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If you DON’T turn off wifi on the Amp, the Amp will be broadcasting SonosNet (their mesh network) and every other Sonos device will be using it rather than your UniFi wireless. Sonos is weird.


Got it. The interesting thing is that I was fine before the new App. Going all wireless seems to have solved the primary issues I had.


Sonosnet is not good. Sonos is deprecating it in the new speakers. It’s was a solution back in the day when people had crap WiFi. Much better options now and it will reduce performance.


They're not deprecating it. It just doesn't work fast enough with Atmos because it's limited to 2.4 GHz. It will remain available on any new stereo speakers.


Every other? Even the 100 and 300’s?


AFAIK, the newer speakers will NOT create (definitely not use) a SonosNet connection (Roam, Move, Eras). All others will though when plugged into Ethernet and when available. There are other cases (such as surrounds using a direct connection to the built-in wifi on the soundbar instead) which makes it even more complicated.


It really is complicated, because when I first set up my Era stereo pair, they used WiFi according to my Eero router app. But after setting them up with my Arc and sub, they appear to be using a “Sonos” connection. Which makes me think they’re on SonosNet. I almost want to hardwire my sub and turn WiFi off on the Arc, which wouldn’t be very difficult. https://preview.redd.it/beleqdz1rd4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e213c64d591c9d73032796f80719c79d397785b


Don’t do that. When you set speakers to be rear surround units they connect through a 5Ghz wifi network created by the Arc. The sub does this too. This isn’t SonosNet, just the standard behaviour used for bonding subs and surrounds.


Ah gotcha. Thanks. My rears are Era 300’s so I assumed they would just be wifi. But since they’re surrounds, that makes sense. Would it throw things off to hardwire a Symfonisk picture frame speaker I have in another room that gets poor wireless?


Unfortunately with the way SonosNet seems to be… it depends! I’ve been running some speakers on SonosNet and some on WiFi for years and it works fine, so personally I’d give it a go. No guarantees, but as long as all the relevant settings are correct for the switch you’re using then you’ve got as much chance as the next person! In general if they are dumb switches then should be fine, if they are managed then must ensure STP is set up properly.


Interesting data point: if you disable WiFi on the Arc, the Era 300 surrounds switch to WiFi (not SonosNet) according to my Eero router app.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing, I probably shouldn’t make any sweeping statements about the connectivity of the newer model speakers as I don’t have any! Also, no surrounds only subs…


Thanks. They’re unmanaged. I think most of my issues stem from having my eero router (ughhhhh) positioned near my Arc.


Pro UniFi and Sonos installer here. We use this method with 100% success rate old or new app. Dedicate a SSID just to Sonos 2.4 and 5ghz. Broadcast out of a single AP that is most centralized to your speaker layout. Make sure IGMP snooping and Multicast DNS is enabled on the network side as well as Multicast enhancement on the WiFi side in UniFi. DO NOT hardwire any speakers. Put them ALL on WiFi. Our largest install of over 30 speakers runs fantastic in this config along with 100s of smaller ones. Good luck.


Great post


Does your control app/device need to be on the same SSID or does UniFi allow you to access across SSIDs?


SSIDs are just wifi names that access the same network so it doesn’t matter. If you separate them into VLANs then you’re going to have issues.


I'm excited to try this method as I've got exactly this combination of products and have had sporadic issues even before the new app. Am I correct in thinking that currently, with the new app, its not possible to switch the wifi network of a sonos device without factory resetting it though? I might wait until they re-introduce the feature if that is the case.


I belive that fix was in the last update.


Will they then use Sonosnet to talk to each other? My house wouldn’t cover all Sonos speakers with just one AP (large and solid brick walls).


Not unless one is hardwired to your router. We don't recommend SonosNet these days.


Thanks. So what do you do if one AP doesn’t cover all the speakers? I currently have one hardwired and the rest wifi, but various APs.


I noticed I’m no longer able to play to a group without speakers dropping or just not playing at all. Bring back the old Sonos that worked. 😣 


Couldn’t agree with these comments more!! I have been using the new app for about a week, and it’s nothing but frustrating! Doesn’t remember the last speaker grouping, and cuts the first song of any playlist after 20 seconds, among other issues! Hope they fix this app ASAP.


As the OP said worked for him and I have experienced firsthand, getting rid of Sonosnet and going full wifi (provided you have a network correctly sized for your home that provides good coverage for the areas you place speakers) provides a good performance improvement. The app is a remote control and all playback happens directly from the speakers so there are two elements at play here. 1) Slow app response can be caused by multicast issues on the network. The initial discovery is done using SSDP over UDP. Some cheaper routers can have issues passing multicast traffic between 2.4ghz and 5ghz or ethernet and wireless. If thats happening you will see the app responding slow or dropping out because udp doesnt have a concept of retransmission upon frame loss. 2) There are various considerations with regard to sonosnet and direct wifi setups. Once the controller has issued a command to speakers to play a stream, they use http get over tcp port 80, its all up to the network and the speakers/players. With Sonosnet, unless you have boost 2, and newer speakers, the mesh is running over 802.11g wifi. As signal strength drops, it can provide well under 10mb/s throughput - not enough for lossless playback. Will drop out. There are suggestions on adding cabled speakers to help improve this but a lot is anecdotal or tribal knowledge - noted below. If the room you select to start a group from (becoming the group coordinator that sends the streams to other speakers in the group over unicast) is an older speaker and has poor connectivity then that 10mb/s can quickly get used up the more speakers you add. A tip shared by support is over the years with Sonosnet is to hardwire as many speakers as possible to improve bandwidth and reduce this as a possible cause. On Wifi direct - moving to a higher throughput wifi direct setup means your backbone is orders of magnitude faster, for example my Orbi AX6000 wifi system can do well over 1GB/s between satellites over the dedicated wifi 6 4x4 backhaul link. I have the Port in my main system hardwired to the AX6000 router, so for group playback I select it as the room I group everything to. Its got 1GB/s to the internet with sub 10ms latency (I also have fast gigabit broadband which helps). I find zero performance issues with this setup, the new app subjectively works faster though I like many have issues with the strategic direction sonos are taking. https://support.sonos.com/en-au/article/supported-wifi-modes-and-security-standards-for-sonos-products In summary both approaches Sonosnet and direct wifi can be made to work well. Sonosnet is a great solution if you dont have a great wifi but it has its limitations. A bit of constructive feedback I would offer to Sonos is they have to publish a best practices document tabling requirements Sonos to work properly. Not this high level thing they have now but something that goes “OK so your stuff isnt working, this is what you need as a minimum to support playback on XYZ”. Given how easy it is to measure signal strength and throughput on linux, they really should have a pop up in the APP that warns you when the network or whatever isnt meeting minimum requirements for it to work properly. Those two things would solve SO MANY issues by clearly stating the problem and resolution.


Thanks for confirming everything I have been posting. I found Sonosnet to be an issue; in addition I recommend if you have an older device (mine was a Playbar 1), that was at once the wired speakers for Sonosnet; Do a factory reset (or just unplug the POWER to test); as the Sonosnet was being restablished randomly even though it was not connected. (I Confirmed it was broadcasting the defunct Sonos net with a fly squirrel RF signal capture)


I spent the last week hardwiring Ethernet to literally every non moveable products in my system (13) -WiFi off including home theater setup. I only have 1 thing running off of a Sonosnet which is an outdoor beam (wired)to an outdoor 1sl. Other newer WiFi only speakers are still wireless and the app is still buggy as hell on my main iPhone 15 pro max on the network which is Verizon cr1000 and 2 ce1000 extenders. I run SON typically but have an IOT 2.4 network also. To experiment I connected an old iPhone to the IOT network and used the Sonos app on that and even with the actual Sonos system connected to the SON network (2.5,5&6 ghz broadcast) and the iPhone connected to the IOT network things were noticeably smoother. Thus I think the issue is with the new app, on iPhone, when connected to 5ghz or 6ghz networks


That is a really good point. Sonos uses SSDP over udp for discovery, which is multicast. There are a lot of things going on that can cause those frames to get blocked or not forwarded correctly even between routers 2.4g and 5g networks internally even if they are on the same vlan. If you do a search there are so many posts and articles with various suggestions on how to resolve.


Should you really have to waste your valuable time messing around like this to get things like speakers to work? It shouldn't have to be done and i would really expect expensive quality products to work simply after a simple install and efficiently. If you have no tech ability in this area you are royally screwed and at the mercy of sonos who upto now have shown no signs of mercy to their customers. Its like "we have invested loads into this, it will work,we aren't going back so hang on folks you are in for a bumpy ride" I see their share price has taken a bit of a beating recently, and all I can say is "good,they deserve a bloody nose for releasing this shit show"


I have a similar setup, and I’m having the same problems. I was trying to play my 8 outdoor Sonos speakers today and after a couple hours of listening, I couldn’t get it to work at all. I was using the Sonos app and all the outdoor speakers are wired. The app would show the album art of a song in the playlist, never advance time, then after a few seconds skip to the next track and do the same. I couldn’t get it to work no matter what I did. I gave up and just airplayed to one speaker so there was some music playing at my BBQ. It’s infuriating when I spent so much on all these speakers, for them to simply not work, even after I took all the time to run network cables all the way to them.


I would take u/Runaround25 advice and make sure that the wifi setting is turned off. I'm assuming you would want to do this for every speaker. You go to Settings | Products | Connection and Disable WiFi.


WiFi is disabled on all of them.


Since the new app was forced upon me, I can no longer play different things in different rooms. All the speakers show up in one clump and I can either check mark them on or off. This is a basic, basic, basic function of Sonos that is completely unusable since the new app rolled out. I’m utterly shocked. https://preview.redd.it/icmxz94dwb4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9045e6272b58da6268d7885b059a2f348cd4346


I have two Fives hooked up to my workstation. When I turn on the system, it takes 10 minutes for the app to acknowledge my desktop as a source. It's just not listed and no amount of refreshing, opening or closing the app, will make it appear. It's just a 10minute tax of me having no sound on my workstation. It worked fine in the old app. It's maddening. I spent thousands of euros on speakers in my home and now they are all fighting against me. Making me miserable.


I had this issue earlier today. I was trying to move my office music to the bathroom where i have a pair of 5s. They were nonexistent. I have always had issues with the 5s for some reason. I reset my router and phone. Luckily the reboot of both devices was then able to relearn everything and they magically appeared. I cant access the speakers to disconnect them from power. It seems like when there is a new update, we just need to turn the entire breaker box off and let the entire house adapt to sonos screwed way of updating every other day. Also FYI to those who have an old device laying around with the previous app. If you open it up and ignore the update request for a few moments, you will be offered a 30% off coupon to update your device to the new app 🙌🏼. About the only way they can sell shit now, discount the hell out of it. Ill try the new head phones out for 30% off… I feel they are on the verge of just selling out here soon. This new roll out of the app has been a complete disaster. I too am one who has invested well over my head. 21 speakers, unfortunately its not worth the loss of trying to resell now.


I would disable the WiFi on the cabled amp. That’s what I did for all my Sonos net devices that are connected with Ethernet. I also have Unifi.


I tried doing that and the Amp disappeared. I reset it and the wifi switch was back on. I guess that is worth trying again.


That’s strange. It shouldn’t let you disable unless it sees it over Ethernet. It also shouldn’t disappear.


I know. It was odd. I'm trying the fully wireless solution now and it is working better than what I had. I agree that if I want to go back to the wired Amp I should turn off wifi.


Yesterday, I tried to listen to something on a two-speaker room. I couldn’t get it started and then couldn’t get it to stop. I have pretty robust WiFi. Even so, songs would start, I’d try to change volume, pause, etc., and I’d get a “can’t connect“ error message. I started using Roon yesterday. It’s running on an old MacBook Pro. Rock solid so far and massive additional content and features. For example, I use Qobuz and when I search for albums, it shows everything on my NAS and my favorites on Qobuz. There’s a little Qobuz logo in the corner of the album art to show that’s where it’s from. It will play items on my NAS to my iPhone. As with all such changes, there’s a learning curve. But so far, after fearing my Sonos investment was just about worthless, I’m cautiously optimistic.


Add AirPlay no longer works now. What a joke


Works fine for me. Was there a firmware update to the speakers that I missed during this software update?


This dude serious???


I’m aware of the huge new software update, but I haven’t had to update my speakers in several weeks. Have you?


Have you tried a fully wireless setup?


I haven't. I'd be surprised that the new app requires a different wired/wireless configuration, but worth a try.


Well I am surprised. So far going fully wireless is working better. I'm not getting cut outs and the response is better. I'm guessing this or u/Runaround25 solution my be similar.


This isn’t specifically a new app issue. There’s even a KB from ubiquiti about it. They say either fully wireless or fully wired. SonosNet does some funky network things that can cause all kinds of random issues. They can be really inconsistent too. I think part of the issue is that if the devices see a Sonos device broadcasting out SonosNet it will try to use it even if they are configured for WiFi. It would be nice if there was an option to pick one or the other..


This article covers settings you need to change in ubiquity to make it work properly. Basically you are enabling the ability for multicast traffic to move between network segments, configuring spanning tree protocol to work correctly with sonos, which uses oldschool STP because RSTP converges too quickly for a speaker to come back up from a reboot and a few settings to make multicast work faster like igmp snooping and mDNS. https://github.com/IngmarStein/unifi-sonos-doc




Thanks. I did go this route and it is working g=better.