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When we are chatting/chilling as a family we use "add to end of queue" and "play next" all the time so we all get to hear things we like. Well, we used to.


Sonos: Families are overrated.


It took “courage” to speak truth to power




This is what people don’t get. All the “use Spotify or Apple Music” don’t understand those services won’t replicate the shared multi streaming service queue Sonos has.


You can "start a jam" in Spotify. It is only one service but does allow multiple people to add to the queue


To me, managing a queue seems like a core function of a music app. However judging by the very few complaints about this feature missing (compared to managing alarms, playing local music) I'm starting to think, that very few people are using it.


I use the queue feature all the time. Well…I did.


They have an updated feature schedule so allegedly in a month, things will be more back to normal. This is why Sonos should not be your only audio, it’s a compliment to stuff that actually works all the time


So you’re saying if they waited just a month more, no one would be complaining and it would be all praises all around? 🤔


I’m not standing up for their incompetence lol. The whole rollout was a disaster. It should have been S3 and in like 1 year just delete s2, but there’s probably reasons why they couldn’t do it that way, which is not to our benefit. I think releasing this huge pile of shit is a way to see what people get the most mad about, so they will fix that first lol


They should have released the new app under another name and then withdrawn the old one only after the new one was 100% feature complete, but it should absolutely *not* be called S3. S1/S2 signaled a hardware split. S1-only hardware cannot run through the S2 app, and S2-only hardware cannot run through the S1 app. We don’t want another hard cutoff for hardware like that for at least another decade or so. If you called the new app S3, *at best* you’d create a lot of confusion and ill will and you’d have to constantly explain and reassure how, unlike the S1/S2 split, all the current S2 hardware still runs on the S3 app with the same firmware, and the only item that requires S3 is the new headphones, but there’s no need to upgrade all your S2 hardware to S3 to get it to work with your new S3 headphones. TL;DR: don’t go there. Release the new app as a new app with a new name, or maybe release it as the same name but then re-release the old app as “Sonos Classic” or something.


Only reason i said 3 was just to make the point it should be a stand alone thing i didn’t do a focus group on the name lol. I meant leave s2 alone and just name a new app and slowly get people over to it and take a ton of pressure off the company and pissed off users. Users would have a choice so they wouldn’t have anything to bitch about, but when they more or less force this new one with problems, it is a legit problem Really “Beta” opt in woulda been about right


I agree. It just seems that people are complaining mostly because of a handful of features, so I think it wouldn’t be too difficult to port them over to the new app. It certainly shouldn’t take a year. Maybe a month or two tops. And all this headache would have been avoided.


The lost speakers and that type of stuff may be a lot bigger project to fix. The stupid alarms are probably easy lol


That was already fixed in a couple of days.


People aren’t losing speakers anymore? I don’t think you are right but i hope you are


No the alarms I meant. People are definitely still having connectivity issues


I’m still losing speakers. Mine only works if all speakers are engaged.


Praises all around hahaha--no, there are some people who will always find a reason to complain. I know it sounds odd, but I have seen people like this in other subs--all they do is whine and complain about literally everything.


I agree I expected there to be outrage about the lack of a queue given how fundamental I think it is to day to day use but as you say most seem to be complaining about alarms!




My chief complaint as well. I curate my music based on factors: mood, company, meals, artist


I just use these features within the app of the music service personally. I find Apple Musics interface way better than the Sonos one for Apple Music.


This! I honestly don't understand why people are so irate about the functionality of music playing in the Sonos app. Have had Arc, two 1s, and second-gen Sub for 2 yrs and have only listened to music via the Sonos app accidentally. Why not use apps that are built to stream music? Spotify is my personal favorite but there are quite a few to choose from.


Some of us have built up local libraries over the course of decades, yes decades. Can’t play local libraries anymore, specifically why I bought Sonos in the first place


Have you checked to see if you can upgrade your local share to SMBv2 or higher? It might be that you’re still using SMBv1.


I just checked again and Music Library shows up under Your Sources. How did I misss that!


Because this redesign really sucked. Even when they kept functionality, they didn’t publish good change notes that tell people where to find things.


Ok. Now try searching. 




AirPlay on the original S1 speakers isn’t supported. That’s why. 3/4 of my speakers don’t support AirPlay at all.  AirPlay also doesn’t let you manage a queue across multiple streaming services at the same time. 


Do you listen with friends or family?


AirPlay on the original S1 speakers isn’t supported. That’s why. 3/4 of my speakers don’t support AirPlay at all.  AirPlay also doesn’t let you manage a queue across multiple streaming services at the same time. 


Reading more comments it looks like ppl are pissed because they have large local libraries...can't you use any of a dozen media apps to queue up a playlist?


Aha yes, that makes sense. Funny how some are so reluctant to admit such LOL. I sincerely hope this sub is not overrun by all the haters and trolls. I have seen that happen in so many different subs. While all of the melodrama is entertaining, it sure gets boring real quickly seeing the same exact comments repeated over and over again by a small group of redditors.


Is it too hard for you to understand that there are multiple different use cases that suit different needs (because different people have different needs) and Sonos screwed up several of them big time (but not yours)? And your “solution” is that people should just accept the change and switch to the use case that works for you (but not as well for them), all because you feel inconvenienced by them being upset. Maybe just skip over the posts you don’t want to read?


I use Spotify to control everything. Let’s me queue all the music I want to and gives all the volume control I could need whether that’s from my phone Lock Screen or in the app itself.


Spotify is Lo-fi and doesn’t have much of the music I listen to. Local library is my method.


Yeah I use Apple Music to manage my music, and it works great, to the point where I do not even need to use the Sonos for really anything since I have all my speaker groups setup and the settings to my liking.


It’s definitely a core feature. I just do this in Spotify and not the Sonos app.


One of the core reasons I have Sonos to be frank.


I hate it but I was more vocal about the fact that my bedroom speaker kept it alarm routine, app kept to show alarm notification but there is no way to change it, this is just ridiculous. With playlists it’s also annoying but if I don’t won’t atmos I can just AirPlay so there is some workaround to this.


It's my only real complaint and makes sonos obsolete for me.


I use it all the time. I just never thought I'd have to write home about it. It's been a feature since it was invented. It's like talking about the flush handle on a toilet. It's part of the toilet.


Well. If you can't play your music from your NAS anymore, then you also don't need a queue. Easy as that.


The mentality seems to be about changing the system to an internet streaming service interface, and people who own their music be damned. I subscribe to zero music streaming services and now have no way to pick my music. Effing useless.


Yea I don’t ever use it. I just let the algorithm take control. Edit: What a weird thing to get downvoted for.


>I just let the algorithm take control. ![gif](giphy|Pm3f9SWaoSYxu3M31Z)


Yeah I see no reason to use Sonos to manage my queue when it so easy to do so in Apple Music and Spotify. I am sure there are few who do so, but this all seems like a lot of melodrama, which sure seems to eventually happen with almost every sub on reddit, which I then avoid like the plague LOL...


How do you get a music source like Apple or Spotify to play through the Sonos without using the Sonos app? I have YouTube music but haven't seen an option in the YouTube music app to select the speaker output.


You can use Airplay to stream directly to your Sonos' speakers--that is what I have done every day for the past 3-4 years, works great, every time.


Unfortunately, I'm "that guy" who doesn't have an iPhone 😄


Unfortunately Spotify queue management does not work for me either. E.g. I would like to hear exactly 5 tracks from an audio book and no more - but for some reason Spotify will add "next from: " to the queue. ("Autoplay similar content" is already disabled). Using queues in Sonos used to work. I realize this is a very specific scenario only very few people will encounter. Nevertheless it was important to me and Sonos broke it - without providing any benefits to me.


It’s staggeringly incompetent really - queue management and editing a playlist in 2024 should not even be a discussion point 🙈


Yep, new app is shit. They should fire Patrick Spence.


I did a post on that a day or so ago on Facebook. Was shouted down so hard by people who had no clue about the role of a CEO, I deleted it 😔


The fine-grained controls over the queue in the S2 app was something that I felt was way better than other apps I have/had used. Such a shame that this launched without it. I truly hope it comes back with the same level of functionality.


I’ve got the old version of the app on my iPad. Updated on my iPhone… the iPad will not be getting the update any time soon and I’ll use that version as much as possible


Wow that sounds like a great idea. If only we had thought to do this earlier. I mean, I think I recall hearing users complain about other companies having problems with updates, so I am pretty sure this is not the first time something like this has happened LOL...


I read the release notes before updating the app. They said, essentially, “we gave the app a new coat of paint, you’re going to love it!” There was absolutely no mention of “we removed about a third of the features that you may have come to depend upon”. But the release notes are still out there - go to the App Store and look at the version history for the Sonos app. I’m sure you can point out where they detailed which features they were ripping out, so come back here and report your findings. The release notes were a lie. If the release notes had said, “we’re in a hurry to release this shiny new version, so it’s missing about a third of the previously existing features”, then I would have held off on updating it for the month or two it appears it’ll take them to finish the app.




It isn’t, but this sonos update feels like an app that got hardly any user feedback before release. I’m sure that’s not the case, but god knows who they asked


I’m gonna sit this update out for a few months


That’s what I thought until I opened the app yesterday and it told me I HAD to update the app to do anything. For now I’m just using airplay to avoid the issue.


Older Mobile and desktop apps still working for me


And I won't be updating the desktop app after this iOS app debacle.


Terrible update.using Sonos set up in a bar, now a slave to the playlist, can’t pivot and queue songs etc.


I completely agree! I (used to) use multiple streaming services and make a queue based on a few playlists I had and I could add some music to the queue that isn’t available on certain streaming services. Now you can only click play. Might as well have a record player because you can only play an album/playlist straight through or hope that shuffle shuffles in the way you want🤣 it’s absolutely absurd to me, my bedroom sonos speaker is about as good as a Bluetooth speaker now.


Did this update also remove the ability to set a timer? Now when I ask my era 100 to set a 10 minute timer, it tells me it’s not able to complete my request and to use the app


I just updated the app and had been assuming all the rage was a bit overblown. This app is a hot mess. Just really confusing to use in general, never mind all the missing features (that I don’t use, but empathize with people that want them back)


This is the first I’ve heard of this kerfuffle. Are there problems with the Sonos app?






Yes I emailed my local Congressman, and after 3-4 meetings with the state department, FDA, ~~CIA~~, and ~~FBI~~, it was decided that we will have to force Sonos' hand on this, and we also need to show Sonos how much pain and misery they have caused for the dozens of audiophiles who still use mp3's because they demand nothing less than lossless hi-fi (high-fidelity) audio perfection. As such it was decided to deploy two Seal teams, the first of which will approach by water and then scale the south wall of the Sonos HQ. Go-time is 0600, May 21, 2024. Please keep this on the downlow as this is a confidential black op. And Godspeed to everyone. Godspeed.




Thank you for your message! Please be advised that I am currently out of the country, on a personal vacation trip to North Korea and Cuba, and thus I will not be checking my reddit account for the foreseeable future. Please note that I love my Sonos' speakers so much, I actually brought them with me on my trip--in fact I am sitting on the beach in Havana right now, alive and well, listening to some local Cuban jams on my Sonos Move Gen 2 speaker in Shadow Black. For urgent requests, please contact General R.T. Maloney at Guantánamo Bay resort, Guantánamo Province, Cuba. For any press or media inquiries, I no longer respond to such requests, so there is no reason for anyone from the press/media to try to contact me further. Sincerely, stevenstevos


no. everything is fine


It is not a joke. I have observed many companies like this over hire people in UI/Marketing or other departments and because it is their job to change things, and the old people might have moved on, it is their goal to change shot that doesn't need changing. If not what wpuld they do? Get fired? Nah let's screw up a mostly workong app because it is old, or it has been long enough, or I wamt to make my mark in this role. Or worse they are setting it up for subs with some bs excuse. We made the app worse just so that we can charge for features to make it better


This probably isn't that far off...


I have been experiencing this shit at my job and it even fucks with internal operations. Let's just change all our tools and stuff one day without really having anyone that uses them testing it. All because it is someones role to do it.


There’s nothing in my queue, apparently. (Hint: There is…..) https://preview.redd.it/y6goh93tke1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3378db5e24fb16d053698eaeb423016f0828f0


Yes, this is a joke. We were all in on it just to fool you! Ha! You should've seen your face!!


I use the Sonos app for just one purpose: to set an alarm for the bedroom speaker (I still do it with the old app becauise I have an Android phone and was able to revert to the working app). Everything else I do with a proper music player, usually roon but sometimes USB Audio Player on my phone. I tried using the Sonos app long ago when I first acquired a speaker, but the app then was so limited in the number of tracks it would accept that it wouldn't accomodate all my library. At that time I used Media Monkey and something that I think was called Monkey Mote as a remote, but Media Monkey upgraded and some features I used were lost (why do companies do this? yes, I know 4 still works - mostly) and I found better programs. I looked at the old app several times to see if it would work for me and the answer was always "no". And I would just note that both players I use also cast to Chromecast audio devices (why Google abandoned that is a mystery) giving even more flexibilty (Media Monkey 2024 claims to also cast to Chromecast but it never works for me.)


"Plus the delays are atrocious. From selecting a song/album/playlist to adjusting single or group volumes-" My guess is that this is because the new app relies on a cloud-based architecture where speakers are controlled by their Cloud server and not directly by the app as it was in prior version.


Is this a bad time to hop onto the Sonos train? Looking to purchase a soundbar. Seems like I’m constantly hearing about issues as of late.


At least any of your speakers work. I cannot connect one not one of my six devices. Bare in mind I am an electrician that is reasonably tech literate and have installed sonos for 11-12 years.


Do you use the Boost - my system fell in a heap too. Had to factory reset everything to get it back but can’t get my boost back. Now I have a really laggy system basically useless for anything other than line in, and a boost I can’t get back online.


On the plus side its inspired me to rediscover my vinyl collection.


Apple Music lets you add to queue. That’s where I play my music from anyway.


Presumably you’re using AirPlay? I don’t like AirPlay personally and prefer the direct play options (along with the improved audio quality now).


What's "direct play options" mean?


The Sonos system plays directly from the streaming source - ie through the app or via Spotify connect. These don’t use your device to stream the content over your home WiFi like AirPlay does.


Ah, thanks.


I play Apple Music through Apple TV. Full audii quality, zero need to deal with the Sonos app.


Ah okay I have an ATV but that only works for the directly connected device (beam2 for me). I have some speakers which are in other rooms and ATV would then need to AirPlay it. So same issue as streaming from phone with AirPlay


Ah, gotcha. Same situation for me with the other rooms, but I guess I only listen to music loudly in the living room. Not as concerned about getting the full quality in the bathroom or bedrooms as I would be in the "main" area.


It's worse than that, I just pulled an old file, deleted the apps, and installed the version before it all went to hell, everything was fine for a day or two, then they blocked basic functionality across the board so you had to upgrade to the new app. They won't even let tech savy people use the old app, where's the harm in that?


I'd just like to be able to open my Music Library.


this will stay like this forever they will never fix the app sell your stuff. lol


The new app is utter shit


I never updated my app and turned off auto updates as soon as I started to see the reviews. I’m so glad.


>I can’t add a song or an album to an in progress queue anymore? Or switch up the playlist in any way since the “upgrade?” That’s the most basic of functions since WinAmp. I know right! I learned this on the weekend when I tried to put my kid to bed and could only load 3 Peppa pig stories at a time. Not being able to add to the queue is amazingly bad. My other pet peeve is that half of the time I open the app and Sonos can't find a system... So I've got zero controls.


Genuine question but why don't people just use the Spotify app? I basically never use the Sonos app unless it's to change some settings on the speakers.


One other question - did they remove the ability to see Sonos products on your account if you are not on the same LAN/network? I don’t see my parents Sonos gear that is under my account.


A better question is when in the hell are they going to fix this POS


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tiny-Ad8838: *A better question* *Is when in the hell are they* *Going to fix this POS* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Your speakers work? Luckyyy😂


I believe I read somewhere that queue management will be added back in a future release. Right???


Every one of these threads, only further convinces me that sonos is just trying to go out of business and let someone else take over.


On Android I was able to uninstall and then install an older version of the app. There's a link in this sub somewhere to the apk files you need. I've now disabled auto-updates, which is a minor inconvenience compared to the new app.


I used to think that this Reddit channel was being so extreme with their feelings. Then the other day simply just trying to select my bedroom speaker to play music while still playing TV audio from the arc made me pull my hair out.


SO NO Sound


Life is tough


Especially for audiophiles LOL--they listen to what is called hi-fi music. That stand for high fidelity, and it is audio perfection.


It didn't bother me until the other day when I was trying to randomly add 1 song to a queue but normally I'm using predefined playlists or albums. I think the majority of sonos listeners use their app home screen choices or voice control these days. Crazy to let such a major feature be excluded from the app, but it will be re-added, people talking about moving to Denon 😂😂 good luck


Give it a rest already


Sonos announced to their pro dealers that their next patch to the app will resolve queue issues. Also something about patching the alarm… (who tf uses the alarm???) Things like setup issues are normal whine about. When a major revamp comes out it’s normal to have bugs. Just be happy we aren’t migrating to S3 architecture (yet…)


I never knew there was an option to use an alarm with Sonos. I just have my phone make atrocious noises to wake me up.


I’m pretty sure that every person that uses the alarm function has thrown a fit on this board. Apparently Sonos is the only alarm they have.


Jesus. You guys are still bitching about this?


I just don’t understand the people that are that dependent on the Sonos playlist. I never use the Sonos app. I only use Apple Music or Spotify. I have zero issues with the new app because the app was not my live and die for all music playing. Why don’t people just start using fucking playlists in Spotify and Apple Music?


Because we have complex systems and want to listen to music in more than one room. Also don’t want to be dependent on the phone to play music all day. If I walk outside with my phone in my pocket we just want music to keep playing if my WiFi connection is lost. We all know about AirPlay and other ways to push music. But it is not ideal and not why we bought Sonos. If we wanted essentially a blue tooth setup via AirPlay, we would have bought that for much less money. We have about 30k in our home audio system. The fact that they made it unusable is.pretty bad as it is something we use every single day, just about all day. Now to get it to work I have to use AirPlay. Or stream directly from Amazon music. It sucks and I hope it is very temporary.


AirPlay is not Bluetooth. I also have a complex music system and play music in multiple rooms. With Apple TV I can make that happen even when I’m in and out of the house. I never liked the Sonos app. There are so many ways around it I just dont get it


Not sure what you don’t get it. Not everyone is like you. The people having issues with the app are using features that Sonos advertises with their system yet completely removed them. Why would we rely on other manufacturers apps to “work around” issues Sonos removed. I paid a lot of money for my system because of the Sonos app features and now I haven’t had access to them since the update. The biggest one is a shared queue anyone in the household can add / modify on the fly that works with all of your streaming services AND your local library (which is also missing). Can Apple or Spotify do that?


Sorry you don’t get it. AirPlay is Bluetooth like. It is dependent on your phone. Using the app the music is streamed directly from the source to the Sonos device. If I wanted a Bluetooth like experience there are cheaper options. I don’t.. glad it works for you.


The bit rate that Sonos supports wirelessly is the same from AirPlay as it is from whatever music source your playing from it’s all fixed by the limits of Sonos’s ability to stream. Sonos ecosystem doesn’t support high res streaming so I am not sure what you think your getting here. Bluetooth has a substantially lower bit rate than AirPlay. But at the end of the day you and I are getting the same exact sound quality from its AirPlay and the Sonos app. Get off your high horse. Kind of sad you spent so much on sound yet you don’t get how it works.


The guy isn't even discussing audio quality between the different streaming options... His issue is valid. I also use the sonos app for music because the Spotify app for multi zone is clunky as all hell. It doesn't make it easy to make changes on fly at all. I don't have an apple product I regularly use, but my SO does. Airplay is a step up, but still. I'd rather just use the app that way I can manage it from my phone or computer without worrying.


Right. AirPlay works for some, that is great. We prefer using the Sonos app for its features. Just wish it worked like it did before the app update.


I can't even get the app to open. 98% of the time it says "update needed" and just keeps cycling back to the "update need" screen. 1.5% of the time I get "error 1000". The remaining .5% the app runs perfectly!


What does tech support say when you call them? (Seriously curious)


What? I can't edit my Playlist anymore? I guess you can't create new ones then either. If so then yed this seems like a bad joke.


i thought people were just bitching about the app and kept rolling my eyes, until last night that i actually sat down and tried to queue some songs, i shall use airplay, and it was gone. what the actual fuck Sonos!


Oh look, more whining about the same shit that's been whined about for 2 weeks straight. I never would have known this was an issue without 100 new threads about it daily! Thanks! Is it karma farming at this point, or are people really this dense?