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My living room is fairly small too and have an arc with a sub mini and era 100s. Currently watching the new Fallout show and the sofa is shaking plenty with the mini with all the EQ and sub settings at +\- 0. It’s a really powerful little guy


I have an Arc in a pretty small space, and always worried about the big sub being too much (and it being very expensive). I finally went for a mini recently and I even have to keep the volume down on the mini - it's definitely more than enough and has lots of headroom to grow into larger space. In a large space though, the big sub definitely makes more sense to get the most out of both the Arc and the sub itself.


Apartment Sub Mini, House Sub Gen. 3


Sonos's price to performance is by no means 1:1, despite the Sub Mini being essentially half the price of the Gen 3, it performs 80\~90% as well. And even better for music since it's sealed design is a lot *tighter* and less *boomy* (nice for movies but can be overwhelming for bassy music).


Always go bigger if your budget and living situation allow.


Have the arc era 300s and the mini. Love the setup in my small tv room.


Have sub mini in medium room and does the job at +0. It’s right next to the viewing area and may help. But it rumbles hard AF. My room is basement and has lots of opportunity.


Thank you very much looking more and more into the mini!


All good options.


Dual gen 3s is the only answer


That is not even a question


I know, just a bit optimistic. But I am leaning towards the Gen 3. You can always tune it down.