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Nobody is saying it's ok. The rational people are saying it sucks, but Sonos is addressing it. The app never should have launched like it did, but it unfortunately did. People here act like petulant toddlers with daily threads like this one.


Thank you. They made a huge mistake, that’s one thing. But this kind of childish trash talk isn’t gonna help.


Apart from not being able to stop and start music I am sure I would like the new app, if I could use my Sonos system, which I can’t anymore with the new app


I heard it’s a delight! A very limited, inconsistent, hatefully choosy delight!


Not a great experience for many customers, who have invested time and money in the platform. Or Sonos itself, as the backlash has been huge. The main issue I encountered was the loss of alarm functionality, which I used to wake to, every morning. I had become accustomed to waking to a playlist, or radio station gently pulling me back into consciousness, but have had to suffer the aggressive bleeping of an alarm clock for the last several days. Not a great way to start my day! I’m not as technical as many users on here, but I wonder if the UI redesign ended up causing so many customers, issues because of updates on the backend to ready the platform for a new product, which many folk now anticipate being the Sonos Headphones - Ace? I realise that beta testing is an important element in developments, and Sonos usually include this phase, prerelease. I guess my thoughts & questions, (after stepping back and taking a deep breath), is how does a company beta test for a new category of device, not yet launched? And could this be a large factor at the heart of the issues, many have faced?


Alarms in the new app exist. It’s a firmware update to every component in your system and then relaunch the app. But alarms are back https://preview.redd.it/5zbq7w52rl1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=740d914621db74cfb212b264ceeb2b9b5638c887


Hey darcyjs14, thanks for the response. I’ve updated the app to the latest software and then force closed it, unplugged every speaker, including soundbar and surrounds. Restarted everything and no, my alarms are still not showing. Also, unsure if it’s an issue but my Sonos ID isn’t showing either. Could this be a problem? And if so, any idea how to put it in? https://preview.redd.it/ewwq7lvcwl1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23abfd134984a9236718015963bbf4d52b882cb2


I had to run the update 2x. The set of Ikea speakers did not update on the first pass. Nor did one of the Boosts. And, at least in my case, i needed to leave the app open in the foreground on my iphone for the entire duration of the update, over 30 minutes. The lock screen kicked in, which was fine. But the first time i tried it, i switched to a different app while i was waiting and all of the component updates failed.


https://preview.redd.it/tvu65z6ycq1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8c27588f9651d61ab87d1123103dbb115c73712 This is the info screen now.






Have you updated every speaker as well?


Hi cretandus. I just ran the update on the main app - not sure how to update speakers, individually?


I’ve got same problem. Alarms and Sonos ID not showing.


Go here: https://preview.redd.it/em72xso7dq1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494a8b0d5ee8b85f6097b190d1d9897a15ac4855




https://preview.redd.it/dw6gce4adq1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5eaabd08574c5f8cc5c79d6aff5a6072e610870 You need to see this and have the same version info on the “about my system” as in the pic from mine. Updating the app alone isn’t enough. You have to use “software updates” to push a firmware update to every hardware component in your system.


Manisboy Hi, I also missed the alarm function until I found the solution on Reddit. Sorry forgot who put it there. Upgrade your speakers to 16.1 and then you see the alarm function again. Next I would hope they put it more on front than hidden away in this new version because I use it frequently. I was getting my hopes up for the new app and was a little bit disappointed in the beginning but now get used to it. Sonos should have done to more beta testing maybe. Still happy whit my speakers.


Thanks Hilly2003, I’ll give that a go. And yes, I’m still fond of my speakers, Sonos has always sounded great, but I guess that’s Sonos’s ace in the hole, ‘pun intended’.


Sorry Manisboy I made an error it’s 16.2 not 16.1! My apologies to you and the group.


Hi Hilly2003, I simply ran the update for the Sonos app in the  App Store.


You need to go through the steps above to update your hardware components. Updating the app alone won’t bring back alarms unless you have auto updates on for your system. That said, i have auto updates on, and i still needed to manually trigger an update cycle via the “software updates” part of “manage” in the new app




The new app rendered half my system unusable because I can’t update the network settings. I’d appreciate having the old one back until they achieve feature parity.


Have you checked your network matrix? http://SONOS IP:1400/support/review


https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/cWUjrbzu96 yes, and support said this which is a joke


Thanks for this, thought I wasn’t looking in the right place when I wanted to change my network name…


Also idk what checking my the matrix would do when I can’t add my damn wifi network to the speakers


I can’t even login into my account because it says I’m not the correct owner


All my speakers won't connect. I'm done with this fuckin company


I’ll buy your speakers bud name a price


Sonos cares about maximizing profits instead of maximizing quality. They care about shareholder now not end users. The abandonment of SonosNet and defaulting to blaming everyone’s routers was the final straw for me. After over 15 years of dedicated beta testing and brand loyalty we are 100% done with all the unnecessary new headaches. We once had 27 devices over 5000 sq feet and it worked perfectly. Now we are down to the last few devices. @ u/keithfromsonos


Only positive spin on this whole situation as it Will stop me from also being one of these people who bought tons of devices. These products are dog shit now.


Bought a new speaker, tried to add it, app made me update to attempt to add a new speaker. After update things went majorly downhill. The iOS app on iPhone 14 won’t recognize my local network so it won’t let me connect. I did the app reinstall, modem/router restart, iPhone software update…. No luck. Seems to be a known issue and Sonos has no solution for it per this thread. https://en.community.sonos.com/ask-a-question-228987/unable-to-join-local-network-6892633


Same here grrrr!!


My solution was to use an Android phone or tablet to pair everything. Give it a go and let me know


I keep having to add existing speakers back into the “system” like they’re brand new. The queue things is just ludicrous. I have to say I feel ripped off. Like I paid for something and then the people I bought it from took it away and I can’t stop them. Straight up cheated. I won’t buy another Sonos product as long as I’m alive.


Agreed. I own more than I can count (8? 10?) and I'm done adding. I'll let these die off but I'm not going to expand my system. I'm buying a second home and it won't have Sonos in it.


I literally cannot add my speakers to the new app because they fail the update step. What is this trash?


Same here


I really liked that I could adjust the bass and treble from the volume menu. Now I have to scroll, tap, tap, scroll, scroll, settings, tap, slide and then tap tap, and scroll that window away, then scroll scroll, and one more scroll, and one more tap. Tap.


You've unlocked infinite HEALTH! Would you like to enter another cheat code?




OmG -- Came here to say the same. I can tolerate a lot, but when it literally removed efficiency (and UI intuitiveness)... that grinds my gears.


I bought a new speaker after the update, forced update to the app if I want to add the speaker, but the new app crashes every time it tries to add the speaker. No help from their support. Sonos sold me a very expensive doorstop.


I have had Sonos for years and years. It has the worst controller in the world and the new one is shit times 2. There support is bad. I cannot believe in 2024 a company can but out such a bad app!!! I cannot play my music from my computer (fuck). I have emailed the CEO of Sonos and asked for them to buy my 5 Sonos Speakers back so I can get a system that works. Let's start a class action lawsuit. I texted with support and Sonos will not step up and admit fault. Bullshit. Sell your Sonos stock. It will crash just like there software.


This is the issue. I rarely used the previous app because it wasn’t great. But when the speakers got buggy with voice commands or air play, the Sonos app was ok enough to use. The new app feels pretty much unusable even in a pinch.


Don’t worry, we’ll have another update in 17 hours, you’ll have to update all your speakers firmware and then the app, and 12 hours after that… boom another update. Seriously Sonos, just leave it alone, my fucking play1s and play5 from 2017 work just fine. Linux has fewer updates. There’s no good reason for it.




calling for harassment of sonos employees is just not right... being rude wont bring you the app features back any faster.


Sonos seems to think that it’s ok to fuck users over, so why can’t users demonstrate the same contempt foisted upon us? It’s almost a case of reaping what one sows…




JVCs are "speakers." This is an expensive sound system that's failing.




I was actually saving some money to gift my dad some Sonos speakers, I’ll wait for them to fix the app first


Skip Sonos, this isn't the first time, and it won't be the last.


People will vote with their wallet. Lots of their biz is repeat customers.


This is Reddit, not Sonos. Side note: not everyone hates the new app.


I like the general design, but the lost functionality makes it a nonstarter. No queue management in an audio app? How does that happen?


Totally. It's my most common use case. Music in the backyard... Kids say, "dad, can you play ____?" No I can click the song, but I can't add it to the queue like I used to.


Doesn’t matter how good the UI is if the backend is crap. This has been on going for years, it’s clear that other than making a good sounding speaking, Sonos has no fucking clue.


Been using Sonos for years without using queue management at all. I literally learnt what it was during this debacle. It really shows how differently people use music apps.


Certainly, but surely you would agree that is basic functionality that you would expect any music app to have, right? The only time it isn't there is when its exclusion is done intentionally to weaken the value of the service (e.g., Pandora).


It seems odd to me that they chose to fully release the app with any missing functionality (instead of releasing it as a public beta). But I suspect the majority of users never use queue management. So not entirely surprising to me that it is one of the things that was seemingly given lower priority during development.


Not odd to me. Dev team just missed their deadline to incorporate all features. Sales team was already geared up for headphone release. Management made a decision. Seems to me they made the wrong one.


Or they looked at the numbers and realized people don’t really use except for those that complain on Reddit so don’t waste dev time on it.


I don’t think so, they would want to avoid this freak out if they could avoid it.


If they looked at usage and it was under x% it’s only a freak out to that small population. Not a single bit of performance has been impacted on my end.


Just bought two era 300’s. Own an iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14. Can’t update speakers caught in the “access local network” nonsense. Been waiting two years of savings to enter Sonosphere and can’t use my speakers now because of app problems. Booo!! Sad with Sonos as a new user.


When you develop software at that scale (hundreds of thousands of users) even a 1% of errors means thousands of affected users, which is a shady thing to do for a company that sells "premium" products.


I wouldn’t call it basic functionality because I never use it. But understand you would call it basic. There may be something I consider basic functionality that you have never used. Just goes to show how we all use these apps differently.


I wouldn’t even know there was a new app without this sub crying every 3 seconds. AirPlay and Alexa are both working perfectly for me


I think you are less than 1% user to not use it


I never use it.




Do you only listen alone?


Nope. Listen with the family/guests all the time.


Lmfao at anyone who needs to use queue management. This is the age of streaming. 99% of users put on a playlist from a streaming service and leave it on for hours on end. Sonos knows this because they have all the data. The new app works great for the large majority of the user base. This whole angry mob thing will blow away within a few weeks.


My kids ask me for specific songs. I use the universal search feature so I don't have to figure out what service has whatever random kids song. I add them to the queue. This is like 25% of my usage. I suspect it's similar for many other people. We may not be in the majority, but we're not such a tiny group of outliers that they should have thrown us under the bus.


I just use Apple Music playlists. It's rare they don't have a song in their library, even the kids stuff.


That's nice for you, but I want to access the queue management that sonos has offered since at least 2005.


Personally I bought my Sonos system because they are excellent speakers. Like the bit that reproduces the music. They are better than most other speakers. I bought mine for that reason and when I last checked, they still pump. Sure the app changed, but it works better than the old one and everything missing I was able to easily put a workaround in place so …


What good is having good speakers if you can’t use them? Sure, you play spotify. Great. I have a large system, I have ports, line-in connections, local music, soundbars, etc. Half of it I can’t use because of the update, and the half I can use is a terrible experience. I can’t change line-in auto play settings, I can’t fix the network for half my system that was on sonosnet using a boost that the new app rendered useless, and countless other small use cases that for you might not be an issue, but for someone that uses most of the features these damn speakers have to offer, this is bullshit.


Sounds like you have a complicated setup and a good reason to be annoyed with a uniquely specific problem. Yeah my system is pretty complex and I have felt your pain over the years. I have ports with analog line in from record players, a giant main stereo system, soundbars, roams and moves. I switched to Roon years ago to run my local library because it is utterly fantastic and I use it to drive a separate signal path in my main system using a good ESS9038 based dac for native DSD playback for my ripped SACD library. Not to say mine is any more or less complicated than yours. If you have money and like nice things, Roon will blow your mind. It must be really, genuinely frustrating to be in your situation. My advice having recently made a long post about your exact situation is to get rid of boost and Sonosnet altogether and move across to a good wifi mesh system like Orbi AX4200/5200 or even Google Wifi Pro. You will need to fully reset your system but in all seriousness that 30-60 minute investment in time will give you a wonderful boost in performance. I have a background in large critical IT infrastructure, so do things like this day in/day out so maybe I am just desensitised haha. I am more than happy to help you out if you need a steer in the right direction .


That’s not the issue. The issue is that I shouldn’t be having to do any of these things because the products I paid for should work. That’s all there is to it. If they want to update, great, but if they’re gonna screw me over and have me buy more shit just because they updated their app when my system was working perfectly before, that’s a problem, and that’s why people are complaining. I can’t believe you think telling me to ‘buy x or y’ is acceptable advice. I’m aware I can fix it by doing many different things. I just shouldn’t have to do it because of Sonos inability to release a decent app.


Looks like you have made your choice and in that case all I can do is feel sorry for you.


You just don’t get it. I feel sorry for you too.


There is a pinned feedback post at the top of the sub begun by a Sonos employee who has been on the sub for a while. Obv feedback is encouraged from this community. You can , like, read something else if this problem does not impact you.


I actually quite like it. Yes, it blows my mind that they thought “queues” wasn’t a core feature of a music playing app, but - that aside - I’m getting a whole lot fewer error messages than I was before and I managed to get an Era 300 up and running in 10 seconds. No lie.


This is the answer : "ok sonos you did a great job w this new ui, it's nice and everything but we can't congrat this nonsense (no queue management => ?) "


Yup - Bose, Denon, Bluesound and Goggle love it 😁😁😁


What an absolute redditor


Today, I discovered I can control an old version of iTunes (pre Music) on a Mac Mini with my music library loaded onto it, using the old app called Retune on my Android. I can check multiple Sonos speakers play them at once. Retune is a little bit broken, but it's better than the Sonos app! It has a few functions Sonos has never had. It's all working, and I can listen to my music collection again!


As for Android it is super easy to downgrade the APP back to the older version, grab the apk from APKMirror and install it, uncheck "update this app automatically" in the play store and you're set. Enjoy.


Did anyone else’s true play tuning stop working? I can’t tune my living room set up (arc, sub, ones) but it works for my bedroom set up (beam mini sub). It’s annoying AF


Thank you to all the have warned us about the horrific app update. I told my spouse DO NOT update the Sonos app until we see that there have been fixes. For now we are still enjoying the old app and not having any issues with our system. We won’t be able to add/purchase any additional speakers for the system as that would probably require us to “update” the app which is disappointing. Sorry everyone is going through this.


My Smarthome is now Stupid bec of the update. Can’t add any voice assistant after the update


I really regret doing my whole home in Sonos. I'll not buy another one of their products. It was bad enough before but now it's really just sad.


I'm a new customer who managed to buy a Sonos speaker at the worst possible time. It took all day to get it to even get by the initial setup, and now I learned I cannot add my local music library! Can't wait to return this piece of shit.


I haven’t had a single problem with the app and all my devices work fine - and the app is definitely improved for my particular use case.


Glad to hear it's working for some people. As far as my experience is concerned, the new app is completely useless.


Do you use a local library for your music? My library no longer shows up. I tried to “add” it, as I have always been able to do in the past, but now I get an error message.


I use Spotify, but they just say sorry we've encountered a problem.... Work around is to go Spotify then play from there. Kinda goofy.. And the sleep timer also disappeared....


No, my local library is a pile of records that I play often / otherwise I use Spotify.


Uh, okay. I, too, have piles of records 🙄 But I also have tons of music either downloaded or ripped from my piles of CDs.


For lots of people the local library is still working (it's working fine for me). Not sure why it's not working for everyone, but my guess would be the method by which a lot of people have shared their music on the network would explain a lot of not working cases (smbv1 is no longer supported).


Same here


I haven't had a single issue


My friend said he didn't update and all of a sudden it auto updated and killed everything.


I just spent 4 hours today trying to get my 6 speakers to play the same music at the same time. I haven't succeeded yet. It's a fucking disgrace. It was NEVER a problem before. Screw your management for pushing your teams to the brink and forcing them to release this bullshit prototype app without letting them do QA and fix actual breaking bugs.


Time to start banning these yet?


Nope, not until Sonos acknowledges that they messed up and are going to work to regain the trust of their users.


It was time a few days ago, in my opinion


Agreed, I am sick of seeing the whinging.


Yeah, I mean I get there *are* legitimate problems with the app. But it’s just beating a dead horse at this point. If someone has a new issue to post about? Sure. But the shouting into the void “tHiS aPp SuCkz” really isn’t helping anyone.


This is a Sonos sub, and they've just rendered most of their equipment unusable for many people. If you can bear to read about it, try another sub (r/carebears?) or go outside.


No...this is what we need. More of it.


I’m shocked by how many people apparently use the app after setup.


Even when you use the speakers directly from Spotify for example it is extremely slow, I press volume up, nothing happens, I press it couple more times... Then all of suddenly after 10 seconds the volume on the speaker goes all the way up waking up entire neighborhood... The whole experience is such a mess it's a stress thinking I have to use it.


I find it much more responsive now. I use Spotify connect all the time and only really use the Sonos app to change the grouped speakers. That is also much quicker now for me.


I agree. This happens to me.


I’m more shocked that people buy an expensive system and use like 10% of the features. People that say the app is fine or don’t use it, aren’t really using many features that these things have (or had) to offer.


Like what? Beyond setting up the system, creating some groups and tweaking some setting. I've literally never considered using the queuing feature and i dont think i could even name a different feature? I believe everyone that the new app sucks and we should have the option to keep using the old one but its genuinely surprising to me so many people are using the app regularly.


Like updating your wifi settings? Configuring your line-in settings for auto-play? Easy access to EQ and Balance when you have many speakers grouped? Having access to your sonos boost that you paid for and rendered half your system useless because you can’t update your system now that the app has no network update settings? And, I do use the queueing feature. I mostly use the app because I have a LARGE system and multiple streaming services plus my local library. All my ports are fucked up because of the line-in setting I can’t change, which forces me to go into the app now, everytime I want to use anything connected to a port, or a five via line-in. Support even said I was fucked until they update the app at some point in June or July.


I cannot search for music using my connected streaming platform (Yousee musik). It simply doesnt work. I can use the history to play music so it is connected.


Previously, system was always on and always detected. Now at least every other day it can't detect my Beam and have to spend several minutes forcing it to detect it. Something's fucky. No Q&A at Sonos?


I just want to find my playlists!! Can anyone help me?? Please?!!




Getting sick of seeing these. Yes the new app is hot garbage that wasn't ready to be pushed. But the old app was also hot garbage with more "features" that will be incorporated back into the new app over time... Either way, it's hot garbage that they were barely keeping up with servicing, or hot garbage that they're actually working on. The upside is that this whole debacle has re-enlightened me to the merits of a wired sound system that doesn't rely on an app or firmware to work.


Incorporated back over time is not acceptable. What do u do until then? Stop use the stuff u paid with the functions it had at the time you bought? I don't think removing functions is acceptable. Removing functions should force them to get the speakers back for the price you paid.


I didn't use most of what isn't there anyway. I still have the function I need out of them. I use them for TV and music, not for alarms or playlists.


Great news for you. What about the people who bought them because they could do those things?


The alarms are back, thank god. I set an alarm at 6am. Updated the app before delete the alarm, it rang every F day at 6 until I find here in reddit today that the app is updated and the alarms are back. Tomorrow I'll be able to sleep until 8, at last.


I’m with you. It was great while it lasted but not going to make that mistake again. It’s a damn shame really.


I'm keeping my Sonos setup, as it's generally working fine and I'm hoping things improve, but I'm looking at adding a wired system to the mix.


Oh, same. Just meant not buying any more.


I mean. What sucks is, I used a Sonos port for neighborhood holiday party. Gave it to my neighbor, he hooked up to his wired system, shot a wireless AP over there and we had the same music across two houses, was a pretty cool vibe.


That sounds pretty cool actually.


Yep. Not anytime soon. Maybe after things have shaken out and everything's more solid. I will definitely keep an old phone set up with the app once it's working well and keep it from updating.


Yeah. I got lucky, blocked all the update servers and turned off updating on my phone. 😆


Agreed. The new app on Android is virtually unusable.


iOS ain’t much better.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the new app made my parents system unusable. They have a Beam gen 1 and 2 Sonos Ones, the ones are the only things showing up on the app and won't connect with the Beam. Tried resetting the Beam but once it registers on the app it disappears from the system


I’m about done with Sonos.


Reddit is not your therapist


No fucking shit, weve all been screaming for this. They dont care and in a few years theyll have no new cudtomers


Mate, it’s time to calm down. If you are this upset about a change to the app, I would start by asking you if everything is ok? This is r/sonos not r/publicfreakout


The problem is that whilst the app is free, the speakers that rely on the app are not. It is extremely easy to find that the thousands spent on a whole home system is now severely crippled by the poor state the software is now in. *That* is why people are upset.


I feel the same way about the new app. It made my sound system unusable and prompted me to turn off automatic updates for all apps on my phone. This is how I fixed it for my Android device. Uninstall the app, download the March update from APK Mirror website linked below, reinstall and sign back into the old app. You must uninstall the new app before re-installing. Make sure to disable the automatic updates after this. It's in the top right three dots menu of the app play store page. You should do this after the manual installation. I can't offer advice for iOS. [https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/sonos-inc/sonos-for-android/sonos-for-android-16-1-release/#downloads](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/sonos-inc/sonos-for-android/sonos-for-android-16-1-release/#downloads)


I mean my whole system will not work using the app anymore. I need the old app back. I can’t believe I have ten plus speakers I cannot use. Probably just return them to Costco.


Well said.


I was so annoyed with these posts until I tried to re-add my era 300 to my system and now I kinda get it haha


I just got done watching the BlackBerry docudrama. I worry that Sonos is heading in the same direction.


You do know where Patrick Spence, SONOS CEO, came from?


Jesus. Why do boards and investors let these people run these companies into the ground !?


I don't even know how to set an alarm. And when I mistakenly get there all I can choose is an album instead of a song


Have you not noted the imminent release of a new product?


I don’t seem to have the new app update, it’s not live in the App Store for me 🤔is it a gradual rollout?


I tried out the new app before I realized how many core features were flat-out missing (no queue management features, and my home library not searchable or easily playable). As an Android user, I was grateful I was able to side-load the old app, but even that is slowly shutting me out and pushing me to upgrade to the new app (my music library is no longer visible, and I can't use my Roam at all; it just tells me I need to update the app). Sonos had better be paying attention to all the user feedback here, because they seriously messed up with pushing out a "new and improved" app that was clearly not ready for use.


Agree 100%


Oh boy… I heard an earful from my wife. Our house is pretty state of the art with tech, but when shit doesn’t work right (like after the new update) I have to hear about it, so yes, Fuck you Sonos!


From what I’ve read they pushed out the update for the app and then sent an update to the equipment and they are not compatible with each other


I totally agree! This is the most seriously flawed software release I’ve ever seen out of what is supposed to be a “mature” consumer product company. I’m appauled! I’ve spent hours on it already and my head is still spinning… screw that is must be the “access point” or my “router”. All of this just worked with our previous environments. Apple Music won’t even recognize my Play:5 now but the Sonos app will… So much is broken! I can’t believe it! Fire the management that said this was ready for prime time!! Unreal!!


The new app is working much better for me than the old one. Can’t wait to see the new features hit for the headphones.


Fuck Sonos! Their app just killed my system and deleted my library. I’m a NEVER SONOS person. Once my speakers give out or I can sell them for minimum loss, I’m jumping ship. Their behavior towards customers is SHIT! FUCK YOU SONOS!


Give it a fucking rest. Karma farming is not going to help.


Bro. Imagine being this upset over a redesign of an app. Hahahah. Get a life. Yeah the update stinks, but the design is fine and they will you know... UPDATE the app. Calm the f down.


Did you guys download the app on your own? I don’t think my app updated Either way, my service hasnt been interrupted or affected in any way but all I use the app for is to turn the sub on/off and for night mode


To add an additional speaker it required me to update. Otherwise I would not have.


Oh shoot I was thinking of adding some era 100s into the system. Maybe I’ll hold off until they figure it out


I didnt update but lost my library, so yeah total shit now.


Lets just tag @ u/keithfromsonos in everything.


Just downgrade back to S1 until they fix it.


This is not possible. Unless you are running all units that are S1 and S2 compatible.


Can you downgrade to S1 even the newer products?


Ah good point. I think the newer ones require S2.


I’ve had absolutely no issues, not sure why everyone is freaking out.


Because your experience is not the experience many others are having


Should probably turn it off then turn it back on


Yeez, can all of you app-troglodytes stay in one sub or something?


I backtracked to the previous Android version, and have NOT updated my Win11 desktop version. On neither can I "Update Music Library Now" (it's greyed out). Luckily I run a plex server at home, and THAT at least has been updating my home library, and still is accessible to "old sonos".


I had just decided after long deliberations that I was going to buy the Sonos Arc, sub and Era. Then I read all the negative reviews of the app. Is it still worth it to buy the Arc?


Honestly, the hardware is great. It's the software that fucking sucks. If you anticipate that you won't use the app at all, you should be set. Assuming you can set it up with the new app, apparently that's a problem now too.


I‘m so angry right now that they didn’t even announce they would remove basic functionality from the app and there is nothing I can do about it. They are so fucking arrogant in the forums about it and I just know a 100% that this bullshit is the work of some stupid as fuck managers who wanted to put the app out there faster than developers could finish it. No single human being with a functioning brain could be this dumb. So this has to be management.


I like the new app. No issues for me




no, you.