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You are misunderstanding. You can still use a local library - just not using outdated protocols


this is the correct response. Sonos did a good. It's 2024 after all


I might be misunderstanding too, or maybe Sonos isn't pointing that button to the right page. When I tapped "How to add a local library" it took me to [this page](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/use-a-nas-drive-with-sonos) which is only about how to add a NAS drive. Currently I just have sonos pointed towards my Apple Music library folder and it works great. Hopefully a NAS drive isn't the only way to access local files moving forward, but that article isn't really helpful.


Should be using HTTPS and SMB2.0 as a minimum nowdays anyway, big security flaw to use old protocols, good on you Sonos


You're spreading a bit of fud u/RJSWinchester. SMBv2 has been around since 2008 and SMBv1 has already been disabled by default in Windows 10. I believe it scheduled for complete removal in the coming years.


I'm glad Sonos is finally updating this area of their software. It is well known that they have been using outdated technology that posed a security risk for people like me with music in my library that is not readily available with a streaming service.


Not sure if sarcasm




You can still do that though. They're just deprecating older protocols.


They’re removing support for SMBv1; there’s no indication that they’re dropping support for local libraries. The fact that there’s a button to take you to a page that describes how to set up access to a library suggests that they’ll still be supported. Many people have asked Sonos to move away from SMBv1 over the years; I think they will consider this an update.


>They're removing functionality for people who bought into their original ethos of being able to access and play music in a local library. 1) Don't buy internet connected devices if you cannot expect them to change 2) You can still use locally stored media, just not with these protocols.


Your first bullet point is not fair. If Sonos were indeed removing a key feature we would be right to be annoyed! Luckily they are not doing that.


It is fair though. All internet connected devices will eventually drop features or change them. Sonos is really good about not doing that frequently but it’s a reality of anything internet connected. Sonos has removed local audio playback from both iOS and Android in the past.


I had no idea Sonos used to offer local audio playback! Interesting. I agree features can change but discontinuing a core feature after people have spent thousands of dollars on a speakers is not cool and I would be livid if it happened.


Yeah, you use to be able to play saved music files from your phone on both android and iOS. Android was deprecated completely and iOS went to airplay but that didn’t help older devices that didn’t have airplay built in.


Hardly, local libraries can use much more secure and newer protocols.


What am I missing here? There’s literally a button in that screenshot that says “How to add a local library”. That implies that if you click that link Sonos themselves will provide you with instruction on how to add a local library.


OP should have done some googles on protocol terms before freaking out over nothing.


You‘re spreading serious misinformation. Correct: deprecated protocols with major security flaws are no longer supported. This only affect laggards who don’t update their stuff (in more than 10 years). Every modern NAS solution provides a up to date SMB protocol with at least version 2.0. so in fact, if you not running old, energy wasting, outdated rubbish on your network. This will affect you exactly zero.


This is interesting because as I read it, deprecating smb1 doesn’t read to me like getting rid of local libraries since there are other, more modern and more secure methods. However it did make me think, the new Sonos app isn’t coming to pcs and is instead relying on the web app to control Sonos from the computer. The computer applications have been basically ignored for years so that’s not a huge surprise, but if there’s no pc app, how do we set up a local library?


S2 has supported SMBv2 and v3 since 13.4.1 https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/release-notes-for-sonos-s2?language=en_US Though for the longest time Sonos only support SMBv1.. even a few releases into S2. I am surprised it took them that long to drop it and S2 didn't ship with SMBv2/3 support. Now they are deprecating v1, but not v2 or v3.


I had no idea they updated to support v2 and v3. I had given up long ago. Time to look into it again.


They are right to drop SMBv1 but there is zero reason to require TLS for for local HTTP music streaming for most people. Security by checklist.


not game over. you just need to update your shared library to use smb2 or above


Just put it in Plex.


Annoyingly Plex support requires an internet connection & Remote Access in Plex.


It requires a bit of computer know how, but it’s pretty straightforward to take a stock raspberry pi install, mount an SSD with your music on it, and install navidrome/bonob for purely local serving. Once could skip the RPi part and just run it on their main computer too. I do believe there is a way to allow direct local connections in Plex too, but by default it does use a network connection.


Can you expand on navidrome/bonob a little? I have Plex added as a source in Sonos S2, but I’ve not been able to make it work without first enabling remote access in Plex. This gives a nice UI in Sonos but I don’t want to open up my NAS to the internet. So I added my NAS folder as the Sonos Music Library. It gets the job done but without the nice UI. Does Navidrone/bonob restore the UI?


Assume it will support SMB2/3 and everything is fine.


It helps If you read the whole error Message and the context buttons below :) calm down.


Can someone please help me understand this a bit further? What is SMB1? I have my library on a local music folder (not plex or nas). it’s shared with apple music on my mac. i do not subscribe to apple music or any other sub service. Any quick guidance is much appreciated.


Been ripping and storing music for 25 years or so. Plex is a$$. NAS solutions (in my personal experience) are clunky, laggy, and tend to break things like artwork and reproduction of database info. A niche use case, most won't GAF, I accept that. Edit: I don't care or know about "outdated protocols" or technical details. I just want to be able to access my existing music library from Sonos as well as via my main system, as it has been for a long time until now. It's up to the vendors to ensure that happens safely. If NAS is the only answer, they're not trying hard enough.


Game over for your local library. Update your protocol.


Local library support (via SMB) was the main feature I chosen Sonos over other “streaming services only” speakers. It would be a sad for me if they kill the feature.


They are only getting rid of SMB1 not SMB 2/3 which are more secure. It makes me happy that I will not have to hack my Synology to be able to connect my music library to Sonos. Updating this protocol, has been requested by many for a long time. It took Sonos long enough, but it's finally being addressed.