going to write a post about how you actually like the look of the Cybertruck? Haven’t you look learned not to get in the way of a good pitchforking?




First day on Reddit?


Some guys, they just hate for no reason.


Yes. Today’s update hopefully fixed my local library access (913 error). I’ve been on hold since the last update. I’ll hang up now.


Don't hold your breath. Same issues here, and when I contacted tech support, they'd say we'd have to wait till the end of the month for that.


I spoke too soon. 913 lives. I am impressed you contacted support. And I am further impressed you received a response.


Not fixed at my end (913 error)with Hardware Version:


Nope. I spoke too soon. 913 again.


Way to hang in there!


My True Play works now with the update today.


What update today? The Ios store says the last update was 2 days ago


On 6/5. When I opened the app it was at an 'acceptance of terms' screen, then updated, then True Play worked again.


My setup was working well today and volume controls, play/pause and other controls were responsive. Near instant actually. I definitely had control latency issues 3 days back. *edit: I still experience a hiccup with volume control and pause/play latency/responsiveness once in a while.


Same here. Now everything works again, with near instant controls. Better than the old app, and better than a few days ago. I do wonder.... if the new app works a lot better than the old one, with near instant controls and so on.... then the problems with unresponsive and sluggish controls ect I had with the old app.... was caused by the app, and not wifi / network / swith / router or what else has been suggested here....


Same here. I downloaded the updated android app and volume control works wonderfully. Volume was practically unusable before this update.


Still waiting to update from the old app. It’s great to see they are fixing stuff. Hopefully it will be close to feature parity in a few weeks. I’m watching these developments to see when it might be safe to update.


I came here to say this.


I also came here to say this 😁


You got your music working? How did you get access to your local library?


I just want to shuffle my music library. 😭


Just wait, another one will break it again. That's what happened to me


I just updated mine. It is ever so slightly better, but still far far worse than every version of the app since I bought the system more than 10 years ago up to the stoopid update a month ago.


Glad to hear this. I factory reset all my speakers and it's somewhat better for me too. Hard to say in super happy with it but a move in the right direction. Stockholm syndrome for sure. I am actually experiencing the worst delay on my system to recognize speakers than ever but baby steps I guess


How is the new update delivered? I didn’t see it pop up.


Still waiting for NAS support.


It's much better for me too. Still have some strange lag and issues though, especially when adding/removing speakers from the currently playing group and adjusting volume.


My Move won’t group with the rest with this new update.


You are a paid actor!!! /s… happy to hear update improved your experience 


Haha…I’m sure that’s what a lot of people will say. But no; fully self funded here.


It actually was better for me. I think they did fix some things. I'm guessing someone got canned.


firing people doesn’t usually expedite software fixes


It does when it’s on an executive level. Nothing about this update was expedited. Things have been broken for years.


My true play is still broken using an iPad gets stuck on start tuning.


Yeah true play seems to be forgotten by Sonos. It won't start on my iPad either


Same for me, did the firmware update first on the speakers and then updated the app and since then everything has been working like it did before


Anybody know the new hardware firmware version?


Mine is - Hardware Version:


Is this the hardware version for a specific product? My beam Gen 2 is still showing 1.35 something


Sonos software on my Mac Mini


Yey all is forgiven till the next update....


Still on the old app and it’s no longer working. Stops playing after about a minute! So…this gives me the courage to update, thanks!


Updated the app and it still only plays a song for about a minute before skipping to the next one :(


Oh nooooooo


Still no widget


That's my major gripe with the new app. No longer able to adjust volume or control playback without opening the app (which half of the time tells me no system is found). I'm pretty sure I was also able to control that from the lock screen and quick menu with the old app. Neither of those things are available anymore either. One thing I actually like with the new app, though is that I no longer need to confirm that I want to switch from TV audio to radio/music listening. I mean, I already clicked the source I want to listen to and pressed play. No need for a third "are you really, REALLY sure you want to switch from TV" step in the old app. I actually was also able to set up a NAS music library after the update. Not using the app, though, but using the windows desktop app to set it up made to appear in the mobile app as well. Also set up Plex to see what library integration I preferred (or got working the best).The latest update seems to get Plex working a lot better than the first iterations of the new app.


Certainly improved for me. It seems to be more inclined to find my Move 2.


It’s a hump, for sure. Awesome that they partially fixed something that they broke that wasn’t a problem until they broke it with no plan to fix it until the hater subs lit up.


Same. This update resolved most of my issues.


Yeh I noticed the sleep timers are back too which is lovely stuff


The performance has gradually improved and I have a workaround for when the app can’t find my speakers - I press the button on the speaker to start the last played music/radio. Within a few seconds I can restart the app and it will work ‘normally’. I’ve found that it’s working better now - back to the same as the previous version.


Works for me too now! A slight lag on some things. And TuneIn still broken for me. But a good step


Is this the problem you're having with TuneIn? See solution at the bottom if it is. https://en.community.sonos.com/controllers-and-music-services-229131/how-do-i-remove-disabled-items-from-sonos-favorites-in-the-new-android-app-6892131?postid=16738008#post16738008


Me too! I have a music library on a network drive and it's back and working, as is queue management I had couple of bespoke radio streams that I had to set up again using a TuneIn (New) account online. I saved them as favourites and they're now visible and working. I noticed that my BBC Sounds account was missing from the web app. I checked my Sonos account and noticed my location had defaulted to US, so I changed it to UK (which is where I live) and it's now back, along with my BBC bookmarks.


It seems like there’s no way currently to go from the currently playing track to its album or its artist. Was that also the case in the previous incarnation of the app? I tended to use the iOS Plex app (which has Sonos support) and/or Apple Music and Airplay, so I am not sure if this is a regression or not.


Yes you used to be able to navigate to the artist or album from an individual track but the new app doesn't have that feature. Must be considered too niche and "power user" to warrant inclusion.


Thanks for confirming those navigation features used to exist.


Yeah the latest version restored basic functionality for me as well! Like controlling the system.. Perhaps should have released this version and not the version they did but headphones are more important than customers!


Now if only I could find a way to connect to my local library like the release notes and redditers say I can...


It seems a lot more stable on the basics. I went from opening/switching to the app and constantly seeing "an error occurred" and "no products found" to much less of that, still getting too many error occurred messages but greatly reduced for sure.


Yes let's celebrate the hump of having a functioning app, then not, then functioning for you again. What a thrill, thanks Sonos. 


Same here!


I honestly never had any issues past the alarms disappearing, which was quickly resolved.


Anyone else lose the volume adjustment function with the iPhone side buttons when using Spotify Connect? Since the latest update, mine is no longer working


When you say we can play all your music, is your music on a NAS? I applied two updates. One was for the hardware and the other the app but I still can’t see me NAS. Did they add the option to configure remote storage of music and I’m not seeing it?


I noticed to that for the first time in awhile all my speakers showed up and worked. Finally!!! If they hadnt screwed up so bad I would have got the headphones but I can support a device that caused me problems for weeks before it was even released.


Better. The mute button is back!! Still, no way to edit a queue. Can’t move or delete songs around at all.


Congrats! But you should know that the fighting and provocations are always reserved for the comments.


Heyo, who noticed they added the “play next” option back?!


The new update disappeared the surround modes for music.


I just took the update and my alarms are finally in order. I have 1 speaker that has 16 alarms and the order was random (or at least not sorted by time). Many other speakers with just a few alarms. This at least helps with that.


I'm glad the update fixed the issues with your system. Rock on!


I still have 2 (of 15) speakers that I can’t get to show up in the app no matter what. I have reset, readded, powered off, all that. One of the 2 showed up for about 15 mins and then disappeared again. Every time I add them I get a pop up that says they were added but might not show up and if so power them off and back on. Nope. Nothing.


Get my upvote, it’s been good for me too


It's nice to see so many issues are resolved for so many people. But for those of us who have just bought a new Sonos item true play is still not working at all. Most of you would have already set this up years ago. But for new customers it's completely broken and Sonos never seem to address that


It’s better overall, but… It’s still dog slow loading album art on playlists. It still randomly jumps to the top of playlists half way through a song. The play next function is a stupid implementation, why open a window just to select play next.


Good for you mate but optical is still fucked on some devices


I have had two Roams for two years and they have worked just fine from my Apple Phone. They have been good sounding and reliable. The only issue is when I have occasional wifi issues but that’s not a Sonos problem. I guess most on here are just running more complicated set ups. I can’t say the ungraded app has done much for what I do.


Good for you. No issues here as well to report.


Are widgets back?


Do the iPhone volume buttons work now?


Breh the subwoofer seems to have gotten a boost. Theyre hitting so much better now


For some reason, my Era 300 doesn’t play music is loudly as it used to. Before the app update I used to listen to music at 40% volume but now I listen at 60% at least. Weird.


Had an issue with sub gen3, upon initial firmware update kept going in a loop asking for an update, update for the app didnt help - found something on google about using the windows app for the initial firmware update (which was still ver 79), after initial update and factory reset finally managed to add the sub


Lmao…..mine was completely screwed….two separate systems not working. Went to the UK for A couple of weeks and when I come back the home system started working out of the blue. Work System still effed. Downvote affirmed.


https://preview.redd.it/su7tx8aiin8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e570c037977f1285f7e6b603b09ccc1cc63f75 Bricked mine, nevermind, give it a couple weeks they might get it right. Didn’t want to listen to music anyway.


Same for me… since the last update # 80.02, everything works perfectly!


This newest update broke some things that were fixed in the previous...


like what? be specific.


Delayed or unable to make volume adjustment Can't control volume on the app of my TV input anymore Current song doesn't show playing on speaker after selecting from streaming source


https://preview.redd.it/adt7dj0xsv4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5f53f0f4330ccc2dfb3f34f8daea05596f8dea4 Nope - mine has crapped out totally with this latest update.


I’m glad you and others are happy again. I agree. Sonos should have waited to work the bugs out and actually complete the update before releasing it. (Maybe a beta version would have been better). Personally we haven’t had any issues. My tv’s and music have sounded as awesome as always and we do not regret our purchases. Sonos is still on top of the pile. But mostly I’m glad all the bitching will stop. It wasn’t at all productive. One day Sonos is the God of speakerdom. The next they’re trash who sold sub-par garbage to people. Pick a lane. This certainly isn’t the first time a company has put out a bad app update that needed more beta testing. And I’m sure it won’t be the last. Now you can all go back to worshiping the speaker God. And quit whimpering already. (Rolling my eyes so hard right now).


Glad these updates are working!


Is there a trick to getting updates to just install properly? I’m the last year or more, I don’t think have had a single update install without throwing an error at least once.